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Asexual and sexual reproductive cyries are described and illustrated for a cultured homothallic strain of Mougeotia transeaui Collins. Reproduction is by aplanospores and zygospores. Aplanospore formation precedes zygospore formation and continues longer with regreening of older cultures occurring regularly from precocious germination of aplanospores. Aplanospores typically form when most of the protoplast moves into the central swollen region of a cell and two new cross walls form to delimit an aplanosporangium. Conjugation is scalariform without the movement and fusion of well-organized gametes. During zygospore maturation, three new cross walls form in the receptive gametangium and conjugation tube to produce a zygosporangium.  相似文献   
We have cloned and sequenced the upstream regulatory region of tumor necrosis factor (Tnfa) gene in 12 different mouse strains and identified an allelic polymorphism in the upstream regulatory region of the mouseTnfa gene. TheTNF allele found in the NZW strain is distinct from those of all otherH-2 haplotypes, supporting our previous suggestion that this allele may be associated with a regulatory or structural defect. In addition, simple tandem repeat sequences (microsatellites) within the promoter region of theTnfa gene and the 3 untranslated region of one of the members of the HSP70 family (Hsp68c clone) were utilized as genetic markers. Ten TNF size variants and twelve HSP70 variants were identified in over forty mouse strains. Using these markers in a set of congenic mice, we mapped this member of the HSP70 family to the central portion of theH-2 complex, centromeric to theTnfa gene. The NOD and NZW strains carry uniqueHSP70 alleles based on the variability in the length of this marker. These findings raise the possibility that this protein may play a role in the association of the major histocompatibility complex with these autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
A method is described for the estimation of 9-deoxo-16,16-dimethyl-9-methylene-PGE2 by double antibody radioimmunoassay. Plasma samples obtained from animals treated with 9-methylene-16,16-dimethyl-PGE2,1-adamantanamine salt were extracted with diethyl ether to recover the prostaglandin. The validation of sample preparation and assay procedure are presented. Rhesus females were treated by several routes of administration and the samples assayed for drug content. Maximum blood levels were probably reached 30 minutes following subcutaneous injection and within 30 seconds of an intravenous injection. Results of the acute intravenous injection indicate an initial half-life of approximately one minute in peripheral circulation. Continuous intravenous infusion at 3 increasing doses of this compound resulted in a stepwise increase in plasma drug concentrations. Vaginal administration of 9-methylene-16,16-dimethyl-PGE2,1-adamantanamine salt in suppositories produced a dose dependent increase in plasma drug concentration. Higher plasma drug concentrations were produced when the prostaglandin was delivered in H-15 base suppositories than in E-76 base suppositories.  相似文献   
Thin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy have been used to characterize the changes in membrane morphology of reaggregating cultures of chick optic tectum. The cells are rounded and freely dispersed at 0 hr after dissociation. Between 2 and 6 hr the cells become closely apposed on all sides by other cells and form small aggregates. At this time punta adhaerentia junctions and focal densities are seen along the membranes of neighboring cells. Between 1 and 5 days in vitro (DIV) neurites containing growth cone regions are present. At 5 DIV the first synaptic contacts are observed. Between 7 and 14 DIV, the number of synaptic contacts increase and fewer growth cone regions are observed. As early as 7 DIV profiles are observed which strongly resemble both astrocytic and oligodendroglial cell somata and processes. Freeze-fracture analysis of aggregates at 0–4 hr reveals a sparse particle distribution on the P and E faces of apposed cells. By 1 DIV small clusters of loosely packed, large sized particles are seen on the P face of apposed cell membranes which may represent junctional contacts. Apparent coated vesicle fusion sites are common on the P face at 1–2 DIV. By 7 DIV, E face particle arrays are seen on cell bodies and neurites which correspond to specializations characteristic of excitatory synaptic junctions. By 8–10 DIV particle arrays are seen on the P face of post-synaptic membrane which may represent inhibitory synaptic contacts. Other types of particle specializations seen in freeze-fracture replicas include: specializations characteristic of gap junctions between cells and orthogonal assemblies of particles thought to be characteristic of astrocytes.  相似文献   
The growth responses of Entamoeba histolytica strains HM-1:IMSS and HK-9 to a variety of reducing agents were tested for one subculture in TYI-S-33 medium, prepared with no cysteine or ascorbic acid. Amoebae did not grow in this medium. Addition of l-ascorbic acid, d- or l-cysteine, or l-cystine each permitted the maximum growth observed. Dithiothreitol supported 68% maximum growth of HK-9 amoebae, but only 12% of HM-1. In contrast, growth of both strains was greatly diminished (0–13% growth) with 11 other compounds tested including glutathione, thiomalic acid, thioglycolic acid, and methionine. The growth responses of Giardia lamblia were similarly tested in TYI-S-33, as well as in TP-S-1 media. If l-cysteine was omitted from either medium, trophozoites did not grow, and eventually lysed. In TYI-S-33 medium, the requirement for l-cysteine was specific, whereas in TP-S-1 medium, other sulfhydryl compounds were partially effective and lower concentrations of l-cysteine satisfied the requirement. Ascorbic acid or l-cystine alone was totally ineffective; however, in combination, 30 to 60% of maximum growth was achieved. Once added to either medium, cysteine was rapidly oxidized. Amino acid analysis of the growth media revealed that the broth components of TP-S-1 medium contained 2.8 mM and TYI-S-33 broth 2.1 mM endogenous levels of cysteine (or half-cystine), with an additional 3 mM contributed by 10% serum.  相似文献   
Stuessya, a new genus from the Pacific slopes of southcentral Mexico is described. It is comprised of three species:S. apiculata, previously assigned to the genusViguiera;S. perennans, the generotype; andS. michoacana. The latter two taxa are previously undescribed. The genus is characterized by its urceolate, sclerified (at maturity) involucre. Chromosome counts of2n = 34 are reported forS. perennans. Relationships are problematical, but are reckoned to be somewhere betweenAldama andViguiera.  相似文献   
Gangliosides from beef brain have been spin-labeled using two different attaching groups and employed to investigate the physical nature of ganglioside behaviour in membranes. Results obtained using EPR spectroscopy indicate that, in phosphatidylcholine bilayers at physiological pH, ganglioside oligosaccharide chains are quite mobile and show a measurable tendency towards cooperative interaction amongst themselves. We suggest that the source of this interaction is the formation of H-bonds between sugar residues in adjacent ganglioside molecules. We present evidence that physiological (extracellular fluid) levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ lead to cross-linking and condensing of ganglioside headgroups by complexing sialic acid carboxyl residues. Ganglioside headgroup interactions are not very sensitive to changes in the buffer ionic strength, suggesting that ionic interactions are of minor importance. We have found no measurable tendency for headgroup carbohydrate to penetrate hydrophobic regions of lipid bilayers. EPR spectroscopy was also used to follow the interaction of spin-labeled gangliosides with the glycoprotein, glycophorin, and with intact BHK cells.We suggest that these carbohydrate-based interactions should contribute significantly to the properties of the eucaryotic cell glycocalyx. We predict that laterally mobile carbohydrate-bearing components of cell surfaces will show a tendency to cluster about complex glycoprotein arrays, especially if the species involved bear accessible carboxylic acid functions.  相似文献   
Metaphase chromosomes of D. nasutoides were hybridized situ with 3H-cRNA synthesized from the four satellites which make up 50–60% of the total DNA of this species. All four satellites were localized in the large, metacentric, heterochromatic chromosome four. They did not, however, appear to hybridize to centromeric or other constitutive heterochromatin, nor did they, with the exception of satellite I, seem to hybridize in the specific regions of chromosome four which, on the basis of C, Q, and H banding and AT contents, were predicted to contain some of these satellites. —Comparison of grain patterns with the results of fluorescent staining indicated that satellite-bearing heterochromatin was not always associated with other fractions of constitutive heterochromatin in interphase nuclei and was, at least partially, decondensed in some larger nuclei.  相似文献   
A comparative study was made to determine race and sex differences in the temporal bone, to investigate growth relationships, and to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal bone and the temporal lobe of the brain. Data on Eskimo, Indian, and white crania were collected from radiographs and directly from the skulls. Of the 25 variables studied, only the minimum diameter of porus failed to demonstrate some difference among the races. Variation between sexes was found for all measurements except the cranial base angle (of deflection) and three angles related to the petrous pyramids. Correlation coefficients indicated that none of the angles are related in any consistent manner to the other variables studied. This is interpreted as further evidence of cranial base stability. The Indians have the lowest, longest squamae, differing most from the whites. The position of squama is more anterior in the Eskimos. Females of each race possess more anteriorly positioned squamae than males. When the squama is more anteriorly located, the porus is in a more posterior position within the squama itself. Strong race variation exists in the shape of porus. In order to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal lobe of the brain better reference points for reflecting its size and shape must be found.  相似文献   
The polymorphic HL-A histocompatibility system has been studied in North American black families. The family studies show that haplotype frequencies differ between black and white populations. Seven haplotypes (W28,W5; W28,W17; W28, undefined four; W23,W5; W19,W5; undefined LA,W5; and undefined LA, undefined four) were significantly more frequent in blacks than whites, while haplotypes 1,8 and 3,7 were significantly less frequent. Some of these differences may be accounted for by differences in gene frequencies between the two groups; other differences may be explained by linkage disequilibrium in the white population. No significant linkage disequilibrium between the LA and FOUR loci was found in the black population.  相似文献   
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