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The polymorphic HL-A histocompatibility system has been studied in North American black families. The family studies show that haplotype frequencies differ between black and white populations. Seven haplotypes (W28,W5; W28,W17; W28, undefined four; W23,W5; W19,W5; undefined LA,W5; and undefined LA, undefined four) were significantly more frequent in blacks than whites, while haplotypes 1,8 and 3,7 were significantly less frequent. Some of these differences may be accounted for by differences in gene frequencies between the two groups; other differences may be explained by linkage disequilibrium in the white population. No significant linkage disequilibrium between the LA and FOUR loci was found in the black population.  相似文献   
Summary Two thin film culture systems, the controlled environment steady state system (SS) and the rocker tube configuration of that system (RT), were used to identify some of the conditions that appear to maintain morphologic and functional characteristics of cells of human bone marrow explants in vitro. The systems configuration assured continual gassing, control and easy monitoring of the cultures. Cytocentrifuge preparations of media of specimens cultured in RT disclosed, though in decreasing numbers, various hematopoietic cells for periods exceeding one month. Hematopoietic cells shed from specimens cultured in the SS system were retained in the culture tubes; cells of the myelocytic series predominated for the first 2 weeks while an increasing number of monocytes and macrophages appeared in the media of older cultures. Histologic examination of cultured explants disclosed preservation of the marrow architecture and the persistence of hematopoietic cells. Specimens cultured in RT tubes tended to be less cellular than similar cultures placed in dialysis bags or as cultured in the SS system. Immunoglobulins (Ig) were released into the culture media at a constant rate throughout the period of culture. Specimens that were cultured at a controlled pH of 7.4 released 2 to more than 4 times as much Ig as similar specimens maintained at a pH level of 7.1. There were no definitive differences in Ig levels in the cultures maintained at comparable pH levels and overlaid with various CO2 concentrations, i.e. 2%, 5%, 10%; similarly, no differences in Ig levels were found in specimens cultured in media containing fetal bovine sera as opposed to horse sera. Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant CA-5834 from the National Cancer Institute. Department of Medicine A. Department of Cell Physiology Department of Immunology and Immunochemistry.  相似文献   
α-Isopropylmalate synthase (α-IPMS) catalyzes the metal-dependent aldol reaction between α-ketoisovalerate (α-KIV) and acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA) to give α-isopropylmalate (α-IPM). This reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthesis of leucine in bacteria. α-IPMS is homodimeric, with monomers consisting of (β/α)(8) barrel catalytic domains fused to a C-terminal regulatory domain, responsible for binding leucine and providing feedback regulation for leucine biosynthesis. In these studies, we demonstrate that removal of the regulatory domain from the α-IPMS enzymes of both Neisseria meningitidis (NmeIPMS) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuIPMS) results in enzymes that are unable to catalyze the formation of α-IPM, although truncated NmeIPMS was still able to slowly hydrolyze AcCoA. The lack of catalytic activity of these truncation variants was confirmed by complementation studies with Escherichia coli cells lacking the α-IPMS gene, where transformation with the plasmids encoding the truncated α-IPMS enzymes was not able to rescue α-IPMS activity. X-ray crystal structures of both truncation variants reveal that both proteins are dimeric and that the catalytic sites of the proteins are intact, although the divalent metal ion that is thought to be responsible for activating substrate α-KIV is displaced slightly relative to its position in the substrate-bound, wild-type structure. Isothermal titration calorimetry and WaterLOGSY nuclear magnetic resonance experiments demonstrate that although these truncation variants are not able to catalyze the reaction between α-KIV and AcCoA, they are still able to bind the substrate α-KIV. It is proposed that the regulatory domain is crucial for ensuring protein dynamics necessary for competent catalysis.  相似文献   
麻密  曾永强 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1997,39(11):1078-1081
重金属对生命机体的作用具有双重性。一方面,作为多数辅酶的辅助因子对细胞的正常代谢必不可少;另一方面,当重金属超过一定的浓度时对细胞有较大的毒性。在长期的进化过程中,生物可能形成一种调节细胞内重金属浓度的机制。这种机制在动物和真菌中被认为同金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)的作用密切相关。植物中也存在类似的与重金属结合的低分子量蛋白(heavy metal binding pep-tide)。最近对拟南芥菜和水稻中类金属硫蛋白(MT-like)基因的研究证实其作用与动物MT相似。紫羊茅品种“Merlin”是一种从锌铅矿区的重金属污染地采集的单子叶草种,对镉和铜的抗性都较高,分别达到50mg/L和30mg/L,而5mg/L Cd~(2 )或2mg/L Cu~(2 )便可抑制敏感品种“S59”的正常生长。目前  相似文献   
Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are a distinct group of small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) that silence transposable genetic elements to protect genome integrity. Because of their limited expression in gonads and sequence diversity, piRNAs remain the most mysterious class of small RNAs. Studies have shown piRNAs are present in somatic cells and dysregulated in gastric, breast and liver cancers. By deep sequencing 24 frozen benign kidney and clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) specimens and using the publically available piRNA database, we found 26,991 piRNAs present in human kidney tissue. Among 920 piRNAs that had at least two copies in one specimen, 19 were differentially expressed in benign kidney and ccRCC tissues, and 46 were associated with metastasis. Among the metastasis-related piRNAs, we found three piRNAs (piR-32051, piR-39894 and piR-43607) to be derived from the same piRNA cluster at chromosome 17. We confirmed the three selected piRNAs not to be miRNAs or miRNA-like sncRNAs. We further validated the aberrant expression of the three piRNAs in a 68-case formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) ccRCC tissue cohort and showed the up-regulation of the three piRNAs to be highly associated with ccRCC metastasis, late clinical stage and poor cancer-specific survival.  相似文献   
The 2009-2010 influenza pandemic saw many people treated with antivirals and antibiotics. High proportions of both classes of drugs are excreted and enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in biologically active forms. To date, there has been no study into the potential for influenza pandemic-scale pharmaceutical use to disrupt WWTP function. Furthermore, there is currently little indication as to whether WWTP microbial consortia can degrade antiviral neuraminidase inhibitors when exposed to pandemic-scale doses. In this study, we exposed an aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor, operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), to a simulated influenza-pandemic dosing of antibiotics and antivirals for 8 weeks. We monitored the removal of the active form of Tamiflu(?), oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), bacterial community structure, granule structure and changes in EBPR and nitrification performance. There was little removal of OC by sludge and no evidence that the activated sludge community adapted to degrade OC. There was evidence of changes to the bacterial community structure and disruption to EBPR and nitrification during and after high-OC dosing. This work highlights the potential for the antiviral contamination of receiving waters and indicates the risk of destabilizing WWTP microbial consortia as a result of high concentrations of bioactive pharmaceuticals during an influenza pandemic.  相似文献   
Lymphotoxin-alpha(-/-) (LTalpha(-/-)) mice are thought to be unable to generate effective T and B cell responses. This is attributed to the lack of lymph nodes and the disrupted splenic architecture of these mice. However, despite these defects we found that LTalpha(-/-) mice could survive infection with a virulent influenza A virus. LTalpha(-/-) mice and normal wild-type mice infected with influenza A generated similar numbers of influenza-specific CD8 T cells that were able to produce IFN-gamma and kill target cells presenting influenza peptides. Furthermore influenza-infected LTalpha(-/-) mice produced high titers of influenza-specific IgM, IgG, and IgA. However, both CD8 and B cell immune responses were delayed in LTalpha(-/-) mice by 2-3 days. The delayed cellular and humoral immune response was sufficient to mediate viral clearance in LTalpha(-/-) mice that were infected with relatively low doses of influenza virus. However, when LTalpha(-/-) mice were infected with larger doses of influenza, they succumbed to infection before the immune response was initiated. These results demonstrate that neither LTalpha nor constitutively organized lymphoid tissues, such as lymph nodes and spleen, are absolutely required for the generation of effective immunity against the respiratory virus influenza A. However, the presence of LTalpha and/or lymph nodes does accelerate the initiation of immune responses, which leads to protection from larger doses of virus.  相似文献   
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