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Alpha 2-macroglobulin and proliferative retinopathy in type 1 diabetes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serum alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2m) and total glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1) concentrations were measured in 110 insulin dependent Type 1 diabetics with minimal or no fundoscopic retinopathy, referred to as non-retinopaths, and in 52 proliferative retinopaths. Proteinuria was recorded in 8 (7%) non-retinopaths and 29 (56%) retinopaths and was accompanied by elevated alpha 2m concentrations in both groups of diabetics but only significantly so in the non-retinopaths. Diabetics without proteinuria showed a significant correlation between alpha 2m concentration and duration of diabetes, HbA1 and age (being higher at extremes of age). Alpha 2m concentrations were significantly higher in retinopaths than in non-retinopaths without proteinuria when allowance was made for the influence of age and duration of diabetes on alpha 2m. This difference may be attributed to the higher HbA, levels found in retinopaths than in non-retinopaths and was no longer evident when account was taken of the prevailing HbA1 concentration in individual patients.  相似文献   
5'-Deoxy-5'-S-isobutylthioadenosine (SIBA), a synthetic analogue of S-adenosylhomocysteine, has been reported by others to inhibit a number of biological processes and these effects of SIBA have been attributed generally to inhibition of methyltransferases. However, the present studies with mouse lymphocytes show that SIBA also acts as a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 130 μM) of the high-affinity cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and potentiates the cyclic AMP response of intact cells to several activators of adenylate cyclase. Moreover, SIBA has been found to inhibit lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis, a cellular function known to be sensitive to elevated lymphocyte levels of cyclic AMP, at concentrations (IC50 = 250 μM) similar to those which inhibit cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. These results indicate the need for caution in attributing biological effects of SIBA singularly to inhibition of methyltransferases and suggest the possible agency of cyclic AMP in the mechanism of SIBA action.  相似文献   
The behavioral and brain catecholamine effects of 2,5-bis (3,4-dimethoxybenzyl) cyclopentyl amine were investigated in mice. It rapidly depleted norepinephrine. Chronic dosing also depleted dopamine, but to a lesser degree. As indicated by a lack of effect on amphetamine induced stereotypy and apomorphine induced emesis and failure to induce catalepsy, the compound does not block brain dopamine receptors. It has no effect on brain catecholamine synthesis or dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity.  相似文献   
Summary Growth and reproduction of the parthenogenetic freshwater nematode,Plectus palustris, were studied at different controlled levels of food densities at 20° C. A bacteria-sloppy agar mixture was used as substrate and food medium. No growth or reproduction occurred at the lowest food density (8.107 bacterial cells ml-1). At 8.108 cells ml-1, the larval duration was 18.5 days, the instantaneous growth rate (g) of young larvae 0.2 d-1 and the daily fecundity rate during a prolonged period of constant egg production 12.6 eggs·d-1. At a food density of 8.109 cells ml-1, the corresponding values are 12.5 days, 0.4 d-1 and 37.7 eggs d-1.By including the data on respiration from a previous paper (Klekowski et al., 1979), the energetics of the species at different food densities can be discussed: production processes are apparently more dependent on food supply than respiration. However, prolongation of the larval phase in lower food densities greatly increases the cumulated respiratory costs per unit production. A second point is the ability to produce smaller-sized primiparous females in sub-optimal food which shortens the immature life period and serves to reduce the burden of cumulated metabolic costs for attaining sexual maturity.A comparison of the range of food densities used in the experiments with bacterial densities known from lake sediments of different trophic type suggests that food is likely to be the main factor governing the population dynamics of bacterivorous species under field situations.  相似文献   
A method is described for the estimation of 9-deoxo-16,16-dimethyl-9-methylene-PGE2 by double antibody radioimmunoassay. Plasma samples obtained from animals treated with 9-methylene-16,16-dimethyl-PGE2,1-adamantanamine salt were extracted with diethyl ether to recover the prostaglandin. The validation of sample preparation and assay procedure are presented. Rhesus females were treated by several routes of administration and the samples assayed for drug content. Maximum blood levels were probably reached 30 minutes following subcutaneous injection and within 30 seconds of an intravenous injection. Results of the acute intravenous injection indicate an initial half-life of approximately one minute in peripheral circulation. Continuous intravenous infusion at 3 increasing doses of this compound resulted in a stepwise increase in plasma drug concentrations. Vaginal administration of 9-methylene-16,16-dimethyl-PGE2,1-adamantanamine salt in suppositories produced a dose dependent increase in plasma drug concentration. Higher plasma drug concentrations were produced when the prostaglandin was delivered in H-15 base suppositories than in E-76 base suppositories.  相似文献   
Thin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy have been used to characterize the changes in membrane morphology of reaggregating cultures of chick optic tectum. The cells are rounded and freely dispersed at 0 hr after dissociation. Between 2 and 6 hr the cells become closely apposed on all sides by other cells and form small aggregates. At this time punta adhaerentia junctions and focal densities are seen along the membranes of neighboring cells. Between 1 and 5 days in vitro (DIV) neurites containing growth cone regions are present. At 5 DIV the first synaptic contacts are observed. Between 7 and 14 DIV, the number of synaptic contacts increase and fewer growth cone regions are observed. As early as 7 DIV profiles are observed which strongly resemble both astrocytic and oligodendroglial cell somata and processes. Freeze-fracture analysis of aggregates at 0–4 hr reveals a sparse particle distribution on the P and E faces of apposed cells. By 1 DIV small clusters of loosely packed, large sized particles are seen on the P face of apposed cell membranes which may represent junctional contacts. Apparent coated vesicle fusion sites are common on the P face at 1–2 DIV. By 7 DIV, E face particle arrays are seen on cell bodies and neurites which correspond to specializations characteristic of excitatory synaptic junctions. By 8–10 DIV particle arrays are seen on the P face of post-synaptic membrane which may represent inhibitory synaptic contacts. Other types of particle specializations seen in freeze-fracture replicas include: specializations characteristic of gap junctions between cells and orthogonal assemblies of particles thought to be characteristic of astrocytes.  相似文献   
A sampling technique for collecting lotic periphyton on sedimentary substrates using a peristaltic pump is described. Quantitative samples of periphyton standing crop and colonization rate are collected by the same procedure. The technique eliminates human disturbance problems associated with floating artificial samplers by establishing permanent sampling sites directly on submerged substances.  相似文献   
Stuessya, a new genus from the Pacific slopes of southcentral Mexico is described. It is comprised of three species:S. apiculata, previously assigned to the genusViguiera;S. perennans, the generotype; andS. michoacana. The latter two taxa are previously undescribed. The genus is characterized by its urceolate, sclerified (at maturity) involucre. Chromosome counts of2n = 34 are reported forS. perennans. Relationships are problematical, but are reckoned to be somewhere betweenAldama andViguiera.  相似文献   
Swimming planktonic larvae of the marine gastropod mollusc Haliotis rufescens require exogenous GABA or its homologs for induction of their genetically programed behavioral and developmental metamorphosis to the adult form. This requirement is stereochemically specific and absolute; GABA at 10(-6) M is fully effective in the induction of cellular differentiation, proliferation and organogenesis. The kinetics of the development of larval competence for GABA induction, and of the early metamorphic processes induced by GABA, are described. Biochemical, histological and electron micrographic analyses suggest that cyclic AMP, calcium, and a glycopeptide secretion from the cephalic sensory complex may mediate transduction of the GABA signal in the control of behavioral and morphogenetic changes induced by this environmentally deployed transmitter substance. This first observation and characterization of a major role for GABA in the control of differentiation and development, and the experimentally tractable system in which these are demonstrated, are of significance for further biomedical research.  相似文献   
Summary The binding of the anionic fluorescent probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalene-sulfonate (ANS) was used to estimate the surface potential of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) derived from rabbit skeletal muscle. The method is based on the observation that ANS is an obligatory anion whose equilibrium constant for binding membranes is proportional to the electrostatic function of membrane surface potential, exp(e0/kT, where 0 is the membrane surface potential,e is the electronic charge, andkT has its usual meaning. The potential measured is characteristic of the ANS bindings of phosphatidylcholine head groups and is about one-third as large as the average surface potential predicted by the Gouy-Chapman theory. At physiological ionic strength the surface potentials, measured by ANS, referred to as the aqueous phase bathing the surface, were in the range –10 to –15 mV. This was observed for the outside and inside surfaces of the Ca2+-ATPase-rich fraction of theSR and for both surfaces of theSR fraction rich in acidic Ca2+ binding proteins. The inside and outside surfaces were differentiated on the basis of ANS binding kinetics observed in stopped-flow rapid mixing experiments. A mechanism by which changes in Ca2+ concentration could give rise to an electrostatic potential across the membrane and possibly result in changes in Ca2+ permeability.The dependence of the surface potential on the monovalent ion concentration in the medium was used together with the Gouy-Chapman theory to determine the lower limits for the surface charge density for the inside and outside surfaces of the two types ofSR. Values for the Ca2+-ATPase richSR fraction were between 2.9×103 and 3.8×103 esu/cm2, (0.96×10–6 and 1.26×10–6 C/cm2) with no appreciable transmembrane asymmetry. A small amount of asymmetry was observed in the values for the inside and outside surfaces of the fraction rich in acidic binding proteins which were ca. 6.6×103 and ca. 2.2×103 esu/cm2 (2.2×10–6 and 0.73×10–6 C/cm). The values could be accounted for by the known composition of negatively-charged phospholipids in theSR. The acidic Ca2+ binding proteins were shown to make at most a small contribution to the surface charge, indicating that their charge must be located at least several tens of Å from the membrane surface. The experiments gave evidence for a Donnan effect on the K+ distribution in the fraction rich in acidic binding proteins. This could be accounted for by the known concentration of acidic binding proteins in thisSR fraction.The equilibrium constant for ANS was shown to be more sensitive to changes in the divalent cation concentration than to changes in the monovalent cation concentration, as predicted by the Gouy-Chapman theory. Use of these findings together with the stopped-flow rapid mixing techniques constitutes a method for rapid and continuous monitoring of changes in ion concentrations in theSR lumen.  相似文献   
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