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Mouse hybridoma cells cultured on the verge of starvation-induced apoptosis, i.e. in a medium diluted with saline, proved to serve as a sensitive screening system for apoptosis-suppressing activity of nutrient medium components. Conventional amino acid mixtures were found to suppress the starvation-induced apoptosis, whereas a vitamin mixture was ineffective. (Frank F (1995) Biotechnol. Bioeng. 45: 86–90). Recent experiments showed that suppression of apoptosis, and concurrent resumption of growth, could be achieved by addition of single substances at millimolar concentrations. The set of active substances included certain coded L-amino acids (glycine, alanine, serine, threonine, proline, asparagine, glutamine, histidine), non-coded amino acids (-alanine, taurine, 4-aminobutyric acid), and a non-metabolizable analogue (2-aminoisobutyric acid). This finding shows that some amino acids do not act solely as nutrients, but also as specific signal molecules. The specificity of the effect points to the involvement of adaptively regulated amino acid transport systems A and N in maintaining the balance between triggering and suppression of starvation-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   
Centre de Recherche en Microbiologie Appliquée, Institut Armand-Frappier, Université du Québec, Ville de Laval, Québec H7N 4Z3, Canada.  相似文献   
Cells of Escherichia coli induced for l-tryptophan synthase [l-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole-glycerol-phosphate), EC] have been assayed in DMF and DMSO aqueous solvents as reaction medium. Up to 20% DMF/water, cells retained 90% of their tryptophan synthase activity. Concentrations of 20 mM indole, which did not inhibit this reactivity, could be reached with 5% DMF/water. Four matrices were compared for cell immobilization: polyacrylamide, foam particles of bovine seum albumin, alginate and κ-carrageenan. The best activity was retained with the latter matrix, and the preparations thus obtained allowed high productivity of l-tryptophan. Various systems of production of l-tryptophan with κ-carrageenan and DMF/water were studied.  相似文献   
A systemic graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR) leading to 50% mortality by day 20 was elicited by the injection of CBA (105) or B10 (106) parental T lymphocytes into irradiated (750 rad) and bone marrow protected (CBA x B10)F1 recipients. Between days 12 and 28 the spleens of the sick mice were analyzed by limiting dilution, performed with irradiated F1 cells and a source of interleukin-2 (IL-2), to determine the frequency of cells with an antihost proliferative or cytolytic activity and to derive T lymphocyte clones. The frequency of cells with antihost proliferative or cytolytic activity was approximately 10–3 in either combination. In the CBA vs F1 GVHR, all eight clones isolated with anti-F1 activity were Lyt-2, noncytolytic, mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) responders and IL-2 producers, three of which mapped to the A b locus, while in the B10 anti-F1 combination, eight of the nine anti-F1 clones isolated were Lyt-2+, poor MLR responders and non-IL-2 producers, but cytolytic and mapping to K k . These findings suggest a much higher frequency of T cells recognizing the A-locus antigens in the CBA than in the B10 strain.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of fructose as a substitute for glucose in cell culture media was investigated in human skin fibroblast and liver cell cultures. Cells were grown for between 2 and 10 days in identical flasks in four different media, containing 5.5, mmol·1−1 and 27.5 mmol·I−1 glucose and fructose, respectively. In the presence of fructose, cell growth was stimulated, but less in liver cells than fibroblasts. At Day 6, increases were observed in [3H]thymidine incorporation, protein levels, and amino acid consumption, and a reduction was noted in ATP levels. In media containing 5.5, mmol·1−1 glucose or fructose, consumption of fructose was four times lower than that of glucose at Day 3 and did not rise until Day 6. In fructose media, the lactate production was very low (four to five times less than that of glucose) and the pH values were always higher. Some findings were different for the fibroblasts and liver cells, owing to the specific characteristics of these two cell types in culture; this applied especially to the effects of glucose and fructose concentrations of 27.5 mmol·1−1. Several possible explanation for the stimulation of cell growth in fructose medium were discussed. This work was supported by grants for the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (ATP 82-79-114) and the Unité d'Enseignement et de Recherche, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Université Paris-Sud (C. R. 848).  相似文献   
Plants performing crassulacean acid metabolism show a large nocturnal accumulation of malic acid in the vacuole of the photosynthetic cells. It has been postulated that an H+-translocating ATPase energizes the transport of malic acid across the tonoplast into the vacuole. In the present work we have characterized the ATPase activity associated with vacuoles of the crassulacean-acid-metabolism plant Kalancho? daigremontiana and compare it with other phosphohydrolases. Vacuoles were isolated by polybase-induced lysis of mesophyll-cell protoplasts. The vacuoles had a high activity of unspecific acid phosphatase (pH optimum 5.3). The acid phosphatase was strongly inhibited by ammonium molybdate (with 50% inhibition at about 0.5 mmol m-3), but was not completely inhibited even at much higher ammonium-molybdate concentrations. In contrast, the vacuolar ATPase activity, assayed in the presence of 100 mmol m-3 ammonium molybdate, had a pH optimum of 8.0. ATP was the preferred substrate, but GTP, ITP and ADP were hydrolyzed at appreciable rates. The mean ATPase activity at pH 8.0 was 14.5 nmol h-1 (10(3) vacuoles)-1, an average 13% of which was attributable to residual acid-phosphatase activity. Inorganic-pyrophosphatase activity could not be demonstrated unambiguously. The vacuolar ATPase activity was Mg2+-dependent, had an apparent Km for MgATP2- of 0.31 mol m-3, and was 32% stimulated by 50 mol m-3 KCl. Of the inhibitors tested, oligomycin slightly inhibited the vacuolar ATPase activity and diethylstilbestrol and NO-3 were both markedly inhibitory. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and tributyltin were also strongly inhibitory. Tributyltin caused a 50% inhibition at about 0.3 mmol m-3. This is taken as evidence that the vacuolar ATPase might function as an H+-translocating ATPase. It is shown that the measured activity of the vacuolar ATPase would be of the right order to account for the observed rates of nocturnal malic-acid accumulation in K. daigremontiana.  相似文献   
The influence of cycloleucine on kinetic parameters of uptake of L-alanine, L-proline and L-leucine into cultured human fibroblasts was examined under initial-rate conditions with substrate concentrations of 0.05-10 mM and 5 mM-cycloleucine. Kinetic data obtained by computer analysis showed that, in the absence of cycloleucine, cell uptake was heterogeneous for each amino acid. L-Alanine and L-leucine entered by two transport systems with different affinities; L-proline was taken up by one saturable transport system plus a diffusion-like process. This heterogeneity disappeared in the presence of cycloleucine, since the high-affinity systems were no longer detectable. The remaining process had the same kinetic constants as the low-affinity system for alanine and leucine and a KD similar to the diffusion constant for proline. The influence of cycloleucine on the amino acid uptake was not specific either to the amino acid concerned or to a particular transport system, since the three neutral amino acid-transport systems, A, ASC and L, were involved in these experiments. This influence was shown to be unaffected by the absence of Na+ (for leucine uptake). ATP content of the cells was identical in the presence or in the absence of cycloleucine.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present study on the fetal porcine pituitary was (1) to detect by means of the immunoperoxidase technique the earliest stages of cells producing polypeptide hormones: -MSH, ACTH, -LPH, - and -endorphin, growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), (2) to study the development of the synthesis and the storage of these hormones during fetal life, and (3) to detect whether several hormones can be located in one and the same cell.The corticotropic cells were revealed as the earliest functional elements of the fetal anterior pituitary. Our results indicate clearly that ACTH, -MSH, -LPH, - and -endorphin appear at 34 days in the same regular, round or ovoid cells; no differences in the time of their appearance could be observed. The ACTH-cells, irregular or angular in shape and endowed with cytoplasmic processes such as described in the adult pituitary, were not seen until day 50. The first GH-cells were detected between 40 to 45 days of fetal life. From day 45 to 90, the GH-cells greatly increased in number and in staining intensity of their progressively extending cytoplasmic area, but they displayed the same regular and round shape. The PRL-cells were the last cell type to appear in the fetal pituitary. The first PRL-cells, small in size and round or ovoid in shape with a high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, were detected at day 70. At day 80, the PRL-cells increased in size and staining intensity. They displayed an irregular elongated or stellated shape and cytoplasmic processes resembling those characteristic of the adult pituitary. These data suggest that in the fetal porcine pituitary: (1) ACTH, -LPH and related peptides are synthesized and stored in the same cells, and (2) PRL and GH appear in individual cellular elements.  相似文献   
Summary Observations in a family point to the existence of autosomal dominant inheritance for discrete subaortic stenosis (DSS), which made up part of a multisystem disorder. Both parents, offspring of two full siblings, had short stature, obstructive lung disease (OLD), hoarseness and upturned nose. The father alone had aortic stenosis and inguinal hernia.The six offspring, aged from 13 to 28 years, were followed up for up to 8 years. While one of them was virtually normal, and one had only minor abnormalities, four siblings displayed clinical signs of progressive aortic stenosis. Of the two eldest siblings who eventually died, necropsy in one showed a discrete subaortic stenosis, which was hemodynamically proven in one and surgically corrected in another sibling.Upturned nose was present in each examined member of the family, short stature and hoarseness in five of the siblings, DSS in four, OLD, inguinal hernia and congested episcleral veins in three, kyphoscoliosis in two, while epicanthus, strabismus, microphthalmos and widely spaced teeth were noted in the deceased female. The prevalence of some of these traits in roughly three-quarters of the sibship was consistent with an underlying single gene abnormality in affected heterozygous parents. We proposed that this constitutes a new syndrome.  相似文献   
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