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Transplantations have been carried out of anal fin in carp individual progeny of the third consecutive generation of induced gynogenesis. The part of grafts accepted made 19.4 +/- 5.0% (71 transplantations have been carried out). With the data obtained, an approximate quantity of histocompatible genes has been determined in carp which amounted to 32. Calculation has been done on the basis of the assumption that the part of histocompatible genes being in homozygous state in the given progeny equals the inbreeding coefficient of this progeny. Inbreeding coefficients have been calculated using experimental data of other authors.  相似文献   
Thirty-nine samples of freshly drawn ewes' milk collected at 13 farms, and 120 samples of raw ewes' milk collected on arrival at a dairy were examined. Farm samples had geometric mean counts of 4.4 X 10(2) Enterobacteriaceae/ml, 3.9 X 10(2) coliforms/ml and 2.0 X 10(2) faecal coliforms/ml, whereas the respective mean counts were 6.2 X 10(3)/ml, 5.4 X 10(3)/ml and 1.3 X 10(3)/ml for dairy samples. Salmonellas were not detected by enrichment procedures in any of the 159 samples examined. Escherichia coli (47.5% strains), Enterobacter cloacae (17.7%), Ent. agglomerans (11.3%), Hafnia alvei (6.5%) and Klebsiella oxytoca (6.0%) were the predominant species in 434 Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from farm samples. Levels and species of Enterobacteriaceae found in the present work in raw ewes' milk imply a considerable risk of early blowing in cheese-making from unpasteurized milk.  相似文献   
The effects of long-term internal contamination with 13.3 kBq kg-1 239Pu injected intravenously were studied in 10-week-old ICR (SPF) female mice. Radiosensitivity of spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S) and 125IUdR incorporating into proliferating cells of vertebral bone marrow and spleens were determined in plutonium-treated and control animals one year after nuclide injection. The CFU-S in 239Pu-treated mice were more sensitive to X-rays (D0 = 0.52 +/- 0.01 Gy) than in controls (D0 = 0.84 +/- 0.02 Gy). 125IUdR incorporation into bone marrow and spleen cells was reduced after plutonium contamination. At one year following plutonium injection, the occurrence of chromosome aberrations was evaluated in metaphase figures of femoral bone marrow cells. The frequency of aberrations increased early after plutonium treatment, at later intervals it tended to decrease but not below the control level. While the relative numbers of vertebral marrow CFU-S decreased significantly, but only to 86 per cent of normal, cellularity of vertebral bone marrow, peripheral blood counts and survival of 239Pu-treated mice did not differ from the control data.  相似文献   
Components essential for nuclear pre-messenger RNA splicing have been partially purified from HeLa cell nuclear extracts by chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, heparin-Sepharose, Mono Q, and Mono S. We have obtained six fractions which, when combined, efficiently splice a synthetic adenovirus 2 major late RNA substrate in vitro. All fractions contain components that support the formation of splicing intermediates (the cleaved 5' exon and the intron-exon 2 lariat). At least one of the fractions also contains an activity that is essential for the second step in the splicing reaction, namely cleavage at the 3' splice site and exon ligation. Two of the fractions are enriched in the major small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5. They participate in the formation of the splicing complexes which precedes the cleavage and ligation reactions. The remaining four fractions appear to contain protein factors, as suggested by their resistance to micrococcal nuclease.  相似文献   
Recombinant human interleukin-1 beta has been crystallized into a tetragonal cell. The unit cell constants are a = b = 54.9 A, c = 76.8 A, and alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees. The crystals diffract to better than 1.9 A and are suitable for high resolution data collection. The crystallization conditions and general crystal data are presented.  相似文献   
Tyrosine protein kinase activities have been demonstrated in transformed and normal cell systems. So far, few data on the quantity of protein-bound phosphotyrosine in intact cells have been published. A knowledge of the stoichiometric increase in phosphotyrosine in cells after hormonal induction could be of interest when evaluating the importance of the tyrosine protein kinase activities found. By the addition of a known amount of unlabeled phosphotyrosine to the precipitated protein of 32P-phosphate-labeled cells it was possible after alkaline hydrolysis to spectrophotometrically follow the phosphotyrosine during consecutive chromatographies of the material. From the specific radioactivity of the purified phosphotyrosine the initial concentration of [32P]phosphotyrosine could be calculated. The method proved to be useful for the determination of [32P]phosphotyrosine is small amounts of cells. The minimum detectable amount of [32P]phosphotyrosine was about 1 pmol, and as an example, only 2.5 X 10(6) fibroblasts were needed. By this method it was shown that platelet-derived growth factor increased protein-bound [32P]phosphotyrosine from 600 to 3,200 pmol/g of fibroblasts, while insulin only increased the [32P]phosphotyrosine from 110 to 120 pmol/g of hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Incubation of purified human plasma prekallikrein with sulfatides or dextran sulfate resulted in spontaneous activation of prekallikrein as judged by the appearance of amidolytic activity toward the chromogenic substrate H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-p-nitroanilide. The time course of generation of amidolytic activity was sigmoidal with an apparent lag phase that was followed by a relatively rapid activation until finally a plateau was reached. Soybean trypsin inhibitor completely blocked prekallikrein activation whereas corn, lima bean, and ovomucoid trypsin inhibitors did not. The Ki of the reversible inhibitor benzamidine for autoactivation (240 microM) was identical to the Ki of benzamidine for kallikrein. Thus, spontaneous prekallikrein activation and kallikrein showed the same specificity for a number of serine protease inhibitors. This indicates that prekallikrein is activated by its own enzymatically active form, kallikrein. Immunoblotting analysis of the time course of activation showed that, concomitant with the appearance of amidolytic activity, prekallikrein was cleaved. However, prekallikrein was not quantitatively converted into two-chain kallikrein since other polypeptide products were visible on the gels. This accounts for the observation that in amidolytic assays not all prekallikrein present in the reaction mixture was measured as active kallikrein. Kinetic analysis showed that prekallikrein activation can be described by a second-order reaction mechanism in which prekallikrein is activated by kallikrein. The apparent second-order rate constant was 2.7 X 10(4) M-1 s-1 (pH 7.2, 50 microM sulfatides, ionic strength I = 0.06, at 37 degrees C). Autocatalytic prekallikrein activation was strongly dependent on the ionic strength, since there was a considerable decrease in the second-order rate constant of the reaction at high salt concentrations. In support of the autoactivation mechanism it was found that increasing the amount of kallikrein initially present in the reaction mixture resulted in a significant reduction of the lag period and a rapid completion of the reaction while the second-order rate constant was not influenced. Our data support a prekallikrein autoactivation mechanism in which surface-bound kallikrein activates surface-bound prekallikrein.  相似文献   
The early effects (0-120 s) of the beta-adrenergic secretagogue isoproterenol (2.10(-5) M) and the muscarinic secretagogue carbamoylcholine (2.10(-6) M) on various parameters of lipid and phospholipid metabolism were studied in isolated guinea pig parotid acinar cells. Both agonists enhanced within 10-20 s the incorporation of radioactive palmitate into the diacylglycerol, the triglyceride, and the phosphatidylinositol fractions but significantly diminished radioactive palmitate recovered in the acyl-CoA fraction. Carbamoylcholine decreased and isoproterenol increased the recovery of radioactive palmitate in the free fatty acid fraction. All changes had returned almost to control levels after 120 s. In cells prelabeled with [3H]arachidonate, carbamoylcholine exerted similar effects, whereas isoproterenol was almost ineffective. Both agonists stimulated the incorporation of radioactive glycerol into diacylglycerols 2-3-fold, while only carbamoylcholine stimulated the incorporation of [32P]phosphate into phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidate. Both agonists induced an increase in total diacylglycerols, carbamoylcholine being about twice as effective as isoproterenol. A lower concentration of carbamoylcholine (6.5.10(-7) M) had the same quantitative effect as 2.10(-5) M isoproterenol on the increase of total diacylglycerols. Even under these conditions carbamoylcholine, but not isoproterenol led to a significant translocation of protein kinase C from the soluble to the particulate fraction. Isoproterenol remained ineffective in this respect also when intracellular free calcium was increased with a calcium ionophore. This is explained by the finding that isoproterenol stimulates preferentially the formation of 2,3-sn-diacylglycerol, and carbamoylcholine preferentially stimulates the formation of 1,2-sn-diacylglycerol. The results indicate that in the guinea pig parotid acinar cell the two agonists do not only lead to activation of a triglyceride lipase (isoproterenol) or phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase(s) (carbamoylcholine), but also to a rapid change of flux through a number of other enzyme-catalyzed reactions involved in diacylglycerol turnover.  相似文献   
Alanine dehydrogenase from Bacillus cereus, a non-allosteric enzyme composed of six identical subunits, was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on blue-Sepharose and Sepharose 6B-CL. Like other pyridine-linked dehydrogenases, alanine dehydrogenase is inhibited by Cibacron blue, competitively with respect to NADH and noncompetitively with respect to pyruvate. The enzyme was inactivated by 0.1 M glycine/HCl (pH 2) and reactivated by 0.1 M phosphate (pH 8) supplemented with NAD+ or NADH. The reactivation was characterized by sigmoidal kinetics indicating a complex mechanism involving rate-limiting folding and association steps. Cibacron blue interfered with renaturation, presumably by competition with NADH. Chromatography on Sepharose 6B-CL of the partially renatured alanine dehydrogenase led to the separation of several intermediates, but only the hexamer was characterized by enzymatic activity. By immobilization on Sepharose 4B, alanine dehydrogenase from B. cereus retained 66% of the specific activity of the soluble enzyme. After denaturation of immobilized alanine dehydrogenase with 7 M urea, 37% of the initial protein was still bound to Sepharose, indicating that on the average the hexamer was attached to the matrix via, at most, two subunits. The ability of the denatured, immobilized subunits to pick up subunits from solution shows their capacity to fold back to the native conformation after urea treatment. The formation of "hybrids" between subunits of enzyme from B. cereus and Bacillus subtilis demonstrates the close resemblance of the tertiary and quaternary structures of alanine dehydrogenases from these species.  相似文献   
The interaction between pure transhydrogenase and ATPase (Complex V) from beef heart mitochondria was investigated with transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles in which the two proteins were co-reconstituted by dialysis or dilution procedures. In addition to phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, reconstitution required phosphatidylserine and lysophosphatidylcholine. Transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles catalyzed a 20-30-fold stimulation of the reduction of NADP+ or thio-NADP+ by NADH and a 70-fold shift of the apparent equilibrium expressed as the nicotinamide nucleotide ratio [NADPH][NAD+]/[NADP+][NADH]. In both of these respects, the transhydrogenase-ATPase vesicles were severalfold more efficient than beef heart submitochondrial particles. By measuring the ATP-driven transhydrogenase and the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activities simultaneously and under the same conditions at low ATP concentrations, i.e. below 15 microM, the ATP-driven transhydrogenase/oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity ratio was found to be about 3. This value is consistent with the stoichiometries of three protons translocated per ATP hydrolyzed and one proton translocated per NADPH formed and with a mechanism where the two enzymes interact through a delocalized proton-motive force.  相似文献   
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