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G Rhys Williams MS 《BMC neurology》2001,1(1):2-6
Background and Purpose
Stroke, increasingly referred to as a "brain attack", is one of the leading causes of death and the leading cause of adult disability in the United States. It has recently been estimated that there were three quarters of a million strokes in the United States in 1995. The aim of this study was to replicate the 1995 estimate and examine if there was an increase from 1995 to 1996 by using a large administrative claims database representative of all 1996 US inpatient discharges. 相似文献73.
Eric J Suh Matthew Y Remillard Aster Legesse-Miller Elizabeth L Johnson Johanna MS Lemons Talia R Chapman Joshua J Forman Mina Kojima Eric S Silberman Hilary A Coller 《Genome biology》2012,13(12):R121
Although quiescence (reversible cell cycle arrest) is a key part in the life history and fate of many mammalian cell types, the mechanisms of gene regulation in quiescent cells are poorly understood. We sought to clarify the role of microRNAs as regulators of the cellular functions of quiescent human fibroblasts.Results
Using microarrays, we discovered that the expression of the majority of profiled microRNAs differed between proliferating and quiescent fibroblasts. Fibroblasts induced into quiescence by contact inhibition or serum starvation had similar microRNA profiles, indicating common changes induced by distinct quiescence signals. By analyzing the gene expression patterns of microRNA target genes with quiescence, we discovered a strong regulatory function for miR-29, which is downregulated with quiescence. Using microarrays and immunoblotting, we confirmed that miR-29 targets genes encoding collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins and that those target genes are induced in quiescence. In addition, overexpression of miR-29 resulted in more rapid cell cycle re-entry from quiescence. We also found that let-7 and miR-125 were upregulated in quiescent cells. Overexpression of either one alone resulted in slower cell cycle re-entry from quiescence, while the combination of both together slowed cell cycle re-entry even further.Conclusions
microRNAs regulate key aspects of fibroblast quiescence including the proliferative state of the cells as well as their gene expression profiles, in particular, the induction of extracellular matrix proteins in quiescent fibroblasts. 相似文献74.
Roy MS; Geffen E; Smith D; Ostrander EA; Wayne RK 《Molecular biology and evolution》1994,11(4):553-570
Genetic divergence and gene flow among closely related populations aredifficult to measure because mutation rates of most nuclear loci are so lowthat new mutations have not had sufficient time to appear and become fixed.Microsatellite loci are repeat arrays of simple sequences that have highmutation rates and are abundant in the eukaryotic genome. Large populationsamples can be screened for variation by using the polymerase chainreaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate alleles. Weanalyzed 10 microsatellite loci to quantify genetic differentiation andhybridization in three species of North American wolflike canids. Weexpected to find a pattern of genetic differentiation by distance to existamong wolflike canid populations, because of the finite dispersal distancesof individuals. Moreover, we predicted that, because wolflike canids arehighly mobile, hybrid zones may be more extensive and show substantialchanges in allele frequency, relative to nonhybridizing populations. Wedemonstrate that wolves and coyotes do not show a pattern of geneticdifferentiation by distance. Genetic subdivision in coyotes, as measured bytheta and Gst, is not significantly different from zero, reflectingpersistent gene flow among newly established populations. However, graywolves show significant subdivision that may be either due to drift in pastIce Age refugia populations or a result of other causes. Finally, in areaswhere gray wolves and coyotes hybridize, allele frequencies of gray wolvesare affected, but those of coyotes are not. Past hybridization between thetwo species in the south-central United States may account for the originof the red wolf. 相似文献
An optimally functional brain requires both excitatory and inhibitory inputs that are regulated and balanced. A perturbation in the excitatory/inhibitory balance—as is the case in some neurological disorders/diseases (e.g. traumatic brain injury Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, epilepsy and substance abuse) and disorders of development (e.g. schizophrenia, Rhett syndrome and autism spectrum disorder)—leads to dysfunctional signaling, which can result in impaired cognitive and motor function, if not frank neuronal injury. At the cellular level, transmission of glutamate and GABA, the principle excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system control excitatory/inhibitory balance. Herein, we review the synthesis, release, and signaling of GABA and glutamate followed by a focused discussion on the importance of their transport systems to the maintenance of excitatory/inhibitory balance. 相似文献
The SAC1 domain in synaptojanin is required for autophagosome maturation at presynaptic terminals

Roeland Vanhauwaert Sabine Kuenen Roy Masius Adekunle Bademosi Julia Manetsberger Nils Schoovaerts Laura Bounti Serguei Gontcharenko Jef Swerts Sven Vilain Marina Picillo Paolo Barone Shashini T Munshi Femke MS de Vrij Steven A Kushner Natalia V Gounko Wim Mandemakers Vincenzo Bonifati Frederic A Meunier Sandra‐Fausia Soukup Patrik Verstreken 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(10):1392-1411
Presynaptic terminals are metabolically active and accrue damage through continuous vesicle cycling. How synapses locally regulate protein homeostasis is poorly understood. We show that the presynaptic lipid phosphatase synaptojanin is required for macroautophagy, and this role is inhibited by the Parkinson's disease mutation R258Q. Synaptojanin drives synaptic endocytosis by dephosphorylating PI(4,5)P2, but this function appears normal in SynaptojaninRQ knock‐in flies. Instead, R258Q affects the synaptojanin SAC1 domain that dephosphorylates PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P2, two lipids found in autophagosomal membranes. Using advanced imaging, we show that SynaptojaninRQ mutants accumulate the PI(3)P/PI(3,5)P2‐binding protein Atg18a on nascent synaptic autophagosomes, blocking autophagosome maturation at fly synapses and in neurites of human patient induced pluripotent stem cell‐derived neurons. Additionally, we observe neurodegeneration, including dopaminergic neuron loss, in SynaptojaninRQ flies. Thus, synaptojanin is essential for macroautophagy within presynaptic terminals, coupling protein turnover with synaptic vesicle cycling and linking presynaptic‐specific autophagy defects to Parkinson's disease. 相似文献
Deep Prakash Akhil MS Buddidhathi Radhika Radhika Venkatesan Sreekanth H Chalasani Varsha Singh 《The EMBO journal》2021,40(13)
Animals possess conserved mechanisms to detect pathogens and to improve survival in their presence by altering their own behavior and physiology. Here, we utilize Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host to ask whether bacterial volatiles constitute microbe‐associated molecular patterns. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we identify six prominent volatiles released by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We show that a specific volatile, 1‐undecene, activates nematode odor sensory neurons inducing both flight and fight responses in worms. Using behavioral assays, we show that worms are repelled by 1‐undecene and that this aversion response is driven by the detection of this volatile through AWB odor sensory neurons. Furthermore, we find that 1‐undecene odor can induce immune effectors specific to P. aeruginosa via AWB neurons and that brief pre‐exposure of worms to the odor enhances their survival upon subsequent bacterial infection. These results show that 1‐undecene derived from P. aeruginosa serves as a pathogen‐associated molecular pattern for the induction of protective responses in C. elegans. 相似文献
Changgui Shi MD Vaskar Das PhD Xin Li MD PhD Ranjan Kc PhD Sujun Qiu MD InSug O‐Sullivan PhD Richard L. Ripper CVT Jeffrey S. Kroin PhD Fackson Mwale PhD Atiyayein A. Wallace MS Bingqian Zhu MSN Lan Zhao PhD Andre J. van Wijnen PhD Mingliang Ji MD PhD Jun Lu MD PhD Gina Votta‐Velis MD PhD Wen Yuan MD Hee‐Jeong Im PhD 《Journal of cellular physiology》2018,233(10):6589-6602
Luisa?Pastò Emilio?Portaccio Angelo?Ghezzi Bahia?Hakiki Marta?Giannini Lorenzo?Razzolini Elisa?Piscolla Laura?De Giglio Carlo?Pozzilli Damiano?Paolicelli Maria?Trojano Maria?Giovanna?Marrosu Francesco?Patti Loredana?La Mantia Gian?Luigi?Mancardi Claudio?Solaro Rocco?Totaro Maria?Rosaria?Tola Valeria?Di Tommaso Alessandra?Lugaresi Lucia?Moiola Vittorio?Martinelli Giancarlo?Comi Maria?Pia?AmatoEmail author and for the MS Study Group of the Italian Neurological Society 《BMC neurology》2012,12(1):165