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The outcome of human pregnancy depends on the differentiation of cytotrophoblasts, specialized placental cells that physically connect the embryo/fetus to the mother. As cytotrophoblasts differentiate, they acquire tumor-like characteristics that enable them to invade the uterus. In a novel feedback loop, the increasingly higher levels of oxygen they encounter within the uterine wall influence their differentiation into vascular-like cells. Together, the invasive and cell surface properties of cytotrophoblasts enable them to form vascular connections with uterine blood vessels that divert maternal blood flow to the placenta, a critical hurdle in pregnancy. It is therefore important to understand how cytotrophoblasts respond to changes in oxygen tension. Here we used a proteomics approach, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) combined with mass spectrometry, to characterize the protein repertoire of first trimester human cytotrophoblasts that were maintained under standard tissue culture conditions (20% O(2)). 2-D PAGE showed a unique protein map as compared to placental fibroblasts and human JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells. Mass spectrometry allowed the identification of 43 spots on the cytotrophoblast map. Enzymes involved in glycolysis and responses to oxidative stress, as well as the 14-3-3 signaling/adapter proteins, were particularly abundant. Hypoxia in vitro (2% O(2)) produced discrete changes in the expression of a subset of proteins in all the aforementioned functional categories. Together, these data offer new information about the early gestation cytotrophoblast protein repertoire and the generalized mechanisms the cells use to respond to changes in oxygen tension at the maternal-fetal interface.  相似文献   
In a recent study, we reported that the combined average mutation rate of 10 di-, 6 tri-, and 8 tetranucleotide repeats in Drosophila melanogaster was 6.3 x 10(-6) mutations per locus per generation, a rate substantially below that of microsatellite repeat units in mammals studied to date (range = 10(-2)-10(-5) per locus per generation). To obtain a more precise estimate of mutation rate for dinucleotide repeat motifs alone, we assayed 39 new dinucleotide repeat microsatellite loci in the mutation accumulation lines from our earlier study. Our estimate of mutation rate for a total of 49 dinucleotide repeats is 9.3 x 10(-6) per locus per generation, only slightly higher than the estimate from our earlier study. We also estimated the relative difference in microsatellite mutation rate among di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats in the genome of D. melanogaster using a method based on population variation, and we found that tri- and tetranucleotide repeats mutate at rates 6.4 and 8.4 times slower than that of dinucleotide repeats, respectively. The slower mutation rates of tri- and tetranucleotide repeats appear to be associated with a relatively short repeat unit length of these repeat motifs in the genome of D. melanogaster. A positive correlation between repeat unit length and allelic variation suggests that mutation rate increases as the repeat unit lengths of microsatellites increase.   相似文献   


Imprinted genes show expression from one parental allele only and are important for development and behaviour. This extreme mode of allelic imbalance has been described for approximately 56 human genes. Imprinting status is often disrupted in cancer and dysmorphic syndromes. More subtle variation of gene expression, that is not parent-of-origin specific, termed 'allele-specific gene expression' (ASE) is more common and may give rise to milder phenotypic differences. Using two allele-specific high-throughput technologies alongside bioinformatics predictions, normal term human placenta was screened to find new imprinted genes and to ascertain the extent of ASE in this tissue.


Twenty-three family trios of placental cDNA, placental genomic DNA (gDNA) and gDNA from both parents were tested for 130 candidate genes with the Sequenom MassArray system. Six genes were found differentially expressed but none imprinted. The Illumina ASE BeadArray platform was then used to test 1536 SNPs in 932 genes. The array was enriched for the human orthologues of 124 mouse candidate genes from bioinformatics predictions and 10 human candidate imprinted genes from EST database mining. After quality control pruning, a total of 261 informative SNPs (214 genes) remained for analysis. Imprinting with maternal expression was demonstrated for the lymphocyte imprinted gene ZNF331 in human placenta. Two potential differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were found in the vicinity of ZNF331. None of the bioinformatically predicted candidates tested showed imprinting except for a skewed allelic expression in a parent-specific manner observed for PHACTR2, a neighbour of the imprinted PLAGL1 gene. ASE was detected for two or more individuals in 39 candidate genes (18%).


Both Sequenom and Illumina assays were sensitive enough to study imprinting and strong allelic bias. Previous bioinformatics approaches were not predictive of new imprinted genes in the human term placenta. ZNF331 is imprinted in human term placenta and might be a new ubiquitously imprinted gene, part of a primate-specific locus. Demonstration of partial imprinting of PHACTR2 calls for re-evaluation of the allelic pattern of expression for the PHACTR2-PLAGL1 locus. ASE was common in human term placenta.  相似文献   


The effect of end-to-side neurotization of partially regenerated recipient nerves on improving motor power in late obstetric brachial plexus lesions, so-called nerve augmentation, was investigated.


Eight cases aged 3 – 7 years were operated upon and followed up for 4 years (C5,6 rupture C7,8T1 avulsion: 5; C5,6,7,8 rupture T1 avulsion:1; C5,6,8T1 rupture C7 avulsion:1; C5,6,7 ruptureC8 T1 compression: one 3 year presentation after former neurotization at 3 months). Grade 1–3 muscles were neurotized. Grade0 muscles were neurotized, if the electromyogram showed scattered motor unit action potentials on voluntary contraction without interference pattern. Donor nerves included: the phrenic, accessory, descending and ascending loops of the ansa cervicalis, 3rd and 4th intercostals and contralateral C7.


Superior proximal to distal regeneration was observed firstly. Differential regeneration of muscles supplied by the same nerve was observed secondly (superior supraspinatus to infraspinatus regeneration). Differential regeneration of antagonistic muscles was observed thirdly (superior biceps to triceps and pronator teres to supinator recovery). Differential regeneration of fibres within the same muscle was observed fourthly (superior anterior and middle to posterior deltoid regeneration). Differential regeneration of muscles having different preoperative motor powers was noted fifthly; improvement to Grade 3 or more occurred more in Grade2 than in Grade0 or Grade1 muscles. Improvements of cocontractions and of shoulder, forearm and wrist deformities were noted sixthly. The shoulder, elbow and hand scores improved in 4 cases.


The sample size is small. Controls are necessary to rule out any natural improvement of the lesion. There is intra- and interobserver variability in testing muscle power and cocontractions.


Nerve augmentation improves cocontractions and muscle power in the biceps, pectoral muscles, supraspinatus, anterior and lateral deltoids, triceps and in Grade2 or more forearm muscles. As it is less expected to improve infraspinatus power, it should be associated with a humeral derotation osteotomy and tendon transfer. Function to non improving Grade 0 or 1 forearm muscles should be restored by muscle transplantation.

Level of evidence

Level IV, prospective case series.  相似文献   
Abstract Egg rafts of Nezara viridula were exposed to the parasitoid wasp Trissolcus basalis in experimental arenas to establish the relationship of the rates of attack and parasitism to various combinations of arena size, parasitoid density, host density and parasitoid-to-host ratio. Arena sizes were varied in the ratio 1:9:63, with the largest having a search area of 1.44 m2. Parasitoid and host densities were varied over a 27-fold range. The parasitoid-to-host ratios used were 1:1, 3:1 and 6:1. Finding time was related to a constant factor (flight propensity), rather than to the difficulty of finding (density of hosts). Initial attack rates were therefore related only to parasitoid numbers (or density), even at the lower densities and ratios. Parasitism rates (a function of attack rate per host) were thus also strongly related to parasitoid to host ratio, regardless of densities used and arena sizes. Even reducing host density, while keeping time and parasitoid density constant, increased the parasitism rate. A ratio model for parasitism rate was therefore compatible with the data but the more explicit Holling 'disc' equation was also compatible because handling time was sufficiently large to make it sensitive to the ratio of parasitoids to hosts for the densities used. We conclude that the two models would predict different results if the density of host egg rafts was in a range below one per square metre.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive death of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), leading to the major clinical abnormalities that characterize this disease. Although PD’s etiology is unknown, α-synuclein aggregation plays a pivotal role in PD pathogenesis, which could be associated to some pathological processes such as oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, impaired protein degradation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Increasing experimental evidence indicates that ER stress is involved in PD, however most of the described results employed cultured cell lines and genetically modified animal models. In this study, we developed a new ER stress rat model employing the well-known ER stressor tunicamycin (Tm). To evaluate if ER stress was able to induce PD features, we performed an intranigral injection of Tm (0.1 μg/cerebral hemisphere) and animals (male Wistar rats) were analyzed 7 days post injection. The classical 6-OHDA neurotoxin model (1 μg/cerebral hemisphere) was used as an established positive control for PD. We show that Tm injection induced locomotor impairment, dopaminergic neurons death, and activation of astroglia. In addition, we observed an extensive α-synuclein oligomerization in SNpc of Tm-injected animals when compared with DMSO-injected controls. Finally, both Tm and 6-OHDA treated animals presented increased levels of ER stress markers. Taken together, these findings show for the first time that the ER stressor Tm recapitulates some of the phenotypic characteristics observed in rodent models of PD, reinforcing the concept that ER stress could be an important contributor to the pathophysiology of PD. Therefore, we propose the intranigral Tm injection as a new ER stress-based model for the study of PD in vivo.  相似文献   
White plague (WP)-like diseases of tropical corals are implicated in reef decline worldwide, although their etiological cause is generally unknown. Studies thus far have focused on bacterial or eukaryotic pathogens as the source of these diseases; no studies have examined the role of viruses. Using a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and 454 pyrosequencing, we compared 24 viral metagenomes generated from Montastraea annularis corals showing signs of WP-like disease and/or bleaching, control conspecific corals, and adjacent seawater. TEM was used for visual inspection of diseased coral tissue. No bacteria were visually identified within diseased coral tissues, but viral particles and sequence similarities to eukaryotic circular Rep-encoding single-stranded DNA viruses and their associated satellites (SCSDVs) were abundant in WP diseased tissues. In contrast, sequence similarities to SCSDVs were not found in any healthy coral tissues, suggesting SCSDVs might have a role in WP disease. Furthermore, Herpesviridae gene signatures dominated healthy tissues, corroborating reports that herpes-like viruses infect all corals. Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV) sequences, similar to those recently identified in cultures of Symbiodinium (the algal symbionts of corals), were most common in bleached corals. This finding further implicates that these NCLDV viruses may have a role in bleaching, as suggested in previous studies. This study determined that a specific group of viruses is associated with diseased Caribbean corals and highlights the potential for viral disease in regional coral reef decline.  相似文献   
It is of interest to assess the inflammatory marker profile in SARS-CoV-2 patients and to correlate the levels of systemic inflammatory biomarkers such as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), C-Reactive Protein CRP, Ferritin, Creatine kinase (CK), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and liver function analytes total serum proteins, albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) with the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections. A total of 1000 COVID-19 positive patient''s data were collected. Laboratory assessments consisted of NLR (neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio) by cell counter, C Reactive Protein (CRP) by immunoturbidimetry, Ferritin by electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA) and Creatine Kinase (CK), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Total Protein and Albumin by spectrophotometry. The mean plasma CRP levels, NLR, ferritin, CK and LDH levels were higher in severe cases than in non-severe cases, and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). All liver function tests such as the total and direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, ALP, total protein and albumin were higher in severe patients than non-severe patients and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Data indicate that NLR, CRP, Ferritin, CK, LDH and liver function analytes have a crucial role as prognostic markers for SARS-CoV-2 infections and hence should be routinely recommended for risk assessment and stratification of the patients to reduce the associated morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   
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