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Summary Immunocytochemistry was used to determine if photoperiod and/or sex have any effect on the pattern of the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) system in the brain of the Japanese quail. Immunopositive perikarya were found within three major areas of the brain: the rostral paraolfactory lobe, the preoptic, and the septal region. A quantitative analysis of LHRH cell numbers was performed on male and female quail after two photoperiodic treatments: sexually mature birds exposed to 24 weeks of 20 h light: 4 h darkness (20L4D), and birds with a regressed reproductive system (induced by transfer from a photoregime of 20L4D to 25 short days of 8L16D). Two-way analysis of variance showed that short-day males display significantly (p < 0.05) more immunopositive perikarya (607 + 134) than long-day males (291 + 114), short-day females (293 + 103) or long-day females (330 + 92). The density of LHRH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and the intensity of the immunostaining in the median eminence were always greater in long-day sexually mature quail (male and female) than in animals exposed to 25 days of 8L16D. These results demonstrate that the LHRH system of the quail is influenced by photoperiod and mirrors sexual differentiation.  相似文献   
Reproductive responses to photoperiod were directly compared in mature ewes and in their spring-born twin female lambs. All females were ovariectomized and treated with oestradiol implants before transfer into artificial photoperiod; serum LH concentrations and pulsatile LH patterns provided an index of neuroendocrine reproductive activity. Mothers were transferred from natural photoperiod to artificial long days (16 h light:8 h dark) at the summer solstice so that no decrease in photoperiod would be experienced. These ewes began reproductive activity synchronously at the expected time in the autumn. One of each pair of twin lambs was treated exactly as the mothers; to determine the normal timing of puberty the remaining twin was maintained in a photoperiod simulating the natural decrease in daylength. In all 6 control lambs experiencing the simulated natural photoperiod, reproductive activity occurred synchronously at 28 +/- 1 weeks of age (2 October +/- 7 days). However, in their twin sisters which did not experience a decrease in photoperiod, only 2 of 6 lambs had begun reproductive activity by the end of the experiment at 52 weeks of age (March), and these were both delayed relative to their twin control lambs exposed to decreasing daylength. Therefore, a decrease in photoperiod is necessary for the normal timing of puberty in the spring-born, female sheep, whereas seasonally anoestrous, mature sheep can enter the breeding season at a normal time in the absence of decreasing photoperiod. We suggest that the requirement for a decreasing photoperiod by the spring-born lamb reflects its limited photoperiodic history as compared to the adult.  相似文献   
Regression analysis has been used to study the relationship between age, size, shape, and surface area in two ancestral-descendant populations of the Neogene Caribbean coral Trachyphyllia bilobata. Analyses of the relationship between size and age show that the relationship is isometric and that little difference occurs between populations in mean corallite length or height and in their rates of growth. Onset of columella growth is significantly earlier, however, in the descendant population. Studies of the relationship between size and shape show that growth is allometric, with shape change occurring in both corallum elongation and pinching of the corallite wall during ontogeny. In the descendant population, pinching and elongation initiate earlier in the ontogeny of the coral. These results suggest that the evolutionary development of the meandroid form in freeliving corals has been accomplished by heterochrony, involving a complex set of disassociated peramorphic changes in ontogeny accompanied by paedomorphic changes in astogeny. Further analyses show that the observed heterochronic changes serve to decrease corallum surface area which may in turn enhance sediment removal and nutrition in unstable habitats.  相似文献   
The effects of changes in various visual and olfactory properties of a white card surface on the landing position of male Epiphyas postvittanaexhibiting pheromone-mediated flight were studied in a wind tunnel. Males landed predominantly at the most downwind position of a surface in line with the pheromone source, regardless of the strength of the source. The position on the surface that males landed was strongly influenced by visual factors. The landing position of males appeared to be influenced by visual cues along all three axes of the surface. Decreases in either the dimension horizontally perpendicular to the wind direction or the vertical dimension resulted in greater numbers of males landing farther upwind on the surface than the downwind edge. Visual changes in the axis along the wind direction also affected the position at which males landed. For example, when presented with two white card surfaces with a 4- cm gap between them, males tended to land on the downwind edge of the upwind surface (on which the source was located). When the gap was bridged with clear Mylar, the landing pattern was significantly different, with the greater proportion of males landing on the downwind surface. However, when Mylar was placed on the plexiglass floor of the tunnel (in addition to bridging the gap), the landing pattern on the surface was not significantly different from that on the two surfaces without the Mylar bridge. It is suggested that during the prelanding and landing phases of pheromone-mediated flight, male moths orient to visual features of the surface containing the pheromone source rather than to visual features of the source (conspecific female moth) itself.  相似文献   
The effect of maintaining female sheep at a body weight intermediate between the normal weight for puberty (30-35 kg) and 20 kg (puberty suppressed) on the onset of oestrous cycles was studied. In addition, the influence of ad-libitum food intake or insulin infusion was studied in animals previously maintained at 20 kg. Coopworth ewe lambs (10 weeks old) were allocated to one of 6 treatments: (A) ad-libitum fed (n = 6), (B) ad-libitum fed to 28 kg then maintained at that weight (n = 6), (C) ad-libitum fed to 24 kg then maintained at that weight (n = 6), (D) maintained at 20 kg until Week 29 and then fed ad libitum (n = 6), (E) maintained at 20 kg and infused with 0.1 U insulin/kg/24 h for 2 weeks from 29-31 weeks of age (n = 5), (F) maintained at 20 kg (n = 6). The lambs were penned indoors under natural photo-period, which was decreasing virtually throughout the study, and fed a pelleted concentrate diet which was recorded daily. They were blood sampled twice a week, and plasma was analysed for progesterone. Puberty was defined as the date when plasma concentrations of progesterone first exceeded 1 ng/ml. In addition, ewes in Groups D, E and F were blood sampled every 10 min for 8 h on Days 0 and +12 of the insulin infusion or access to ad-libitum feeding and the plasma was analysed for luteinizing hormone (LH).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Expression of the E1A oncogene of adenovirus type 5 inhibits the response of interferon (IFN)-inducible constructs to Type I (alpha,beta) and II (gamma) IFNs in transient transfection assays. In human cell lines stably expressing E1A mRNA and protein acquisition of an antiviral state and the induction of a number of genes in response to alpha- and gamma-IFNs is inhibited. A short IFN-stimulable response element (ISRE) present in the 5' flanking region of a number of genes mediates induction by alpha- and gamma-IFNs. In cells expressing E1A there is a substantial reduction in the levels of the ISRE-binding factors E and M, inducible by alpha-IFN, and of factor G, inducible by gamma-IFN. In E1A-expressing cells the E alpha subunit of factor E is activated normally in response to alpha-IFN; the defect is in the production or activation of the E gamma subunit. The inhibitory activity of E1A is lost upon deletion of the CR1 domain. The induction of HLA class II genes by gamma-IFN, which involves a different DNA response element(s), and of beta-IFN mRNA in response to double-stranded RNA are also inhibited by E1A. An essential component(s) of a number of signalling pathways must, therefore, be subject, directly or indirectly, to inhibition by E1A.  相似文献   
The dihydrofolate reductase (fol) gene in Escherichia coli has been deleted and replaced by a selectable marker. Verification of the delta fol::kan strain has been accomplished using genetic and biochemical criteria, including Southern analysis of the chromosomal DNA. The delta fol::kan mutation is stable in E. coli K549 [thyA polA12 (Ts)] and can be successfully transduced to other E. coli strains providing they have mutations in their thymidylate synthetase (thyA) genes. A preliminary investigation of the relationship between fol and thyA gene expression suggests that a Fol- cell (i.e., a dihydrofolate reductase deficiency phenotype) is not viable unless thymidylate synthetase activity is concurrently eliminated. This observation indicates that either the nonproductive accumulation of dihydrofolate or the depletion of tetrahydrofolate cofactor pools is lethal in a Fol- ThyA+ strain. Strains containing the thyA delta fol::kan lesions require the presence of Fol end products for growth, and these lesions typically increase the doubling time of the strain by a factor of 2.5 in rich medium.  相似文献   
A one-chain recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (EC 2.4.31.-) (tPA) analogue was constructed in which Arg-275 of the activation site was changed to Gly by site-directed mutagenesis. This analogue, tPA-Gly275, was very resistant to plasmin (EC cleavage. It has been used to gain information about the activity of the uncleaved one-chain tPA form, also when plasmin is generated as a result of a plasminogen activation reaction. The amidolytic activity of tPA-Gly275 with less than Glu-Gly-Arg-pNA was investigated and compared to that of one-chain and two-chain wild-type recombinant tPA. A small but significant intrinsic amidolytic activity was observed with the analogue as well as the wild-type one-chain tPA form. However, it was much lower than that of two-chain tPA. Polymerised fibrin enhanced the amidolytic activity of both one-chain tPA forms but not of two-chain tPA. Measurements of the plasminogen activation kinetics in the absence of fibrin revealed that tPA-Gly275 possessed a significant intrinsic activity. However, it was 30-fold lower than that of two-chain tPA. Addition of polymerised fibrin profoundly enhanced the plasminogen activation rate of both tPA-Gly275 and wild-type one- and two-chain tPA to approximately the same maximal level. The results were interpreted to mean that fibrin binding can induce an activated state of the intact tPA one-chain form.  相似文献   
Young male Sprague-Dawley rats were induced to overeat (approximately 45%) by provision of a "cafeteria" (CAF) diet of palatable human foods. Normophagic rats fed a commercial chow or a semisynthetic diet served as controls. The CAF rats exhibited (a) the reduced food efficiency and the propranolol-inhibitable elevation in resting metabolic rate (resting VO2) that are indicative of a facultative diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) by which excess energy gain is resisted, and (b) certain changes in brown adipose tissue (BAT) that are among those taken as evidence for BAT as the effector of DIT, e.g., increased protein content and increased mitochondrial binding of GDP. To assess directly and quantitatively the contribution by BAT to the elevation in VO2 (apparent DIT) of the CAF rats, BAT O2 consumption was determined (Fick principle) from measurements of tissue blood flow (microsphere method) and the arteriovenous difference in blood O2 across interscapular BAT (IBAT). To obtain the measurements, the animals were fitted under halothane anesthesia with vascular cannulas for intraventricular injection of microspheres and sampling of arterial blood and the venous effluent of IBAT. After recovery from anesthesia and rewarming to normal body temperature the animals were placed singly in a temperature-controlled metabolic chamber and the measurements, which also included determination of resting VO2, were made 1.5-2 h later about 11:30 h. As determined from measurements made at 28 degrees C (thermoneutrality) mean values of resting VO2 for the cannulated rats were unchanged from those of intact (unoperated) CAF or control rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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