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To estimate the duration of oocyte DNA synthesis 36, 3-day-old female rabbits received 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18 injections of tritiated thymidine (thy-3H) at hourly intervals. The ovaries, removed at 1, 10, or 20 days after the first injection, were radioautographed. Counts made of the number of silver grains associated with oocyte nuclei in meiotic Prophase I indicate that the duration of DNA synthesis is between 9 and 12 hr. To determine the length of the stages of meiotic Prophase I, a group of 2-3-day-old rabbits was given a single sub-cutaneous injection of thy-3H, and the ovaries were removed at hourly and/or daily intervals after treatment. The minimum duration of leptotene was 3 hr and the maximum duration probably was less than 8 hr. The maximum durations of zygotene, pachytene, and diplotene were estimated to be 44, 216, and 96 hr, respectively. The interval from the end of oogonial DNA synthesis to the beginning ofpremeiotic DNA synthesis (G2 + Mitosis + G1) appeared to be less than 6 hr.  相似文献   
Affinity labeling and comparative sequence analyses have placed Lys-166 of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum at the active site. The unusual nucleophilicity and acidity of the epsilon-amino group of Lys 166 (pKa = 7.9) suggest its involvement in catalysis, perhaps as the base that enolizes ribulosebisphosphate (Hartman, F.C., Milanez, S., and Lee, E.H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 13968-13975). In attempts to clarify the role of Lys-166 of the carboxylase, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to replace this lysyl residue with glycine, alanine, serine, glutamine, arginine, cysteine, or histidine. All seven of these mutant proteins, purified by immunoaffinity chromatography, are severely deficient in carboxylase activity; the serine mutant, which is the most active, has a kcat only 0.2% that of the wild-type enzyme. Although low, the carboxylase activity displayed by some of the mutant proteins proves that Lys-166 is not required for substrate binding and argues that the detrimental effects brought about by amino acid substitutions at position 166 do not reflect gross conformational changes. As demonstrated by their ability to tightly bind a transition-state analogue (2-carboxyarabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate) in the presence of CO2 and Mg2+, some of the mutant proteins undergo the carbamylation reaction that is required for activation of the wild-type enzyme. Since Lys-166 is required neither for activation (i.e. carbamylation by CO2) nor for substrate binding, it must be essential to catalysis. When viewed within the context of previous related studies, the results of site-directed mutagenesis are entirely consistent with Lys-166 functioning as the base that initiates catalysis by abstracting the C-3 proton from ribulosebisphosphate. An alternative possibility that Lys-166 acts to stabilize a transition state in the reaction pathway cannot be rigorously excluded.  相似文献   
Chemical modification of spinach ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase by diethyl pyrocarbonate led to the conclusion that His-298 is an essential active-site residue (Igarashi, Y., McFadden, B. A., and El-Gul, T. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 3957-3962). From the pH dependence of inactivation, the pKa of His-298 was observed to be approximately 6.8, and it was suggested that this histidine might be the essential base that initiates catalysis (Paech, C. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 3194-3199). To explore further the possible function of His-298, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to replace the corresponding residue of the Rhodospirillum rubrum carboxylase (His-291) with alanine. Assays of extracts of Escherichia coli JM107, harboring either the wild-type or mutant gene in an expression vector, revealed that the mutant protein is approximately 40% as active catalytically as the normal carboxylase. After purification to near homogeneity by immunoaffinity chromatography, the mutant protein was partially characterized with respect to subunit structure, kinetic parameters, and interaction with a transition-state analogue. The purified mutant carboxylase had a kcat of 1.5 s-1 and a kcat/Km of 1.7 X 10(4) M-1 s-1 in contrast to values of 3.6 s-1 and 6 X 10(5) M-1 s-1 for the normal enzyme. The high level of enzyme activity exhibited by the Ala-291 mutant excludes His-291 in the R. rubrum carboxylase (and by inference His-298 in the spinach carboxylase) as a catalytically essential residue.  相似文献   
Frozen-thawed sperm from five bulls with fertility rates ranging from 48% to 77% were treated with seven concentrations of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (PC12) liposomes to induce an acrosome reaction (AR) that enabled sperm to penetrate eggs. Treated sperm were incubated with liposomes for 7 min prior to insemination of zona-free hamster eggs in vitro. Sperm and eggs were incubated 3 hr at 39°C prior to fixation, staining, and examination for sperm penetration and nuclear decondensation. The percentage of motile sperm immediately after thawing as well as after treatment with liposomes had a low correlation with sire fertility (r = .39 and ?.63, respectively). The percentage of sperm exhibiting an AR was more highly correlated with fertility (r ? ?.85). Similar correlations were found between fertility and the penetration rates of zona-free hamster eggs or the total number of penetrating sperm. When data for two high and for two lower fertility buils were each grouped to increase information per data point the correlation between the PC12 concentration giving the maximum proportion of eggs penetrated and fertility was r = .92 (P ≤ .05). The correlation between the PC12 concentration producing the most total sperm penetrating the eggs and fertility r = .97 (P ≤ .05). It was concluded that PC12 liposomes induced an AR in bull sperm frozen-thawed in egg yolk extender. Frozen-thawed sperm from low fertility bulls require less PC12 to induce the AR and to penetrate zona-free hamster eggs than do sperm from higher fertility bulls. These differences in lipid requirements may help to provide a quick, direct laboratory assay method to estimate the fertility of frozen bull semen.  相似文献   
The multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype in mammalian tumor cells can involve amplification of mdr genes that results in overexpression of the protein product termed P-glycoprotein. Chloroquine resistance (CQR) in Plasmodium falciparum has similarities with the MDR phenotype in tumor cells, and some isolates of P. falciparum have amplified levels of the pfmdr1 gene. To investigate the nature and origin of pfmdr1 amplicons, we have cloned large regions of a 110-kb amplicon from the CQR cloned isolate B8 by using the yeast artificial chromosome system. We have identified and sequenced the breakpoints of the amplicon by a novel method employing inverted polymerase chain reaction that is applicable to analysis of any large-scale repeat. We show that the five copies of the amplicon in this isolate are in a head to tail configuration. A string of 30 A's flank the breakpoints on each side of the amplified segment, suggesting a mechanism for the origin of the tandem amplification. Polymerase chain reaction analysis with oligonucleotides that cross the B8 breakpoint has shown in 26 independent CQR isolates, 16 of which contain amplified copies of pfmdr1, that amplification of the pfmdr1 gene in P. falciparum has arisen as multiple independent events. These results suggest that this region of the genome is under strong selective pressure.  相似文献   
Unlike mammalian genomes, cereal (Gramineae) genomes exhibit little suppression of CpG dinucleotides. In cereal genomes, however, most of the numerous potential recognition sites for CpG methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes are methylated. Analysis of cereal genomic libraries and of regions flanking genes indicates that unmethylated NotI sites are useful landmarks for regions containing genes/single-copy sequences. Studies of a rye chromosome arm indicate that its pericentromeric region has a reduced density of unmethylated NotI (and MluI) sites and therefore of genes. Unmethylated MluI and NruI sites are distributed nonrandomly in the genomes of wheat, barley, and rice. Analysis of the genomic blocks defined by these sites in wheat and barley indicates that they are most likely to have arisen by amplification. These observations form the basis of a proposed model for the organization and evolution of the wheat, barley, and rice genomes.  相似文献   
1. Benthic macroinvertebrates (MI) are commonly used to assess freshwater ecosystems with the reference condition approach. Such assessments necessitate control for natural community variation, either by categorical typologies or by predictive models that have been widely and successfully developed for running water biota but not previously for lake profundal invertebrates. 2. We evaluated four modelling techniques [multivariate regression tree (MRT), limiting environmental differences, nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) and River Invertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) and the operative Finnish lake typology for assessing taxonomic completeness (observed‐to‐expected number of taxa, O/E) of profundal MI assemblages. We used data from 74 and 33 minimally disturbed reference lake basins for calibration and validation of the approaches, respectively, and 72 test basins subject to various anthropogenic pressures to evaluate sensitivity to detect impact. Either all predicted taxa (threshold probability of capture Pt = 0+) or only those predicted to be captured with ≥0.25 probability were used to calculate O/E. 3. With Pt = 0.25, all four modelling approaches were accurate (mean O/E = 0.966–1.053) but imprecise (SD of O/E = 0.279–0.304) in predicting the fauna actually observed in validation sites. All models were subtly more precise than a null model (mean 1.038, SD 0.343) or the typology (1.046, 0.327). The taxon‐specific NPMR model was slightly more precise than the other three models based on site groupings. 4. The O/E values correlated relatively weakly (r = 0.55–0.86) among the approaches, which thus produced contrasting lake‐specific assessments, despite their seemingly comparable performances. Indeed, typology, suggesting that MI assemblages were impaired in 56% of test sites, was more sensitive than the other approaches (26–46%) as an indicator of human‐induced deterioration. However, this greater ostensible sensitivity seemed to be biased, as lake morphometry, a main driver of natural community variation, remained uncontrolled by the typology. 5. Generally, our exercise illustrates the inconclusiveness of the common validation criteria for the assessment methods. The apparent poor predictability of the profundal fauna, irrespective of the method, may partly stem from large observation error, which could be alleviated by more intensive sampling. However, instead of an O/E‐taxa index, some other metric encompassing quantitative aspects might be preferable for assessing these species‐poor communities.  相似文献   
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