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The aim of this research was to determine whether all memory T cells have the same propensity to migrate to the joint in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Paired synovial fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferative responses to a panel of antigens were measured and the results correlated with a detailed set of laboratory and clinical data from 39 patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Two distinct patterns of proliferative response were found in the majority of patients: a diverse pattern, in which synovial fluid responses were greater than peripheral blood responses for all antigens tested; and a restricted pattern, in which peripheral blood responses to some antigens were more vigorous than those in the synovial fluid compartment. The diverse pattern was generally found in patients with a high acute phase response, whereas patients without elevated acute phase proteins were more likely to demonstrate a restricted pattern. We propose that an association between the synovial fluid T cell repertoire and the acute phase response suggests that proinflammatory cytokines may influence recruitment of memory T cells to an inflammatory site, independent of their antigen specificity. Additionally, increased responses to enteric bacteria and the presence of αEβ7 T cells in synovial fluid may reflect accumulation of gut associated T cells in the synovial compartment, even in the absence of an elevated acute phase response. This is the first report of an association between the acute phase response and the T cell population recruited to an inflammatory site.  相似文献   
Manzala Lake, as one of the main Egyptian wetland ecosystems, is facing risks of pollution. An in vitro cytotoxicity test using a mammalian cell line was employed to determine the toxicity of multiple pollutants in the water and Tilapia zillii fish sampled from the lake. The concentrations of seven polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and ten polychlorinated dibenzofurans were investigated in water and muscle of the fish in 2014. Cytotoxicity testing showed that the percentage inhibition of cell viability in the studied sites ranged between 56.16% and 83.22%. Dioxin analysis indicated that the average concentrations of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzofuran and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzofuran were higher than the toxic equivalence quotients (TEQs) set by the World Health Organization (WHO) in all water and fish muscle samples; however, the average concentration of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran was higher only in fish muscle samples. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) ranged dramatically between 2 and 58.5 for the detected dioxins. Adverse human health effects through the consumption of fish are not expected, because dioxin levels in fish muscle are deemed safe for human consumption. Implementation of a strategic multidisciplinary action plan is strongly recommended to sustain this delta wetland ecosystem.  相似文献   
In the companion paper (Holmquist et al. 1988), we concluded that there is no agreement on either the correct branching order or differential rates of evolution among the higher primates, and we examined in depth why this uncertainty in the evolutionary understanding of our closest living relatives persists. Recently, Lake developed two novel methods, based on group properties of transition and transversion operators, that (a) permit, in principle, objective resolution of problems of the above type and (b) attach a statistical significance level to the conclusions drawn. In the present paper, we develop formulas for using these two methods in tandem and apply them to study transversion differences in (1) nuclear DNA for a 7-kb segment of the psi eta-globin locus and a 3-kb intergenic region between the psi beta- and delta- globin loci and (2) mitochondrial DNA for the 896-bp fragment of Brown et al. Although each of these nucleotide sequence regions has its characteristic tempo and mode of evolution, the nuclear and mitochondrial data together, comprising a total of 10,939 base positions, support a Homo/Pan clade at the 97% confidence level. If we calibrate the divergence point for humans and chimpanzees at 5 Myr, consideration of the transversion branch lengths for the combined nuclear data indicates that the gorilla lineage branched off 600,000- 900,000 years prior to that, although the 2 sigma sampling errors do not preclude either a temporal trifurcation for the three species or a considerably more ancient branch point for the gorilla. To resolve the length of this central branch to a relative accuracy of 25% and 30% will require a factor of 16 and nine times more data, respectively-- i.e., in excess of 100,000 homologous nucleotides for each of the four primates. For the nuclear genes, heterogeneity in evolutionary rates between different parts of the genome is mostly restricted to the human lineage for these two segments. The lineage leading to chimpanzees has evolved 0.4 (3-kb fragment) to 3.5 (7-kb segment) times as rapidly as the lineage leading to humans, and that leading to the gorilla has evolved approximately one-fifth to one-half as rapidly as that leading to chimpanzees. Thus, even local molecular clocks can "tick" badly. As significant is the fact that virtually contiguous parts of the genome tick at markedly different rates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)   相似文献   
Freshwater lakes represent large methane sources that, in contrast to the Ocean, significantly contribute to non-anthropogenic methane emissions to the atmosphere. Particularly mixed lakes are major methane emitters, while permanently and seasonally stratified lakes with anoxic bottom waters are often characterized by strongly reduced methane emissions. The causes for this reduced methane flux from anoxic lake waters are not fully understood. Here we identified the microorganisms and processes responsible for the near complete consumption of methane in the anoxic waters of a permanently stratified lake, Lago di Cadagno. Interestingly, known anaerobic methanotrophs could not be detected in these waters. Instead, we found abundant gamma-proteobacterial aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria active in the anoxic waters. In vitro incubations revealed that, among all the tested potential electron acceptors, only the addition of oxygen enhanced the rates of methane oxidation. An equally pronounced stimulation was also observed when the anoxic water samples were incubated in the light. Our combined results from molecular, biogeochemical and single-cell analyses indicate that methane removal at the anoxic chemocline of Lago di Cadagno is due to true aerobic oxidation of methane fuelled by in situ oxygen production by photosynthetic algae. A similar mechanism could be active in seasonally stratified lakes and marine basins such as the Black Sea, where light penetrates to the anoxic chemocline. Given the widespread occurrence of seasonally stratified anoxic lakes, aerobic methane oxidation coupled to oxygenic photosynthesis might have an important but so far neglected role in methane emissions from lakes.  相似文献   
Sans résuméI. Analyse électrocapillaire des matières colorantes. Rev. gén. Mat. Col. 1926 Vol. 30 pp 34–45II. Phénomènes électrocapillaires et le problème du cancer. Arch. Med. Exper. 1926 Vol. I p 381III. Phénomènes électrocapillaires et l'antagonismes microbiens. Bol. Istituto Sier. Milano 1927 Vol. VI p 313.  相似文献   


The fish oil-derived ω-3 fatty acids, like docosahexanoic (DHA), claim a plethora of health benefits. We currently evaluated the antitumor effects of DHA, alone or in combination with cisplatin (CP) in the EAC solid tumor mice model, and monitored concomitant changes in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), lipid peroxidation (measured as malondialdehyde; MDA) and leukocytic count (LC). Further, we verified the capacity of DHA to ameliorate the lethal, CP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and the molecular mechanisms involved therein.


EAC-bearing mice exhibited markedly elevated LC (2-fold), CRP (11-fold) and MDA levels (2.7-fold). DHA (125, 250 mg/kg) elicited significant, dose-dependent reductions in tumor size (38%, 79%; respectively), as well as in LC, CRP and MDA levels. These effects for CP were appreciably lower than those of DHA (250 mg/kg). Interestingly, DHA (125 mg/kg) markedly enhanced the chemopreventive effects of CP and boosted its ability to reduce serum CRP and MDA levels. Correlation studies revealed a high degree of positive association between tumor growth and each of CRP (r = 0.85) and leukocytosis (r = 0.89), thus attesting to a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP. On the other hand, a single CP dose (10 mg/kg) induced nephrotoxicity in rats that was evidenced by proteinuria, deterioration of glomerular filtration rate (GFR, -4-fold), a rise in serum creatinine/urea levels (2–5-fold) after 4 days, and globally-induced animal fatalities after 7 days. Kidney-homogenates from CP-treated rats displayed significantly elevated MDA- and TNF-α-, but reduced GSH-, levels. Rats treated with DHA (250 mg/kg, but not 125 mg/kg) survived the lethal effects of CP, and showed a significant recovery of GFR; while their homogenates had markedly-reduced MDA- and TNF-α-, but -increased GSH-levels. Significant association was detected between creatinine level and those of MDA (r = 0.81), TNF-α ) r = 0.92) and GSH (r = -0.82); implying causal relationships.


DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and appreciably augmented those of CP as well. The extent of tumor progression in various mouse groups was highly reflected by CRP levels (thus implying a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP). Further, this study is the first to reveal that DHA can obliterate the lethal CP-induced nephrotoxicity and renal tissue injury. At the molecular level, DHA appears to act by reducing leukocytosis, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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