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The phylogeny of Greya Busck (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) was inferred from nucleotide sequence variation across a 765-bp region in the cytochrome oxidase I and II genes of the mitochondrial genome. Most parsimonious relationships of 25 haplotypes from 16 Greya species and two outgroup genera (Tetragma and Prodoxus) showed substantial congruence with the species relationships indicated by morphological variation. Differences between mitochondrial and morphological trees were found primarily in the positions of two species, G. variabilis and G. pectinifera, and in the branching order of the three major species groups in the genus. Conflicts between the data sets were examined by comparing levels of homoplasy in characters supporting alternative hypotheses. The phylogeny of Greya species suggests that host-plant association at the family level and larval feeding mode are conservative characters. Transition/transversion ratios estimated by reconstruction of nucleotide substitutions on the phylogeny had a range of 2.0-9.3, when different subsets of the phylogeny were used. The decline of this ratio with the increase in maximum sequence divergence among taxa indicates that transitions are masked by transversions along deeper internodes or long branches of the phylogeny. Among transitions, substitutions of A-->G and T-->C outnumbered their reciprocal substitutions by 2-6 times, presumably because of the approximately 4:1 (77%) A+T-bias in nucleotide base composition. Of all transversions, 73%-80% were A<-->T substitutions, 85% of which occurred at third positions of codons; these estimates did not decrease with an increase in maximum sequence divergence of taxa included in the analysis. The high frequency of A<-->T substitutions is either a reflection or an explanation of the 92% A+T bias at third codon positions.   相似文献   


Genomic deletions and duplications are important in the pathogenesis of diseases, such as cancer and mental retardation, and have recently been shown to occur frequently in unaffected individuals as polymorphisms. Affymetrix GeneChip whole genome sampling analysis (WGSA) combined with 100 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays is one of several microarray-based approaches that are now being used to detect such structural genomic changes. The popularity of this technology and its associated open source data format have resulted in the development of an increasing number of software packages for the analysis of copy number changes using these SNP arrays.


We evaluated four publicly available software packages for high throughput copy number analysis using synthetic and empirical 100 K SNP array data sets, the latter obtained from 107 mental retardation (MR) patients and their unaffected parents and siblings. We evaluated the software with regards to overall suitability for high-throughput 100 K SNP array data analysis, as well as effectiveness of normalization, scaling with various reference sets and feature extraction, as well as true and false positive rates of genomic copy number variant (CNV) detection.


We observed considerable variation among the numbers and types of candidate CNVs detected by different analysis approaches, and found that multiple programs were needed to find all real aberrations in our test set. The frequency of false positive deletions was substantial, but could be greatly reduced by using the SNP genotype information to confirm loss of heterozygosity.  相似文献   
Recent studies have implicated the dying cell as a potential reservoir of modified autoantigens that might initiate and drive systemic autoimmunity in susceptible hosts. A number of subunits of the exosome, a complex of 3'→5' exoribonucleases that functions in a variety of cellular processes, are recognized by the so-called anti-PM/Scl autoantibodies, found predominantly in patients suffering from an overlap syndrome of myositis and scleroderma. Here we show that one of these subunits, PM/Scl-75, is cleaved during apoptosis. PM/Scl-75 cleavage is inhibited by several different caspase inhibitors. The analysis of PM/Scl-75 cleavage by recombinant caspase proteins shows that PM/Scl-75 is efficiently cleaved by caspase-1, to a smaller extent by caspase-8, and relatively inefficiently by caspase-3 and caspase-7. Cleavage of the PM/Scl-75 protein occurs in the C-terminal part of the protein at Asp369 (IILD369↓G), and at least a fraction of the resulting N-terminal fragments of PM/Scl-75 remains associated with the exosome. Finally, the implications of PM/Scl-75 cleavage for exosome function and the generation of anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibodies are discussed.  相似文献   
The constitutively expressed heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsc70) is a major chaperone protein responsible for maintaining proteostasis, yet how its structure translates into functional decisions regarding client fate is still unclear. We previously showed that Hsc70 preserved aberrant Tau, but it remained unknown if selective inhibition of the activity of this Hsp70 isoform could facilitate Tau clearance. Using single point mutations in the nucleotide binding domain, we assessed the effect of several mutations on the functions of human Hsc70. Biochemical characterization revealed that one mutation abolished both Hsc70 ATPase and refolding activities. This variant resembled the ADP-bound conformer at all times yet remained able to interact with cofactors, nucleotides, and substrates appropriately, resembling a dominant negative Hsc70 (DN-Hsc70). We then assessed the effects of this DN-Hsc70 on its client Tau. DN-Hsc70 potently facilitated Tau clearance via the proteasome in cells and brain tissue, in contrast to wild type Hsc70 that stabilized Tau. Thus, DN-Hsc70 mimics the action of small molecule pan Hsp70 inhibitors with regard to Tau metabolism. This shift in Hsc70 function by a single point mutation was the result of a change in the chaperome associated with Hsc70 such that DN-Hsc70 associated more with Hsp90 and DnaJ proteins, whereas wild type Hsc70 was more associated with other Hsp70 isoforms. Thus, isoform-selective targeting of Hsc70 could be a viable therapeutic strategy for tauopathies and possibly lead to new insights in chaperone complex biology.  相似文献   
Conservatism in species interaction, meaning that related species tend to interact with similar partners, is an important feature of ecological interactions. Studies at community scale highlight variations in conservatism strength depending on the characteristics of the ecological interaction studied. However, the heterogeneity of datasets and methods used prevent to compare results between mutualistic and antagonistic networks. Here we perform such a comparison by taking plant–insect communities as a study case, with data on plant–herbivore and plant–pollinator networks. Our analysis reveals that plants acting as resources for herbivores exhibit the strongest conservatism in species interaction among the four interacting groups. Conservatism levels are similar for insect pollinators, insect herbivores and plants as interacting partners of pollinators, although insect pollinators tend to have a slightly higher conservatism than the two others. Our results thus clearly support the current view that within antagonistic networks, conservatism is stronger for species as resources than for species as consumer. Although the pattern tends to be opposite for plant–pollinator networks, our results suggest that asymmetry in conservatism is much less pronounced between the pollinators and the plant they interact with. We discuss these differences in conservatism strength in relation with the processes structuring plant–insect communities.  相似文献   
Potassium (K) is one of the major nutrients that is essential for plant growth and development. The majority of cellular K+ resides in the vacuole and tonoplast K+ channels of the TPK (Two Pore K) family are main players in cellular K+ homeostasis. All TPK channels were previously reported to be expressed in the tonoplast of the large central lytic vacuole (LV) except for one isoform in Arabidopsis that resides in the plasma membrane. However, plant cells often contain more than one type of vacuole that coexist in the same cell. We recently showed that two TPK isoforms (OsTPKa and OsTPKb) from Oryza sativa localize to different vacuoles with OsTPKa predominantly found in the LV tonoplast and OsTPKb primarily in smaller compartments that resemble small vacuoles (SVs). Our study further revealed that it is the C-terminal domain that determines differential targeting of OsTPKa and OsTPKb. Three C-terminal amino acids were particularly relevant for targeting TPKs to their respective endomembranes. In this addendum we further evaluate how the different localization of TPKa and TPKb impact on their physiological role and how TPKs provide a potential tool to study the physiology of different types of vacuole.Key words: TPK channels, small vacuoles, vacuolar targeting, potassiumThe roles of plant vacuolar K+ channels are diverse and include potassium homeostasis, turgor regulation and responses to abiotic stress. Vacuolar K+-selective channels belong to two-pore K+ (TPK) channel families which have been found in genomes of many plant species such as Arabidopsis, poplar, Physcomitrella, Eucalyptus, barley, potato, rice and tobacco (Fig. 1). TPKs have structural similarity to mammalian “tandem P domain” channels with a secondary structure that contains four transmembrane domains and two pore regions (Fig. 2).15 TPK channels have pore regions with a GYGD signature that endows K+ selectivity and a variable number of Ca2+ binding EF domains in the C terminus.38 One of the best characterized members of the TPK family is AtTPK1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. AtTPK1 activity is voltage independent but sensitive to cytosolic Ca2+, cytosolic pH and N-terminal phosphorylation by 14-3-3 proteins.5,6,8,9 In Arabidopsis, AtTPK1 expresses in the large lytic vacuole (LV) and plays roles in cellular K+ homeostasis, K+-release during stomatal closure and seed germination.4,5 Other members of the Arabidopsis TPK family (AtTPK2, AtTPK3, AtTPK5) have been shown to localize to the LV but also showed some expression in smaller, vesicle-like, compartments.4 However, none of these isoforms appears to form functional channels in planta although our experiments with heterologous expression of AtTPK3 and AtTPK5 in the K+ uptake deficient E. coli LB2003 demonstrates complementation of bacterial growth phenotype (Isayenkov S, et al. unpublished results). Equally intriguing, is the plasma membrane localization of the Arabidopsis TPK4 isoform, in spite of its sequence being very similar to that of other TPKs.10Open in a separate windowFigure 1Phylogenetic tree of plant TPKs. The three main clusters of TPKs comprise: Cluster 1 with AtTPK1-like channels; Cluster 2 with AtTPK3/TPK5-like channels; Cluster 3 with barley HvTPKb. Bootstrap analysis was performed using ‘Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, MEGA4’ software available at www.megasoftware.net/mega4/megaOpen in a separate windowFigure 2Two-pore potassium channel secondary structure. TPK channels comprise four transmembrane domains (1–4) and two pore regions (P) per subunit. Functional channels are formed from two subunits. In most TPKs, both P regions contain a K+ selectivity signature, GYGD. However, the tobacco NtTPKa isoform has different motifs in the second P domain. In the N terminal region, TPKs have a 14-3-3 binding domain that impact on channel activity, with the binding of 14-3-3 protein leading to channel activation. C-termini of TPKs show a varying number of putative Ca2+ binding “EF hands” which may vary from zero to two.  相似文献   
Historically, small proteins (sproteins) of less than 50 amino acids, in their final processed forms or genetically encoded as such, have been understudied. However, both serendipity and more recent focused efforts have led to the identification of a number of new sproteins in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Increasing evidence demonstrates that sproteins participate in a wide array of cellular processes and exhibit great diversity in their mechanisms of action, yet general principles of sprotein function are emerging. This review highlights examples of sproteins that participate in cell signaling, act as antibiotics and toxins, and serve as structural proteins. We also describe roles for sproteins in detecting and altering membrane features, acting as chaperones, and regulating the functions of larger proteins.  相似文献   
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