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We have investigated patterns of evolution in the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome in mice by comparing levels of polymorphism within Mus domesticus with levels of divergence between M. domesticus and M. spretus. A 1,277-bp fragment of noncoding sequence flanking the sex determining locus (Sry) was PCR amplified, and 1,063 bases were sequenced and compared among 20 M. domesticus and 1 M. spretus. Two polymorphic base substitutions and two polymorphic insertion/deletion sites were identified within M. domesticus; nucleotide diversity was estimated to be 0.1%. Divergence between M. domesticus and M. spretus for this region (1.9%) was slightly lower than the average divergence of single-copy nuclear DNA for these species. Comparison of levels of polymorphism and divergence at Sry with levels of polymorphism and divergence in the mitochondrial DNA control region provided no evidence of a departure from the expectations of neutral molecular evolution. These findings are consistent with the presumed lack of function for much of the Y chromosome.   相似文献   
The glucocorticoid receptor gene is in 5q31-q32 [corrected   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
U Francke  B E Foellmer 《Genomics》1989,4(4):610-612
It has recently been suggested that observed levels of variation at microsatellite loci can be used to infer patterns of selection in genomes and to assess demographic history. In order to evaluate the feasibility of these suggestions it is necessary to know something about how levels of variation at microsatellite loci are expected to fluctuate due simply to stochasticity in the processes of mutation and inheritance (genetic sampling). Here we use recently derived properties of the stepwise mutation model to place confidence intervals around the variance in repeat score that is expected at mutation-drift equilibrium and outline a statistical test for whether an observed value differs significantly from expectation. We also develop confidence intervals for the time course of the buildup of variation following a complete elimination of variation, such as might be caused by a selective sweep or an extreme population bottleneck. We apply these methods to the variation observed at human Y-specific microsatellites. Although a number of authors have suggested the possibility of a very recent sweep, our analyses suggest that a sweep or extreme bottleneck is unlikely to have occurred anytime during the last approximately 74,000 years. To generate this result we use a recently estimated mutation rate for microsatellite loci of 5.6 x 10(-4) along with the variation observed at autosomal microsatellite loci to estimate the human effective population size. This estimate is 18,000, implying an effective number of 4,500 Y chromosomes. One important general conclusion to emerge from this study is that in order to reject mutation-drift equilibrium at a set of linked microsatellite loci it is necessary to have an unreasonably large number of loci unless the observed variance is far below that expected at mutation-drift equilibrium.   相似文献   


Genetic and disease-related factors give rise to a wide spectrum of glucocorticoid (GC) sensitivity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In clinical practice, GC treatment is not adapted to these differences in GC sensitivity. In vitro assessment of GC sensitivity before the start of therapy could allow more individualized GC therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between in vitro and in vivo GC sensitivity in RA.


Thirty-eight early and 37 established RA patients were prospectively studied. In vitro GC sensitivity was assessed with dexamethasone-induced effects on interleukin-2 (IL-2) and glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) messenger RNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). A whole-cell dexamethasone-binding assay was used to measure number and affinity (1/KD) of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs).In vivo GC sensitivity was determined by measuring the disease activity score (DAS) and health assessment questionnaire disability index (HAQ-DI) score before and after 2 weeks of standardized GC treatment.


GR number was positively correlated with improvement in DAS. IL-2-EC50 and GILZ-EC50 values both had weak near-significant correlations with clinical improvement in DAS in intramuscularly treated patients only. HAQ responders had lower GILZ-EC50 values and higher GR number and KD.


Baseline cellular in vitro glucocorticoid sensitivity is modestly associated with in vivo improvement in DAS and HAQ-DI score after GC bridging therapy in RA. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether in vitro GC sensitivity may support the development of tailor-made GC therapy in RA.  相似文献   
In cultures of xenopus myotomal muscle cells and spinal cord (SC) some of the nerve-muscle contacts exhibit a high density of acetylcholine receptors (AchRs [Anderson et al., 1977, J. Physiol. (Lond.). 268:731- 756,757-773]) and synaptic ultrastructure (Weldon and Cohen, 1979, J. Neurocytol. 8:239-259). We have examined whether similarly specialized contacts are established when the muscle cells are cultured with explants of xenopus dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or sympathetic ganglia (SG). The outgrowth from the ganglionic explants contained neuronal and non- neuronal cell processes. Although both types of processes approached within 100 A of muscle cells, synaptic ultrastructure was rarely observed at these contacts. Because patches of postsynaptic ultrastructure also develop on noncontacted muscle cells, the very few examples of contacts with such specializations probably occurred by chance. AChRs were stained with fluroscent α-bungarotoxin. More than 70 percent of the SC-contacted muscle cells exhibited a high receptor density along the path of contact. The corresponding values for DRG- and SG- contacted muscle cells were 10 and 6 percent. Similar values were obtained when the ganlionic and SC explants were cultured together in the same chamber. The few examples of high receptor density at ganglionic-muscle contacts resembled the characteristic receptor patches of noncontacted muscle cells rather than the narrow bands of high receptor density seen at SC-muscle contacts. In addition, more than 90 percent of these ganglionic- contacted muscle cells had receptor patches elsewhere, compared to less than 40 percent for the SC-contacted muscle cells. These findings indicate that the SC neurites possess a specific property which is important for the establishment of synaptically specialized contacts with muscle and that this property is lacking in the DRG and SG neurites.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have emerged as important targets for cancer treatment. HDAC-inhibitors (HDACis) are well tolerated in patients and have been approved for the treatment of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). To improve the clinical benefit of HDACis in solid tumors, combination strategies with HDACis could be employed. In this study, we applied Analysis of Functional Annotation (AFA) to provide a comprehensive list of genes and pathways affected upon HDACi-treatment in prostate cancer cells. This approach provides an unbiased and objective approach to high throughput data mining. By performing AFA on gene expression data from prostate cancer cell lines DU-145 (an HDACi-sensitive cell line) and PC3 (a relatively HDACi-resistant cell line) treated with HDACis valproic acid or vorinostat, we identified biological processes that are affected by HDACis and are therefore potential treatment targets for combination therapy. Our analysis revealed that HDAC-inhibition resulted among others in upregulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes and deregulation of the mitotic spindle checkpoint by downregulation of genes involved in mitosis. These findings were confirmed by AFA on publicly available data sets from HDACi-treated prostate cancer cells. In total, we analyzed 375 microarrays with HDACi treated and non-treated (control) prostate cancer cells. All results from this extensive analysis are provided as an online research source (available at the journal’s website and at http://luigimarchionni.org/HDACIs.html). By publishing this data, we aim to enhance our understanding of the cellular changes after HDAC-inhibition, and to identify novel potential combination strategies with HDACis for the treatment of prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   


Epigenetic reprogramming is critical for genome regulation during germ line development. Genome-wide demethylation in mouse primordial germ cells (PGC) is a unique reprogramming event essential for erasing epigenetic memory and preventing the transmission of epimutations to the next generation. In addition to DNA demethylation, PGC are subject to a major reprogramming of histone marks, and many of these changes are concurrent with a cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase. There is limited information on how well conserved these events are in mammals. Here we report on the dynamic reprogramming of DNA methylation at CpGs of imprinted loci and DNA repeats, and the global changes in H3K27me3 and H3K9me2 in the developing germ line of the domestic pig.  相似文献   
A disulfide cross-linked collagenous fragment (7 S) has been isolated by pepsin solubilization from several tissues rich in basement membranes including bovine lung, human placenta, and the murine EHS tumor. Examination of this material by the rotary shadowing technique indicates that these fragments are similar to but not identical with the 7S collagen described recently [Risteli, J., B?chinger, H.P., Engel, J., Furthmayr, H., & Timpl, R. (1980) Eur. J. Biochem. 108, 239-250]. The central rodlike portion of the particles was found to be similar in length; however, the peripheral four arms of 7S particles from bovine and murine sources are 10 nm longer in comparison to those from human sources. In addition, about 5-7% of all the particles contain a fifth arm. Specific antibodies to bovine 7 S cross-react with murine 7 S but only to a rather limited extent with human 7 S. These antibodies react with antigenic sites located at the ends of the peripheral arms of the fragment as visualized directly with rotary shadowing techniques. The data are consistent with a structural difference in type IV collagens from bovine, human, and mouse which leads to pepsin cleavage at different sites in a particular noncollagenous region adjacent to 7 S. However, since bovine 7S antibodies cross-react with human and murine tissues by immunofluorescence despite the lack of complete serological cross-reactivity, it is suggested that type IV collagens from all three species have some degree of homology in this region.  相似文献   
We have applied a lactate efflux assay to human red cells at two temperatures and with initial lactic acid loads up to 8 mM, metabolically generated. Efflux was about 1.5 times faster at external pH of 8.5 than at 7.5; the latter was the standard pH used thereafter. Multiple lactate loads in a single blood specimen demonstrated clear evidence of saturation kinetics at both pH levels, since the efflux rate did not increase proportionally with the lactate load. Best-fitting rectangular hyperboles were determined for 129-131 assays from 43 volunteers at 20 degrees and 30 degrees. In most cases high and low lactate loads permitted a two-point evaluation of saturation kinetics, and a positive indication was obtained in 88 of 89 tests. The apparent efflux Km and Vm values may be influenced by pH as well as by lactate levels and cannot be taken as rigorous, although they agree reasonably well with literature data on influx and exchange velocities. The data displayed a Hill constant of 1, a 30 degrees/20 degrees velocity ratio of 2.7, and no significant clustering by sex or age. A single assay with initial lactate level above 5 mM at 30 degrees should be sufficient to identify cases with a defective transporter, using the 95% tolerance limits developed in this report.  相似文献   
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