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Anoxic conditions should hamper the transport of sugar in the phloem, as this is an active process. The canopy is a carbohydrate source and the roots are carbohydrate sinks. By fumigating the shoot with N2 or flooding the rhizosphere, anoxic conditions in the source or sink, respectively, were induced. Volume flow, velocity, conducting area and stationary water of the phloem were assessed by non‐invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) flowmetry. Carbohydrates and δ13C in leaves, roots and phloem saps were determined. Following flooding, volume flow and conducting area of the phloem declined and sugar concentrations in leaves and in phloem saps slightly increased. Oligosaccharides appeared in phloem saps and after 3 d, carbon transport was reduced to 77%. Additionally, the xylem flow declined and showed finally no daily rhythm. Anoxia of the shoot resulted within minutes in a reduction of volume flow, conductive area and sucrose in the phloem sap decreased. Sugar transport dropped to below 40% by the end of the N2 treatment. However, volume flow and phloem sap sugar tended to recover during the N2 treatment. Both anoxia treatments hampered sugar transport. The flow velocity remained about constant, although phloem sap sugar concentration changed during treatments. Apparently, stored starch was remobilized under anoxia.  相似文献   
One of the most conspicuous and widely analyzed patterns in ecology is the latitudinal gradient in species richness. Over the 200 years since its recognition, several hypotheses have accumulated in order to account for spatial variations in diversity. Geographic variations in seasonality have been repeatedly proposed as a determinant of community richness. However, the geographic structure of community seasonality has not yet been analyzed. In the present work we evaluated three hypotheses that account for variations in the temporal structuring of communities: first, environmental seasonality determines community seasonality; second, community richness determines its degree of structuring; and third, the presence of an increase in species segregation with latitude, reflected in a pattern of species negative co‐occurrence. The hypotheses were evaluated using path analysis on 29 amphibian communities from South America, connecting latitude, environmental conditions, diversity, seasonality, and coexistence structure – nestedness and negative co‐occurrence – within communities. Latitude positively affects community seasonality through an increase in temperature seasonality, but a weak negative direct effect suggests that other variables not considered in the model – such as the strength of biotic interactions – could also be involved. Both latitude and diversity (directly and indirectly) determine an increase in negative co‐occurrence and nestedness. This suggests that groups of species that are mutually nested in time are internally segregated. Further, the strength of this structure is determined by community diversity and latitude. Temporal structuring of a community is associated with latitude and diversity, pointing to the existence of a systematic change in community organization far beyond, but probably interrelated, with the recognized latitudinal trend in richness. The available information and analysis supported the three hypotheses evaluated.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are highly conserved small RNAs that act as translational regulators of gene expression, exerting their influence by selectively targeting mRNAs bearing complementary sequence elements. These RNAs function in diverse aspects of animal development and physiology. Because of an ability to act as rapid responders at the level of translation, miRNAs may also influence stress response. In this study, we show that the miR-8 family of miRNAs regulates osmoregulation in zebrafish embryos. Ionocytes, which are a specialized cell type scattered throughout the epidermis, are responsible for pH and ion homeostasis during early development before gill formation. The highly conserved miR-8 family is expressed in ionocytes and enables precise control of ion transport by modulating the expression of Nherf1, which is a regulator of apical trafficking of transmembrane ion transporters. Ultimately, disruption of miR-8 family member function leads to an inability to respond to osmotic stress and blocks the ability to properly traffic and/or cluster transmembrane glycoproteins at the apical surface of ionocytes.  相似文献   
Soil solarisation was consistently efficacious in reducing inoculum density to undetectable levels in a field naturally‐infested with Sclerotium cepivorum. This treatment delayed epidemic onset of white rot of garlic 2–3 months as compared with the untreated control or the inoculation of planting furrows with Glomus intraradices. Furthermore, significant reductions of disease incidence and of the standardised AUDPC were also observed in solarised plots, resulting in quantitative and qualitative yield improvement. Similar effects were observed in plots planted with tebuconazole‐treated cloves, confirming previous results, whereas Trichoderma harzianum was ineffective as a biocontrol agent, when applied to planting furrows. The inoculation of plots with G. intraradices before planting, in three consecutive years, was neither effective for disease control nor on the development of garlic, although the root systems of garlic plants from all the experimental treatments were heavily mycorrhizal at harvest, indicating the presence of native arbuscular mycorrhizal propagules in the soil and their survival after soil solarisation.  相似文献   
The molecular evolutionary signatures of miRNAs inform our understanding of their emergence, biogenesis, and function. The known signatures of miRNA evolution have derived mostly from the analysis of deeply conserved, canonical loci. In this study, we examine the impact of age, biogenesis pathway, and genomic arrangement on the evolutionary properties of Drosophila miRNAs. Crucial to the accuracy of our results was our curation of high-quality miRNA alignments, which included nearly 150 corrections to ortholog calls and nucleotide sequences of the global 12-way Drosophilid alignments currently available. Using these data, we studied primary sequence conservation, normalized free-energy values, and types of structure-preserving substitutions. We expand upon common miRNA evolutionary patterns that reflect fundamental features of miRNAs that are under functional selection. We observe that melanogaster-subgroup-specific miRNAs, although recently emerged and rapidly evolving, nonetheless exhibit evolutionary signatures that are similar to well-conserved miRNAs and distinct from other structured noncoding RNAs and bulk conserved non-miRNA hairpins. This provides evidence that even young miRNAs may be selected for regulatory activities. More strikingly, we observe that mirtrons and clustered miRNAs both exhibit distinct evolutionary properties relative to solo, well-conserved miRNAs, even after controlling for sequence depth. These studies highlight the previously unappreciated impact of biogenesis strategy and genomic location on the evolutionary dynamics of miRNAs, and affirm that miRNAs do not evolve as a unitary class.  相似文献   
Forage shrub production in the Mediterranean region is frequently limited by soil water availability. To study plant responses to water deficit under such conditions is important for improving crop management and for selecting better yielding forage shrub species. Pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψpd), plant leaf area (PLA), leaf area per stem (LAs), leaf appearance rate (LAR1;), leaf senescence rate (LSR), individual leaf area (LA) and maximal leaf elongation rate (LER) were studied throughout the year for Medicago arborea (MA) and Medicago citrina (MC) under irrigated (control) and low rainfall field conditions, at the experimental field site of the University of the Balearic Islands in Spain. With irrigation, the highest LA and LER were observed in autumn and spring and the lowest in winter and summer. LAR; was similar for both species in autumn and winter. Throughout the spring, LAR1 was higher for MC compared to MA. PLA was similar for both species during the autumn, winter and spring seasons; however, during the summer PLA of MA was significantly reduced by 53%. This decline was attributed to higher leaf senescence during seed maturity. As a consequence, MC maintained higher leaf area (∼ 5 m2 plant−1) than MA (3 m2 plant−1). Under natural field conditions, soil water deficit increased from February to late August. The main effect of water stress was a marked reduction in LAR1, LA and LER reflected in lower LAs and PLA. Leaf area was severely reduced for both species during the summer, but much more intensively in MA, which developed full leaf senescence. Thus, MC maintained higher PLA than MA (0.5 m2 compared to 0.0 m2). Throughout the year, but especially in the driest months, MC was superior to MA in leaf growth parameters and PLA.  相似文献   
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