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Colonies of sixty-five filamentous cyanobacteria were screened for the production of temperate phages and/or antibiotics on solid medium. None of them was observed to release phages. However, seven N2-fixing strains were found to produce antibiotics very active against other cyanobacteria. The antibiotic produced by Nostoc sp. 78-11 A-E represents a bacteriocin of low molecular weight. Nostoc sp. ATCC 29132 appears to secrete, together with an antibiotic, a protein that inhibits its action.  相似文献   
The rate of photosynthetic nitrate utilization in Anacystis nidulans is strongly influenced by the availability of carbon dioxide. This dependence can be relieved by inhibiting the metabolism of the ammonium derived from nitrate reduction. Nitrate uptake seems to be modulated through a sensitive regulatory system integrating the photosynthetic metabolism of carbon and nitrogen, with CO2 fixation products antagonizing the inhibitory effect of ammonium derivatives.  相似文献   
Extrinsic absorption changes exhibited by potentiometric dyes have established the ionic basis of the action potential in synchronously activated populations of nerve terminals in the intact neurohypophyses of amphibia and mammals (Salzberg et al., 1983; Obaid et al., 1983, 1985b). Also, large and rapid changes in light scattering, measured as transparency, have been shown to follow membrane depolarization and to be intimately associated with the release of neuropeptides from the nerve terminals of the mouse neurohypophysis (Salzberg et al., 1985; Gainer et al., 1986). We report some experiments that help to define the pharmacological profile of the calcium channels present in intact neurosecretory terminals of vertebrates. For these, we used the peptide toxin omega-conotoxin GVIA (1-5 microM) and the dihydropyridine compounds Bay-K 8644 and nifedipine (2-5 microM), together with the after-hyperpolarization of the nerve terminal action potential. This undershoot depends upon the activation of a calcium-mediated potassium channel, as suggested by its sensitivity to [Ca++]o and charybdotoxin. omega-conotoxin GVIA substantially reduced the after-hyperpolarization in neurosecretory terminals of Xenopus, while neither of the dihydropyridine compounds had any effect under conditions that mimic natural stimulation. The effects of these calcium channel modifiers on the action potential recorded optically from the terminals of the Xenopus neurohypophysis were faithfully reflected in the behavior of the light-scattering changes observed in the neurohypophysis of the CD-1 mouse. omega-conotoxin GVIA (5 microM) reduced the size of the intrinsic optical signal associated with secretion by 50%, while the dihydropyridines had little effect. These observations suggest that the type of calcium channel that dominates the secretory behavior of intact vertebrate nerve terminals is at least partially blocked by omega-conotoxin GVIA and is insensitive, under normal conditions, to dihydropyridines.  相似文献   
Extrachromosomal circular (ecc) DNA was isolated from mouse brain, liver, and heart tissues at different ages. To determine the abundance of repetitive sequences in eccDNAs, preparations were probed for short-interspersed (B1 and B2), long-interspersed (L1), endogenous retroviral-like (IAP), and tandemly repeated satellite sequences (SAT) of the mouse genome. Together these sequence families comprise approximately 15% of the mouse genome. The hybridization results showed that each tissue had a characteristic pattern of repetitive sequence elements in eccDNAs, and the abundance of repetitive sequences changed as a function of age. Repetitive sequences decreased in liver and brain eccDNAs from 1 month to 8 months of age but appeared to remain stable thereafter. In contrast, repetitive sequence families in heart eccDNAs were constant from 1 month to 16 months of age but declined in 24-month-old mice. The present studies indicate that extrachromosomal sequences exhibit greater flexibility than chromosomal sequences.  相似文献   
Peripheral neuroepithelioma of soft tissue is a malignant primitive neuroectodermal tumor that appears both in children and adults and usually has a poor outcome. Fine needle aspiration on two patients with tumors in the lower limbs showed small round cells with unipolar processes and a tendency to form Homer-Wright rosettes. The cells had a round to oval nucleus with fine chromatin, up to four small, conspicuous nucleoli and vacuolated, periodic acid-Schiff-positive cytoplasm. The diagnosis was supported by electron microscopic study of the aspirate, which showed features of neuroblastic differentiation (i.e., neurosecretory granules), and by histologic, immunohistochemical and cytogenetic study of the resected tumors.  相似文献   
Northern blot hybridizations with a probe complementary to a 275-nt circular RNA isolated from carnation plants revealed that this RNA co-exists in vivo with minor amounts of other small circular RNAs. Sequencing of cDNA clones of nine RNA species demonstrated deletions and duplications of the predominant 275-nt RNA. Minor sequence heterogeneities were observed at the crossover sites. Deletions mapped to three arms of the cruciform structure of lowest free energy obtained previously for the parental 275-nt RNA, whereas repeats encompassed mostly regions of the arm where deletions were not found. Some of the deleted and duplicated regions corresponded to sequences forming part of the two hammerhead structures involved in the in vitro self-cleavage of the plus and minus strands of the 275-nt RNA. A copy choice model is proposed for the emergence of deletions and duplications, where the RNA polymerase with the nascent strand dissociates from the template at regions rich in secondary and possibly tertiary structures, and reinitiates synthesis at different upstream and downstream positions.  相似文献   
I Luque  E Flores    A Herrero 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(12):2862-2869
Summary— A review of the proteinaceous machinery involved in protein sorting pathways and protein folding and assembly in mitochondria and peroxisomes is presented. After considering the various sorting pathways and targeting signals of mitochondrial and peroxisomal proteins, we make a comparative dissection of the protein factors involved in: i) the stabilization of cytosolic precursor proteins in a translocation competent conformation; ii) the membrane import apparatus of mitochondria and peroxisomes; iii) the processing of mitochondrial precursor proteins, and the eventual processing of certain peroxisomal precursor, in the interior of the organelles; and iv) the requirement of molecular chaperones for appropriate folding and assembly of imported proteins in the matrix of both organelles. Those aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis that have developed rapidly during the last few years, such as the requirement of molecular chaperones, are stressed in order to stimulate further parallel investigations aimed to understand the origin, biochemistry, molecular biology and pathology of peroxisomes. In this regard, a brief review of findings from our group and others is presented in which the role of the F1-ATPase α-subunit is pointed out as a molecular chaperone of mitochondria and chloroplasts. In addition, data are presented that could question our previous indication that the immunoreactive protein found in the rat liver peroxisomes is due to the presence of the F1-ATPase α-subunit.  相似文献   
In many egg-laying reptiles, the incubation temperature of the egg determines the sex of the offspring, a process known as temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In TSD sex determination is an “all or none” process and intersexes are rarely formed. How is the external signal of temperature transduced into a genetic signal that determines gonadal sex and channels sexual development? Studies with the red-eared slider turtle have focused on the physiological, biochemical, and molecular cascades initiated by the temperature signal. Both male and female development are active processes—rather than the crganized/default system characteristic of vertebrates with genotypic sex determination—that require simultaneous activation and suppression of testis- and ovary-determining cascades for normal sex determination. It appears that temperature accomplishes this end by acting on genes encoaing for steroidogenic enzymes and steroid hormone receptors and modifying the endocrine microenvironment in the embryo. The temperature experienced in development also has long-term functional outcomes in addition to sex determination. Research with the leopard gecko indicates that incubation temperature as well as steroid hormones serve as organizers in shaping the adult phenotype, with temperature modulating sex hormone action in sexual differentiation. Finally, practical applications of this research have emerged for the conservation and restoration of endangered egg-laying reptiles as well as the embryonic development of reptiles as biomarkers to monitor the estrogenic effects of common environmental contaminants. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This study is the first report of an algal disease, developed in close association with an endophytic organism, documented for the southeastern Pacific. We describe a disease affecting wild populations of the red alga Iridaea laminarioides Bory in central Chile, characterized by gall development on the surface of sporophytic, cystocarpic, and immature thalli. These abnormal growths result in severe morphological alterations of the affected thalli. Diseased fronds display an aggregated spatial distribution and occur throughout the year, with a maximum in summer followed by a decline in winter. The presence of galls was not associated with broken or torn fronds. Although causality has not been unequivocally demonstrated, our field and laboratory observations indicate a strong association of the galls with infections by an endophytic cyanobacterium, probably belonging to the genus Pleurocapsa.  相似文献   
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