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Reproduction in seasonal environments is usually timed so peak demand for food by offspring coincides with peak availability. Hence, late breeders will encounter a scarcity of food. Since parasite populations grow during the reproductive season of their hosts, late reproducing animals will also face an increasing challenge by parasites. We hypothesised that seasonal decrease in food availability and seasonal increase in parasite abundance will cause a trade-off between growth and immune function. This prediction was tested in nestling barn swallows ( Hirundo rustica ) from first and second broods. Nestlings from second broods mounted stronger T cell mediated immune responses to a challenge with a novel antigen, but had lower rates of mass gain, than nestlings from first broods, consistent with the prediction. Broods in which at least one nestling died had lower levels of T cell mediated immune response, but not lower rates of mass gain, than broods without mortality, suggesting that brood reduction is mediated through an inability of offspring to defend themselves against parasites rather than an inability to grow. Possible mechanisms include scarcity of specific nutrients needed for immune responses, and/or parasites being concentrated on a single or few nestlings.  相似文献   
Parasites are globally widespread pathogenic organisms, which impose important selective forces upon their hosts. Thus, in accordance with the Adjustment to parasite pressure hypothesis, it is expected that defenses among hosts vary relative to the selective pressure imposed by parasites. According to the latitudinal gradient in diversity, species richness and abundance of parasites peak near the equator. The uropygial gland is an important defensive exocrine gland against pathogens in birds. Size of the uropygial gland has been proposed to vary among species of birds because of divergent selection by pathogens on their hosts. Therefore, we should expect that bird species from the tropics should have relatively larger uropygial glands for their body size than species from higher latitudes. However, this hypothesis has not yet been explored. Here, we analyze the size of the uropygial gland of 1719 individual birds belonging to 36 bird species from 3 Neotropical (Peru) and 3 temperate areas (Spain). Relative uropygial gland volume was 12.52% larger in bird species from the tropics than from temperate areas. This finding is consistent with the relative size of this defensive organ being driven by selective pressures imposed by parasites. We also explored the potential role of this gland as a means of avoiding haemosporidian infection, showing that species with large uropygial glands for their body size tend to have lower mean prevalence of haemosporidian infection, regardless of their geographical origin. This result provides additional support for the assumption that secretions from the uropygial gland reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with haemosporidians.  相似文献   
The dynamism of microbial populations in the rumen has been studied with molecular methods that analyze single nucleotide polymorphisms of ribosomal RNA gene fragments (rDNA). Therefore DNA of good quality is needed for this kind of analysis. In this work we report the evaluation of four DNA extraction protocols (mechanical lysis or chemical lysis with CTAB, ethylxanthogenate or DNAzol®) from ruminal fluid. The suitability of two of these protocols (mechanical lysis and DNAzol®) was tested on single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of rDNA of rumen microbial populations. DNAzol® was a simple method that rendered good integrity, yield and purity. With this method, subtle changes in protozoan populations were detected in young bulls fed with slightly different formulations of a supplement of multinutritional blocks of molasses and urea. Sequences related to Eudiplodinium maggi and a non-cultured Entodiniomorphid similar to Entodinium caudatum, were related to major fluctuating populations in an SSCP assay.  相似文献   
Experimental incapacity to track microbe–microbe interactions in structures like biofilms, and the complexity inherent to the mathematical modelling of those interactions, raises the need for feasible, alternative modelling approaches. This work proposes an agent-based representation of the diffusion of N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHL) in a multicellular environment formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. Depending on the spatial location, C. albicans cells were variably exposed to AHLs, an observation that might help explain why phenotypic switching of individual cells in biofilms occurred at different time points. The simulation and algebraic results were similar for simpler scenarios, although some statistical differences could be observed (p?<?0.05). The model was also successfully applied to a more complex scenario representing a small multicellular environment containing C. albicans and P. aeruginosa cells encased in a 3-D matrix. Further development of this model may help create a predictive tool to depict biofilm heterogeneity at the single-cell level.  相似文献   
Carry-over effects take place when events occurring in one season influence individual performance in a subsequent season. Blood parasites (e.g. Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) have strong negative effects on the body condition of their hosts and could slow the rate of feather growth on the wintering grounds. In turn, these winter moult costs could reduce reproductive success in the following breeding season. In house martins Delichon urbica captured and studied at a breeding site in Europe, we used ptilochronology to measure growth rate of tail feathers moulted on the winter range in Africa, and assessed infection status of blood parasites transmitted on the wintering grounds. We found a negative association between haemosporidian parasite infection status and inferred growth rate of tail feathers. A low feather growth rate and blood parasite infections were related to a delay in laying date in their European breeding quarters. In addition, clutch size and the number of fledglings were negatively related to a delayed laying date and blood parasite infection. These results stress the importance of blood parasites and feather growth rate as potentially mechanisms driving carry-over effects to explain fitness differences in wild populations of migratory birds.  相似文献   
The last step of Leishmania intracellular life cycle is the egress of amastigotes from the host cell and their uptake by adjacent cells. Using multidimensional live imaging of long‐term‐infected macrophage cultures we observed that Leishmania amazonensis amastigotes were transferred from cell to cell when the donor host macrophage delivers warning signs of imminent apoptosis. They were extruded from the macrophage within zeiotic structures (membrane blebs, an apoptotic feature) rich in phagolysosomal membrane components. The extrusions containing amastigotes were selectively internalized by vicinal macrophages and the rescued amastigotes remain viable in recipient macrophages. Host cell apoptosis induced by micro‐irradiation of infected macrophage nuclei promoted amastigotes extrusion, which were rescued by non‐irradiated vicinal macrophages. Using amastigotes isolated from LAMP1/LAMP2 knockout fibroblasts, we observed that the presence of these lysosomal components on amastigotes increases interleukin 10 production. Enclosed within host cell membranes, amastigotes can be transferred from cell to cell without full exposure to the extracellular milieu, what represents an important strategy developed by the parasite to evade host immune system.  相似文献   
Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is associated with an increased rate of morbidity and mortality. It is not understood what the exact mechanism is for the brain dysfunction that occurs in septic patients, but brain inflammation and oxidative stress are a possible theory. Such events can occur through the alteration of molecules that perpetuate the inflammatory response. Thus, it is possible to postulate that CD40 may be involved in this process. The aim of this work is to evaluate the role of CD40–CD40L pathway activation in brain dysfunction associated with sepsis in an animal model. Microglia activation induces the upregulation of CD40–CD40L, both in vitro and in vivo. The inhibition of microglia activation decreases levels of CD40–CD40L in the brain and decreases brain inflammation, oxidative damage and blood brain barrier dysfunction. Despite this, anti-CD40 treatment does not improve mortality in this model. However, it is able to improve long-term cognitive impairment in sepsis survivors. In conclusion, there is a major involvement of the CD40–CD40L signaling pathway in long-term brain dysfunction in an animal model of sepsis.  相似文献   
During moult, stressors such as malaria and related haemosporidian parasites (e.g. Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) could affect the growth rate and quality of feathers, which in turn may compromise future reproduction and survival. Recent advances in molecular methods to study parasites have revealed that co‐infections with multiple parasites are frequent in bird–malaria parasite systems. However, there is no study of the consequences of co‐infections on the moult of birds. In house martins Delichon urbica captured and studied at a breeding site in Europe during 11 yr, we measured the quality and the growth rate of tail feathers moulted in the African winter quarters in parallel with the infection status of blood parasites that are also transmitted on the wintering ground. Here we tested if the infection with two haemosporidian parasite lineages has more negative effects than a single lineage infection. We found that birds with haemosporidian infection had lower body condition. We also found that birds co‐infected with two haemosporidian lineages had the lowest inferred growth rate of their tail feathers as compared with uninfected and single infected individuals, but co‐infections had no effect on feather quality. In addition, feather quality was negatively correlated with feather growth rate, suggesting that these two traits are traded‐off against each other. We encourage the study of haemosporidian parasite infection as potential mechanism driving this trade‐off in wild populations of birds.  相似文献   


Expression profiling assays done by using DNA microarray technology generate enormous data sets that are not amenable to simple analysis. The greatest challenge in maximizing the use of this huge amount of data is to develop algorithms to interpret and interconnect results from different genes under different conditions. In this context, fuzzy logic can provide a systematic and unbiased way to both (i) find biologically significant insights relating to meaningful genes, thereby removing the need for expert knowledge in preliminary steps of microarray data analyses and (ii) reduce the cost and complexity of later applied machine learning techniques being able to achieve interpretable models.  相似文献   
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