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Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is associated with an increased rate of morbidity and mortality. It is not understood what the exact mechanism is for the brain dysfunction that occurs in septic patients, but brain inflammation and oxidative stress are a possible theory. Such events can occur through the alteration of molecules that perpetuate the inflammatory response. Thus, it is possible to postulate that CD40 may be involved in this process. The aim of this work is to evaluate the role of CD40–CD40L pathway activation in brain dysfunction associated with sepsis in an animal model. Microglia activation induces the upregulation of CD40–CD40L, both in vitro and in vivo. The inhibition of microglia activation decreases levels of CD40–CD40L in the brain and decreases brain inflammation, oxidative damage and blood brain barrier dysfunction. Despite this, anti-CD40 treatment does not improve mortality in this model. However, it is able to improve long-term cognitive impairment in sepsis survivors. In conclusion, there is a major involvement of the CD40–CD40L signaling pathway in long-term brain dysfunction in an animal model of sepsis.  相似文献   


Expression profiling assays done by using DNA microarray technology generate enormous data sets that are not amenable to simple analysis. The greatest challenge in maximizing the use of this huge amount of data is to develop algorithms to interpret and interconnect results from different genes under different conditions. In this context, fuzzy logic can provide a systematic and unbiased way to both (i) find biologically significant insights relating to meaningful genes, thereby removing the need for expert knowledge in preliminary steps of microarray data analyses and (ii) reduce the cost and complexity of later applied machine learning techniques being able to achieve interpretable models.  相似文献   
A glycoprotein preparation containing 70% carbohydrates and 30% proteins was isolated from the mycelium of two strains of Aspergillus flavus and fractionated by ConA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. An immunodominant 35-kDa antigen was detected in a ConA-bound fraction (B fraction). It contained mannose and galactose in a 1.4:1.0 ratio. This antigen seems to be able to elicit an antibody response in patients with aspergillosis and in rabbits immunized with A. flavus whole cells. The carbohydrate units of the BF fraction appeared to be responsible for the antigenicity, since treatment with periodate removed most of the antibody binding capacity. RID= ID= <E5>Correspondence to: </E5>E. Barreto-Bergter; <E5>email:</E5> eliana.bergter&commat;micro.ufrj.br Received: 16 August 2002 / Accepted: 24 October 2002  相似文献   
Parietariajudaica L. (Urticaceae) pollen is considered one of the most common causes of allergic respiratory symptoms in the Mediterranean area. The localization of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) in P. judaica mature and hydrated-activated pollen grains was investigated applying a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with immunocytochemical methods. Our results show that the content of LTPs in P. judaica pollen grains changes during the process of hydration. The localization of judaica LTPs in the cytoplasm and in the lipid bodies associated with vacuoles demonstrated that LTPs represent primarily intracellular proteins. On the other hand, exposure of the pollen grains to germination medium induced the release of LTPs from the pollen grain. Thus, LTPs are cytoplasmic proteins that are secreted to become available for pollen-stigma interactions and probably induce the IgE antibody responses in allergic patients.  相似文献   
The evolution of reliable signaling can be explained by the handicap principle, which assumes that (1) the cost of a signal guarantees its reliability, and (2) cheating is prevented because the cost of a unit of display is greater for low-quality than for high-quality individuals. A test of these two assumptions was performed using manipulations of the length of the outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference. We found that survival decreased with tail elongation and increased with tail shortening of males, supporting the assumption that the secondary sexual character is costly. Naturally long-tailed males were better able to survive with an elongated tail, whereas naturally short-tailed males improved their survival following tail shortening. This observation supports the second assumption of a differential cost of a signal. One mechanism imposing differential costs on sexually signaling barn swallows is foraging. Males with elongated tails captured smaller, less profitable Diptera, whereas males with shortened tails captured large, profitable prey items. The conditions for reliable sexual signaling by the tail ornament of male barn swallows are thus fulfilled.  相似文献   
Energetic cost of tail streamers in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Different hypotheses stress the importance of natural or sexual selection to explain the evolution and maintenance of long outermost tail feathers in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). Since energy costs are predicted to arise from tail length manipulation, we measured the daily energy expenditure in three experimental groups (tail-shortened, tail-elongated, and control birds) with the doubly labelled water technique. Though we did not directly measure flight cost, we assumed this to be positively related to daily energy expenditure. Mass independent daily energy expenditure (kJ/mass0.67 day) average daily metabolic rate (ml CO2/g h), and water flux (ml H2O/g day) did not show any significant difference among treatments in either sex. Males had higher values than females for the three parameters. Males with short original tail length experienced a higher water flux than originally long-tailed males. Females that laid more eggs during the breeding season or had heavier broods also showed higher levels of water flux which could imply a higher food intake. Our expectation of finding energetic costs of manipulated tail length in barn swallows with an integrated measure of metabolism was not fulfilled, and we did not find evidence for behavioural changes in the birds involved in the experiment.  相似文献   
The outermost tail feathers in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)are the target of a strong directional female mate preference.The tail ornament is also expressed in females, since femaleshave considerably longer tails than juveniles, either due to(1) a strong genetic correlation between the characters in thetwo sexes, or (2) direct sexual selection on females. To discriminatebetween these two hypotheses, we manipulated the length of theoutermost tail feathers in female barn swallows shortly afterarrival by either shortening or elongating the outermost tailfeathers, or maintaining their length among control individuals.Start of laying of the first clutch, reproductive performance,or provisioning of offspring did not show any significant differencesamong treatments. Original female tail length before manipulationwas unrelated to reproductive performance, while male tail lengthexplained some variation in the number of clutches and, to someextent, the total number of eggs laid per year. Females withlonger tails arrived earlier at the breeding grounds. Manipulatedfemale tail length was positively correlated to the tail lengthof their mates. Our results support the correlated responsehypothesis but do not support the sexual selection explanationfor the existence of exaggerated tail feathers in female barnswallows.  相似文献   
Mycopathologia - Cryptococcosis by Cryptococcus gattii occurs mainly in immunocompetent hosts, however, during the last decades, a growing number of cases in immunocompromised individuals have been...  相似文献   
Blood parasites such as malaria and related haemosporidians commonly infect vertebrate species including birds. Understanding age‐specific patterns of parasite infections is crucial for quantifying the fitness consequences of parasitism for hosts and for understanding parasite transmission dynamics. We analyzed longitudinal and cross‐sectional infection data in house martins Delichon urbica, a migratory bird suffering from intense haemosporidian infection. We separated within‐ from among‐individual effects of age on prevalence. Our results showed that the probability of blood parasite infection increased as individual house martins aged. We also showed that the prevalence of infection decreased with age at last reproduction when controlling for age, showing a selective disappearance of infected birds from the population (i.e. selection). The estimated effect of age on prevalence was underestimated two‐ to three‐fold if not accounting for such selection. This study highlights the importance of taking among‐individual heterogeneity in the capacity to fight a disease into account because such heterogeneity can mask age‐related patterns of infection. These findings emphasize the relevance of considering within‐ and among‐individual patterns of infection in order to understand parasite‐induced mortality and the potential for parasite transmission.  相似文献   
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