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Glutathionylation of cysteine 46 of the β1 subunit of the Na(+)-K(+) pump causes pump inhibition. However, the crystal structure, known in a state analogous to an E2·2K(+)·P(i) configuration, indicates that the side chain of cysteine 46 is exposed to the lipid bulk phase of the membrane and not expected to be accessible to the cytosolic glutathione. We have examined whether glutathionylation depends on the conformational changes in the Na(+)-K(+) pump cycle as described by the Albers-Post scheme. We measured β1 subunit glutathionylation and function of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in membrane fragments and in ventricular myocytes. Signals for glutathionylation in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-enriched membrane fragments suspended in solutions that preferentially induce E1ATP and E1Na(3) conformations were much larger than signals in solutions that induce the E2 conformation. Ouabain further reduced glutathionylation in E2 and eliminated an increase seen with exposure to the oxidant peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)). Inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity after exposure to ONOO(-) was greater when the enzyme had been in the E1Na(3) than the E2 conformation. We exposed myocytes to different extracellular K(+) concentrations to vary the membrane potential and hence voltage-dependent conformational poise. K(+) concentrations expected to shift the poise toward E2 species reduced glutathionylation, and ouabain eliminated a ONOO(-)-induced increase. Angiotensin II-induced NADPH oxidase-dependent Na(+)-K(+) pump inhibition was eliminated by conditions expected to shift the poise toward the E2 species. We conclude that susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na(+)-K(+) pump.  相似文献   
The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from Escherichia coli is composed of 13 subunits called NuoA through NuoN and contains one FMN and 9 iron-sulfur clusters as redox groups. Electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone is coupled with the translocation of protons across the membrane by a yet unknown mechanism. Redox-induced Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy showed that the oxidation of iron-sulfur cluster N2 located on NuoB is accompanied by the protonation of acidic amino acid(s). Here, we describe the effect of mutating the conserved acidic amino acids on NuoB. The complex was assembled in all mutants but the electron transfer activity was completely abolished in the mutants E67Q, D77N, and D94N. The complex isolated from these mutants contained N2 although in diminished amounts. The protonation of acidic amino acid(s) coupled with the oxidation of N2 was not detectable in the complex from the mutant E67Q. However, the conservative mutations E67D and D77E did not disturb the enzymatic activity, and the signals because of the protonation of acidic amino acid(s) were detectable in the E67D mutant. We discuss the possible participation of Glu(67) in a proton pathway coupled with the redox reaction of N2.  相似文献   
We have evaluated if ultrasound imaging (US) and various commercially available contrast microbubbles can serve as a non-invasive systemically administered delivery vehicle for site-specific adenoviral-mediated gene transfer in vitro and in vivo. The contrast agents were tested for their ability to enclose and to protect an adenoviral vector carrying the GFP marker gene (Ad-GFP) into the microbubbles. We have also evaluated the ability of the innate immune system to inactivate free adenoviruses as well as unenclosed viruses adsorbed on the surface of the contrast agents and in turn the ability of the microbubbles to enclose and to protect the viral vectors from such agents. In vitro as well as in vivo, innate components of the immune system were able to serve as inactivating agents to clear free viral particles and unenclosed adenoviruses adsorbed on the microbubbles' surface. Systemic delivery of Ad-GFP enclosed into microbubbles in the tail vein of nude mice resulted in specific targeting of the GFP transgene. Both fluorescence microscopy and GFP immunohistochemistry demonstrated US guided specific transduction in the targeted cells only, with no uptake in either heart, lungs or liver using complement-pretreated Ad-GFP microbubbles. This approach enhances target specificity of US microbubble destruction as a delivery vehicle for viral-mediated gene transfer.  相似文献   
Our aim was to measure whole body energy expenditure after a mixed liquid meal, with and without simultaneous propranolol infusion, in patients with cirrhosis. We also wanted to investigate the effect of propranolol on substrate fluxes and oxygen uptake in the tissues drained by the hepatic vein and azygos vein in the postprandial period in these patients. Whole-body oxygen uptake, hepatic blood flow, hepatic venous pressure gradient and net-hepatic fluxes of oxygen, lactate, glucose, glycerol, and free fatty acids (FFA) were measured in 12 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis before and for 2 h after ingestion of a mixed liquid meal (700 kcal). Half of the patients (n = 6) were randomized to a treatment group receiving intravenous infusion of propranolol in combination with the meal. The meal-induced energy expenditure was significantly lower in patients given propranolol [15.0 +/- 18.9 vs. 67.0 +/- 26.1 kJ/120 min (means +/- SD), P < 0.01]. Meal-induced whole body oxygen uptake was lower in patients receiving propranolol (19.2 +/- 38 vs. 135.7 +/- 61 mmol/120 min, P < 0.01), and the meal-induced increase in splanchnic oxygen uptake was nonexistent when propranolol was administered in combination (-13.2 +/- 34.8 vs. 110.4 +/- 34.8 mmol/120 min, P = 0.04). Postprandially, the propranolol group had a tendency toward a reduced splanchnic glucose output, and the FFA uptake was significantly reduced. Propranolol reduces meal-induced whole body oxygen uptake and energy expenditure as well as splanchnic oxygen uptake. The splanchnic reduction in oxygen consumption can explain almost the entire reduction in whole body oxygen consumption.  相似文献   
PYY3-36 is a biopharmaceutical antiobesity agent under development as well as an endogenous satiety hormone, which is generated by dipeptidyl peptidase-IV digestion of polypetide YY (PYY), and in contrast to the parent hormone, PYY is highly selective for the Y2 versus the Y1 receptor. NMR analysis revealed a highly ordered, back-folded structure for human PYY in aqueous solution similar to the classical PP-fold structure of pancreatic polypeptide. The NMR analysis of PYY3-36 also showed a folded structure resembling a PP-fold, which however was characterized by far fewer long distance NOEs than the PP-fold observed in the full-length peptide. This suggests that either a conformational change has occurred in the N-terminal segment of PYY3-36 or that this segments is characterized by larger dynamics. The study supports the notion that the PP-fold is crucial for establishing simultaneous interactions with two subsites in the receptor for binding of, respectively, the N- and C-terminal ends of PYY. The Y2 receptor only requires recognition of the C-terminal segment of the molecule as displayed by the Y2 selective PYY3-36.  相似文献   
Plio‐Pleistocene climate change may have induced geographic heterogeneity in plant species richness–environment relationships in Europe due to greater in situ species survival and speciation rates in southern Europe. We formulate distinct hypotheses on how Plio‐Pleistocene climate change may have affected richness–topographic heterogeneity and richness–water‐energy availability relationships, causing steeper relationships in southern Europe. We investigated these hypotheses using data from Atlas Florae Europaeae on the distribution of 3069 species and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Our analyses showed that plant species richness generally increased with topographic heterogeneity (ln‐transformed altitudinal range) and actual evapotranspiration (AET). We also found evidence for strong geographic heterogeneity in the species richness–environment relationship, with a greater increase in species richness with increasing topographic heterogeneity in southern Europe (mean standardized local slope 0.610±0.245 SD in southern Europe, but only 0.270±0.175 SD in northern Europe). However, the local AET slopes were, at most, weakly different between the two regions, and their pattern did not conform to predictions, as there was a band of high local slopes across southern‐central northern Europe. This band broadly matches the transition between the temperate and boreal zones and may simply reflect the fact that few species tolerate the boreal climate. We discuss the potential explanations for the contrasting findings for the two richness–environment relationships. In conclusion, we find support for the idea that Plio‐Pleistocene climate change may sometimes affect current species richness–environment relationships via its effects on regional species pools. However, further studies integrating information on species ages and clade differentiation rates will be needed to substantiate this interpretation. On a general level, our results indicate that although strong richness–environment relationships are often found in macroecological studies, these can be contingent upon the historical constraints on the species pool.  相似文献   
How bacterial feeding fauna affects colonization and survival of bacteria in soil is not well understood, which constrains the applicability of bacterial inoculants in agriculture. This study aimed to unravel how food quality of bacteria and bacterial feeders with different feeding habits (the selective feeding flagellate Cercomonas longicauda versus the non-selective feeding nematode Caenorhabditis elegans) influence the abundance of two bacteria that compete for resources in simple model communities. Microcosms consisted of either one gfp-tagged bacterial strain (Pseudomonas fluorescens DSM50090 or one of two biocontrol strains P. fluorescens CHA0 or Pseudomonas sp. DSS73) or combinations of two bacterial strains. DSM50090 is a suitable food bacterium, DSS73 is of intermediate food quality, and CHA0 is inedible to the bacterial feeders. Bacterial and protozoan cell numbers were measured by flow cytometry. In the presence of flagellates, CHA0 increased its abundance as compared to the other biocontrol strain DSS73 or to DSM50090, which were both eaten by the flagellates. In contrast, the number of CHA0 declined as compared to DSS73 when the model community was subjected to nematode predation pressure. Hence, the results suggested that the outcome of competition among bacteria depended on their ability to cope with the prevailing bacterial predator.  相似文献   
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