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Hepatitis C virus subtype 3a is a highly prevalent and globally distributed strain that is often associated with infection via injection drug use. This subtype exhibits particular phenotypic characteristics. In spite of this, detailed genetic analysis of this subtype has rarely been performed. We performed full-length viral sequence analysis in 18 patients with chronic HCV subtype 3a infection and assessed genomic viral variability in comparison to other HCV subtypes. Two novel regions of intragenotypic hypervariability within the envelope protein E2, of HCV genotype 3a, were identified. We named these regions HVR495 and HVR575. They consisted of flanking conserved hydrophobic amino acids and central variable residues. A 5-amino-acid insertion found only in genotype 3a and a putative glycosylation site is contained within HVR575. Evolutionary analysis of E2 showed that positively selected sites within genotype 3a infection were largely restricted to HVR1, HVR495, and HVR575. Further analysis of clonal viral populations within single hosts showed that viral variation within HVR495 and HVR575 were subject to intrahost positive selecting forces. Longitudinal analysis of four patients with acute HCV subtype 3a infection sampled at multiple time points showed that positively selected mutations within HVR495 and HVR575 arose early during primary infection. HVR495 and HVR575 were not present in HCV subtypes 1a, 1b, 2a, or 6a. Some variability that was not subject to positive selection was present in subtype 4a HVR575. Further defining the functional significance of these regions may have important implications for genotype 3a E2 virus-receptor interactions and for vaccine studies that aim to induce cross-reactive anti-E2 antibodies.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major global health issue leading to persistent viral infection in the majority of those infected and is associated with progressive liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Six major genotypes of HCV have been described that have evolved in geographically distinct regions and that share approximately. 80% nucleotide homology with one another. HCV viral genotypes have been further classified into subtypes (25). HCV subtype 3a infection is now the most common subtype in the United Kingdom (11), although it is globally distributed and frequently associated with intravenous drug use.The classification of HCV viral strains by genotype and subtype has proven informative not only in terms of the epidemic and evolutionary history of the virus but also in terms of clinical outcomes. In particular, the response rates to current gold standard therapy (9) and the prevalence of hepatic steatosis (20) are significantly higher for subtype 3a than for genotype 1 infections. The reasons for this are not understood but must relate to viral genetic and phenotypic differences between strains, or to differences in the ability of hosts to exert an effective immune response against particular viral sequences, or to a combination of both factors.To date, detailed assessment of the HCV genome has largely focused on HCV genotype 1. Indeed, only a few full-length HCV subtype 3a viral sequences are currently published and available within the major HCV databases (Los Alamos; http://hcv.lanl.gov/components/hcv-db/combined_search/searchi.html and euHCVdb; http://euhcvdb.ibcp.fr/euHCVdb/) (16).To characterize HCV subtype 3a in detail, we performed whole-genome analysis of a cohort of patients with persistent HCV subtype 3a infection. We subsequently focus on the highly variable regions observed in the envelope protein E2 in both acute and chronic infection, since it was apparent that these regions were not restricted to the well-documented hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) that is found at the 5′ end of E2 in all HCV genotypes.Viral genomic variability can be assessed at a number of different levels; first, intergenotypic variability may arise in genomic regions that are conserved within the same subtype but are distinct between subtypes. Second, there is intragenotypic variability, which may be defined as regions of viral variability within the same genotype or subtype. Finally, intrahost variability is where viral genomic variability occurs within the same viral subtype and also the same host when individual clonal sequences are assessed. Although intergenotypic variability may simply be a feature of the existence of geographically distinct HCV subtypes, intragenotypic and intrahost variability may reflect viral regions subject to specific selection pressures, with important functional implications.We observed two distinct regions of intrahost and intragenotypic hypervariability within genotype 3a envelope 2 (E2)—in addition to the previously described HVR1—that we have named HVR495 and HVR575. We show that these regions are subject to positive selection pressure, sometimes very early in acute infection. Although HVR575 has been previously recognized as a site of intergenotypic variation (18), the identification of this region as a hypervariable site within genotype 3a and as a site under early selection pressure leading to variability within the same host has not been previously described.  相似文献   
Invasive plant pathogens cause considerable forest loss worldwide. However, little is known about how tree populations recover post-invasion. In Western Australia, Phytophthora cinnamomi ‘dieback’ affects jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), with historical records of mass deaths in this keystone tree species due to infestation, resulting in permanent loss of standing forest. Historical observations of marri (Corymbia calophylla), a co-dominant keystone jarrah forest tree, suggest it is resistant to P. cinnamomi. Impacts of P. cinnamomi on the population dynamics of jarrah and marri are unknown. We recorded densities and stem diameters of jarrah and marri in a peri-urban forest to examine their population demographics in >60-year-old P. cinnamomi infestations compared with adjacent non-infested forest. While seedling (<0.5 cm stem diameter, ~ 2 –15 cm tall) densities were not significantly different, total tree densities were 43% (jarrah) and 48% (marri) lower for infested sites. Densities of jarrah 0.5–9 and 20–29 cm stem diameters were lower within infestations. Survival probabilities of jarrah seedlings were significantly greater in P. cinnamomi infestations, but those of mature jarrah were not different. While average marri stem density was 49% greater within infestations, densities of small marri (<20 cm stem diameter) were lower within infestations. Survival probabilities for marri seedlings were significantly decreased in infestations, while there was greater survival probability for mature marri within P. cinnamomi infestations. Our data suggest recruitment of jarrah and marri has likely reduced since P. cinnamomi invasion. This is the first documented impact on marri, which indicates that we have been overlooking the risk of decline due to P. cinnamomi for this species. We stress the need for continued management and highlight the necessity of planting seedlings ~6 months old, and assisting their survival with phosphite and fertilizers, to bolster local tree populations.  相似文献   
Several computational frameworks and workflows that recover genomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses from metagenomes exist. Yet, it is difficult for scientists with little bioinformatics experience to evaluate quality, annotate genes, dereplicate, assign taxonomy and calculate relative abundance and coverage of genomes belonging to different domains. MuDoGeR is a user-friendly tool tailored for those familiar with Unix command-line environment that makes it easy to recover genomes of prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses from metagenomes, either alone or in combination. We tested MuDoGeR using 24 individual-isolated genomes and 574 metagenomes, demonstrating the applicability for a few samples and high throughput. While MuDoGeR can recover eukaryotic viral sequences, its characterization is predominantly skewed towards bacterial and archaeal viruses, reflecting the field's current state. However, acting as a dynamic wrapper, the MuDoGeR is designed to constantly incorporate updates and integrate new tools, ensuring its ongoing relevance in the rapidly evolving field. MuDoGeR is open-source software available at https://github.com/mdsufz/MuDoGeR. Additionally, MuDoGeR is also available as a Singularity container.  相似文献   
Summary A pUB110-derived plasmid/Bacillus subtilis host combination was segregationally unstable when grown in chemostat culture with complex or minimal medium and under starch, glucose or magnesium limitation. The kinetics of plasmid loss were described in terms of the difference in growth rates between plasmid-containing and plasmid-free cells (d) and the rate at which plasmid-free cells were generated from plasmid-containing cells (R). Loss of plasmid-containing cells from the population was d dominated. Changes in medium composition and the nature of growth limitation caused variations in both d and R. The plasmid was most stable in glucose-limited chemostat cultures with minimal medium and least stable under starch limitation with complex complex medium. R and d were smaller for cultures in complex media than those in minimal media. Limitation by starch induced expression of the plasmid-encoded HT amylase gene and was associated with increased values of R and d. Magnesium limitation in minimal medium caused a significant increase in d and a decrease in R.Abbreviations Cm chloramphenicol - Kan kanamycin - Cmr cells resistant to chloramphenicol (5 mg L–1) - Kanr cells resistant to kanamycin (5 mg L–1) - CmsKans cells sensitive to chloramphenicol and kanamycin  相似文献   
Liver disease is an important clinical problem, impacting over 30 million Americans and over 600 million people worldwide. It is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States and the 16th worldwide. Due to a paucity of donor organs, several thousand Americans die yearly while waiting for liver transplantation. Unfortunately, alternative tissue sources such as fetal hepatocytes and hepatic cell lines are unreliable, difficult to reproduce, and do not fully recapitulate hepatocyte phenotype and functions. As a consequence, alternative cell sources that do not have these limitations have been sought. Human embryonic stem (hES) cell- and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells may enable cell based therapeutics, the study of the mechanisms of human disease and human development, and provide a platform for screening the efficacy and toxicity of pharmaceuticals. iPS cells can be differentiated in a step-wise fashion with high efficiency and reproducibility into hepatocyte-like cells that exhibit morphologic and phenotypic characteristics of hepatocytes. In addition, iPS-derived hepatocyte-like cells (iHLCs) possess some functional hepatic activity as they secrete urea, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and albumin. However, the combined phenotypic and functional traits exhibited by iHLCs resemble a relatively immature hepatic phenotype that more closely resembles that of fetal hepatocytes rather than adult hepatocytes. Specifically, iHLCs express fetal markers such as alpha-fetoprotein and lack key mature hepatocyte functions, as reflected by drastically reduced activity (~ 0.1%) of important detoxification enzymes (i.e. CYP2A6, CYP3A4). These key differences between iHLCs and primary adult human hepatocytes have limited the use of stem cells as a renewable source of functional adult hepatocytes for in vitro and in vivo applications. Unfortunately, the developmental pathways that control hepatocyte maturation from a fetal into an adult hepatocyte are poorly understood, which has hampered the field in its efforts to induce further maturation of iPS-derived hepatic lineage cells. This review analyzes recent developments in the derivation of hepatocyte-like cells, and proposes important points to consider and assays to perform during their characterization. In the future, we envision that iHLCs will be used as in vitro models of human disease, and in the longer term, provide an alternative cell source for drug testing and clinical therapy.  相似文献   
PGD(2) exerts a number of proinflammatory responses through a high-affinity interaction with chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) and has been detected at high concentrations at sites of allergic inflammation. Because cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) are also produced during the allergic response, we investigated the possibility that cysLTs may modulate the response of human Th2 cells to PGD(2). PGD(2) induced concentration-dependent Th2 cytokine production in the absence of TCR stimulation. Leukotrienes D(4) and E(4) (LTE(4)) also stimulated the cytokine production but were much less active than PGD(2). However, when combined with PGD(2), cysLTs caused a greater than additive enhancement of the response, with LTE(4) being most effective in activating Th2 cells. LTE(4) enhanced calcium mobilization in response to PGD(2) in Th2 cells without affecting endogenous PGD(2) production or CRTH2 receptor expression. The effect of LTE(4) was inhibited by montelukast but not by the P2Y(12) antagonist methylthioadenosine 5'-monophosphate. The enhancing effect was also evident with endogenous cysLTs produced from immunologically activated mast cells because inhibition of cysLT action by montelukast or cysLT synthesis by MK886, an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein, reduced the response of Th2 cells to the levels produced by PGD(2) alone. These findings reveal that cysLTs, in particular LTE(4), have a significant proinflammatory impact on T cells and demonstrate their effects on Th2 cells are mediated by a montelukast-sensitive receptor.  相似文献   
Activation of K-ras and inactivation of p16 are the most frequently identified genetic alterations in human pancreatic epithelial adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Mouse models engineered with mutant K-ras and deleted p16 recapitulate key pathological features of PDAC. However, a human cell culture transformation model that recapitulates the human pancreatic molecular carcinogenesis is lacking. In this study, we investigated the role of p16 in hTERT-immortalized human pancreatic epithelial nestin-expressing (HPNE) cells expressing mutant K-ras (K-rasG12V). We found that expression of p16 was induced by oncogenic K-ras in these HPNE cells and that silencing of this induced p16 expression resulted in tumorigenic transformation and development of metastatic PDAC in an orthotopic xenograft mouse model. Our results revealed that PI3K/Akt, ERK1/2 pathways and TGFα signaling were activated by K-ras and involved in the malignant transformation of human pancreatic cells. Also, p38/MAPK pathway was involved in p16 up-regulation. Thus, our findings establish an experimental cell-based model for dissecting signaling pathways in the development of human PDAC. This model provides an important tool for studying the molecular basis of PDAC development and gaining insight into signaling mechanisms and potential new therapeutic targets for altered oncogenic signaling pathways in PDAC.  相似文献   
The latch region of the wild-type protein pore α-hemolysin (α-HL) constitutes a sensing zone for individual abasic sites (and furan analogs) in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The presence of an abasic site or furan within a DNA duplex, electrophoretically captured in the α-HL vestibule and positioned at the latch region, can be detected based on the current blockage prior to duplex unzipping. We investigated variations in blockage current as a function of temperature (12–35°C) and KCl concentration (0.15–1.0 M) to understand the origin of the current signature and to optimize conditions for identifying the base modification. In 1 M KCl solution, substitution of a furan for a cytosine base in the latch region results in an ∼8 kJ mol−1 decrease in the activation energy for ion transport through the protein pore. This corresponds to a readily measured ∼2 pA increase in current at room temperature. Optimal resolution for detecting the presence of a furan in the latch region is achieved at lower KCl concentrations, where the noise in the measured blockage current is significantly lower. The noise associated with the blockage current also depends on the stability of the duplex (as measured from the melting temperature), where a greater noise in the measured blockage current is observed for less stable duplexes.  相似文献   
Protein conformational disorders are associated with the appearance, persistence, accumulation, and misprocessing of aberrant proteins in the cell. The etiology of renal tubular dysgenesis (RTD) is linked to mutations in the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Here, we report the identification of a novel ACE mutation (Q1069R) in an RTD patient. ACE Q1069R is found sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum and is also subject to increased proteasomal degradation, preventing its transport to the cell surface and extracellular fluids. Modulation of cellular proteostasis by temperature shift causes an extension in the processing time and trafficking of ACE Q1069R resulting in partial rescue of the protein processing defect and an increase in plasma membrane levels. In addition, we found that temperature shifting causes the ACE Q1069R protein to be secreted in an active state, suggesting that the mutation does not affect the enzyme's catalytic properties.  相似文献   
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