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Important classes of antibiotics acting on bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, such as beta-lactams and glycopeptides, are used extensively in therapy and are now faced with a challenge because of the progressive spread of resistant pathogens. A discovery program was devised to target novel peptidoglycan biosynthesis inhibitors capable of overcoming these resistance mechanisms. The microbial products were first screened according to their differential activity against Staphylococcus aureus and its L-form. Then, activities insensitive to the addition of a beta-lactamase cocktail or d-alanyl-d-alanine affinity resin were selected. Thirty-five lantibiotics were identified from a library of broth extracts produced by 40,000 uncommon actinomycetes. Five of them showed structural characteristics that did not match with any known microbial metabolite. In this study, we report on the production, structure determination, and biological activity of one of these novel lantibiotics, namely, planosporicin, which is produced by the uncommon actinomycete Planomonospora sp. Planosporicin is a 2194 Da polypeptide originating from 24 proteinogenic amino acids. It contains lanthionine and methyllanthionine amino acids generating five intramolecular thioether bridges. Planosporicin selectively blocks peptidoglycan biosynthesis and causes accumulation of UDP-linked peptidoglycan precursors in growing bacterial cells. On the basis of its mode of action and globular structure, planosporicin can be assigned to the mersacidin (20 amino acids, 1825 Da) and the actagardine (19 amino acids, 1890 Da) subgroup of type B lantibiotics. Considering its spectrum of activity against Gram-positive pathogens of medical importance, including multi-resistant clinical isolates, and its efficacy in vivo, planosporicin represents a potentially new antibiotic to treat emerging pathogens.  相似文献   
In everyday life, people often make decisions on behalf of others. The current study investigates whether risk preferences of decision-makers differ when the reference point is no longer their own money but somebody else money. Thirty four healthy participants performed three different monetary risky choices tasks by making decisions for oneself and for another unknown person. Results showed that loss aversion bias was significantly reduced when participants were choosing on behalf of another person compared to when choosing for themselves. The influence of emotions like regret on decision-making may explain these results. We discuss the importance of the sense of responsibility embodied in the emotion of regret in modulating economic decisions for self but not for others. Moreover, our findings are consistent with the Risk-as-feelings hypothesis, suggesting that self-other asymmetrical behavior is due to the extent the decision-maker is affected by the real and emotional consequences of his/her decision.  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary approach was carried out in order to study the biodeterioration and the associated microbiome of a XVIII Century wax seal coloured with minium. A small wax seal fragment was observed by scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy in non-destructive mode. The same object was analysed by Raman and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The identification of the microbiota growing on the seal was performed with both a culture-dependent strategy, combined with hydrolytic assays, and high-throughput sequencing using the MinION platform. The whole bacterial 16S rRNA gene and the fungal markers ITS and 28S rRNA were targeted. It was observed that the carnauba wax coloured with lead tetroxide (minium) was covered by a biofilm consisting of a network of filaments and other structures of microbial origin. The culture-dependent and culture-independent investigations showed the presence of a complex microbiota composed mainly by fungal members, which demonstrated interesting properties related to lipids and lead processing. The formation of lead soaps and secondary biogenic minerals was also described.  相似文献   
Mixed‐species animal groups (MSGs) are widely acknowledged to increase predator avoidance and foraging efficiency, among other benefits, and thereby increase participants' fitness. Diversity in MSG composition ranges from two to 70 species of very similar or completely different phenotypes. Yet consistency in organization is also observable in that one or a few species usually have disproportionate importance for MSG formation and/or maintenance. We propose a two‐dimensional framework for understanding this diversity and consistency, concentrating on the types of interactions possible between two individuals, usually of different species. One axis represents the similarity of benefit types traded between the individuals, while the second axis expresses asymmetry in the relative amount of benefits/costs accrued. Considering benefit types, one extreme represents the case of single‐species groups wherein all individuals obtain the same supplementary, group‐size‐related benefits, and the other extreme comprises associations of very different, but complementary species (e.g. one partner creates access to food while the other provides vigilance). The relevance of social information and the matching of activities (e.g. speed of movement) are highest for relationships on the supplementary side of this axis, but so is competition; relationships between species will occur at points along this gradient where the benefits outweigh the costs. Considering benefit amounts given or received, extreme asymmetry occurs when one species is exclusively a benefit provider and the other a benefit user. Within this parameter space, some MSG systems are constrained to one kind of interaction, such as shoals of fish of similar species or leader–follower interactions in fish and other taxa. Other MSGs, such as terrestrial bird flocks, can simultaneously include a variety of supplementary and complementary interactions. We review the benefits that species obtain across the diversity of MSG types, and argue that the degree and nature of asymmetry between benefit providers and users should be measured and not just assumed. We then discuss evolutionary shifts in MSG types, focusing on drivers towards similarity in group composition, and selection on benefit providers to enhance the benefits they can receive from other species. Finally, we conclude by considering how individual and collective behaviour in MSGs may influence both the structure and processes of communities.  相似文献   
Most rabies vaccines are based on inactivated virus, which production process demands a high level of biosafety structures. In the past decades, recombinant rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) produced in several expression systems has been extensively studied to be used as an alternative vaccine. The immunogenic characteristics of this protein depend on its correct conformation, which is present only after the correct post-translational modifications, typically performed by animal cells. The main challenge of using this protein as a vaccine candidate is to keep its trimeric conformation after the purification process. We describe here a new immunoaffinity chromatography method using a monoclonal antibody for RVGP Site II for purification of recombinant rabies virus glycoprotein expressed on the membrane of Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. RVGP recovery achieved at least 93%, and characterization analysis showed that the main antigenic proprieties were preserved after purification.  相似文献   
To define the molecular mechanism(s) of carvedilol inhibition of lipid peroxidation we have utilized model systems that allow us to study the different reactions involved in this complex process.

Carvedilol inhibits the peroxidation of sonicated phosphatidylcholine liposomes triggered by FeCl2 addition whereas atenolol, pindolol and labetalol are ineffective. The inhibition proved not to be ascribable (a) to an effect on Fe2+ autoxidation and thus on the generation of oxygen derived radical initiators; (b) to the scavenging of the inorganic initiators O·-2 and ·OH; (c) to an effect on the reductive cleavage of organic hydroperoxides by FeCl2; (d) to the scavenging of organic initiators. The observations that (a) carvedilol effectiveness is inversely proportional to the concentration of FeCl2 and lipid hydroperoxides in the assay; (b) the drug prevents the onset of lipid peroxidation stimulated by FeCl3 addition and; (c) it can form a complex with Fe3+, suggest a molecular mechanism for carvedilol action. It may inhibit lipid peroxidation by binding the Fe3+ generated during the oxidation of Fe2+ by lipid hydroperoxides in the substrate. The lag time that carvedilol introduces in the peroxidative process would correspond to the time taken for carvedilol to be titrated by Fe3+; when the drug is consumed the Fe3+ accumulates to reach the critical parameter that stimulates peroxidation. According to this molecular mechanism the antioxidant potency of carvedilol can be ascribed to its ability to bind a species, Fe3+, that is a catalyst of the process and to its lipophilic nature that concentrates it in the membranes where Fe3+ is generated by a site specific mechanism.  相似文献   
Cultivars used for wine and table grape have self-fertile hermaphrodite flowers whereas wild European vines and American and Asian species are dioecious, having either male or female flowers. Consistent with previous studies, the flower sex trait was mapped as a single major locus on chromosome 2 based on a pure Vitis vinifera population segregating for hermaphrodite and female progeny, and a hybrid population producing all three flower sex types. The sex locus was placed between the same SSR and SNP markers on both genetic maps, although abnormal segregation hampered to fine map the genomic region. From a total of 55 possible haplotypes inferred for three SSR markers around the sex locus, in a population of 132 V. sylvestris accessions and 171 V. vinifera cultivars, one of them accounted for 66 % of the hermaphrodite individuals and may be the result of domestication. Specific size variants of the VVIB23 microsatellite sequence within the 3′-UTR of a putative YABBY1 gene were found to be statistically significantly associated with the sex alleles M, H and f; these markers can provide assistance in defining the status of wild grapevine germplasm.  相似文献   
The contribution that oxidative damage to DNA and/or RNA makes to the aging process remains undefined. In this study, we used the hMTH1‐Tg mouse model to investigate how oxidative damage to nucleic acids affects aging. hMTH1‐Tg mice express high levels of the hMTH1 hydrolase that degrades 8‐oxodGTP and 8‐oxoGTP and excludes 8‐oxoguanine from both DNA and RNA. Compared to wild‐type animals, hMTH1‐overexpressing mice have significantly lower steady‐state levels of 8‐oxoguanine in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of several organs, including the brain. hMTH1 overexpression prevents the age‐dependent accumulation of DNA 8‐oxoguanine that occurs in wild‐type mice. These lower levels of oxidized guanines are associated with increased longevity and hMTH1‐Tg animals live significantly longer than their wild‐type littermates. Neither lipid oxidation nor overall antioxidant status is significantly affected by hMTH1 overexpression. At the cellular level, neurospheres derived from adult hMTH1‐Tg neural progenitor cells display increased proliferative capacity and primary fibroblasts from hMTH1‐Tg embryos do not undergo overt senescence in vitro. The significantly lower levels of oxidized DNA/RNA in transgenic animals are associated with behavioral changes. These mice show reduced anxiety and enhanced investigation of environmental and social cues. Longevity conferred by overexpression of a single nucleotide hydrolase in hMTH1‐Tg animals is an example of lifespan extension associated with healthy aging. It provides a link between aging and oxidative damage to nucleic acids.  相似文献   
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