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A lectin which may mediate inter-erythroblast associations during red blood cell development in rabbit bone marrow has previously been purified and characterised. We have now detected different forms of this lectin in purified preparations and crude tissue extracts, by isoelectric focusing in agarose gels followed by rocket immunoelectrophoresis and by indirect antibody staining of focused proteins blotted onto nitrocellulose paper. These minor antigens are probably isoforms of the bone marrow lectin previously characterised.  相似文献   
This paper describes the attachment of Treponema pallidum (Nichols strain) to cultured mammalian cells as a visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Treponemes were incubated for 3 hr with cultured cells derived from normal rabbit testes or human skin epithelium, then fixed, processed with critical-point drying, and examined with a Cambridge Mark 2A scanning electron microscope. Large numbers of treponemes became attached to the cultured cells without altering the morphological integrity of the cultured cells. Attachment appeared to involve a very close physical proximity of treponemes to the cultured cells; at the site of attachment, no changes such as swelling or indentation of the cultured cell surface were observed. The addition of ruthenium red to the fixatives produced a treponemal-associated surface precipitate. This material, which is probably mucopolysaccharide and/or phospholipid, may be important in protecting the organisms against host defense mechanisms; in addition, it may be involved in the serological unresponsiveness of freshly prepared suspensions of T. pallidum.  相似文献   
An intracellular α-glucosidase (α-glu1) of Aspergillus niger was purified and its properties were compared to those of a secreted α-glucosidase (α-gluE). The estimated molecular weight of α-gluI was 95,000 by gel filtration (α-gluE = 63,000); it is a glycoprotein possessing 29 mol of mannose, 6 mol of glucosamine, and 14 mol of glucose (α-gluE has 5–6 and 2 mol of mannose and glucosamine, respectively). The Km′s of α-glu1 for p-nitrophenyl-α-d-glucopyranoside and maltose were 1.49 and 1.04, respectively, slightly lower than those of α-gluE. In addition, at 65 °C α-gluI enzymatic activity decayed fivefold faster than that of α-gluE, and anti-α-gluE antibody did not recognize α-gluI. While some of these distinctions between the enzymes could be ascribed to conformational differences, the great dissimilarity in molecular weight (approximately 32,000) and lack of reactivity with anti-α-gluE argue against α-gluI being related to α-gluE. The antibody covalently coupled to horseradish peroxidase (Ab-Px) was used as a probe to determine the cellular location of α-gluE by electron microscopic immunocytology. It was found on both sides of the plasma membrane (pm) and in the outer of the two layers of the cell wall. This may mean that α-gluE is synthesized at the inner surface of the pm, is extruded through the pm, becomes associated with the outer layer of the cell wall (perhaps as enzyme—substrate complex), and is eventually released into the growth medium.  相似文献   
The nucleocapsid (NC) protein (p15) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been cloned and overproduced (under the control of a phage T7 promoter) in soluble form in an Escherichia coli host. The soluble NC protein is a fusion protein containing 15 amino acids from the T7 gene 10 and 7 amino acids from the HIV p24 protein at the N-terminus to make a protein of 171 amino acids. The plasmid containing the fusion gene is designated p15DF. A homogeneous product has been isolated from the induced cells and, when isolated under aerobic conditions, contains 0.3-0.5 mol of Zn/mol of protein and has only 2 titratable SH groups. Reduction and refolding in the presence of Zn(II) yields a protein containing 2.0 mol of Zn/mol of protein and 6 titratable SH groups. On the other hand, if the cells are sonicated in 2 mM CdCl2 and purified at pH 5.0, an unoxidized protein containing 2 mol of Cd/mol of protein is obtained. The Cd(II) ions can be exchanged with Zn(II), Co(II), or 113Cd(II). The Co(II)2 NC protein shows d-d electronic transitions at 695 nm [epsilon = 675 M-1 cm-1 per Co(II)] and 640 nm [epsilon = 825 M-1 cm-1 per Co(II)] compatible with regular tetrahedral geometry around both Co(II) ions. The Co(II)2 and Cd(II)2 NC proteins show intense charge-transfer bands in the near-UV, at 355 nm (epsilon = approximately 4000 M-1 cm-1) and 310 nm (epsilon = approximately 8000 M-1 cm-1) for the Co(II) protein and 255 nm (epsilon = approximately 10(4) M-1 cm-1) for the Cd(II)2 NC protein, compatible with -S- coordination. 113Cd NMR of the 113Cd(II)2 NC protein shows two 113Cd NMR signals at 659 and 640 ppm, respectively, each integrating to approximately 1 Cd(II) ion. The downfield chemical shifts suggest coordination of each 113Cd(II) ion to 3 sulfur donor atoms. The spectroscopic data fully support the prediction that the NC protein binds metal ions to each of the tandem repeats of the -Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys- sequence contained in the N-terminal half of the molecule. 113Cd NMR shows, however, that the sites are not identical. Isolation of the NC protein under standard aerobic conditions results in oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups and loss of the coordinated Zn(II) ions, while preparation of the NC protein as the Cd(II) derivative at low pH protects the sulfhydryl groups from oxidation.  相似文献   
The relationship between daily mean FSH concentrations in serum and the pattern of FSH detected by frequent sampling for 12-h periods (samples every 15 min) was examined in five mares during the transition into the breeding season. The five mature anestrous mares were exposed to a natural increase in daylength. Blood samples were collected daily from February 1 until the first ovulation of the breeding season (April 14 +/- 3.7 days, Mean +/- SEM). Periods of frequent blood collection were performed every two weeks. Blood samples were obtained daily by jugular venipuncture or jugular cannula (frequent samples). Mean daily concentrations of FSH in serum determined by RIA decreased during seasonal transition. Patterns of FSH in serum detected by frequent sampling were pulsatile. FSH pulse amplitude decreased during seasonal transition, and the decrease in amplitude was associated with the decrease in mean serum FSH concentrations. This decrease in FSH pulse amplitude may reflect an involvement of a follicular product from developing follicles or a change in hypothalamic stimulation of pituitary FSH release.  相似文献   
The mode of binding of acetyl-pepstatin to the protease from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been determined by x-ray diffraction analysis. Crystals of an acetyl-pepstatin-HIV-1 protease complex were obtained in space group P2(1)2(1)2 (unit cell dimensions a = 58.39 A, b = 86.70 A, c = 46.27 A) by precipitation with sodium chloride. The structure was phased by molecular replacement methods, and a model for the structure was refined using diffraction data to 2.0 A resolution (R = 0.176 for 12901 reflections with I greater than sigma (I); deviation of bond distances from ideal values = 0.018 A; 172 solvent molecules included). The structure of the protein in the complex has been compared with the structure of the enzyme without the ligand. A core of 44 amino acids in each monomer, including residues in the active site and residues at the dimer interface, remains unchanged on binding of the inhibitor (root mean square deviation of alpha carbon positions = 0.39 A). The remaining 55 residues in each monomer undergo substantial rearrangement, with the most dramatic changes occurring at residues 44-57 (these residues comprise the so-called flaps of the enzyme). The flaps interact with one another and with the inhibitor so as to largely preserve the 2-fold symmetry of the protein. The inhibitor is bound in two approximately symmetric orientations. In both orientations the peptidyl backbone of the inhibitor is extended; a network of hydrogen bonds is formed between the inhibitor and the main body of the protein as well as between the inhibitor and the flaps. Hydrophobic side chains of residues in the body of the protein form partial binding sites for the side chains of the inhibitor; hydrophobic side chains of residues in the flaps complete these binding sites.  相似文献   
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