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The morphogenesis of type IV collagen-containing structures in the stromal matrix of the developing avian cornea was investigated using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic histochemistry. Two forms of type IV collagen-containing structures were seen; these differed in their probable origin, structure, molecular composition, and developmental fate. The major form of stromal type IV collagen-containing material, termed "strings," was observed only after swelling of the primary stroma and the onset of mesenchymal invasion. These strings are presumed to be products of the stromal cells. In immunofluorescence histochemistry they appeared as linear segments of type IV collagen-specific immunoreactivity. In immunoelectron microscopy, they appeared initially as electron-dense sausages of variable length and orientation. They frequently were associated with cell surfaces and, in fortuitous sections, appeared to connect adjacent cells. The strings also contained type VI collagen and fibronectin, but very little, if any, of the basement membrane components laminin and heparin sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). As the stroma continued to expand in thickness, more of these structures were observed in a radial orientation, becoming quite long and less tortuous. Later in development, as stromal condensation proceeded, they disappeared. We suggest that the strings function to stabilize the stromal matrix, and perhaps to limit the rate and/or extent of stromal expansion, during a phase of rapid swelling and matrix deposition. The other form of type IV collagen-containing stromal material appeared as irregularly shaped plaques of basement membrane-like material identical to those previously described in mature corneas. These are likely derived from the corneal endothelial cells. They contained other basement membrane-associated components (laminin, HSPG) and fibronectin, but not type VI collagen. This material persists in mature corneas as sparse irregular stromal plaques and as matrix in the interface between Descemet's membrane and the corneal stroma.  相似文献   
The activation of helper T lymphocytes has been proposed to result from the sum of low-affinity interactions between the specific immune receptor, as well as nonpolymorphic receptors such as L3T4 on the T cell surface, and nominal antigen and Ia displayed in a multivalent array on the antigen-presenting cell surface. The present work takes advantage of a T cell hybridoma specific for pigeon cytochrome c in the context of I-Ek, which responds to tobacco hornworm moth cytochrome c at one hundredth the concentration of the homologous antigen, to determine if the T cell's requirement for L3T4 and Ia is directly related to its functional affinity for antigen. The results demonstrate that the T cell's activation by pigeon cytochrome c was blocked by antibodies directed to L3T4 and to I-Ek, even at antigen concentrations twofold to fourfold above those required for maximal responses. In contrast, the response to tobacco hornworm moth cytochrome c was not as affected by these antibodies under equivalent superoptimal conditions. The same phenomenon was observed for the T cell's activation by the carboxyl-terminal peptide fragments of the two cytochromes c, which do not require processing, indicating that the differences were not due to the relative efficiency of processing and/or presentation of the antigens. Although both I-Ek- and L3T4-specific antibodies blocked the T cell response to pigeon cytochrome, antibodies to I-Ak had no effect, even though I-Ak had been considered to be a ligand for L3T4. Thus, either Ia does not bind L3T4 or, if it does, I-Ek must be a sufficient ligand for L3T4 for T cells that recognize their antigen in the context of I-Ek. These studies provide more definitive evidence that the T cell's requirement for the functions of Ia and of L3T4 is dependent on the T cell's functional affinity for its antigenic determinant. This data is consistent with a model of T cell activation in which, given a high enough affinity of the T cell receptor for the processed antigen, the requirement for other components of a stimulatory complex, such as Ia and L3T4, may diminish to undetectable levels.  相似文献   
T-cell clones and T-cell receptors.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL) reactive to alloantigen or to ovalbumin (OVA) become unresponsive to antigenic restimulation after exposure to antigen or to culture supernatant fluids (SF) containing multiple lymphokine activities. Unresponsiveness is manifest by a failure of antigen-stimulated cells to incorporate thymidine or to produce lymphokines after antigenic challenge. Antigen-unresponsive HTL, however, will incorporate thymidine when exposed to an exogenous source of interleukin 2 (IL 2). The duration of unresponsiveness to antigen is correlated with the concentration of IL 2 in SF to which the cloned HTL had been exposed. Chromatographic fractionation of IL 2-containing supernatant from EL-4 thymoma cells (EL-4 SF) yielded a pool of SF that was enriched for IL 2 activity. Exposure of HTL to lymphokines contained in this pool induced unresponsiveness to antigen that was comparable to that observed when HTL were exposed to unfractionated EL-4 SF. Unresponsiveness to antigen also developed after cloned HTL were stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A) or with OVA and syngeneic splenic filler cells. We have used monoclonal antibody (mAb) GK1.5 (anti-L3T4) to investigate the role of lymphokine production in the induction of unresponsiveness. This antibody did not inhibit IL 2-induced thymidine incorporation by cloned HTL, and did not inhibit the induction of unresponsiveness after exposure of cloned HTL to EL-4 SF. In the presence of mAb GK1.5, however, HTL that were stimulated with Con A or OVA did not become unresponsive to antigenic restimulation, an effect that was overcome by the addition of EL-4 SF. These results suggest that HTL become unresponsive to antigen after exposure to IL 2-containing SF, and that stimulation by antigen or Con A can induce the unresponsive state by virtue of stimulating lymphokine production.  相似文献   
Murine helper T lymphocyte (HTL) clones reactive to ovalbumin (OVA) were maintained in continuous culture in vitro. Clones were propagated by weekly stimulation in the presence of irradiated splenic filler cells, antigen, and supernatant fluid (SF) containing IL 2. By varying the quantity of these reagents in cultures of HTL cells, the reactivity to antigen of the cloned cells was altered markedly. After stimulation by antigen or SF, HTL clones became profoundly unresponsive to antigenic restimulation. Cells remained unresponsive for 2 to 9 days after stimulation, depending on the culture conditions that were chosen for their maintenance. The addition of SF containing a high concentration of IL 2 prolonged the duration of unresponsiveness by 3 days, and the presence of a non-T splenic filler cell increased the period of unresponsiveness by an additional 4 days. The use of a high concentration of OVA in cell cultures also prolonged the time of unresponsiveness. The results described here demonstrate that the response to antigen of HTL cells is down-regulated after stimulation, and appears to be correlated with exposure to SF that contains IL 2.  相似文献   
The avian retrovirus pp32 protein possesses DNA endonuclease activity and unique DNA binding properties. An improved purification procedure was developed for pp32, resulting in a severalfold increase in the yield of this virion protein. By use of the nitrocellulose filter binding assay, the protein retains approximately 2-fold more supercoiled (form I) DNA molecules than equivalent linear duplex DNA molecules. Single-stranded DNA is only slightly preferred over double-stranded DNA for pp32 binding. The pp32 DNA binding sites on form I pBR322 DNA which contained an insert of avian retrovirus long terminal repeat (LTR) DNA were determined. A preformed protein-DNA complex was digested with one of several different multicut restriction enzymes and filtered through nitrocellulose filters. Fragments containing viral LTR DNA sequences and plasmid DNA containing promoter sequences for the ampicillin and tetracycline genes, sequences for the "left-end" inverted repeat of transposon 3, and sequences encompassing the carboxyl terminus of the beta-lactamase gene were preferentially retained on the filter by pp32. Partial mapping of pp32 DNA binding sites on LTR DNA was accomplished by generation of deletions in LTR DNA sequences. The pp32 protein preferentially bound viral DNA fragments which contain the viral promoter (TATTTAA) and the adjacent "R" repeat sequences. Computer analysis revealed that three of the four plasmid DNA fragments retained by pp32 contained LTR DNA promoter-like sequences (one mismatch only) which were part of statistically significant and thermodynamically stable hairpin structures.  相似文献   
IL-2 pretreatment of cloned Th lymphocytes has been demonstrated to render these cells unresponsive to subsequent stimulation through the TCR. These cells remain unresponsive for up to 7 days after removal from IL-2. Cells rendered unresponsive to Ag by pretreatment with IL-2 also demonstrated reduced increases in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) after stimulation, hence this unresponsiveness is believed to result from absence of sufficient [Ca2+]i for activation of lymphokine genes. We have confirmed these observations, and demonstrate that only that portion of the [Ca2+]i increase derived from extracellular sources is inhibited in IL-2 pretreated cells. Further, inositol degradation and diacylglycerol production after stimulation are observed to be markedly reduced in cells rendered unresponsive by IL-2 pretreatment, suggesting that signal transduction leading to cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate after Ag receptor engagement is incomplete in these cells. However, treatment of IL-2 pretreated cells with AlF4- results in both production of inositol phosphates as well as increased intracellular calcium, suggesting that phospholipase C remains active in these cells. It appears that chronic IL-2 exposure regulates Th activation by inhibiting the signal transduction which follows engagement of the TCR.  相似文献   
David Fitch     
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