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We study the psychophysiological state of humans when exposed to robot groups of varying sizes. In our experiments, 24 participants are exposed sequentially to groups of robots made up of 1, 3 and 24 robots. We measure both objective physiological metrics (skin conductance level and heart rate), and subjective self-reported metrics (from a psychological questionnaire). These measures allow us to analyse the psychophysiological state (stress, anxiety, happiness) of our participants. Our results show that the number of robots to which a human is exposed has a significant impact on the psychophysiological state of the human and that higher numbers of robots provoke a stronger response.  相似文献   
While investigating the basis for marked natural asymmetries in deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools in mammalian cells, we observed that culturing V79 hamster lung cells in a 2% oxygen atmosphere causes 2-3-fold expansions of the dATP, dGTP, and dTTP pools, whereas dCTP declines by a comparable amount. Others have made similar observations and have proposed that, because O(2) is required for formation of the catalytically essential oxygen-bridged iron center in ribonucleotide reductase, dCTP depletion at low oxygen tension results from direct or indirect effects upon ribonucleotide reductase. We have tested the hypothesis that oxygen limitation affects ribonucleotide specificity using recombinant mouse ribonucleotide reductase and an assay that permits simultaneous monitoring of the reduction of all four nucleotide substrates. Preincubation and assay of the enzyme in an anaerobic chamber caused only partial activity loss. Accordingly, we treated the enzyme with hydroxyurea, followed by removal of the hydroxyurea and exposure to atmospheres of varying oxygen content. The activity was totally depleted by hydroxyurea treatment and nearly fully regained by exposure to air. By the criterion of activities regained at different oxygen tensions, we found CDP reduction not to be specifically sensitive to oxygen depletion; however, GDP reduction was specifically sensitive. The basis for the differential response to reactivation by O(2) is not known, but it evidently does not involve varying rates of reactivation of different allosteric forms of the enzyme or altered response to allosteric effectors at reduced oxygen tension.  相似文献   
Malformations of human cortical development (MCD) can cause severe disabilities. The lack of human‐specific models hampers our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of the intricate processes leading to MCD. Here, we use cerebral organoids derived from patients and genome edited‐induced pluripotent stem cells to address pathophysiological changes associated with a complex MCD caused by mutations in the echinoderm microtubule‐associated protein‐like 1 (EML1) gene. EML1‐deficient organoids display ectopic neural rosettes at the basal side of the ventricular zone areas and clusters of heterotopic neurons. Single‐cell RNA sequencing shows an upregulation of basal radial glial (RG) markers and human‐specific extracellular matrix components in the ectopic cell population. Gene ontology and molecular analyses suggest that ectopic progenitor cells originate from perturbed apical RG cell behavior and yes‐associated protein 1 (YAP1)‐triggered expansion. Our data highlight a progenitor origin of EML1 mutation‐induced MCD and provide new mechanistic insight into the human disease pathology.  相似文献   
Large single crystals of isocitrate dehydrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii have been grown by vapor diffusion from ammonium sulfate and phosphate solutions. The crystals are tetragonal, space group P42212 with cell dimensions a = 122.1 A?, c = 163.9 a?. There are two molecules of 80,000 molecular weight per asymmetric unit. Native data to 5.5 Å resolution have been collected on a diffractometer. A rotation function using data between 10 Å and 6 Å resolution indicates three possible orientations of the non-crystallographic 2-fold axis relating the two molecules.  相似文献   
Because M. bovis otitis media is an economically important problem, there is a need to understand the pathogenesis of disease, not only to improve our understanding of the factors contributing to the development of this disease but also to inform the development of improved diagnostic tests and therapy. Oral ingestion of M. bovis-contaminated milk is linked, but not definitively proven, to development of otitis media. In the current study, we demonstrate that oral ingestion of M. bovis infected colostrum can result in an ascending infection and development of otitis media. Importantly, M. bovis was found to have a previously unrecognized tendency for colonization of the tonsils of calves, which most likely contributed to the subsequent development of otitis media. In contrast, transtracheal inoculation failed to produce clinically significant upper respiratory tract disease, although did induce lower respiratory tract disease. The upper respiratory tract was the major site of M. bovis-specific B cell and mucosal IgA responses in calves inoculated by the oral route. The oral inoculation route of infection presented here is particularly suited to the study of host-pathogen interactions during initial colonization of the tonsils, expansion of infection and dissemination to the lower respiratory tract and middle ear. In addition, it could be used to investigate potential new preventative or control strategies, especially those aimed at limiting colonization of the tonsils and/or spread to the middle ear.  相似文献   
More than 68 billion chickens were produced globally in 2018, emphasising their major contribution to the production of protein for human consumption and the importance of their pathogens. Protozoan Eimeria spp. are the most economically significant parasites of chickens, incurring global costs of more than UK £10.4 billion per annum. Seven Eimeria spp. have long been recognised to infect chickens, with three additional cryptic operational taxonomic units (OTUs) first described more than 10 years ago. As the world’s farmers attempt to reduce reliance on routine use of antimicrobials in livestock production, replacing drugs that target a wide range of microbes with precise species- and sometimes strain-specific vaccines, the breakthrough of cryptic genetic types can pose serious problems. Consideration of biological characteristics including oocyst morphology, pathology caused during infection and pre-patent periods, combined with gene-coding sequences predicted from draft genome sequence assemblies, suggest that all three of these cryptic Eimeria OTUs possess sufficient genetic and biological diversity to be considered as new and distinct species. The ability of these OTUs to compromise chicken bodyweight gain and escape immunity induced by current commercially available anticoccidial vaccines indicates that they could pose a notable threat to chicken health, welfare, and productivity. We suggest the names Eimeria lata n. sp., Eimeria nagambie n. sp. and Eimeria zaria n. sp. for OTUs x, y and z, respectively, reflecting their appearance (x) or the origins of the first isolates of these novel species (y, z).  相似文献   
Alterations in EGF receptor (EGFR) signaling occur in intestinal disorders associated with dysregulated epithelial transport. In the present study, we investigated a role for the EGFR in the chronic regulation of intestinal epithelial secretory function. Epithelial Cl(-) secretion was measured as changes in short-circuit current (Isc) across voltage-clamped monolayers of T84 cells in Ussing chambers. Acute treatment of T84 cells with EGF (100 ng/ml, 15 min) chronically enhanced Isc responses to a broad range of secretagogues. This effect was apparent within 3 h, maximal by 6 h, and sustained for 24 h after treatment with EGF. The Na+/K+/2Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC1) inhibitor bumetanide (100 microM) abolished the effect of EGF, indicating increased responses are due to potentiated Cl(-) secretion. Neither basal nor agonist-stimulated levels of intracellular Ca2+ or PKA activity were altered by EGF, implying that the effects of the growth factor are not due to chronic alterations in levels of second messengers. EGF increased the expression of NKCC1 with a time course similar to that of its effects on Cl(-) secretion. This effect of EGF was maximal after 6 h, at which time NKCC1 expression in EGF-treated cells was 199.9 +/- 21.9% of that in control cells (n = 21, P < 0.005). EGF-induced NKCC1 expression was abolished by actinomycin D, and RT-PCR analysis demonstrated EGF increased expression of NKCC1 mRNA. These data increase our understanding of mechanisms regulating intestinal fluid and electrolyte transport and reveal a novel role for the EGFR in the chronic regulation of epithelial secretory capacity through upregulation of NKCC1 expression.  相似文献   
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