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Glutamine synthetase I (GSI) enzyme activity in Streptomyces coelicolor is controlled post-translationally by the adenylyltransferase (GlnE) as in enteric bacteria. Although other homologues of the Escherichia coli Ntr system (glnK, coding for a PII family protein; and glnD, coding for an uridylyltransferase) are found in the S. coelicolor genome, the regulation of the GSI activity was found to be different. The functions of glnK and glnD were analysed by specific mutants. Surprisingly, biochemical assay and two-dimensional PAGE analysis showed that modification of GSI by GlnE occurs normally in all mutant strains, and neither GlnK nor GlnD are required for the regulation of GlnE in response to nitrogen stimuli. Analysis of the post-translational regulation of GlnK in vivo by two-dimensional PAGE and mass spectrometry indicated that it is subject to both a reversible and a non-reversible modification in a direct response to nitrogen availability. The irreversible modification was identified as removal of the first three N-terminal amino acid residues of the protein, and the reversible modification as adenylylation of the conserved tyro-sine 51 residue that is known to be uridylylated in E. coli. The glnD insertion mutant expressing only the N-terminal half of GlnD was capable of adenylylating GlnK, but was unable to perform the reverse deadenylylation reaction in response to excess ammonium. The glnD null mutant completely lacked the ability to adenylylate GlnK. This work provides the first example of a PII protein that is modified by adenylylation, and demonstrates that this reaction is performed by a homologue of GlnD, previously described only as a uridylyltransferase enzyme.  相似文献   
Gene delivery using herpes simplex virus vectors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a neurotropic DNA virus with many favorable properties as a gene delivery vector. HSV is highly infectious, so HSV vectors are efficient vehicles for the delivery of exogenous genetic material to cells. Viral replication is readily disrupted by null mutations in immediate early genes that in vitro can be complemented in trans, enabling straightforward production of high-titre pure preparations of non-pathogenic vector. The genome is large (152 Kb) and many of the viral genes are dispensable for replication in vitro, allowing their replacement with large or multiple transgenes. Latent infection with wild-type virus results in episomal viral persistence in sensory neuronal nuclei for the duration of the host lifetime. Transduction with replication-defective vectors causes a latent-like infection in both neural and non-neural tissue; the vectors are non-pathogenic, unable to reactivate and persist long-term. The latency active promoter complex can be exploited in vector design to achieve long-term stable transgene expression in the nervous system. HSV vectors transduce a broad range of tissues because of the wide expression pattern of the cellular receptors recognized by the virus. Increasing understanding of the processes involved in cellular entry has allowed preliminary steps to be taken towards targeting the tropism of HSV vectors. Using replication-defective HSV vectors, highly encouraging results have emerged from recent pre-clinical studies on models of neurological disease, including glioma, peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain and neurodegeneration. Consequently, HSV vectors encoding appropriate transgenes to tackle these pathogenic processes are poised to enter clinical trials.  相似文献   
We have studied the meiotic recombination behavior of strains carrying two types of duplications of an 18.6-kilobase HIS4 Bam HI fragment. The first type is a direct duplication of the HIS4 Bam HI fragment in which the repeated sequences are separated by Escherichia coli plasmid sequences. The second type, a tandem duplication, has no sequences intervening between the repeated yeast DNA. The HIS4 genes in each region were marked genetically so that recombination events between the duplicated segments could be identified. Meiotic progeny of the strains carrying the duplication were analyzed genetically and biochemically to determine the types of recombination events that had occurred. Analysis of the direct vs. tandem duplication suggests that the E. coli plasmid sequences are recombinogenic in yeast when homozygous. In both types of duplications recombination between the duplicated HIS4 regions occurs at high frequency and involves predominantly interchromosomal reciprocal exchanges (equal and unequal crossovers). The striking observation is that intrachromosomal reciprocal recombination is very rare in comparison with interchromosomal reciprocal recombination. However, intrachromosomal gene conversion occurs at about the same frequency as interchromosomal gene conversion. Reciprocal recombination events between regions on the same chromatid are the most infrequent exchanges. These data suggest that intrachromosomal reciprocal exchanges are suppressed.  相似文献   
Genomic DNA from a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms has been assayed for the simple repeat sequence poly(dT-dG).poly(dC-dA) by Southern blotting and DNA slot blot hybridizations. Consistent with findings of others, we have found the simple alternating sequence to be present in multiple copies in all organisms in the animal kingdom (e.g., mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, insects, jellyfish, nematodes). The TG element was also found in lower eukaryotes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora crassa, and Dictyostelium discoideum) and at a much lower frequency in protozoans (Oxytricha fallux and Tetrahymena thermophila). The sequence was also repeated in high copy number in a higher plant (Zea mays) as well as at very high levels in a unicellular green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardi). Although the copy number of the repeat per haploid genome was generally proportional to genome size, there was a greater-than-1,000-fold variation in the number of (TG)25/100-kb genomic DNA. By contrast, no eu-or archaebacterium--including Myxococcus xanthus, whose life cycle is very similar to that of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, and Halobacter volcanii, whose genome contains other repeated sequences-- was found whose genomic DNA contained this sequence in detectable amounts. A computer search also failed to find the TG element in human mitochondrial DNA.   相似文献   
Summary The recent development of methods for transforming plant cells has permitted testing of the Kozak ribosome scanning hypothesis of translational initiation in plant cells. The experiments described in this paper provide a direct demonstration that an extra translational initiation signal decreases the level of Tn5 neomycin phosphotransferase II enzyme produced in transformed plant cells. Removal of the extra AUG results in an improved chimeric kanamycin resistance gene that expresses a five-fold increase in selectable resistance and assayable enzyme without an increase in stable mRNA levels. This is the first evidence suggesting that the Kozak’s model of ribosome scanning for mammalian translation initiation applies to plant cells.  相似文献   
Hyaluronic Acid Degradation by Ascorbic Acid and Influence of Iron   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of ascorbic acid, iron and ADP on hyaluronic acid, a compound present in inflamed joints, were investigated in an in vitro system. Ascorbic acid induces degradation of hyaluronic acid which increased in the presence of FeCl, and which is additionally stimulated by ADP chelated ferric ions. The hyaluronic acid degrading reactions induced by the Fe-III/ADP/ascorbic acid system were inhibited by catalase and formate to various extents whereas the presence of superoxide dismutase did not exert any inhibitory effect. Desferrioxamine, a specific iron chelator, completely inhibited hyaluronic acid depolymerisation by ascorbic acid as well as in combination with FeCl3 or FeCl3/ADP, respectively. We suggest that the ultimate hyaluronic acid degrading species is OH', generated via the Fe-III/ADP catalysed Haber Weiss reaction. There is also an indication for the involvement of perferryl or/and ferryl species in the degradation process.  相似文献   
A L Fink  K M Behner  A K Tan 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4248-4258
The reversible inhibition of beta-lactamase I from Bacillus cereus by cloxacillin, methicillin, and nafcillin has been systematically investigated. For these substrates the enzymatic reaction involves partitioning of the substrate between turnover and inhibition. Typically, concentrations of several hundred millimolar are necessary for complete inactivation. The completely inactivated enzyme could be formed by incubation at temperatures above 20 degrees C, where inhibition competes more effectively with turnover, and then stabilized by dropping the temperature to 0 degrees C or lower. The inactivated enzyme was rapidly separated from unreacted substrate and product at low temperature by centrifugal gel filtration or ion exchange and examined by far-UV circular dichroism for evidence of a conformational change. At pH 7 the inactivated enzyme had a secondary structure essentially identical with that of the native enzyme. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the inactivated enzyme (at pH 7) was also identical with that of the native enzyme. However, the inactivated enzyme was found to be considerably more sensitive to thermal denaturation, to acid-induced conformational isomerization, and to trypsinolysis than the native enzyme. We conclude from the circular dichroism results that the structure of the reversibly inactivated enzyme cannot be significantly different from that of the native enzyme. Therefore, previous findings that have been interpreted as indicating a major conformational change must be reevaluated. From examination of the low-resolution crystallographic structure of the enzyme we propose that the most likely cause of the inactivation is an alternate conformational state of the acyl-enzyme intermediate involving movement of one or more of the alpha-helices forming part of the active site. Such a structural effect could leave the secondary structure unchanged but have significant effects on the tertiary structure, catalysis, mobility, and susceptibility to trypsin and denaturation. We propose that the underlying physical reason why certain beta-lactam substrates bring about this "substrate-induced deactivation", or suicide inactivation, of the enzyme is due to the presence of the alternative acyl-enzyme conformation of similar free energy to the productive one, in which one (or more) essential catalytic group is no longer optimally oriented for catalyzing deacylation. Thus for substrates with a slow rate of deacylation (less than or equal to 100 s-1) the conformational transition can compete effectively on the time scale of the turnover reaction.  相似文献   
S Fink 《Stain technology》1987,62(1):27-33
As a new aqueous adhesive to affix sections to glass slides, hydrolyzed vinyltriethoxysilane--either pure, in combination with polyvinyl alcohol or with specially prepared aqueous polyacrylate solutions--was applied. The silane proved to be very effective in enhancing bonding to the glass surface. As a general aqueous adhesive, a solution of 2% polyvinyl alcohol (m.w. 108,000; 99.7% hydrolyzed) with 0.2% hydrolyzed vinyltriethoxysilane is recommended. This stock solution is diluted 1:10 to 1:50 and used directly to float sections onto slides on a warming plate.  相似文献   
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