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Circular dichroism was used to monitor the thermal unfolding of ribonuclease A in 50% aqueous methanol. The spectrum of the protein at temperatures below -10 degrees C (pH* 3.0) was essentially identical to that of native ribonuclease A in aqueous solution. The spectrum of the thermally denatured material above 70 degrees C revealed some residual secondary structure in comparison to protein unfolded by 5 M Gdn.HCl at 70 degrees C in the presence or absence of methanol. The spectra as a function of temperature were deconvoluted to determine the contributions of different types of secondary structure. The position of the thermal unfolding transition as monitored by alpha-helix, with a midpoint at 38 degrees C, was at a much higher temperature than that monitored by beta-sheet, 26 degrees C, which also corresponded to that observed by delta A286, tyrosine fluorescence and hydrodynamic radius (from light scattering measurements). Thus, the loss of beta-sheet structure is decoupled from that of alpha-helix, suggesting a step-wise unfolding of the protein. The transition observed for loss of alpha-helix coincides with the previously measured transition for His-12 by NMR from a partially folded state to the unfolded state, suggesting that the unfolding of the N-terminal helix in RNase A is lost after unfolding of the core beta-sheet during thermal denaturation. The thermally denatured protein was relatively compact, as measured by dynamic light scattering.  相似文献   
Six different restriction endonucleases were used to generate restriction fragment maps of the genome of the temperate Bacillus subtilis phage SPβ. AvaI and SalI each had six target sites in the phage DNA, AvaII had three, BamHI had seven, PstI had twenty, and SacI had sixteen. Restriction analysis and heteroduplex analysis were used to locate a 10-kb region of DNA that is deleted in the clear-plaque mutant, spβci. Thedeletion lay approx. 50 kb from the left end of the 126-kb phage genome.  相似文献   
A series of related hetero-bifunctional RNA-protein cross-linking reagents has been prepared, carrying an imidoester or N-hydroxysuccinimide ester function at one end of the molecule, and a phenylazido function at the other. These compounds have been applied to RNA-protein cross-linking studies with ribosomal subunits, and one of them, p-azido-phenylacetic imidoester, has proved to be a particularly useful reagent for this purpose. The reagent first reacts specifically with protein amino groups, and subsequent photolysis of the azide group leads to cross-linking to the RNA in yields of up to 8% of the total protein. The whole reaction takes place under very mild conditions in aqueous solution.The individual proteins concerned in the cross-links have been identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and the existence of a covalent cross-link was confirmed by the isolation by two different methods of protein-oligonucleotide complexes carrying a 32P label. Although most of the ribosomal proteins could be cross-linked to their corresponding ribosomal RNA within the individual subunits, RNA-protein cross-links at the ribosomal subunit interface were only detectable in vanishingly small amounts.The advantages of this type of genuine hetero-bifunctional reagent in RNA-protein cross-linking studies are discussed.  相似文献   
The his4 region of yeast encodes the information for the third (phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase), second (phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase), and tenth (histidinol dehydrogenase) steps in the histidine biosynthetic pathway. These three activities co-purify with a single protein which has a subunit molecular weight of 95,000 (95,000 protein), as determined by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Extracts of yeast strains which carry nonsense or deletion mutations in various portions of the his4 region, purified in parallel by affinity chromatography on AMP-agarose columns, were examined on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis slabs. All such mutant extracts examined were found to lack the 95,000 protein found in a strain carrying a wild type his4 allele. The presence of a protease inhibitor, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, during the purification of the trifunctional enzyme prevented the degradation of the 95,000 protein to polypeptides of lower molecular weight. Monospecific antibody prepared against the 95,000 protein removed all three of the activities specified by his4 from solution; active 95,000 protein was recovered in the resuspended immunoprecipitates. All this evidence shows that the product of the his4 region is a trifunctional, 95,000-dalton protein. Preliminary evidence from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, NH2-terminal analysis, and gel filtration column chromatography indicates that the native trifunctional enzyme is a dimer of identical 95,000-dalton subunits.  相似文献   
The reaction of alpha-chymotrypsin with N alpha-3-(2-furyl)acryloyl-L-tryptophan methyl ester (FA-Trp-OMe) and amide has been investigated in aqueous and dimethylsulphoxide cryosolvent solutions from pH2 to 7 and over a wide temperature range. Previous reports have suggested that an intermediate preceding the acyl-enzyme can be detected spectrophotometrically in the reaction with methyl esters of FA-Trp and FA-Tyr at low pH [Yu & Viswanatha (1969) Eur. J. Biochem. 11, 347--352), and that this intermediate is an oxazolinone [Coletti-Previero et al. (1970) FEBS Lett. 11, 213--217]. We show that the previous interpretations of the time-dependent spectral changes were incorrect, and that the only detected intermediate is the acyl-enzyme. This may be isolated by gel filtration at pH less than 2.5, 1 degree C, owing to its relative stability. The pH-dependence of the rates of acylation and deacylation from pH 8.5 to 2.0 are consistent with a single ionization of pK congruent to 7.0 in both aqueous and cryosolvent solutions.  相似文献   
The topography and properties of plasma membrane proteins from mouse L-929 cells are studied by comparing their availability for enzymatic labeling on the external and internal surfaces of the membrane. In order to study the internal surface, phagolysosomes are prepared from cells after they ingest latex particles. The plasma membrane surrounding these seems to have an “inside-out” orientation. The sugars of the membrane glycoproteins in intact phagolysosomes are not available for interaction with lectins or available for periodate-borotritide labeling. A comparison of the lectin-binding proteins lableled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination on the external cell surface with those labeled on the internal cell surface suggests that a variety of plasma membrane glycoproteins span the lipid bilayer. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis it has been shown that selected proteins are labeled at both the internal and external faces of the plasma membrane. Analysis of the 2-D gel electrophoregrams reveals that there are two distinct prominent proteins at 60,000 and 100,000 daltons which are enzymatically iodinated from both sides of the membrane. The partial hydrolysis of the 100,000 dalton protein reveals that different peptides are iodinated when the iodination is performed on intact cells or on the phagolysosomes. These proteins are extensively phosphorylated in cells incubated with inorganic 32P. We conclude that the phagolysosome is probably oriented in an “inside-out” configuration and that this membrane preparation can be used to study the topographic organization of membrane proteins. The use of oriented membranes, selective labeling of proteins, and affinity separation of proteins in combination with gel electrophoresis to define the position and properties of proteins is discussed.  相似文献   
In an effort to assess the effects of dehydration on the content of water and electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-, and Mg2+) in plasma and muscle tissue, eight men exercised in the heat (39.5 degrees C, 25%). Blood urine, and muscle biopsy samples were obtained before exercise and after the subjects had reduced their body weight by 2.2, 4.1, and 5.8%. On the average, plasma and muscle water (H2Om) contents were found to decline 2.4 and 1.2% for each percent decrease in body weight. Muscle sodium (Na+m) and chloride (Cl-m) content remained unchanged with dehydration, while muscle magnesium (Mg2+m) declined 12% as a result of the 5.8% dehydration. In terms of intracellular concentrations, K+i increased 7.2 and 10.6% at the 2.2 and 4.1% dehydration levels, respectively. Calculations of the resting membrane potential suggest that the water and electrolyte losses observed in these studies do not significantly alter the excitability of the muscle cell membrane.  相似文献   
Behind the firm discrimination maintained between active and passive transport lies a definition of energetic coupling as a fusion between an exergonic chemical reaction and an uphill transport. In contrast, energetic coupling between paired chemical reactions tends. to be defined much more loosely, as if the term were merely equivalent to sequential linkage, even though the actual usage may parallel that in transport. This article argues for a sharpening of this definition through integrated consideration of chemi-chemical and chemi-osmotic coupling.Furthermore; it calls attention to the applicability of energetic coupling to both the backward and forward fluxes of the energized transport. When two parallel but distinct active transport systems act on the same solute, one is likely to operate more steeply uphill than the other. The situation then easily arises, and is probably widespread, whereby entry occurs largely by the first process and exodus by the reversal of the second, still energetically linked. In this way cases of chemi-osmoti-chemical coupling probably arise, beyond the one proposed by Mitchell. Presumably the term retention process has in the past unknowingly (and illogically) referred to the second transport process. The “uncoupling” of an active transport does not tend simply to convert it to a facilitated diffusion, and both fluxes are likely to be modified. Accordingly, measure of only one flux will not describe a change in energy transfer.  相似文献   
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