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System ASC amino acid transporter-2 (ASCT2) was previously demonstrated to be essential for human hepatoma cell growth and survival, as its silencing via inducible antisense RNA expression results in complete apoptosis within 48 h by a mechanism that transcends its role in amino acid delivery. To gain mechanistic insights into the reliance of cancerous liver cells on ASCT2, the aim of this study was to determine the early consequences of its silencing on the growth and survival signaling that presage apoptosis. Induced antisense ASCT2 RNA in SK-Hep1 cells led to >90% suppression of ASCT2 mRNA by 6 h and inhibition of mammalian target-of-rapamycin (mTOR)/raptor (mTOR complex-1; mTORC1) signaling by 8 h, as manifested by diminished p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase-1 and eukaryotic initiation factor-4E (eIF4E) binding protein-1 phosphorylation, while protein synthesis rates declined by nearly 50% despite no measurable decreases in the cap binding protein eIF4G or cellular ribosomal protein content. Depressed mTORC1 signaling occurred before detectable reduction in ASCT2 activity but coincided with a 30% decline in total cellular ASCT2 protein. By 12 h after ASCT2 silencing, further decrements were observed in protein synthesis rates and ASCT2 protein and activity, each by 50%, while signaling from mTOR/rictor (mTOR complex-2; mTORC2) was stimulated as indexed by enhanced phosphorylation of the Akt/PKB kinase on serine-473 and of its proapoptotic substrate Bad on serine-136. These results suggest that ASCT2 silencing inhibits mTORC1 signaling to the translational machinery followed by an mTORC2-initiated survival response, establishing a link between amino acid transporter expression and mTOR function. amino acid transport; hepatocellular carcinoma; apoptosis; protein synthesis  相似文献   
Septins are a family of conserved GTP-binding proteins that function in cytokinesis in fungi and animals. In budding yeast, septins form scaffolds for assembly of the actomyosin contractile ring at the cleavage plane, a role that does not appear to be conserved in other organisms. The septins form an hourglass-shaped collar at the mother-bud neck, which splits into two rings flanking the division plane at cytokinesis. A recent study(1) demonstrates that these two septin rings constitute diffusion barriers that create a cytokinetic compartment to retain cortical cytokinetic factors in proximity to the cleavage plane.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease, mainly effecting the elderly population. The cause of OA seems to be an imbalance in catabolic and anabolic factors that develops with age. IL-1 is a catabolic factor known to induce cartilage damage, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is an anabolic factor that can counteract many IL-1-induced effects. In old mice, we observed reduced responsiveness to TGF-beta-induced IL-1 counteraction. We investigated whether expression of TGF-beta and its signaling molecules altered with age. To mimic the TGF-beta deprived conditions in aged mice, we assessed the functional consequence of TGF-beta blocking. We isolated knee joints of mice aged 5 months or 2 years, half of which were exposed to IL-1 by intra-articular injection 24 h prior to knee joint isolation. Immunohistochemistry was performed, staining for TGF-beta1, -2 or -3, TGF-betaRI or -RII, Smad2, -3, -4, -6 and -7 and Smad-2P. The percentage of cells staining positive was determined in tibial cartilage. To mimic the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice, young mice were injected with IL-1 and after 2 days Ad-LAP (TGF-beta inhibitor) or a control virus were injected. Proteoglycan (PG) synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation) and PG content of the cartilage were determined. Our experiments revealed that TGF-beta2 and -3 expression decreased with age, as did the TGF-beta receptors. Although the number of cells positive for the Smad proteins was not altered, the number of cells expressing Smad2P strongly dropped in old mice. IL-1 did not alter the expression patterns. We mimicked the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice by TGF-beta inhibition with LAP. This resulted in a reduced level of PG synthesis and aggravation of PG depletion. The limited response of old mice to TGF-beta induced-IL-1 counteraction is not due to a diminished level of intracellular signaling molecules or an upregulation of intracellular inhibitors, but is likely due to an intrinsic absence of sufficient TGF-beta receptor expression. Blocking TGF-beta distorted the natural repair response after IL-1 injection. In conclusion, TGF-beta appears to play an important role in repair of cartilage and a lack of TGF-beta responsiveness in old mice might be at the root of OA development.  相似文献   
Despite some promising progress in the understanding of membrane protein folding and assembly, there is little experimental information regarding the thermodynamic stability of transmembrane helix interactions and even less on the stability of transmembrane helix-helix interactions in a biological membrane. Here we describe an approach that allows quantitative measurement of transmembrane helix interactions in a biological membrane, and calculation of changes in the interaction free energy resulting from substitution of single amino acids. Dimerization of several variants of the glycophorin A transmembrane domain are characterized and compared to the wild-type (wt) glycophorin A transmembrane helix dimerization. The calculated DeltaDeltaG(app) values are further compared with values found in the literature. In addition, we compare interactions between the wt glycophorin A transmembrane domain and helices in which critical glycine residues are replaced by alanine or serine, respectively. The data demonstrate that replacement of the glycine residues by serine is less destabilizing than replacement by alanine with a DeltaDeltaG(app) value of about 0.4 kcal/mol. Our study comprises the first measurement of a transmembrane helix interaction in a biological membrane, and we are optimistic that it can be further developed and applied.  相似文献   
Benjamin Franklin had at least two accidents that resulted in electricity passing through his brain. In addition, he witnessed a patient's similar accident and performed an experiment that showed how humans could endure shocks to the head without serious ill effects, other than amnesia. Jan Ingenhousz, Franklin's Dutch-born medical correspondent better known for his discovery of photosynthesis, also had a serious accident that sent electricity though his head and, in a letter to Franklin, he described how he felt unusually elated the next day. During the 1780s, Franklin and Ingenhousz encouraged leading French and English electrical "operators" to try shocking the heads of melancholic and other deranged patients in their wards. Although they did not state that they were responding to Ingenhousz's and Franklin's suggestions, Birch, Aldini, and Gale soon did precisely what Ingenhousz and Franklin had suggested. These practitioners did not appear to induce convulsions in their mentally ill patients, but they still reported notable successes.  相似文献   
1. At a local scale, the species composition, diversity and spatial variation of wetland plant communities are determined primarily by spatial and temporal heterogeneity in their environments. Less is known about variation at a landscape‐level. The floodplain of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River in China includes hydrologically connected, subtropical wetlands with different hydrological characteristics. 2. We examined seed‐bank species composition and richness in marshes of two contrasting hydrological types: permanent marshes, fed by local runoff, and lakeshore marshes more closely connected to the regulated river. Lakeshore marshes are flooded annually to depth of approximately 1 m and during flooding they support an alternate, aquatic vegetation type. The soil seed bank in March was a comparative estimator of species diversity. At the beginning of the growing season it included seeds from both phases of alternating vegetation types associated with the annual hydrological cycle. 3. A regional pool of 101 species was detected in the seed banks of six wetlands associated with the river and its tributaries: 56 occurred in permanent marshes and 59 in lakeshore marshes, with only 15 common to both. Species rarefaction curves indicated that more species occurred in permanent than lakeshore marshes at equal numbers of individuals sampled. However, the more heterogeneous lakeshore seed banks were estimated (Chao 2) to have greater total species richness (81) than permanent marsh (60). 4. Analysis using Sørensen's coefficient of similarity and DCA ordination revealed complex variation, with much greater differences between hydrological types than within them, irrespective of geographical distance. The types also differed significantly in the composition of four functional groups of species. 5. Despite the potential for dispersal of propagules via the annually pulsing river system (hydrochory), at a regional and landscape scale, diversity is maintained largely by large‐scale temporal hydrological heterogeneity and smaller scale spatial and topographic heterogeneity.  相似文献   


Quorum sensing is a form of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to control a wide range of physiological processes in a population density-dependent manner. Production of peptide antibiotics is one of the processes regulated by quorum sensing in several species of Gram-positive bacteria, including strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum. This bacterium and its peptide antibiotics are of interest due to their potential applications in food preservation. The molecular bases of the quorum sensing phenomenon controlling peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum remain poorly understood. The present study was aimed at gaining a deeper insight into the molecular mechanism involved in quorum sensing-mediated regulation of peptide antibiotic (bacteriocin) production by C. maltaromaticum. We report the functional analyses of the CS (autoinducer)-CbnK (histidine protein kinase)-CbnR (response regulator) three-component regulatory system and the three regulated promoters involved in peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum LV17B.  相似文献   
Mice lacking both the P2X2 and the P2X3 purinergic receptors (P2X-dblKO) exhibit loss of responses to all taste qualities in the taste nerves innervating the tongue. Similarly, these mice exhibit a near total loss of taste-related behaviors in brief access tests except for a near-normal avoidance of acidic stimuli. This persistent avoidance of acids despite the loss of gustatory neural responses to sour was postulated to be due to continued responsiveness of the superior laryngeal (SL) nerve. However, chemoresponses of the larynx are attributable both to taste buds and to free nerve endings. In order to test whether the SL nerve of P2X-dblKO mice remains responsive to acids but not to other tastants, we recorded responses from the SL nerve in wild-type (WT) and P2X-dblKO mice. WT mice showed substantial SL responses to monosodium glutamate, sucrose, urea, and denatonium-all of which were essentially absent in P2X-dblKO animals. In contrast, the SL nerve of P2X-dblKO mice exhibited near-normal responses to citric acid (50 mM) although responsiveness of both the chorda tympani and the glossopharyngeal nerves to this stimulus were absent or greatly reduced. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the residual avoidance of acidic solutions by P2X-dblKO mice may be attributable to the direct chemosensitivity of nerve fibers innervating the laryngeal epithelium and not to taste.  相似文献   
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