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Carotenoids are antioxidants playing major roles in physiologicalfunctions at various stages of an animal's life. Female birdsdeposit large amounts of carotenoids into their eggs. Carotenoidsare, however, a limiting resource, and females are expectedto balance carotenoid deposition into the eggs with their utilizationfor themselves. Carotenoid availability is thus likely to determineboth the levels of yolk carotenoids and maternal care duringrearing. Carotenoids have been shown to benefit the embryo andthe growing nestling, and it can be hypothesized that an increasein carotenoid availability during laying leads to higher nestlingcondition and competitive ability. We manipulated carotenoidavailability to great tit pairs prior to and during egg layingand later partially cross-fostered chicks at hatching. Duringthe rearing period, we measured how carotenoid availabilityaffected nestlings begging behavior and male and female feedingeffort. We also manipulated the ectoparasite load, predictingthat carotenoid supplementation would help adults and nestlingto cope with parasites. Nestlings hatched from eggs laid bycarotenoid-supplemented females and raised in small broods beggedmore intensely. Nestlings in small deparasitized broods alsobegged more actively. The feeding effort of control femalesincreased with brood size, whereas the feeding effort of carotenoid-supplementedfemales was high whatever the brood size. Male feeding effortwas unaffected by our treatment. Our results support the hypothesisthat maternally derived carotenoids increase nestling beggingbehavior and hence competitive ability. They further suggestthat carotenoid availability determines the level of parentalinvestment and can mediate trade-offs between life-history traits.  相似文献   
Hypoxia is a common characteristic of locally advanced solid tumors that has been associated with diminished therapeutic response and malignant progression. Human carbonic anhydrase (hCA) hCA IX and XII isozymes are tumor associated isoforms which contribute to acidification of the tumor environment by catalyzing the hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and protons.In the present study our goal was to investigate the inhibition effects of 15 different antibiotics belonging to the following classes: Lactams, cephalosporins, macrolides etc., on the tumor associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes hCA-IX, hCA-XII and cytosolic carbonic anhydrase hCA-I and hCA-II.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence supports a central role for biometals in neurodegenerative disorders. Biometals induce oxidative stress through the generation of reactive oxygen species and contribute to neuronal cell dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease (AD), prion disorders and Parkinson's disease (PD). Therapies based on modulation of biometal metabolism are currently being developed and the metal ligand, 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline (clioquinol or CQ) has been investigated for the treatment of AD. CQ has also shown therapeutic benefits in an animal model of PD. However, little is known about the neuroprotective processes of CQ in vivo. In this study, we examined the effect of CQ in BE(2)-M17 human neuroblastoma cells exposed to increased oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment). Although CQ alone induced a moderate toxic effect on cells, when added to H2O2-treated M17 cells, CQ induced a significant inhibition of H2O2 toxicity. This correlated with up-regulation of phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) activity in CQ-treated cells. The protective action of CQ was not observed in murine N2a neuroblastoma cells treated with H2O2 and this cell-line did not reveal CQ-mediated increases in PI3K activation. The protective effect was specific for CQ and was not induced by a number of different metal ligands. Inhibition of PI3K activity with LY294002 prevented CQ protection against H2O2 toxicity, demonstrating a crucial role for CQ activation of PI3K in protection against oxidative stress. Furthermore, CQ inhibited H2O2-mediated up-regulation of p53 activity in the M17 cells and this was dependent on PI3K activation. Our studies demonstrate that in human M17 cells, CQ can protect against oxidative stress by activating the PI3K-dependent survival pathway and blocking p53-mediated cell death. These findings have important implications for the development of protective metal ligand-based therapies for treatment of disorders involving oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Purpose: Ankaferd Blood Stopper® (ABS), a licenced medicinal herbal extract, is commonly used as an effective topical haemostatic agent. This study is designed to investigate whether topical ABS application may cause peripheral nerve degeneration and neuromuscular dysfunction in a mouse sciatic nerve model.

Methods: Twenty mice were randomly divided into two groups; an ABS treated experimental group and a saline-treated control group. Left sciatic nerves were treated with 0.3?ml of ABS in the experimental group and 0.3?ml of sterile saline in the control group for 5?min. Peripheral nerve degeneration and neuromuscular dysfunction were evaluated by behavioural tests, electrophysiological analysis and weight ratio comparison of target muscles.

Results: The motor function, assessed by the sciatic function index, was significantly impaired in ABS-treated animals as compared to the animals treated with saline. Motor coordination, evaluated with the rotarod test, was significantly decreased (–42%) in ABS-treated animals compared to the saline-treated animals. The degree of pain, assessed by the reaction latency to thermal stimuli (hot-plate test), was significantly prolonged (313%) in ABS-treated mice when compared to the saline-treated mice. ABS-treated mice showed a significant reduction in motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) (–52%) and the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) (–47%); however, it significantly prolonged onset latency (23%). The gastrocnemius muscles weight ratio of the ABS group was considerably lower than that of the control group.

Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that ABS triggers peripheral nerve degeneration and functional impairment and, thus promotes a deterioration of sciatic nerves.  相似文献   
The level of trace elements such as Zn, Cu and Fe in testicular tissue is an indication of the condition of the tissue as these elements take over important tasks. Zinc and copper are the prosthetic groups of several metalloenzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is an important antioxidant enzyme in the cellular protection from reactive oxygen species. If concentrations of these trace elements decrease significantly, SOD cannot detoxify harmful oxygen species. In this study, adult male rats (wistar-albino) were exposed to formaldehyde at different periods (subacute and subchronic) and concentrations (0; 12.2; 24.4 mg.L-1). Body and testis weights were recorded and compared with control groups. The metals described above were determined in rat testicular tissue by atomic absorption spectrometry by using wet ashing. We conclude that subacute or subchronic exposure to formaldehyde have caused growth retardation and altered levels of trace elements, including copper, zinc and iron, in testicular tissue, and may induce further oxidative damage on testicular tissue leading to spermatozoal abnormalities.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. The effects of aminoguanidine and erdosteine on the bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis were evaluated in rats. The animals were placed into five groups: Vehicle + vehicle, vehicle + bleomycin (2.5 U/kg), bleomycin + aminoguanidine (200 mg/kg), bleomycin + erdosteine (10 mg/kg), and bleomycin + erdosteine + aminoguanidine. Bleomycin administration resulted in prominent lung fibrosis as measured by lung hydroxyproline content and lung histology, which is completely prevented by erdosteine and aminoguanidine. A strong staining for nitro tyrosine antibody in lung tissue and increased levels of lung NO were found in bleomycin group, that were significantly reduced by aminoguanidine and erdosteine. Aminoguanidine and erdosteine significantly prevented depletion of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase and elevated myeloperoxidase activities, malondialdehyde level in lung tissue produced by bleomycin. Data presented here indicate that aminoguanidine and erdosteine prevented bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis and that nitric oxide mediated tyrosine nitration of proteins plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. Also our data suggest that antifibrotic affect of antioxidants may be due to their inhibitory effect on nitric oxide generation in this model.  相似文献   
Birds deposit the trace element selenium (Se) into their eggs because an adequate supply of this micronutrient is essential for embryonic development. Although there is considerable interest in egg Se with regard to topics as diverse as poultry nutrition and environmental pollution, data on the natural levels of Se in eggs of free-living avian species are currently very limited. To address this lack of information, we measured the yolk Se concentrations in eggs of 14 avian species collected in the wild. The concentrations (ng/g wet yolk) varied from 394 to 2238, with a mean value of 1040. Values (means+/-SD) for eggs from the UK, Canada and New Zealand were, respectively, 522+/-192 (3 species), 1194+/-584 (8 species) and 1147+/-200 (3 species). However, analysis by appropriate statistical models indicates that the effect of phylogenetic relatedness among these species is so significant that it removes any effect of geographical location. In particular, species belonging to the order Passeriformes displayed significantly higher yolk Se levels than Non-Passeriforme species. In marked contrast to the free-living species, our previously published data indicate that the Se concentration in egg yolk of the domestic chicken is only about 100 ng/g wet yolk when the birds are maintained on a basal commercial diet without supplementary Se. The results reveal an extensive interspecies variation in yolk Se (across a 6-fold range) for eggs collected from the wild. Nevertheless, the Se concentrations in the yolks of all the free-living species were far higher (4-21-fold) than that achieved in the yolk of the domestic chicken consuming a standard basal diet.  相似文献   
Kurt  Firat  Kurt  Baris  Filiz  Ertugrul  Yildiz  Kubra  Akbudak  M. Aydın 《Biometals》2022,35(5):875-887
BioMetals - Mitochondrial iron transporter (MIT) genes are essential for mitochondrial acquisition/import of iron and vital to proper functioning of mitochondria. Unlike other organisms, research...  相似文献   
Antioxidants are compounds that can delay or inhibit lipid oxidation. The peroxidation of linoleic acid (LA) in the absence and presence of Cu(II) ion–ascorbate combinations was investigated in aerated and incubated emulsions at 37 °C and pH 7. LA peroxidation induced by copper(II)–ascorbic acid system followed first order kinetics with respect to hydroperoxides concentration. The extent of copper-initiated peroxide production in a LA system assayed by ferric thiocyanate method was used to determine possible antioxidant and prooxidant activities of the added flavonoids. The effects of three different flavonoids of similar structure, i.e. quercetin (QR), morin (MR) and catechin (CT), as potential antioxidant protectors were studied in the selected peroxidation system. The inhibitive order of flavonoids in the protection of LA peroxidation was: morin > catechin ≥ quercetin, i.e. agreeing with that of formal reduction potentials versus NHE at pH 7, i.e. 0.60, 0.57 and 0.33 V for MR, CT, and QR, respectively. Morin showed antioxidant effect at all concentrations whereas catechin and quercetin showed both antioxidant and prooxidant effects depending on their concentrations. The structural requirements for antioxidant activity in flavonoids interestingly coincide with those for Cu(II)-induced prooxidant activity, because as the reducing power of a flavonoid increases, Cu(II)–Cu(I) reduction is facilitated that may end up with the production of reactive species. The findings of this study were evaluated in the light of structure–activity relationships of flavonoids, and the results are believed to be useful to better understand the actual conditions where flavonoids may act as prooxidants in the preservation of heterogeneous food samples containing traces of transition metal ions.  相似文献   
This study was initiated to evaluate the status of selenium in Turkish residents. Serum selenium level of 76 healthy children, living in Ankara, aged 2 mo-13 y was determined by a spectrofluorometric method. Average selenium level was found to be 88.1 +/- 12.4 micrograms/L (mean +/- SD). Selenium levels showed a tendency to increase with age and mean selenium level in early infancy was lower than that of school children; no relation to the sex and hematological parameters such as hemoglobin concentration and white blood cell counts were observed.  相似文献   
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