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The 10-subunit RNA exosome is involved in a large number of diverse RNA processing and degradation events in eukaryotes. These reactions are carried out by the single catalytic subunit, Rrp44p/Dis3p, which is composed of three parts that are conserved throughout eukaryotes. The exosome is named for the 3′ to 5′ exoribonuclease activity provided by a large C-terminal region of the Rrp44p subunit that resembles other exoribonucleases. Rrp44p also contains an endoribonuclease domain. Finally, the very N-terminus of Rrp44p contains three Cys residues (CR3 motif) that are conserved in many eukaryotes but have no known function. These three conserved Cys residues cluster with a previously unrecognized conserved His residue in what resembles a metal-ion-binding site. Genetic and biochemical data show that this CR3 motif affects both endo- and exonuclease activity in vivo and both the nuclear and cytoplasmic exosome, as well as the ability of Rrp44p to associate with the other exosome subunits. These data provide the first direct evidence that the exosome-Rrp44p interaction is functionally important and also provides a molecular explanation for the functional defects when the conserved Cys residues are mutated.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulins in human schistosomiasis mansoni   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ability of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and nitric oxide (NO) donor compounds such as sodium nitroprusside (SNP), glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), and 3-morpholino-sydnonimine (SIN-1) to modulate the histamine- and bradykinin-induced increase in microvascular permeability have been investigated in rabbit skin. The effect of the NO synthesis inhibitor Nω-nitro- -arginine methyl ester ( -NAME) on the plasma exudation induced by histamine and bradykinin was also studied. Local edema formation was evaluated using [125I]human serum albumin. New Zealand white rabbits received an intravenous injection of [125I]human albumin followed immediately by the intradermal injection of edematogenic agents into the shaved dorsolateral skin. PGE1 (0.1 nmol/site) significantly potentiated both histamine- and bradykinin-induced edema. In contrast, SNP (0.4–400 nmol/site), SIN-1 (0.4–400 nmol/site), and GTN (0.4–40 nmol/site) did not affect the edematogenic response induced by either histamine or bradykinin. GTN (0.4–40 nmol/site) also had no effect on the increase in plasma exudation induced by histamine and bradykinin in the presence of PGE1. -NAME (50–400 nmol/site), but not its enantiomer -NAME, dose-dependently reduced the edema formation induced by a combination of either histamine or bradykinin with PGE1. This inhibition was significantly reversed by SNP (4–400 nmol/site) and by high doses (2.5 μmol/site) of -arginine (but not by -arginine). Our results thus demonstrate that PGE1, but not nitrovasodilators, can actually potentiate histamine- and bradykinin-induced edema in rabbit skin. This discrepancy cannot be explained by the lack of vasodilator activity of the nitrovasodilators since these were able to reverse the -NAME-induced inhibition of the edema provoked by histamine. Rather, this difference most likely reflects the ability of PGE1 to modulate vascular permeability by mechanism(s) other than an increase in arterial flow.  相似文献   
The regulatory role that mitochondria play in cell dysfunction and cell-death pathways involves the concept of a complex and multisite regulation of cellular respiration and energy production signaled by cellular and intercellular messengers. Hence, the role of nitric oxide, as a physiological regulator acting directly on the mitochondrial respiratory chain acquires further relevance. This article provides a survey of the major regulatory roles of nitric oxide on mitochondrial functions as an expression of two major metabolic pathways for nitric oxide consumption: a reductive pathway, involving mitochondrial ubiquinol and yielding nitroxyl anion and an oxidative pathway involving superoxide anion and yielding peroxynitrite. The modulation of the decay pathways for nitrogen-and oxygen-centered radicals is further analyzed as a function of the redox transitions of mitochondrial ubiquinol. The interplay among these redox processes and its implications for mitochondrial function is discussed in terms of the mitochondrial steady-state levels (and gradients) of nitric oxide and superoxide anion.  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) exposure remains a major public health concern due to its widespread distribution in the environment. Organic mercurials, such as MeHg, have been extensively investigated especially because of their congenital effects. In this context, studies on the molecular mechanism of MeHg-induced neurotoxicity are pivotal to the understanding of its toxic effects and the development of preventive measures. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins, such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation are essential for the proper function of proteins and play important roles in the regulation of cellular homeostasis. The rapid and transient nature of many PTMs allows efficient signal transduction in response to stress. This review summarizes the current knowledge of PTMs in MeHg-induced neurotoxicity, including the most commonly PTMs, as well as PTMs induced by oxidative stress and PTMs of antioxidant proteins. Though PTMs represent an important molecular mechanism for maintaining cellular homeostasis and are involved in the neurotoxic effects of MeHg, we are far from understanding the complete picture on their role, and further research is warranted to increase our knowledge of PTMs in MeHg-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
Conditional stability constants (log K), and binding site densities (Γmax) for dissolved metals and biota are important input parameters for the Biotic Ligand Model. However, determination of these binding parameters is likely to be influenced by solution kinetics because roots have a large metal-binding capacity and can accumulate metals rapidly. The aim of this study was to determine if the rate of free metal ion diffusion to the root surface, and amount of metal in the bulk solution, is sufficient to accommodate the maximum root–metal accumulation capacity. The extent to which these kinetic limitations affect the magnitude of log K and Γmax values was also assessed. Seven day old hydroponically grown durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum, cv ‘Arcola’) were exposed to solutions with p{Cu2+}s ranging from 10.54 to 2.26 (~20 °C, pH = 6.0, ionic strength = 0.03 M). Exposure solutions were prepared with and without the metal buffer nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) so that the total amount of metal in the exposure solution, and net flux of metal to the root, could be varied. The results demonstrate that NTA enhances Cu accumulation at exposure p{Cu2+}s between 10 and 6. Comparison of the diffusive flux to the root with the metal flux into the root, for (−NTA) and (+NTA) Cu exposures, showed that the flux of the un-buffered free metal ion to the root was not large enough to accommodate the maximum Cu binding capacity between 10 and 6 p{Cu2+} in solution. The total amount of Cu in solution may have limited uptake for exposure p{Cu2+}s of 10.01 and 9.01, but the background concentrations of Cu in the control plants prevented definitive conclusions from being made within this exposure range. Similar results were found for Mn and Ni. For Cd, which had lower background concentrations in the roots, the amount of metal in solution did not limit uptake until a p{Cd2+} of 10.01. Limiting the supply of Cu2+ to the root (i.e. low {Cu2+}s with no NTA) caused only a moderate bias in Γmax values, but suppressed the log K value by 3.44 log units. The log K values for Cd, Mn and Ni, in the absence of NTA, were more similar than expected, which suggests that the kinetics of free ion re-supply to the root surface limited metal uptake, as it did for Cu. Section Editor: T. B. Kinraide  相似文献   
Ria de Alvor is a small estuary between Lagos and Portimão on the south coast of Portugal, 37°7'–37°10'N, 8°35'–8°38'W.
Samples were collected monthly in the period April 1985–March 1986 in an ichthyoplankton and ichthyofauna survey of the estuary. A WP-2 plankton net was used for catching ichthyoplankton, and a beam trawl and a beach seine were used for catching ichthyofauna.
Scaldfish, Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum, 1792), even though the most abundant species in ichthyoplankton samples, was never found in ichthyofauna samples.
From the results obtained, it is concluded that a great part of the fish species are temporary marine visitors using the Ria as a nursery ground, although this system appears to provide a spawning area for species with benthic eggs. No evidence was found of pelagic spawning.  相似文献   
In assessing the effectiveness of ecological restoration actions, outcomes evaluation using a multi‐taxa approach can greatly contribute to a clearer understanding of their success/failure. Since comprehensive biodiversity assessments are rarely possible, choosing taxa groups that are indicative of the ecosystem's structural and functional recovery is of major importance. Our goal was to evaluate the success of revegetation actions performed in a Mediterranean limestone quarry, using plants and epigean beetles as indicators. We compared their abundance, diversity, and community composition between revegetated sites aged 5, 13, and 19 years and a natural reference. Total plant cover significantly increased with restoration age and quickly reached reference values. However, native woody species cover dropped in the oldest site, while non‐native species became dominant. The abundance of beetles was always lower in restoration sites when compared to the reference, increasing with age, although not significantly. The richness of both plant species and beetle families was lower in restoration sites and did not show any trend towards the reference values. Finally, using nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the composition of plant and beetle communities from restoration sites showed a clear separation from the reference. Restoration efforts have successfully modified post‐quarry sites, but considerable differences remain, probably largely related to the use of the non‐native species Pinus halepensis in restoration plans. P. halepensis high cover in restoration sites greatly affects the structure of the ecosystem, and most likely its functioning too, as well as related ecosystem services, causing divergence from the reference values and compromising restoration success.  相似文献   
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