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The results of the study of typical specimens of the trematode G. amoena from blood vessels of the crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni in Australia are provided. The data obtained on the morphology of this parasite did not confirm the statement of Platt et al. (1991) that this species belongs to the family Schistosomatidae. Morphological data on G. amoena enable attributing it to the genus Vasotrema of the family Spirorchidae as a new species. In this connection, the monotypical genus Griphobilharzia (justified by Platt et al., 1991) becomes a synonym of the genus Vasotrema, while the subfamily Griphobilharziinae becomes a synonym of the subfamily Hapalotrematinae.  相似文献   
目的分析未净化Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠封闭群繁育和生长指标,并利用直接测序法分析其遗传稳定性。方法随机选择40对Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠,记录其繁殖胎次、产子数等指标,分析其仔鼠的生长发育情况。遗传稳定性分析选择Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠非同胞、非亲代个体33只,提取肝脏基因组DNA,PCR扩增D-Loop序列,产物纯化后双向测序,测序结果与Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠标准序列比对。结果 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠每胎产仔7只,胎间隔多在20~60 d间,雄性体重高于雌性。遗传稳定性分析检测发现33只Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠序列与标准序列完全一致。结论 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠群体内未发现遗传多态性,说明该群体具有较好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   
目的比较两种肠内容物前处理和两种提取方法对清洁级SD大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA提取效率。方法分别选用PBS多次离心漂洗、液氮破细胞两种前处理方法和酚/氯仿抽提、试剂盒过柱法两种提取方法进行组合分析,对4份肠内容物和16份含金黄色葡萄球菌肠内容物进行随机提取。结果大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA含量和纯度测定结果显示,与PBS反复离心相比,液氮研磨前处理能显著提高大鼠肠内容物基因组DNA。荧光定量PCR表明,液氮研磨前处理较PBS反复离心能更好地收集细菌基因组DNA,其Ct值最低。结论研究结果表明,采用液氮研磨试剂盒法在大鼠肠内容物DNA提取中是较为优良的方法,该方法为建立实验动物中微生物的定量PCR检测方法打下了基础。  相似文献   
为了解不同玉米品种对草地贪夜蛾生长发育的影响,本文通过比较草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda取食2种糯质型玉米(明玉1203和苏玉糯5号)与3种普通玉米(苏玉29、苏玉30和郑单958)后的发育历期、死亡率、蛹重、成虫畸形率、繁殖力与幼虫取食选择率等生物学参数,分析了草地贪夜蛾对不同品种玉米的适应性差异.结果表明:以糯质型玉米饲养的草地贪夜蛾幼虫发育历期与成虫寿命均长于取食普通玉米的个体,而蛹重与单雌产卵量低于取食普通玉米的个体.草地贪夜蛾最高总体死亡率(50.82%)与成虫畸形率(41.38%)均来自于取食糯质型玉米明玉1203处理,而最低总体死亡率(37.29%)与成虫畸形率(12.50%)则分别来自于取食糯质型玉米苏玉糯5号和普通玉米苏玉30处理组.此外,仅6龄幼虫对不同玉米品种的取食偏好性存在显著差异,更倾向于取食普通玉米.综合可见,草地贪夜蛾对普通玉米的适应性好于糯质型玉米,且对糯质型玉米明玉1203的适应性最差.研究结果为所选品种玉米的安全生产与草地贪夜蛾的发生为害评估奠定了研究基础.  相似文献   
大兴安岭南部山地苔藓植物区系多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2009~2012年对大兴安岭南部山地6个自然保护区的苔藓植物进行了野外实地调查,对所采集的1 800余号标本进行室内分析鉴定,并计算分析其种类组成、区系地理成分、地区之间相似性系数和相异系数的欧氏距离比较,及其8种生境中苔藓植物多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数等,为保护区的管理和建设提供基础资料。结果表明:(1)大兴安岭南部山地6个自然保护区共有苔藓植物48科,134属,330种,其中苔类16科,21属,38种,1变种;藓类32科,113属,274种,14变种,2变型,1亚种。(2)首次发现中国新记录4种:长柄紫萼藓(Grimmia longirostris Hook.),毛尖连轴藓[Schistidium lancifolium(Kindb.)Blom.],平叶真藓(Bryumlaevifilum Syed.),凹叶毛灰藓[Homomallium adnatum(Hedw.)Broth.],首次发现本地区新记录12种。(3)以丛藓科为代表的旱生藓类在本区占有优势地位;区系地理成分以温带成分(60.79%)和东亚成分(16.19%)为主。(4)大兴安岭南部山地与兴安北部和燕山北部山地亲缘关系较近;生境条件的变化对苔藓植物多样性产生了一定的影响,湿润土生和石生生境为本区苔藓植物最丰富的生境,水生生境中苔藓植物分布最少。研究发现,大兴安岭南部山地苔藓植物区系是连接华北区、东北区、蒙新区和阴山地区的过渡性地带;与燕山北部和兴安北部相比,大兴安岭南部山地大面积苔藓植物地被层分布较少的主要原因是森林密度和湿度较低。因此,建立保护区对保护大兴安岭南部山地脆弱的森林、草原过渡生态系统,保护中国野生动植物类群及其他珍稀动植物的繁衍均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
The phenophases first greening (bud burst) and yellowing of Nordic mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp.tortuosa, also called B. p. ssp. czerepanovii) were observed at three sites on the Kola Peninsula in northernmost Europe during the period 1964–2003, and at two sites in the trans-boundary Pasvik-Enare region during 1994–2003. The field observations were compared with satellite images based on the GIMMS-NDVI dataset covering 1982–2002 at the start and end of the growing season. A trend for a delay of first greening was observed at only one of the sites (Kandalaksha) over the 40 year period. This fits well with the delayed onset of the growing season for that site based on satellite images. No significant changes in time of greening at the other sites were found with either field observations or satellite analyses throughout the study period. These results differ from the earlier spring generally observed in other parts of Europe in recent decades. In the coldest regions of Europe, e.g. in northern high mountains and the northernmost continental areas, increased precipitation associated with the generally positive North Atlantic Oscillation in the last few decades has often fallen as snow. Increased snow may delay the time of onset of the growing season, although increased temperature generally causes earlier spring phenophases. Autumn yellowing of birch leaves tends towards an earlier date at all sites. Due to both later birch greening and earlier yellowing at the Kandalaksha site, the growing season there has also become significantly shorter during the years observed. The sites showing the most advanced yellowing in the field throughout the study period fit well with areas showing an earlier end of the growing season from satellite images covering 1982–2002. The earlier yellowing is highly correlated with a trend at the sites in autumn for earlier decreasing air temperature over the study period, indicating that this environmental factor is important also for autumn phenophases.  相似文献   
目的比较4种独立通风笼具(individually ventilated cages,IVC)的环境参数。方法参考GB14925-2001的检测方法对分别来自4个厂家生产的4种不同的IVC进行环境检测。结果4种IVC在空气洁净度、落下菌、噪声和照度等4个指标检测数据较为一致;在梯度压差、换气次数、气流速度等3个指标存在较大的差别;而温湿度等指标取决于IVC所处的外部环境。结论目前缺乏国家标准对IVC环境指标进行限定,各厂家所生产的IVC存在差异,需要在此方面加强研究,以促进IVC的标准化,更好的服务于实验动物行业。  相似文献   
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