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More ornamented individuals are supposed to signal their superior quality and health, however the development of larger ornaments or brighter plumages can affect their survival probabilities. The survival of male serins Serinus serinus in relation to the color characteristics of carotenoid-derived breast coloration was analyzed in a six-year capture–recapture study in northeastern Spain. A total of 210 males were individually marked generating 340 captures, between 1997 and 2003. The model with the best fit indicated a quadratic relationship between brightness of carotenoid-derived coloration and survival, independent of time and age of the birds, so that individuals with intermediate plumage brightness survived longer. Hence, results stress that plumage color in male serins is under stabilizing natural selection, with reduced survival both in drabber and brighter individuals. While lower condition of drabber individuals can explain their lower survival, brighter birds can suffer more from predation risk or from a higher investment of resources into mate attraction and/or reproduction.  相似文献   
Although it has been suggested that migratory species are exposed to a more diverse parasite community than sedentary species, this has not previously been demonstrated. To test this hypothesis, we analysed the diversity and prevalence of infections by haematozoan parasites reported in anseriform species (ducks, geese and swans) in relation to host migration patterns. Whilst controlling for research effort, the number of parasite species or genera reported per host was positively related to migration distance, but not to breeding latitude or size of the breeding or total annual range. In species undergoing longer distance migrations, a higher proportion of individuals were infected by haematozoa. Thus, there is indeed evidence that migratory birds are more susceptible or are exposed to a more diverse parasite fauna and higher risk of infection. This may help to explain why migratory species tend to have more exaggerated, sexually selected traits as well as larger immune system organs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Red hues are a challenge in studies on the evolution of bird coloration, as multiple pigments such as carotenoids, pheomelanin, psittacofulvins, porphyrins, turacin, haemoglobin and even exogenous iron-oxides, may confer red colors. Determining the pigment type is paramount and here we investigate the differences in spectrum reflectance for six pigments resulting in red colorations in feathers of different species, with a focus on discriminating among melanins and carotenoids. Pigment chemical identification was obtained from the literature or using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in our laboratory. We have also derived discriminant formulas for identification of the major known types of pigments based on parameters of the reflectance curves obtained with a portable spectrometer. Our results indicate that the reflectance patterns of coloration perceived as red patches widely differ. The distinction between carotenoid- and melanin-based reflectance curves is relatively straightforward: sigmoid versus straight slope. The spectral reflectance curves of feathers containing red psittacofulvins are sigmoid, whereas iron oxide and porphyrin-containing feathers recall pheomelanins in rendering a straight slope. In the case of turacin-based coloration, the spectral shape is unique. For the pigments with enough number of species sampled (i.e., carotenoids, melanins and psittacofulvins) the differences in reflectance shape are important enough to allow separation of carotenoid and melanin derived colorations based on reflectance curves alone.  相似文献   
The loss of natural wetlands throughout the World has made created habitats such as gravel pits, reservoirs or rice fields potentially important for waterbird conservation. In southwest France, the increasing abundance of gravel pits has allowed several bird species to colonize the region. The avian community was studied from 1996 to 1998 in six gravel pits in the Garonne floodplain. A total of 39 species of waterbirds were recorded, with higher abundance during the winter and post-breeding periods. We analyzed habitat use to identify key environmental factors determining the temporal and spatial distribution of the avian community. The presence of submerged macrophytes was found to be the most important factor influencing the distribution of waterbirds. The presence of paths in the vicinity of the areas reduced both the total number of birds and species richness owing to human disturbance. Gravel pits have an increasingly important role in the conservation of bird biodiversity. By controlling disturbance and management of vegetation, managers can enhance this role.  相似文献   
Synthesis, structural characterization, and magnetic properties of a new cyano-bridged one-dimensional iron (III)-gadolinium (III) compound, trans-[Gd(o-phen)2(H2O)2(μ-CN)2Fe(CN)4]n · 2no-phen (o-phen = 1,10-phenanthroline), have been described. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group with the following unit cell parameters: a = 10.538(14) Å, b = 12.004(14) Å, c = 20.61(2) Å, α = 92.41(1)°, β = 92.76(1)°, γ = 112.72(1)°, and Z = 2. In this complex, each gadolinium (III) is coordinated to two nitrile nitrogens of the CN groups coming from two different ferricyanides, the mutually trans cyanides of each of which links another different GdIII to create -NC-Fe(CN)4-CN-Gd-NC- type 1-D chain structure. The one-dimensional chains are self-assembled in two-dimensions via weak C-H?N hydrogen bonds. Both the variable-temperature (2-300 K, 0.01 T and 0.8 T) and variable-field (0-50 000 Gauss, 2 K) magnetic measurements reveal the existence of very weak interaction in this molecule. The temperature dependence of the susceptibilities has been analyzed using a model for a chain of alternating classic (7/2) and quantum (1/2) spins.  相似文献   
Inland and transitional aquatic systems play an important role in global carbon (C) cycling. Yet, the C dynamics of wetlands and floodplains are poorly defined and field data is scarce. Air-water fluxes in the wetlands of Doñana Natural Area (SW Spain) were examined by measuring alkalinity, pH and other physiochemical parameters in a range of water bodies during 2010–2011. Areal fluxes were calculated and, using remote sensing, an estimate of the contribution of aquatic habitats to gaseous transport was derived. Semi-permanent ponds adjacent to the large Guadalquivir estuary acted as mild sinks, whilst temporal wetlands were strong sources of (−0.8 and 36.3 ). Fluxes in semi-permanent streams and ponds changed seasonally; acting as sources in spring-winter and mild sinks in autumn (16.7 and −1.2 ). Overall, Doñana''s water bodies were a net annual source of (5.2 ). Up–scaling clarified the overwhelming contribution of seasonal flooding and allochthonous organic matter inputs in determining regional air-water gaseous transport (13.1 ). Nevertheless, this estimate is about 6 times < local marsh net primary production, suggesting the system acts as an annual net sink. Initial indications suggest longer hydroperiods may favour autochthonous C capture by phytoplankton. Direct anthropogenic impacts have reduced the hydroperiod in Doñana and this maybe exacerbated by climate change (less rainfall and more evaporation), suggesting potential for the modification of C sequestration.  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) hosts the most polymorphic genes ever described in vertebrates. The MHC triggers the adaptive branch of the immune response, and its extraordinary variability is considered an evolutionary consequence of pathogen pressure. The last few years have witnessed the characterization of the MHC multigene family in a large diversity of bird species, unraveling important differences in its polymorphism, complexity, and evolution. Here, we characterize the first MHC class II B sequences isolated from a Rallidae species, the Eurasian Coot Fulica atra. A next‐generation sequencing approach revealed up to 265 alleles that translated into 251 different amino acid sequences (β chain, exon 2) in 902 individuals. Bayesian inference identified up to 19 codons within the presumptive peptide‐binding region showing pervasive evidence of positive, diversifying selection. Our analyses also detected a significant excess of high‐frequency segregating sites (average Tajima's D = 2.36, < 0.05), indicative of balancing selection. We found one to six different alleles per individual, consistent with the occurrence of at least three MHC class II B gene duplicates. However, the genotypes comprised of three alleles were by far the most abundant in the population investigated (49.4%), followed by those with two (29.6%) and four (17.5%) alleles. We suggest that these proportions are in agreement with the segregation of MHC haplotypes differing in gene copy number. The most widespread segregating haplotypes, according to our findings, would contain one single gene or two genes. The MHC class II of the Eurasian Coot is a valuable system to investigate the evolutionary implications of gene copy variation and extensive variability, the greatest ever found, to the best of our knowledge, in a wild population of a non‐passerine bird.  相似文献   
Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays: Evolution in response to climate change: In pursuit of the missing evidence Abstract How will fish that evolved at constant sub‐zero temperatures cope with global warming? Notothenioids as a case study Abstract  相似文献   
Moult is an important process in the life cycle of birds. Passerines differ widely in the number, seasonality and extension of moult episodes, but the incidence of birds ecology on this variation remains largely uninvestigated. We analysed the patterns of moult in European passerines in relation to their distribution, migration and sexual dichromatism. Longer migrations and southern wintering quarters were characteristic of species with complete moults in summer and an additional moult in winter. The main moult in species with larger seasonal changes in sexual dimorphism tended to be scheduled just before the start of the breeding season, suggesting a link between sexual selection and the timing of moult. These patterns strongly support the importance of migration and dichromatism on the evolution of moult strategies.  相似文献   
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