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Panochthus and Glyptodon are the Pleistocene Glyptodontidae having the greatest range of latitudinal distribution and elevation in South America. The most recent revisions of Panochthus recognized its high taxonomic diversification mainly distributed in the Chaco-Pampean region of Argentina, Uruguay, southern Bolivia and southern and north-eastern Brazil, while the Andean records are poorly known. This contribution aims: (a) to describe a new species of Panochthus from the Pleistocene of the surroundings of Potosi (Bolivia), which represents one of the highest known elevation records for fossil Xenarthra; (b) to carry out a phylogenetic analysis in order to test its location in Panochthus and relationship to some allied genera; (c) to discuss some palaeobiogeographical and morphological implications. The results show that, in agreement with previous studies, Panochthus is a natural group, being Propanochthus the sister taxa. This conclusion agrees, at least in part, with the original interpretation of Burmeister, who recognized Pr. bullifer as belonging to Panochthus. The genera Nopachtus and Phlyctaenopyga are more closely related to some ‘Plohophorini’ than to the clade Propanochthus + Panochthus. Within Panochthus, this new species occupies a relatively basal position as a sister taxon of the clade composed of P. tuberculatus, P. intermedius, and P. greslebini.http://zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5A766550-DBCA-4C4A-BDB8-602E500E4954  相似文献   
Cerebral malaria (CM) is a major complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection in children. The pathogenesis of CM involves vascular inflammation, immune stimulation, and obstruction of cerebral capillaries. Platelets have a prominent role in both immune responses and vascular obstruction. We now demonstrate that the platelet-derived chemokine, platelet factor 4 (PF4)/CXCL4, promotes the development of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). Plasmodium-infected red blood cells (RBCs) activated platelets independently of vascular effects, resulting in increased plasma PF4. PF4 or chemokine receptor CXCR3 null mice had less severe ECM, including decreased T cell recruitment to the brain, and platelet depletion or aspirin treatment reduced the development of ECM. We conclude that Plasmodium-infected RBCs can directly activate platelets, and platelet-derived PF4 then contributes to immune activation and T cell trafficking as part of the pathogenesis of ECM.  相似文献   
Obesity is associated with lipid droplet (LD) accumulation, dysregulated lipolysis and chronic inflammation. Previously, the caspase recruitment domain‐containing protein 9 (CARD9) has been identified as a potential contributor to obesity‐associated abnormalities including cardiac dysfunction. In the current study, we explored a positive feedback signalling cycle of dysregulated lipolysis, CARD9‐associated inflammation, impaired lipophagy and excessive LD accumulation in sustaining the chronic inflammation associated with obesity. C57BL/6 WT and CARD9−/− mice were fed with normal diet (ND, 12% fat) or a high fat diet (HFD, 45% fat) for 5 months. Staining of LDs from peritoneal macrophages (PMs) revealed a significant increase in the number of cells with LD and the number of LD per cell in the HFD‐fed WT but not CARD9−/− obese mice. Rather, CARD9 KO significantly increased the mean LD size. WT obese mice showed down regulation of lipolytic proteins with increased diacylglycerol (DAG) content, and CARD9 KO normalized DAG with restored lipolytic protein expression. The build‐up of DAG in the WT obese mice is further associated with activation of PKCδ, NF‐κB and p38 MAPK inflammatory signalling in a CARDD9‐dependent manner. Inhibition of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) by Atglistatin (Atg) resulted in similar effects as in CARD9−/− mice. Interestingly, CARD9 KO and Atg treatment enhanced lipophagy. In conclusion, HFD feeding likely initiated a positive feedback signalling loop from dysregulated lipolysis, CARD9‐dependent inflammation, impaired lipophagy, to excessive LD accumulation and sustained inflammation. CARD9 KO and Atg treatment protected against the chronic inflammation by interrupting this feedforward cycle.  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles are nanoparticles secreted by cell and have been proposed as suitable markers to identify competent embryos produced in vitro. Characterizing EVs secreted by individual embryos is challenging because culture medium itself contributes to the pool of nanoparticles that are co-isolated. To avoid this, culture medium must be depleted of nanoparticles that are present in natural protein source. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the culture medium subjected to nanoparticle depletion can support the proper in vitro development of bovine embryos. Zygotes were cultured in groups on depleted or control medium for 8 days. Nanoparticles from the medium were characterized by their morphology, size and expression of EVs surface markers. Isolated nanoparticles were labelled and added to depleted medium containing embryos at different developmental stages and evaluated after 24 hours at 2, 8-16 cells, morula and blastocyst stages. There were no statistical differences on blastocyst rate at day 7 and 8, total cell count neither blastocyst diameter between groups. However, morphological quality was better in blastocysts cultured in non-depleted medium and the expression of SOX2 was significantly lower whereas NANOG expression was significantly higher. Few nanoparticles from medium had a typical morphology of EVs but were positive to specific surface markers. Punctuated green fluorescence near the nuclei of embryonic cells was observed in embryos from all developmental stages. In summary, nanoparticles from culture medium are internalized by in vitro cultured bovine embryos and their depletion affects the capacity of medium to support the proper embryo development.  相似文献   
Iron and copper chelation restricts Plasmodium growth in vitro and in mammalian hosts. The parasite alters metal homeostasis in red blood cells to its favor, for example metabolizing hemoglobin to hemozoin. Metal interactions with the mosquito have not, however, been studied. Here, we describe the metallomes of Anopheles albimanus and Aedes aegypti throughout their life cycle and following a blood meal. Consistent with previous reports, we found evidence of maternal iron deposition in embryos of Ae. aegypti, but less so in An. albimanus. Sodium, potassium, iron, and copper are present at higher concentrations during larval developmental stages. Two An. albimanus phenotypes that differ in their susceptibility to Plasmodium berghei infection were studied. The susceptible white stripe (ws) phenotype was named after a dorsal white stripe apparent during larval stages 3, 4, and pupae. During larval stage 3, ws larvae accumulate more iron and copper than the resistant brown stripe (bs) phenotype counterparts. A similar increase in copper and iron accumulation was also observed in the susceptible ws, but not in the resistant bs phenotype following P. berghei infection. Feeding ws mosquitoes with extracellular iron and copper chelators before and after receiving Plasmodium-infected blood protected from infection and simultaneously affected follicular development in the case of iron chelation. Unexpectedly, the application of the iron chelator to the bs strain reverted resistance to infection. Besides a drop in iron, iron-chelated bs mosquitoes experienced a concomitant loss of copper. Thus, the effect of metal chelation on P. berghei infectivity was strain-specific.  相似文献   
In order to design P. falciparum preerythrocytic vaccine candidates, a library of circumsporozoite (CS) T and B cell epitopes displayed on the woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen (WHcAg) VLP platform was produced. To test the protective efficacy of the WHcAg-CS VLPs, hybrid CS P. berghei/P. falciparum (Pb/Pf) sporozoites were used to challenge immunized mice. VLPs carrying 1 or 2 different CS repeat B cell epitopes and 3 VLPs carrying different CS non-repeat B cell epitopes elicited high levels of anti-insert antibodies (Abs). Whereas, VLPs carrying CS repeat B cell epitopes conferred 98% protection of the liver against a 10,000 Pb/Pf sporozoite challenge, VLPs carrying the CS non-repeat B cell eptiopes were minimally-to-non-protective. One-to-three CS-specific CD4/CD8 T cell sites were also fused to VLPs, which primed CS-specific as well as WHcAg-specific T cells. However, a VLP carrying only the 3 T cell domains failed to protect against a sporozoite challenge, indicating a requirement for anti-CS repeat Abs. A VLP carrying 2 CS repeat B cell epitopes and 3 CS T cell sites in alum adjuvant elicited high titer anti-CS Abs (endpoint dilution titer >1x106) and provided 80–100% protection against blood stage malaria. Using a similar strategy, VLPs were constructed carrying P. vivax CS repeat B cell epitopes (WHc-Pv-78), which elicited high levels of anti-CS Abs and conferred 99% protection of the liver against a 10,000 Pb/Pv sporozoite challenge and elicited sterile immunity to blood stage infection. These results indicate that immunization with epitope-focused VLPs carrying selected B and T cell epitopes from the P. falciparum and P. vivax CS proteins can elicit sterile immunity against blood stage malaria. Hybrid WHcAg-CS VLPs could provide the basis for a bivalent P. falciparum/P. vivax malaria vaccine.  相似文献   
Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum originally isolated from sausages were screened for proteinase and aminopeptidase activities toward synthetic substrates; on the basis of that screening, L. plantarum CRL 681 was selected for further assays on muscle proteins. The activities of whole cells, cell extracts (CE), and a combination of both on sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar protein extracts were determined by protein, peptide, and free-amino-acid analyses. Proteinase from whole cells initiated the hydrolysis of sarcoplasmic proteins. The addition of CE intensified the proteolysis. Whole cells generated hydrophilic peptides from both sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins. Other peptides of a hydrophobic nature resulted from the combination of whole cells and CE. The action of both enzymatic sources on myofibrillar proteins caused maximal increases in lysine, arginine, and leucine, while the action of those on sarcoplasmic proteins mainly released alanine. In general, pronounced hydrolysis of muscle proteins required enzyme activities from whole cells in addition to those supplied by CE.  相似文献   
Prognathism and brachygnathism are craniofacial deformities that severely affect the health of human and vertebrates, such as donkeys. The multifactorial etiology of this disease makes the genetic analysis a powerful tool for its understanding and prevention of spreading these deformities.  相似文献   
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), caused by Candida species, is a fungal infection of the lower female genital tract that affects approximately 75% of otherwise healthy women during their reproductive years18,32-34. Predisposing factors include antibiotic usage, uncontrolled diabetes and disturbance in reproductive hormone levels due to pregnancy, oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapies33,34. Recurrent VVC (RVVC), defined as three or more episodes per year, affects a separate 5 to 8% of women with no predisposing factors33.An experimental mouse model of VVC has been established and used to study the pathogenesis and mucosal host response to Candida3,4,11,16,17,19,21,25,37. This model has also been employed to test potential antifungal therapies in vivo13,24. The model requires that the animals be maintained in a state of pseudoestrus for optimal Candida colonization/infection6,14,23. Under such conditions, inoculated animals will have detectable vaginal fungal burden for weeks to months. Past studies show an extremely high parallel between the animal model and human infection relative to immunological and physiological properties3,16,21. Differences, however, include a lack of Candida as normal vaginal flora and a neutral vaginal pH in the mice.Here, we demonstrate a series of key methods in the mouse vaginitis model that include vaginal inoculation, rapid collection of vaginal specimens, assessment of vaginal fungal burden, and tissue preparations for cellular extraction/isolation. This is followed by representative results for constituents of vaginal lavage fluid, fungal burden, and draining lymph node leukocyte yields. With the use of anesthetics, lavage samples can be collected at multiple time points on the same mice for longitudinal evaluation of infection/colonization. Furthermore, this model requires no immunosuppressive agents to initiate infection, allowing immunological studies under defined host conditions. Finally, the model and each technique introduced here could potentially give rise to use of the methodologies to examine other infectious diseases of the lower female genital tract (bacterial, parasitic, viral) and respective local or systemic host defenses.  相似文献   
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