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The weed soil seedbank is of interest in agroecosystems as a major source of weed infestation in fields and as a reservoir of plant and seed‐feeder diversity. A seedbank is a characteristic of annual plants and has been the focus of numerous studies, as it reflects the past aboveground vegetation and is the reservoir of the future vegetation. Therefore, it potentially can be used to evaluate the past, present and future annual weed communities. The goal of this paper was to provide guidelines to help researchers to do a weed seedbank survey. Through a qualitative review of 60 weed seedbank articles, we investigate why and how the seedbank has been studied in agronomy. It shows that seedbank studies have been performed to address the following four major objectives: (a) the assessment of weed management practices on weed communities; (b) the relationship between seedbank and aboveground vegetation; (c) the study of composition and diversity of seedbank in a given area; and, (d) the quantification of seedbank as a food resource for wildlife. Because the analysis highlighted a wide range of methodologies to estimate the seedbank, we critically reviewed them. We show that the selected methodology strongly affects the seedbank estimate. Nevertheless, in our sample of research articles, the analysis revealed that the choice of the methodology was not always justified in terms of achieving a particular scientific goal, but was often determined by the resources available for the experiment (e.g., workload). While studying the soil seedbank remains of interest for scientists (proved by the amount of recent publications), it is time consuming and requires considerable botanical skill. Innovative methods of estimation are scarce and novel methodological developments are needed to increase the quality and reliability of the data obtained.  相似文献   
Glycolysis and fatty acid (FA) synthesis directs the production of energy-carrying molecules and building blocks necessary to support cell growth, although the absolute requirement of these metabolic pathways must be deeply investigated. Here, we used Drosophila genetics and focus on the TOR (Target of Rapamycin) signaling network that controls cell growth and homeostasis. In mammals, mTOR (mechanistic-TOR) is present in two distinct complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2; the former directly responds to amino acids and energy levels, whereas the latter sustains insulin-like-peptide (Ilp) response. The TORC1 and Ilp signaling branches can be independently modulated in most Drosophila tissues. We show that TORC1 and Ilp-dependent overgrowth can operate independently in fat cells and that ubiquitous over-activation of TORC1 or Ilp signaling affects basal metabolism, supporting the use of Drosophila as a powerful model to study the link between growth and metabolism. We show that cell-autonomous restriction of glycolysis or FA synthesis in fat cells retrains overgrowth dependent on Ilp signaling but not TORC1 signaling. Additionally, the mutation of FASN (Fatty acid synthase) results in a drop in TORC1 but not Ilp signaling, whereas, at the cell-autonomous level, this mutation affects none of these signals in fat cells. These findings thus reveal differential metabolic sensitivity of TORC1- and Ilp-dependent growth and suggest that cell-autonomous metabolic defects might elicit local compensatory pathways. Conversely, enzyme knockdown in the whole organism results in animal death. Importantly, our study weakens the use of single inhibitors to fight mTOR-related diseases and strengthens the use of drug combination and selective tissue-targeting.  相似文献   
Capsule The composition varied between colony site, month and year.

Aims To determine the diet composition of chicks and its variations in 2000 and 2001. To look for any changes over the last 30 years.

Methods Chick regurgitates were analysed to determine which Order contributed most to the diet, by frequency and by biomass.

Results During 2000 and 2001 chick diet was dominated by insects (92% and 70% by biomass, respectively), mainly Coleoptera (60% and 41%) and Orthoptera (27% in both years). The dry mass of Orthoptera, Coleoptera adults, Odonata and amphibians differed significantly between breeding sites, months and years.The proportion of invertebrates (in biomass) increased from 36.5% in 1970 and 31% in 1971 to 95% in 2000 and 90% in 2001 whereas the proportion of amphibians decreased in the same time from 49% and 33% in 1970 and 1971 to 5.0% and 9.5% in 2000 and 2001, respectively.

Conclusion The proportion of prey types differed bewteen colony sites and months. Major changes were found in the diet composition between the early 1970s and 2000s. The possible hypotheses for the observed differences are discussed.  相似文献   
Maintaining cell cohesiveness within tissues requires that intercellular adhesions develop sufficient strength to support traction forces applied by myosin motors and by neighboring cells. Cadherins are transmembrane receptors that mediate intercellular adhesion. The cadherin cytoplasmic domain recruits several partners, including catenins and vinculin, at sites of cell-cell adhesion. Our study used force measurements to address the role of αE-catenin and vinculin in the regulation of the strength of E-cadherin-based adhesion. αE-catenin-deficient cells display only weak aggregation and fail to strengthen intercellular adhesion over time, a process rescued by the expression of αE-catenin or chimeric E-cadherin·αE-catenins, including a chimera lacking the αE-catenin dimerization domain. Interestingly, an αE-catenin mutant lacking the modulation and actin-binding domains restores cadherin-dependent cell-cell contacts but cannot strengthen intercellular adhesion. The expression of αE-catenin mutated in its vinculin-binding site is defective in its ability to rescue cadherin-based adhesion strength in cells lacking αE-catenin. Vinculin depletion or the overexpression of the αE-catenin modulation domain strongly decreases E-cadherin-mediated adhesion strength. This supports the notion that both molecules are required for intercellular contact maturation. Furthermore, stretching of cell doublets increases vinculin recruitment and α18 anti-αE-catenin conformational epitope immunostaining at cell-cell contacts. Taken together, our results indicate that αE-catenin and vinculin cooperatively support intercellular adhesion strengthening, probably via a mechanoresponsive link between the E-cadherin·β-catenin complexes and the underlying actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
A novel high-throughput methodology for the simultaneous optimization of many cell culture media components is presented. The method is based on the media blending approach which has several advantages as it works with ready-to-use media. In particular it allows precise pH and osmolarity adjustments and eliminates the need of concentrated stock solutions, a frequent source of serious solubility issues. In addition, media blending easily generates a large number of new compositions providing a remarkable screening tool. However, media blending designs usually do not provide information on distinct factors or components that are causing the desired improvements. This paper addresses this last point by considering the concentration of individual medium components to fix the experimental design and for the interpretation of the results. The extended blending strategy was used to reshuffle the 20 amino acids in one round of experiments. A small set of 10 media was specifically designed to generate a large number of mixtures. 192 mixtures were then prepared by media blending and tested on a recombinant CHO cell line expressing a monoclonal antibody. A wide range of performances (titers and viable cell density) was achieved from the different mixtures with top titers significantly above our previous results seen with this cell line. In addition, information about major effects of key amino acids on cell densities and titers could be extracted from the experimental results. This demonstrates that the extended blending approach is a powerful experimental tool which allows systematic and simultaneous reshuffling of multiple medium components.  相似文献   
Highlights? PP2A colocalizes with Rec8 in mouse oocyte meiosis II ? The PP2A inhibitor I2PP2A is expressed in ascidian and mouse oocyte meiosis ? I2PP2A colocalizes with PP2A in meiosis II, independently of bipolar attachment ? I2PP2A is required for sister separation in mouse oocyte meiosis II  相似文献   
Mixotrophic cultivation can increase microalgae productivity, yet the associated lipid metabolism remains mostly unknown. Stable isotope labeling was used to track assimilation of glycerol into the triacylglyceride (TAG) and membrane lipids of Nannochloropsis salina. In N-replete media, glycerol uptake and 13C incorporation into acyl chains were, respectively, 6-fold and 12-fold higher than in N-deplete conditions. In N-replete cultures, 42% of the carbon in the consumed glycerol was assimilated into lipid acyl chains, mostly in membrane lipids rather than TAG. In N-deplete cultures, only 11% of the limited amount of consumed glycerol was fixed into lipid acyl chains. Labeled lipid-associated glycerol backbones were predominantly 13C3 labeled, suggesting that intact glycerol molecules were directly esterified with fatty acids/polar head groups. However, the presence of singly and doubly labeled lipid-bound glycerol species suggested that some glycerol also went through the central carbon metabolism before forming glycerol-3-phosphate destined for lipid esterification. 13C incorporation was higher in the saturated and monounsaturated than the polyunsaturated acyl chains of TAG, indicating the flux of carbon from glycerol went first to de novo fatty acid synthesis before acyl editing reactions. The results demonstrate that nitrogen availability influences both glycerol consumption and utilization for lipid synthesis in Nannochloropsis, providing novel insights for developing mixotrophic cultivation strategies.  相似文献   
Species belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) show more than 99% genetic identity but exhibit distinct host preference and virulence. The molecular genetic changes that underly host specificity and infection phenotype within MTBC members have not been fully elucidated. Here, we analysed RD900 genomic region across MTBC members using whole genome sequences from 60 different MTBC strains so as to determine its role in the context of MTBC evolutionary history. The RD900 region comprises two homologous genes, pknH1 and pknH2, encoding a serine/threonine protein kinase PknH flanking the tbd2 gene. Our analysis revealed that RD900 has been independently lost in different MTBC lineages and different strains, resulting in the generation of a single pknH gene. Importantly, all the analysed M. bovis and M. caprae strains carry a conserved deletion within a proline rich-region of pknH, independent of the presence or absence of RD900. We hypothesized that deletion of pknH proline rich-region in M. bovis may affect PknH function, having a potential role in its virulence and evolutionary adaptation. To explore this hypothesis, we constructed two M. bovis ‘knock-in’ strains containing the M. tuberculosis pknH gene. Evaluation of their virulence phenotype in mice revealed a reduced virulence of both M. bovis knock-in strains compared to the wild type, suggesting that PknH plays an important role in the differential virulence phenotype of M. bovis vs M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Mammalian societies represent many different types of social systems. While some aspects of social systems have been extensively studied, there is little consensus on how to conceptualize social organization across species. Here, we present a framework describing eight dimensions of social organization to capture its diversity across mammalian societies. The framework uses simple information that is clearly separated from the three other aspects of social systems: social structure, care system, and mating system. By applying our framework across 208 species of all mammalian taxa, we find a rich multidimensional landscape of social organization. Correlation analysis reveals that the dimensions have relatively high independence, suggesting that social systems are able to evolve different aspects of social behavior without being tied to particular traits. Applying a clustering algorithm allows us to identify the relative importance of key dimensions on patterns of social organization. Finally, mapping mating system onto these clusters shows that social organization represents a distinct aspect of social systems. In the future, this framework will aid reporting on important aspects of natural history in species and facilitate comparative analyses, which ultimately will provide the ability to generate new insights into the primary drivers of social patterns and evolution of sociality.  相似文献   
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