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A-Kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) immobilize and concentrate protein kinase A (PKA) isoforms at specific subcellular compartments. Intracellular targeting of PKA holoenzyme elicits rapid and efficient phosphorylation of target proteins, thereby increasing sensitivity of downstream effectors to cAMP action. AKAP121 targets PKA to the cytoplasmic surface of mitochondria. Here we show that conditional expression of AKAP121 in PC12 cells selectively enhances cAMP.PKA signaling to mitochondria. AKAP121 induction stimulates PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the proapoptotic protein BAD at Ser(155), inhibits release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and protects cells from apoptosis. An AKAP121 derivative mutant that localizes on mitochondria but does not bind PKA down-regulates PKA signaling to the mitochondria and promotes apoptosis. These findings indicate that PKA anchored by AKAP121 transduces cAMP signals to the mitochondria, and it may play an important role in mitochondrial physiology.  相似文献   
The barA and sirA genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium encode a two-component sensor kinase and a response regulator, respectively. This system increases the expression of virulence genes and decreases the expression of motility genes. In this study, we examined the pathways by which SirA affects these genes. We found that the master regulator of flagellar genes, flhDC, had a positive regulatory effect on the primary regulator of intestinal virulence determinants, hilA, but that hilA had no effect on flhDC. SirA was able to repress flhDC in a hilA mutant and activate hilA in an flhDC mutant. Therefore, although the flhDC and hilA regulatory cascades interact, sirA affects each of them independently. A form of BarA lacking the two N-terminal membrane-spanning domains, BarA198, autophosphorylates in the presence of ATP and transfers the phosphate to purified SirA. Phosphorylated SirA was found to directly bind the hilA and hilC promoters in gel mobility shift assays but not the flhD, fliA, hilD, and invF promoters. Given that the CsrA/csrB system is known to directly affect flagellar gene expression, we tested the hypothesis that SirA affects flagellar gene expression indirectly by regulating csrA or csrB. The sirA gene did not regulate csrA but did activate csrB expression. Consistent with these results, phosphorylated SirA was found to directly bind the csrB promoter but not the csrA promoter. We propose a model in which SirA directly activates virulence expression via hilA and hilC while repressing the flagellar regulon indirectly via csrB.  相似文献   
Mitochondria from transgenic mice, expressing enzymatically active mitochondrial creatine kinase in liver, were analyzed for opening of the permeability transition pore in the absence and presence of creatine kinase substrates but with no external adenine nucleotides added. In mitochondria from these transgenic mice, cyclosporin A-inhibited pore opening was delayed by creatine or cyclocreatine but not by beta-guanidinopropionic acid. This observation correlated with the ability of these substrates to stimulate state 3 respiration in the presence of extramitochondrial ATP. The dependence of transition pore opening on calcium and magnesium concentration was studied in the presence and absence of creatine. If mitochondrial creatine kinase activity decreased (i.e. by omitting magnesium from the medium), protection of permeability transition pore opening by creatine or cyclocreatine was no longer seen. Likewise, when creatine kinase was added externally to liver mitochondria from wild-type mice that do not express mitochondrial creatine kinase in liver, no protective effect on pore opening by creatine and its analog was observed. All these findings indicate that mitochondrial creatine kinase activity located within the intermembrane and intercristae space, in conjunction with its tight functional coupling to oxidative phosphorylation, via the adenine nucleotide translocase, can modulate mitochondrial permeability transition in the presence of creatine. These results are of relevance for the design of creatine analogs for cell protection as potential adjuvant therapeutic tools against neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand and receptor superfamily members play critical roles in diverse developmental and pathological settings. In search for novel TNF superfamily members, we identified a murine chromosomal locus that contains three new TNF receptor-related genes. Sequence alignments suggest that the ligand binding regions of these murine TNF receptor homologues, mTNFRH1, -2 and -3, are most homologous to those of the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors. By using a number of in vitro ligand-receptor binding assays, we demonstrate that mTNFRH1 and -2, but not mTNFRH3, bind murine TRAIL, suggesting that they are indeed TRAIL receptors. This notion is further supported by our demonstration that both mTNFRH1:Fc and mTNFRH2:Fc fusion proteins inhibited mTRAIL-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells. Unlike the only other known murine TRAIL receptor mTRAILR2, however, neither mTNFRH2 nor mTNFRH3 has a cytoplasmic region containing the well characterized death domain motif. Coupled with our observation that overexpression of mTNFRH1 and -2 in 293T cells neither induces apoptosis nor triggers NFkappaB activation, we propose that the mTnfrh1 and mTnfrh2 genes encode the first described murine decoy receptors for TRAIL, and we renamed them mDcTrailr1 and -r2, respectively. Interestingly, the overall sequence structures of mDcTRAILR1 and -R2 are quite distinct from those of the known human decoy TRAIL receptors, suggesting that the presence of TRAIL decoy receptors represents a more recent evolutionary event.  相似文献   
We have recently demonstrated that natriuretic peptides (NPs), which are known for regulation of blood pressure via membrane guanylyl cyclase (GC) receptors, are lipolytic in human adipose tissue. In this study, we compared the NP control of lipolysis in adipocytes from humans, nonhuman primates (macaques), rodents (rats, mice, hamsters), and nonrodent mammals (rabbits, dogs). Isolated adipocytes from these species were exposed to increasing concentrations of atrial NP (ANP) or isoproterenol (beta-adrenergic agonist). Although isoproterenol was lipolytic in all of the species, ANP only enhanced lipolysis in human and macaque adipocytes. In primate fat cells, NP-induced lipolysis involved a cGMP-dependent pathway. Binding studies and real-time quantitative PCR assays revealed that rat adipocytes expressed a higher density of NP receptors compared with humans but with a different subtype pattern of expression; type-A GC receptors predominate in human fat cells. This was also confirmed by the weak GC-activity stimulation and the reduced cGMP formation under ANP exposure in rat adipocytes compared with human fat cells. In conclusion, NP-induced lipolysis is a primate specificity, and adipocytes from ANP-nonresponsive species present a predominance of "clearance" receptors and very low expression of "biologically active" receptors.  相似文献   
Short-term intravenous infusion of angiotensin II (ANG II) into conscious rabbits reduces the range of renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) by attenuating reflex disinhibition of RSNA. This action of ANG II to attenuate the arterial baroreflex range is exaggerated when ANG II is directed into the vertebral circulation, which suggests a mechanism involving the central nervous system. Because an intact area postrema (AP) is required for ANG II to attenuate arterial baroreflex-mediated bradycardia and is also required for maintenance of ANG II-dependent hypertension, we hypothesized that attenuation of maximum RSNA during infusion of ANG II involves the AP. In conscious AP-lesioned (APX) and AP-intact rabbits, we compared the effect of a 5-min intravenous infusion of ANG II (10 and 20 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) on the relationship between mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and RSNA. Intravenous infusion of ANG II into AP-intact rabbits resulted in a dose-related attenuation of maximum RSNA observed at low MAP. In contrast, ANG II had no effect on maximum RSNA in APX rabbits. To further localize the central site of ANG II action, its effect on the arterial baroreflex was assessed after a midcollicular decerebration. Decerebration did not alter arterial baroreflex control of RSNA compared with the control state, but as in APX, ANG II did not attenuate the maximum RSNA observed at low MAP. The results of this study indicate that central actions of peripheral ANG II to attenuate reflex disinhibition of RSNA not only involve the AP, but may also involve a neural interaction rostral to the level of decerebration.  相似文献   
Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange in combination with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and near-ultraviolet (UV) circular dichroism (CD) was used to study the conformational properties and thermal unfolding of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and its Cys32-alkylated derivatives in 1% acetic acid (pH 2.7). Thermal unfolding of oxidized (Oxi) and reduced (Red) -thioredoxin (TRX) and Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl (GS-ethyl-TRX) and Cys-32-ethylcysteinyl (Cys-ethyl-TRX), which are derivatives of Red-TRX, follow apparent EX1 kinetics as charge-state envelopes, H/D mass spectral exchange profiles, and near-UV CD appear to support a two-state folding/unfolding model. Minor mass peaks in the H/D exchange profiles and nonsuperimposable MS- and CD-derived melting curves, however, suggest the participation of unfolding intermediates leading to the conclusion that the two-state model is an oversimplification of the process. The relative stabilities as measured by melting temperatures by both CD and mass spectral charge states are, Oxi-TRX, GS-ethyl-TRX, Cys-ethyl-TRX, and Red-TRX. The introduction of the Cys-32-ethylglutathionyl group provides extra stabilization that results from additional hydrogen bonding interactions between the ethylglutathionyl group and the protein. Near-UV CD data show that the local environment near the active site is perturbed to almost an identical degree regardless of whether alkylation at Cys-32 is by the ethylglutathionyl group, or the smaller, nonhydrogen-bonding ethylcysteinyl group. Mass spectral data, however, indicate a tighter structure for GS-ethyl-TRX.  相似文献   
One of the ultimate aims of systematics is the reconstruction of the tree of life. This is a huge undertaking that is inhibited by the existence of a computational limit to the inclusiveness of phylogenetic analyses. Supertree methods have been developed to overcome, or at least to go around this problem by combining smaller, partially overlapping cladograms. Here, we present a very inclusive generic-level supertree of Dinosauria (covering a total of 277 genera), which is remarkably well resolved and provides some clarity in many contentious areas of dinosaur systematics.  相似文献   
This paper describes a quantitative and sensitive chemical assay for cereulide, the heat-stable emetic toxin produced by Bacillus cereus. The methods previously available for measuring cereulide are bioassays that give a toxicity titer, but not an accurate concentration. The dose of cereulide causing illness in humans is therefore not known, and thus safety limits for cereulide cannot be indicated. We developed a quantitative and sensitive chemical assay for cereulide based on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) connected to ion trap mass spectrometry. This chemical assay and a bioassay based on boar sperm motility inhibition were calibrated with purified cereulide and with valinomycin, a structurally similar cyclic depsipeptide. The boar spermatozoan motility assay and chemical assay gave uniform results over a wide range of cereulide concentrations, ranging from 0.02 to 230 microg ml(-1). The detection limit for cereulide and valinomycin by HPLC-mass spectrometry was 10 pg per injection. The combined chemical and biological assays were used to define conditions and concentrations of cereulide formation by B. cereus strains F4810/72, NC7401, and F5881. Cereulide production commenced at the end of logarithmic growth, but was independent of sporulation. Production of cereulide was enhanced by incubation with shaking compared to static conditions. The three emetic B. cereus strains accumulated 80 to 166 microg of cereulide g(-1) (wet weight) when grown on solid medium. Strain NC7401 accumulated up to 25 microg of cereulide ml(-1) in liquid medium at room temperature (21 +/- 1 degrees C) in 1 to 3 days, during the stationary growth phase when cell density was 2 x 10(8) to 6 x 10(8) CFU ml(-1). Cereulide production at temperatures at and below 8 degrees C or at 40 degrees C was minimal.  相似文献   
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