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A case of primary nonsecretory plasmacytoma of the spleen is reported. On laparotomy and splenectomy a 920 g spleen was removed, measuring 16×14×6 cm. The cut surface of the entire spleen showed that the tumour occupied most of the splenic tissue. A bone marrow aspirate and trephine, skeletal survey showed no signs of myeloma. Biopsy of the liver and regional lymph nodes was normal. Immunocytochemistry of the splenic tumour showed positivity for pan-B and plasma cell markers. After splenectomy the patient was treated with chemotherapy according to protocol VBCMP (M2).  相似文献   
This article presents theoretical analysis and experimental data for the use of resonant waveguide grating (RWG) biosensors to characterize stimulation-mediated cell responses including signaling. The biosensor is capable of detecting redistribution of cellular contents in both directions that are perpendicular and parallel to the sensor surface. This capability relies on online monitoring cell responses with multiple optical output parameters, including the changes in incident angle and the shape of the resonant peaks. Although the changes in peak shape are mainly contributed to stimulation-modulated inhomogeneous redistribution of cellular contents parallel to the sensor surface, the shift in incident angle primarily reflects the stimulation-triggered dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) perpendicular to the sensor surface. The optical signatures are obtained and used to characterize several cellular processes including cell adhesion and spreading, detachment and signaling by trypsinization, and signaling through either epidermal growth factor receptor or bradykinin B2 receptor. A mathematical model is developed to link the bradykinin-mediated DMR signals to the dynamic relocation of intracellular proteins and the receptor internalization during B2 receptor signaling cycle. This model takes the form of a set of nonlinear, ordinary differential equations that describe the changes in four different states of B2 receptors, diffusion of proteins and receptor-protein complexes, and the DMR responses. Classical analysis shows that the system converges to a unique optical signature, whose dynamics (amplitudes, transition time, and kinetics) is dependent on the bradykinin signal input, and consistent with those observed using the RWG biosensors. This study provides fundamentals for probing living cells with the RWG biosensors, in general, optical biosensors.  相似文献   
Mixed‐species exhibits offer a variety of benefits but can be challenging to maintain due to difficulty in managing interspecific interactions. This is particularly true when little has been documented on the behavior of the species being mixed. This was the case when we attempted to house three species of turaco (family: Musophagidae) together with other species in a walk‐through aviary. To learn more about the behavior of great blue turacos, violaceous turacos, and white‐bellied gray go‐away birds, we supplemented opportunistic keeper observations with systematic data collection on their behavior, location, distance from other birds, and visibility to visitors. Keepers reported high levels of aggression among turacos, usually initiated by a go‐away bird or a violaceous turaco. Most aggression occurred during feedings or when pairs were defending nest sites. Attempts to reduce aggression by temporarily removing birds to holding areas and reintroducing them days later were ineffective. Systematic data collection revealed increased social behavior, including aggression, during breeding season in the violaceous turacos, as well as greater location fidelity. These behavioral cues may be useful in predicting breeding behavior in the future. Ultimately, we were only able to house three species of turaco together for a short time, and prohibitively high levels of conflict occurred when pairs were breeding. We conclude that mixing these three turaco species is challenging and may not be the most appropriate housing situation for them, particularly during breeding season. However, changes in turaco species composition, sex composition, or exhibit design may result in more compatible mixed‐turaco species groups. Zoo Biol. 32:216–221, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Brassica oleracea accessions possess traits that would be useful in commercial Brassica crops. These traits can be studied more effectively through the production of doubled haploid plants. Nineteen B. oleracea accessions from several subspecies possessing significant sn-2 erucic acid were screened for suitability for microspore culture using techniques well established for Brassica. Fifteen of the 19 accessions produced embryos. Genotypic differences were observed with embryogenesis ranging from 0 to 3000 embryos/100 buds. Embryogenesis was improved for two of four accessions by initiating cultures in NLN medium with 17% sucrose, then reducing sucrose to 10% after 48 h. An increase in embryogenesis for the same two accessions was observed when microspores were cultured at a density of 100 000/ml rather than 50 000 microspores/ml. A culture temperature of 32 °C for 48 h was beneficial for three of the four accessions when compared to a longer incubation period (72 h) or a higher temperature (35 °C). One accession line, Bo-1, was found to produce microspore-derived embryos which contained triacylglycerols with significant proportions of erucic acid at the sn-2 position. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Improvements in the ability to hand‐rear birds in captivity have aided zoological institutions in the sustainable management of these species, and have provided opportunities to examine their physical growth in varying conditions. Monitoring the weight gain and development of chicks is an important aspect of developing a hand‐rearing protocol. In this paper we provide the institutional history for a colonial species of passerine, the Taveta golden weaver, at Disney's Animal Kingdom®, in order to demonstrate the methods of establishing a successful breeding program which largely incorporates hand‐rearing in management of the population. We also tested if we could accurately predict sex of chicks using weights collected on Day 14 during the hand‐rearing process. Using this tool, we were able to correctly determine sex before fledging in more than 83% of chicks. Early sex determination is important in captive species for genetic management and husbandry purposes. While genetic sexing can be expensive, we found that using growth curves to determine sex can be a reliable and cost‐effective tool for population management of a colonial passerine. Zoo Biol. 31:600‐608, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
An isolated microspore culture provides an excellent system for the study of microspore induction and embryogenesis, provides a platform for an ever-increasing array of molecular studies, and can produce doubled haploid (DH) plants, which are used to accelerate plant-breeding programs. Moreover, isolated microspore cultures have several advantages over anther culture, wherein presence of the anther walls can lead to the development of diploid, somatic calli and plants. Although protocols for isolated microspore culture vary from laboratory to laboratory, the basic steps of growing donor plants, harvesting floral organs, isolating microspores, culturing and inducing microspores, regenerating embryos, and doubling the chromosomes, remain the same. Over the past few years, a large proportion of the research reports on isolated microspore culture have focused on cereal and Brassica species. For some of these species, isolated microspore culture protocols are well established and routinely used in laboratories around the world for developing new varieties, as well as for basic research in areas such as genomics, gene expression, and genetic mapping. Although these species are considered highly responsive to microspore culture, improvements in efficiency are still being made. However, with many species, isolated microspore culture is simply not yet efficient enough at producing DH plants to be cost-effective for breeding programs. There has been a recent resurgence of haploidy research with response being reported in some species once considered recalcitrant. Future research programs aimed at elucidating pathways involved in microspore induction and embryogenesis will be of benefit, as will novel approaches to improve the efficiency of microspore culture for DH production. With many species, anther culture has proven to be more effective than isolated microspore culture, necessitating more research to clarify the contribution of the anther wall to embryogenesis. The development of molecular markers for use in determining the gametic origin of regenerated plants, irrespective of their ploidy, would also be beneficial. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the basic isolated microspore culture protocol with an emphasis on recent progress in several crop species.  相似文献   


Identifying ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients who are likely to benefit from tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) blocking therapy is important, especially in view of the costs and potential side effects of these agents. Recently, the AS Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) has been developed to assess both subjective and objective aspects of AS disease activity. However, data about the predictive value of the ASDAS with respect to clinical response to TNF-α blocking therapy are lacking. The aim of the present study was to identify baseline predictors of response and discontinuation of TNF-α blocking therapy in AS patients in daily clinical practice.  相似文献   
The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is common in animal‐monitoring applications in the wild and in zoological and agricultural settings. RFID is used to track animals and to collect information about movements and other behaviors, as well as to automate or improve husbandry. Disney's Animal Kingdom® uses passive RFID technology to monitor nest usage by a breeding colony of northern carmine bee‐eaters. We implemented RFID technologies in various equipment configurations, initially deploying low‐frequency (LF) 125 kHz RFID and later changing to high‐frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz RFID technology, to monitor breeding behavior in the flock. We installed antennas connected to RFID readers at the entrances of nest tunnels to detect RFID transponders attached to leg bands as birds entered and exited tunnels. Both LF‐RFID and HF‐RFID systems allowed the characterization of nest visitation, including the timing of nest activity, breeding pair formation, identification of egg‐laying females, participation by nonresidents, and detection of nest disruptions. However, we collected a substantially larger volume of data using the increased bandwidth and polling speed inherent with HF‐RFID, which permitted tag capture of multiple birds simultaneously and resulted in fewer missed nest visits in comparison to LF‐RFID. Herein, we describe the evolution of the RFID setups used to monitor nest usage for more than 7 years, the types of data that can be gained using RFID at nests, and how we used these data to gain insights into carmine bee‐eater breeding behavior and improve husbandry.  相似文献   
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