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Seasonality often influences multiple aspects of vector-borne plant diseases. With respect to the management of plant disease vectors, an understanding of the factors driving seasonal changes in vector flight activity may improve management outcomes by facilitating more proactive application of control measures. One of the most challenging issues for citrus Huanglongbing management is to forecast when disease primary spread by bacteriliferous Diaphorina citri will occur. We monitored the temporal patterns of immigrating psyllids, using upwards of 1,200 traps spread among 9 citrus farms and checked on a weekly basis over 4 years. This dataset was analysed with a set of hierarchical models to estimate the effect of climatic variables on citrus foliage production (i.e. flush), and effects of climatic variables and citrus foliage dynamics on D. citri catches over the season. The results showed substantial seasonal variability in immigrating D. citri abundance, with the critical dispersal/migration period occurring between end of winter and spring. During this period, 65% of the total psyllids were collected on sticky traps. Seasonality of immigrating D. citri coincided with changes in certain climate variables, with negative effects of humidity and daily maximum temperatures, and a positive effect of rainfall amount in prior weeks. Maximum temperature and both daily minimum temperature and rainfall during prior weeks were also associated with new citrus flush production, which itself was positively related to immigrating D. citri abundance. Based on these results, citrus growers should be aware and intensify the frequency of psyllid control tactics (i.e. insecticide and/or kaolin sprays) during this period in order to prevent Ca. L. asiaticus transmission. These results are an important step towards developing the predictive framework needed to refine D. citri and huanglongbing management.  相似文献   
Female mammals are functional mosaics of their parental X-linked gene expression due to X chromosome inactivation (XCI). This process inactivates one copy of the X chromosome in each cell during embryogenesis and that state is maintained clonally through mitosis. In mice, the choice of which parental X chromosome remains active is determined by the X chromosome controlling element (Xce), which has been mapped to a 176-kb candidate interval. A series of functional Xce alleles has been characterized or inferred for classical inbred strains based on biased, or skewed, inactivation of the parental X chromosomes in crosses between strains. To further explore the function structure basis and location of the Xce, we measured allele-specific expression of X-linked genes in a large population of F1 females generated from Collaborative Cross (CC) strains. Using published sequence data and applying a Bayesian “Pólya urn” model of XCI skew, we report two major findings. First, inter-individual variability in XCI suggests mouse epiblasts contain on average 20–30 cells contributing to brain. Second, CC founder strain NOD/ShiLtJ has a novel and unique functional allele, Xceg, that is the weakest in the Xce allelic series. Despite phylogenetic analysis confirming that NOD/ShiLtJ carries a haplotype almost identical to the well-characterized C57BL/6J (Xceb), we observed unexpected patterns of XCI skewing in females carrying the NOD/ShiLtJ haplotype within the Xce. Copy number variation is common at the Xce locus and we conclude that the observed allelic series is a product of independent and recurring duplications shared between weak Xce alleles.  相似文献   
International Journal of Biometeorology - Lying behavior is an important indicator of the cows’ welfare and health. In this study, we evaluate the effect of the physical environment on dairy...  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Fishers’ ecological knowledge (FEK) has contributed to a better understanding about the reproduction of fishery resources, especially where biological data are scarce or...  相似文献   
Casearia sylvestris is an endemic tree of the Latin America that the essential oil (EO) has anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective actions. This study evaluates the chemical composition of the EO from the volatile fractions of in natura, fresh, and dried C. sylvestris var. sylvestris and var. lingua leaves. For both varieties, the dried leaves presented higher EO yield as compared to fresh leaves. The major EO chemical components were (E)-caryophyllene, α-humulene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, and humulene epoxide II. In both varieties, the content of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons decreased and oxygenated sesquiterpenes increased on going from in natura to fresh and dried leaves, which indicated that leaf drying and hydrodistillation modified the volatile composition. The results also suggested that bicyclogermacrene and (E)-caryophyllene were oxidized during processing, to generate spathulenol and caryophyllene oxide, respectively. C. sylvestris varieties and in natura, fresh, and dried leaves differed in terms of the chemical composition of volatiles, which could affect the EO biological activities.  相似文献   
The Andean tree Schinus areira L. has multiple traditional uses, from the treatment of bronchitis and rheumatic diseases to menstrual cycle regulation and wound healing. With reported hypotensive, analgesic, antitumoral and anti-inflammatory properties, it acts predominantly against diseases related to oxidative stress. This study focuses on the antioxidant activity and phytochemical profile of the extracts of Schinus areira L.Serial extraction of the fruits was performed both by maceration and by Soxhlet. Total phenols and flavonoids were measured using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and AlCl3, respectively. In vitro antioxidant activity was determined by FRAP and DPPH.Results were similar for both extraction methods. Primary metabolites detected included carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids; secondary metabolites included tannins, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and triterpenes. Antioxidant activity was confirmed for ethyl acetate, methanolic and aqueous extracts. The methanolic extract had both the highest polyphenol content (>195 mg GAE/ g dry weight) and the highest antioxidant activity [EC50 > 476 μg/mL; >273 mg AA/g dry weight (DPPH); >301 mg AA/ g dry weight (FRAP)]. The extract does not produce macrophage cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7, which is indicated by an average cytotoxicity of 2% over 24 h.Our study serves as a starting point for future research on the pharmacological properties of Schinus areira L.  相似文献   
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Alendronate, a bisphosphonate used to prevent osteoporosis, stimulates osteogenesis but impairs adipogenesis. Different clinical trials suggest that the...  相似文献   
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