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Maize is one of the main crops worldwide and an increasing number of genetically modified (GM) maize varieties are cultivated and commercialized in many countries in parallel to conventional crops. Given the labeling rules established e.g. in the European Union and the necessary coexistence between GM and non-GM crops, it is important to determine the extent of pollen dissemination from transgenic maize to other cultivars under field conditions. The most widely used methods for quantitative detection of GMO are based on real-time PCR, which implies the results are expressed in genome percentages (in contrast to seed or grain percentages). Our objective was to assess the accuracy of real-time PCR based assays to accurately quantify the contents of transgenic grains in non-GM fields in comparison with the real cross-fertilization rate as determined by phenotypical analysis. We performed this study in a region where both GM and conventional maize are normally cultivated and used the predominant transgenic maize Mon810 in combination with a conventional maize variety which displays the characteristic of white grains (therefore allowing cross-pollination quantification as percentage of yellow grains). Our results indicated an excellent correlation between real-time PCR results and number of cross-fertilized grains at Mon810 levels of 0.1–10%. In contrast, Mon810 percentage estimated by weight of grains produced less accurate results. Finally, we present and discuss the pattern of pollen-mediated gene flow from GM to conventional maize in an example case under field conditions.  相似文献   
Studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress is associated with amphetamine-induced neurotoxicity, but little is known about the adaptations of antioxidant enzymes in the brain after amphetamine exposure. We studied the effects of acute and chronic amphetamine administration on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, in a rodent model of mania. Male Wistar rats received either a single IP injection of d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle (acute treatment). In the chronic treatment rats received a daily IP injection of either d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 days. Locomotor behavior was assessed using the open field test. SOD and CAT activities were measured in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. Acute and to a greater extent chronic amphetamine treatment increased locomotor behavior and affected SOD and CAT activities in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Our findings suggest that amphetamine exposure is associated with an imbalance between SOD and CAT activity in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum.  相似文献   
Compaction of a nascent polypeptide chain inside the ribosomal exit tunnel, before it leaves the ribosome, has been proposed to accelerate the folding of newly synthesized proteins following their release from the ribosome. Thus, we used Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of a minimalist on-lattice model to explore the effect that polypeptide translocation through a variety of channels has on protein folding kinetics. Our results demonstrate that tunnel confinement promotes faster folding of a well-designed protein relative to its folding in free space by displacing the unfolded state towards more compact structures that are closer to the transition state. Since the tunnel only forbids rarely visited, extended configurations, it has little effect on a "poorly designed" protein whose unfolded state is largely composed of low-energy, compact, misfolded configurations. The beneficial effect of the tunnel depends on its width; for example, a too-narrow tunnel enforces unfolded states with limited or no access to the transition state, while a too-wide tunnel has no effect on the unfolded state entropy. We speculate that such effects are likely to play an important role in the folding of some proteins or protein domains in the cellular environment and might dictate whether a protein folds co-translationally or post-translationally.  相似文献   
Growth and Differentiation Factor 1 (GDF-1) has been implicated in left-right patterning of the mouse embryo but has no other known function. Here, we demonstrate a genetic interaction between Gdf1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutants displayed several abnormalities that were not present in either Gdf1-/- or Nodal+/- single mutants, including absence of notochord and prechordal plate, and malformation of the foregut; organizing centers implicated in the development of the anterior head and branchial arches, respectively. Consistent with these deficits, Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutant embryos displayed a number of axial midline abnormalities, including holoprosencephaly, anterior head truncation, cleft lip, fused nasal cavity, and lack of jaws and tongue. The absence of these defects in single mutants indicated a synergistic interaction between Nodal and GDF-1 in the node, from which the axial mesendoderm that gives rise to the notochord, prechordal plate, and foregut endoderm originates, and where the two factors are co-expressed. This notion was supported by a severe downregulation of FoxA2 and goosecoid in the anterior primitive streak of double mutant embryos. Unlike that in the lateral plate mesoderm, Nodal expression in the node was independent of GDF-1, indicating that both factors act in parallel to control the development of mesendodermal precursors. Receptor reconstitution experiments indicated that GDF-1, like Nodal, can signal through the type I receptors ALK4 and ALK7. However, analysis of compound mutants indicated that ALK4, but not ALK7, was responsible for the effects of GDF-1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. These results indicate that GDF-1 and Nodal converge on ALK4 in the anterior primitive streak to control the formation of organizing centers that are necessary for normal forebrain and branchial arch development.  相似文献   
Light and electron microscope observations characterized the layers that comprise Vigna vexillata L. pollen walls, and identified the timing of their development. Exine sculpturings form an unusually coarse ektexinous reticulum. The structure of the ektexine is granular; this differs from the columellate/tectate type of structure typical of most angiosperm pollen. The ektexine overlies a homogeneous-to-lamellar, electron-dense endexine, which in turn surrounds a thick, microfibrillar intine. Pollen grains are triporate and operculate, with Zwischenkörper and thickened intine underlying the apertures. The ektexine forms during the tetrad period of microspore development, the endexine and Zwischenkörper during the free microspore stage, and the intine during the bicelled (pollen) stage. Coarsely reticulate exine sculpturings and the granular structure of the patterned exine wall of the pollen grains are features that make this species suitable for detailed studies of pollen wall pattern formation.  相似文献   
The presence of an adenylate translocator in the envelope membranesof proplastids isolated from the cultured cells of tobacco (Nicotianatabacum L. cv. BY2) was examined by means of transport experimentsusing the silicone oil filtering centrifugation technique. Itwas observed that proplastids can import [3H]ATP, [3H]ADP, [3H]AMPand less specifically ADP-[14C]Glc which can eventually be usedfor starch biosynthesis. The effects of specific inhibitorsof the mitochondrial adenylate translocator, i.e. atractyloside,bongkrekic acid and carboxyatractyloside were tested. Similarto the case of amyloplasts isolated from the cultured cellsof sycamore and chloroplasts isolated from spinach leaves, onlyATP and ADP-Glc uptake were shown to be partially inhibitedby carboxyatractyloside. On the other hand, neither atractylosidenor bongkrekic acid exerted a significant inhibitory effecton adenylate uptake. (Received August 8, 1992; Accepted November 26, 1992)  相似文献   
The advance of agricultural frontier may cause the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) to disappear before 2030. This work focuses on measuring the impact of pasture implantation on a cerrado’s termite fauna. Termites were sampled in a cerrado sensu stricto and a pasture, originally cerrado. All species were classified as their feeder group, accumulation curves were made and Shannon-Wiener indexes and β diversity were calculated for both areas. Cerrado was richer than pasture and species composition differed considerably, leading β diversity to a high value. The humivorous was the most representative species, followed by grass/litter feeders, xylophagous and, less representative, the intermediates. There were more xylophagous and intermediates species on cerrado than in pasture; the grass/litter feeders were more abundant in pasture, but didn’t differed in number or species; and humivorous didn’t differed neither in richness nor in abundance. This work shows that the simplification of the habitat is indeed causing the extinction of populations that depend on some specifics resource.  相似文献   
Since its introduction in South America around 1990, the freshwater Asian mussel Limnoperna fortunei has been shown to strongly interact with several components of the local biota. However, investigation of its ecosystem-wide effects was hindered by (1) difficulties associated with evaluation of its densities over large spatial scales and (2) scarcity of pre-invasion environmental data. The present survey overcomes these shortcomings and addresses the question whether Limnopernas impact on the ecosystem-wide scale is measurable and significant. On the basis of diver-collected bottom samples, we estimated the overall density of this mussel in a reservoir (Embalse de Río Tercero, Argentina), where Limnoperna is present since 1998 and analyzed changes in several water-column properties before and after the invasion. The 47 km2 reservoir hosts around 45 billion mussels; at these densities, a volume equivalent to that of this water body can potentially be filtered by the bivalves every 2–3 days. Data collected regularly since 1996 indicate that after the invasion water transparency increased, and suspended matter, chlorophyll a, and primary production decreased significantly, with strong changes occurring in the area with highest mussel densities. Our results indicate that the ecosystem-wide impacts of Limnoperna are generally comparable to those described in Europe and North America for another invasive mussel—Dreissena polymorpha. However, given Limnopernas wider tolerance limits, its influence on newly invaded water bodies, potentially including Europe and North America, will probably be stronger.  相似文献   
Background: The fracture between acrylic denture base material and artificial teeth is a common clinical occurrence in dental prosthodontic practice. Objective: To evaluate the bond strength between acrylic resins and resin denture teeth when submitted by two protocols of monomer liquid application on the tooth surface and using different polymerisation methods. Material and methods: Microwave‐polymerised (Onda‐Cryl), heat‐polymerised (Clássico) and autopolymerising (Jet) acrylic resins and a brand of resin denture teeth (Biotone) were used. The acrylic resins were polymerised according to the cycles: (A) microwave – fast cycle, Onda‐Cryl; (B) microwave – long cycle, Onda‐Cryl; (C) microwave – manufacturer’s cycle, Onda‐Cryl; (T) water bath – long cycle, Clássico and (Q) bench polymerisation cycle, Jet. Thirty specimens were prepared for each polymerisation method; 10 were packed with acrylic resin after 60 s of monomer liquid application on the tooth surface, 10 after 180 s and 10 without any monomer liquid application. For the purpose of the study, a shear test was used. anova and Tukey tests were performed to identify significant differences (α = 0.05). Results: The highest bond strength values were found for monomer surface treatments, regardless of the polymerisation cycles. The highest significant values were found for cycles B (15.4 ± 1.8 MPa), C (11.9 ± 4.9 MPa) and T (15.4 ± 2.6 MPa) for non‐treated and 60 s methylmethacrylate treated groups. Comparing the monomer liquid treatment, they did not differ significantly (p > 0.05), except for cycle A (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Chemical treatment using monomer on the tooth surface prior to the acrylic resin packing improved the bond strength between resin denture tooth and acrylic resin, regardless of monomer liquid treatment protocols. The microwavable resin, polymerised by fast cycle and autopolymerising resin should be avoided for processing denture and denture repairs, respectively.  相似文献   
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