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Actinomycin D, at a dose of 0.25 micrograms/g body wt, produced slight increases in intestinal enzymatic activity on hamsters. At a high dose (1.5 micrograms/g body wt), actinomycin D produced inhibition of lactase activity, whereas maltase, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in males and increased in females. Cycloheximide (1.5 micrograms/g body wt), produced no changes in enzymatic activity. In the male and female hamster, the different actions of the antibiotic can be explained by the variations in the cortisol release produced by stress.  相似文献   
A beta-glucanase (Z-glucanase) from Zymolyase was freed from a protease (Z-protease) by affinity chromatography on alpha 2-macroglobulin-Sepharose columns and used to solubilize proteins from isolated cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cell wall proteins were labeled with 125I and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The bulk of the labeled material had very low mobility. Its mannoprotein nature was demonstrated by precipitation with specific antibodies and by conversion to a band with an average molecular weight of 94,000 after incubation with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. The intact mannoproteins were hydrolyzed by Z-protease, but were resistant to the enzyme when the carbohydrate was first removed by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. In intact cells, lysis of cell walls by Z-glucanase required a previous incubation with z-protease, which led to solubilization of most of the 125I-labeled proteins. Other proteases that did not attack the cell wall mannoproteins were unable to substitute for Z-protease. The specific effect of Z-protease is consistent with the notion that mannoproteins form a surface layer of the cell wall that penetrates the wall to some depth and shields glucans from attack by Z-glucanase. Mannoproteins, however, do not appear to cover the inner face of the cell wall, because isolated cell walls, in contrast to intact cells, were completely solubilized by Z-glucanase in the absence of protease. The function of mannoproteins in determining cell wall porosity was highlighted by the finding that horseradish peroxidase (Mr, 40,000) causes lysis of cells that had been treated with Z-protease. Depletion of mannoproteins by Z-protease also resulted in the disappearance of a darkly stained surface layer of the cell wall, as observed by electron microscopy. Other agents that facilitate cell lysis by Z-glucanase, such as 2-mercaptoethanol, digitonin, and high concentrations of salts, caused little or no solubilization of mannoprotein. We assume that they perturb and loosen the structure of the mannoprotein network, thereby increasing its porosity. The implications of our results for the construction of the yeast cell wall and the anchoring of mannoprotein to the cell are discussed.  相似文献   
Under stress of iron deficiency roots of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) increase proton efflux which acidifies the root medium, increase the ferric reducing capacity and the exudation of phenolic compounds. Differences have been found previously among sunflower inbred lines in the capacity of their roots to lower pH and it was also found that this character is under genetic control.This work presents the results of an inheritance study made by crossing two genotypes, one (CMS HA 89) without acidification capacity and another (RHA 271) with it. Plants were grown individually in 75 mL vessels with an aerated solution low in iron. After 4 days, solutions were changed to one without iron and the pH of the medium was measured during the following days. Results from F1, F2, and backcross generations can be explained with two pairs of alleles controlling the character, being the relation between alleles of complete dominance at both gene pairs, but either gene, when dominant is epistatic to the other.  相似文献   
A procedure for the generation and isolation of internal peptide fragments for less than 10 micrograms of protein bound to either polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) or nitrocellulose membranes after electrophoretic transfer from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) is presented. This technique has produced internal sequence data for 120 peptides, with an average initial yield of 20 pmol. Membrane-bound proteins were enzymatically digested with either trypsin or endoproteinase Lys-C in the presence of 1% hydrogenated Triton X-100/10% acetonitrile/100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, for 24 h at 37 degrees C. The eluted peptides were then directly isolated by microbore HPLC for subsequent sequence analysis. One percent hydrogenated Triton X-100 did not inhibit enzymatic activity, distort HPLC resolution of peptides, or contain uv-absorbing contaminants that could interfere with peptide identification. Reproducible peptide maps and consistent recoveries are presented for standard proteins (3.5-8.0 micrograms) bound to either membrane, with higher recoveries for PVDF-bound proteins. Ninety percent of the proteins analyzed by this technique have produced results; representative peptide maps and sequence data are presented. This technique has a wide range of applications, particularly for proteins with blocked amino termini or those that can only be purified by SDS-PAGE or 2D isoelectric focusing SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   
Blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi were monitoredin two land-locked fjords, Fauskangerpollen and Nordåsvannet(Western Norway), in May 1993. The chemical composition of particulatematter, size-fractionated photosynthesis, calcification, nitrogenuptake rates and the patterns of macromolecular synthesis wereexamined during the peak and decline of E.huxleyi blooms. Thetemporal evolution of the bloom in Fauskangerpollen was definedby a gradual decrease in cell abundance and cell-specific calcificationrates, and by increasing numbers of empty coccospheres and theratio detached coccoliths/living cells. A large proportion ofthe nitrogen required for microplankton growth was suppliedby aminonium and dissolved organic compounds such as urea and,as a consequence, the f-ratios were low (0.2). In general, nitrogenuptake patterns were consistent with ambient concentrationsof nitrogenous species. The photosynthetic carbon metabolismof E.huxleyi dominated phytoplankton assemblages was characterizedby high carbon allocation into lipids and relatively low carbonincorporation into protein as compared with diatom-dominatedassemblages. Consequently, the organic C/nitrogen uptake ratiodetermined stoichiometrically was significantly higher (up to10.8) when coccolithophorids were dominant than in diatom-basedor mixed-phyto-plankton assemblages. These carbon incorporationpatterns were reflected in differences in the chemical compositionof particulate matter.  相似文献   
The Physiological Relevance of Na+-Coupled K+-Transport   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Plant roots utilize at least two distinct pathways with high and low affinities to accumulate K+. The system for high-affinity K+ uptake, which takes place against the electrochemical K+ gradient, requires direct energization. Energization of K+ uptake via Na+ coupling has been observed in algae and was recently proposed as a mechanism for K+ uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). To investigate whether Na+ coupling has general physiological relevance in energizing K+ transport, we screened a number of species, including Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh. ecotype Columbia, wheat, and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), for the presence of Na+-coupled K+ uptake. Rb+-flux analysis and electrophysiological K+-transport assays were performed in the presence and absence of Na+ and provided evidence for a coupling between K+ and Na+ transport in several aquatic species. However, all investigated terrestrial species were able to sustain growth and K+ uptake in the absence of Na+. Furthermore, the addition of Na+ was either without effect or inhibited K+ absorption. The latter characteristic was independent of growth conditions with respect to Na+ status and pH. Our results suggest that in terrestrial species Na+-coupled K+ transport has no or limited physiological relevance, whereas in certain aquatic angiosperms and algae this type of secondary transport energization plays a significant role.  相似文献   
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