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Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is expressed on dendritic cells (DCs), sensing environmental danger molecules that induce their activation and maturation. Recently, we reported a method for the production of therapeutic DCs against melanoma, called tumor antigen-presenting cells (TAPCells), using a heat-shocked allogeneic melanoma cell lysate (TRIMEL) as an activation factor and antigen provider. Since TRIMEL contains endogenous TLR4 ligands, we evaluated the role of TLR4 in TAPCells differentiation by antibody neutralization and the association of a Tlr4 polymorphism (896A/G) (Asp299Gly), determined by PCR–RFLP, with the in vitro activation capacity and the clinical outcome of TAPCells-vaccinated patients. Antibody blocking of monocyte TLR4 inhibited surface expression, determined by flow cytometry, of the major histocompatibility complex class I, CCR7, CD80, CD83 and CD86 on TAPCells, reduced interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor -α gene expression evaluated by qRT-PCR, and also inhibited the TAPCells-mediated interferon-γ (IFN-γ) secretion of melanoma-specific CD8+ T cells determined by ELISpot (p?<?0.01). Moreover, CD8+ T-cell activation capacity was significantly reduced in TAPCells bearing the TLR4 Asp299Gly receptor (p?<?0.05). Finally, TAPCells-vaccinated stage-IV melanoma patients bearing the Tlr4 896G allele showed a shortened post-therapy median survival rate compared with those carrying the Tlr4 896A allele (p?<?0.05; log-rank test). Our results indicate that TLR4 is a key receptor for the tumor lysate-mediated in vitro generation of clinically efficient antigen-presenting cells. Further analysis of patients included in different vaccine protocols is necessary for definitively establishing a role for TLR4 polymorphism in clinical responses.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic carbon fixation (AN) and photosynthetic electron transport rate (ETR) are affected by different environmental stress factors, such as those associated with climate change. Under stress conditions, it can be generated an electron excess that cannot be consumed, which can react with O2, producing reactive oxygen species. This work was aimed to evaluate the influence of climate change (elevated CO2, elevated temperature and moderate drought) on the antioxidant status of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv. Tempranillo leaves, from veraison to ripeness. The lowest ratios between electrons generated (ETR) and consumed (AN + respiration + photorespiration) were observed in plants treated with elevated CO2 and elevated temperature. In partially irrigated plants under current ambient conditions, electrons not consumed seemed to be diverted to alternative ways. Oxidative damage to chlorophylls and carotenoids was not observed. However, these plants had increases in thiobarbituric acid reacting substances, an indication of lipid peroxidation. These increases matched well with an early rise of H2O2 and antioxidant enzyme activities, superoxide dismutase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC and catalase (EC Enzymatic activities were maintained high until ripeness. In conclusion, plants grown under current ambient conditions and moderate drought were less efficient to cope with oxidative damage than well‐irrigated plants, and more interestingly, plants grown under moderate drought but treated with elevated CO2 and elevated temperature were not affected by oxidative damage, mainly because of higher rates of electrons consumed in photosynthetic carbon fixation.  相似文献   
Tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) has a well established role in bone homeostasis and in hepatic/biliary conditions. In addition, TNAP is expressed in the inflamed intestine and is relevant to T and B lymphocyte function. TNAP KO mice are only viable for a few days, but TNAP+/? haplodeficient mice are viable. Acute pancreatitis was induced by repeated caerulein injection in WT and TNAP+/? mice. TNAP+/? mice presented an increased expression of Cxcl2, Ccl2, Selplg (P-selectin ligand), Il6 and Il1b in the pancreas. Freshly isolated acinar cells showed a dramatic upregulation of Cxcl1, Cxcl2, Ccl2, Il6, Selpg or Bax in both pancreatitis groups. TNAP+/? cells displayed a 2-fold higher expression of Cxcl2, and a smaller increase in Il6. These findings could be partly replicated by in vitro treatment of primary acinar cells with caerulein. Furthermore, the proinflammatory effect on acinar cells could be partially reproduced in wild type cells treated with the TNAP inhibitor levamisole. TNAP mRNA levels were also markedly upregulated by pancreatitis in acinar cells. Neutrophil infiltration (MRP8+ cells) and activation (IL-6 and TNF production in LPS treated primary neutrophils) were increased in TNAP+/? vs WT mice. Neutrophil depletion greatly attenuated inflammation, indicating that this cell type is mainly responsible for the higher inflammatory status of TNAP+/? mice. In conclusion, our results show that altered TNAP expression results in heightened pancreatic inflammation, which may be explained by an augmented response of neutrophils and by a higher sensitivity of acinar cells to caerulein injury.  相似文献   
The effects of Fe deficiency on different metabolic processes were characterized in roots, xylem sap and leaves of tomato. The total organic acid pool increased significantly with Fe deficiency in xylem sap and leaves of tomato plants, whereas it did not change in roots. However, the composition of the pool changed with Fe deficiency, with major increases in citrate concentrations in roots (20-fold), leaves (2-fold) and xylem sap (17-fold). The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, an enzyme leading to anaplerotic C fixation, increased 10-fold in root tip extracts with Fe deficiency, whereas no change was observed in leaf extracts. The activities of the organic acid synthesis-related enzymes malate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, fumarase and aconitase, as well as those of the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate carboxylase, increased with Fe deficiency in root extracts, whereas only citrate synthase increased significantly with Fe deficiency in leaf extracts. These results suggest that the enhanced C fixation capacity in Fe-deficient tomato roots may result in producing citrate that could be used for Fe xylem transport. Total pyridine nucleotide pools did not change significantly with Fe deficiency in roots or leaves, although NAD(P)H/NAD(P) ratios were lower in Fe-deficient roots than in controls. Rates of O(2) consumption were similar in Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient roots, but the capacity of the alternative oxidase pathway was decreased by Fe deficiency. Also, increases in Fe reductase activity with Fe deficiency were only 2-fold higher when measured in tomato root tips. These values are significantly lower than those found in other plant species, where Fe deficiency leads to larger increases in organic acid synthesis-related enzyme activities and flavin accumulation. These data support the hypothesis that the extent of activation of different metabolic pathways, including carbon fixation via PEPC, organic acid synthesis-related enzymes and oxygen consumption is different among species, and this could modulate the different levels of efficiency in Strategy I plants.  相似文献   
Caveolin 1 (Cav-1) is an essential constituent of adipocyte caveolae which binds the beta subunit of the insulin receptor (IR) and is implicated in the regulation of insulin signaling. We have found that, during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells the promoter, exon 1 and first intron of the Cav-1 gene undergo a demethylation process that is accompanied by a strong induction of Cav-1 expression, indicating that epigenetic mechanisms must have a pivotal role in this differentiation process. Furthermore, IR, PKB-Akt and Glut-4 expression are also increased during the differentiation process suggesting a coordinated regulation with Cav-1. Activation of Cav-1 protein by phosphorylation arises during the differentiation process, yet in fully mature adipocytes insulin is no longer able to significantly increase Cav-1 phosphorylation. However, these long-term differentiated cells are still able to respond adequately to insulin, increasing IR and PKB-Akt phosphorylation and glucose uptake. The activation of Cav-1 during the adipocyte differentiation process could facilitate the maintenance of insulin sensitivity by these fully mature adipocytes isolated from additional external stimuli. However, under the influence of physiological conditions associated to obesity, such as chronic inflammation and hypoxia, insulin sensitivity would finally be compromised.  相似文献   
To better understand the relation between coastal areas and their influence on social and economic conditions of municipalities, a set of indexes were developed to characterize coastal Mexico with an interdisciplinary approach. The composite of these bio-physical, social and economic indexes is referred to as an “integrated coastal orientation index”. Coastal characteristics should be taken into account in the coastal management policy formulation of a given region, and this index can be used to identify key areas for environmental protection or economic development at a national level. The results suggest that municipalities must manage their coastal jurisdictions, a large and diverse array of coastal space and ecosystems, medium to weak spatial demographics and settlement structures, infrastructure to improve quality of life, an overall low coastal population income, and various coastal activities. Spatial heterogeneity along the littoral zone in the coastal orientation led us to conduct a state analysis. We discuss these values and identify five highly coastal-orientated states in the extremes of the country. The development of this tool could help to pin-point different types of key areas within the regions studied and provide a tool to guide regional priorities. As an example, using a combination of extreme values of bio-physical, social and economic indexes was used to identify specific municipalities as candidates for environmental protection and others as areas where development can continue. Choices of indexes are discussed, and the relative importance given to each component of the coastal orientation (rather bio-physical, social and/or economic) will define the course of the coast's development and its sustainability.  相似文献   
Freezing tolerance and freezing avoidance were studied, during the growing season, in plant species from two different elevations (3200 m and 3700 m) in a desert region of the high Andes (29° 45S, 69° 59W) in order to determine whether there was a relationship between plant height and cold resistance mechanisms. Freezing injury and supercooling capacity were determined in plants of different height, from ground-level (<20 cm tall) to tall shrubs (27–90 cm). All ground-level plants showed freezing tolerance as the main mechanism for resistance to freezing temperatures. Tall shrubs avoided freezing temperatures, mainly through supercooling. Supercooling was only present in plants occupying the lower elevation (i.e., 3200 m). Both avoidance and tolerance mechanisms are present in a single genus (i.e., Adesmia).  相似文献   
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