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Mitochondrial carriers are a family of transport proteins that shuttle metabolites, nucleotides, and coenzymes across the mitochondrial membrane. The function of only a few of the 35 Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial carriers still remains to be uncovered. In this study, we have functionally defined and characterized the S. cerevisiae mitochondrial carrier Yhm2p. The YHM2 gene was overexpressed in S. cerevisiae, and its product was purified and reconstituted into liposomes. Its transport properties, kinetic parameters, and targeting to mitochondria show that Yhm2p is a mitochondrial transporter for citrate and oxoglutarate. Reconstituted Yhm2p also transported oxaloacetate, succinate, and fumarate to a lesser extent, but virtually not malate and isocitrate. Yhm2p catalyzed only a counter-exchange transport that was saturable and inhibited by sulfhydryl-blocking reagents but not by 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylate (a powerful inhibitor of the citrate/malate carrier). The physiological role of Yhm2p is to increase the NADPH reducing power in the cytosol (required for biosynthetic and antioxidant reactions) and probably to act as a key component of the citrate-oxoglutarate NADPH redox shuttle between mitochondria and cytosol. This protein function is based on observations documenting a decrease in the NADPH/NADP+ and GSH/GSSG ratios in the cytosol of ΔYHM2 cells as well as an increase in the NADPH/NADP+ ratio in their mitochondria compared with wild-type cells. Our proposal is also supported by the growth defect displayed by the ΔYHM2 strain and more so by the ΔYHM2ΔZWF1 strain upon H2O2 exposure, implying that Yhm2p has an antioxidant function.  相似文献   
The inner membranes of mitochondria contain a family of carrier proteins that are responsible for the transport in and out of the mitochondrial matrix of substrates, products, co-factors and biosynthetic precursors that are essential for the function and activities of the organelle. This family of proteins is characterized by containing three tandem homologous sequence repeats of approximately 100 amino acids, each folded into two transmembrane alpha-helices linked by an extensive polar loop. Each repeat contains a characteristic conserved sequence. These features have been used to determine the extent of the family in genome sequences. The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 34 members of the family. The identity of five of them was known before the determination of the genome sequence, but the functions of the remaining family members were not. This review describes how the functions of 15 of these previously unknown transport proteins have been determined by a strategy that consists of expressing the genes in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reconstituting the gene products into liposomes and establishing their functions by transport assay. Genetic and biochemical evidence as well as phylogenetic considerations have guided the choice of substrates that were tested in the transport assays. The physiological roles of these carriers have been verified by genetic experiments. Various pieces of evidence point to the functions of six additional members of the family, but these proposals await confirmation by transport assay. The sequences of many of the newly identified yeast carriers have been used to characterize orthologs in other species, and in man five diseases are presently known to be caused by defects in specific mitochondrial carrier genes. The roles of eight yeast mitochondrial carriers remain to be established.  相似文献   
By serving as the sole output of the cerebellar cortex, integrating a myriad of afferent stimuli, Purkinje cells (PCs) constitute the principal neuron in cerebellar circuits. Several neurodegenerative cerebellar ataxias feature a selective cell-autonomous loss of PCs, warranting the development of regenerative strategies. To date, very little is known as to the regulatory cascades controlling PC development. During central nervous system development, the proneural gene neurogenin 2 (Neurog2) contributes to many distinct neuronal types by specifying their fate and/or dictating development of their morphological features. By analyzing a mouse knock-in line expressing Cre recombinase under the control of Neurog2 cis-acting sequences we show that, in the cerebellar primordium, Neurog2 is expressed by cycling progenitors cell-autonomously fated to become PCs, even when transplanted heterochronically. During cerebellar development, Neurog2 is expressed in G1 phase by progenitors poised to exit the cell cycle. We demonstrate that, in the absence of Neurog2, both cell-cycle progression and neuronal output are significantly affected, leading to an overall reduction of the mature cerebellar volume. Although PC fate identity is correctly specified, the maturation of their dendritic arbor is severely affected in the absence of Neurog2, as null PCs develop stunted and poorly branched dendrites, a defect evident from the early stages of dendritogenesis. Thus, Neurog2 represents a key regulator of PC development and maturation.  相似文献   
A new set of 5-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)acetamido)-N-butyl-2-(substituted)benzamide and 5-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)acetamido)-N-butyl-2-(substituted) benzamide derivatives were synthesized in which as structural features the 2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)- or 2-(1-piperidyl)acetylamino group or a diphenylether moiety are associated to a benzamide scaffold. Their binding affinity for human PrP(C) and inhibition of its conversion into PrP(Sc) were determined in vitro; moreover, the antiprion activity was assayed by inhibition of PrP(Sc) accumulation in scrapie-infected mouse neuroblastoma cells (ScN2a) and scrapie mouse brain (SMB) cells. The results clearly indicate the benzamide derivatives as attractive lead compounds for the development of potential therapeutic agents against prion disease.  相似文献   
Rotavirus infection of cells in culture induces major changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis. These changes include increases in plasma membrane Ca(2+) permeability, cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration, and total cell Ca(2+) content and a reduction in the amount of Ca(2+) released from intracellular pools sensitive to agonists. Various lines of evidence suggest that the nonstructural glycoprotein NSP4 and possibly the major outer capsid glycoprotein VP7 are responsible for these effects. In order to evaluate the functional roles of NSP4 and other rotavirus proteins in the changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis observed in infected cells, the expressions of NSP4, VP7, and VP4 were silenced using the short interfering RNA (siRNA) technique. The transfection of specific siRNAs resulted in a strong and specific reduction of the expression of NSP4, VP7, and VP4 and decreased the yield of new viral progeny by more than 90%. Using fura-2 loaded cells, we observed that knocking down the expression of NSP4 totally prevented the increase in Ca(2+) permeability of the plasma membrane and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration measured in infected cells. A reduction in the levels of VP7 expression partially reduced the effect of infection on plasma membrane Ca(2+) permeability and Ca(2+) pools released by agonist (ATP). In addition, the increase of total Ca(2+) content (as measured by (45)Ca(2+) uptake) observed in infected cells was reduced to the levels in mock-infected cells when NSP4 and VP7 were silenced. Finally, when the expression of VP4 was silenced, none of the disturbances of Ca(2+) homeostasis caused by rotaviruses in infected cells were affected. These data altogether indicate that NSP4 is the main protein responsible for the changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis observed in rotavirus-infected cultured cells. Nevertheless, VP7 may contribute to these effects.  相似文献   
Screening of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome revealed three potential homologues of mammalian and yeast mitochondrial DICs (dicarboxylate carriers) designated as DIC1, DIC2 and DIC3, each belonging to the mitochondrial carrier protein family. DIC1 and DIC2 are broadly expressed at comparable levels in all the tissues investigated. DIC1-DIC3 have been reported previously as uncoupling proteins, but direct transport assays with recombinant and reconstituted DIC proteins clearly demonstrate that their substrate specificity is unique to plants, showing the combined characteristics of the DIC and oxaloacetate carrier in yeast. Indeed, the Arabidopsis DICs transported a wide range of dicarboxylic acids including malate, oxaloacetate and succinate as well as phosphate, sulfate and thiosulfate at high rates, whereas 2-oxoglutarate was revealed to be a very poor substrate. The role of these plant mitochondrial DICs is discussed with respect to other known mitochondrial carrier family members including uncoupling proteins. It is proposed that plant DICs constitute the membrane component of several metabolic processes including the malate-oxaloacetate shuttle, the most important redox connection between the mitochondria and the cytosol.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, alpha-isopropylmalate (alpha-IPM), which is produced in mitochondria, must be exported to the cytosol where it is required for leucine biosynthesis. Recombinant and reconstituted mitochondrial oxalacetate carrier (Oac1p) efficiently transported alpha-IPM in addition to its known substrates oxalacetate, sulfate, and malonate and in contrast to other di- and tricarboxylate transporters as well as the previously proposed alpha-IPM transporter. Transport was saturable with a half-saturation constant of 75 +/- 4 microm for alpha-IPM and 0.31 +/- 0.04 mm for beta-IPM and was inhibited by the substrates of Oac1p. Though not transported, alpha-ketoisocaproate, the immediate precursor of leucine in the biosynthetic pathway, inhibited Oac1p activity competitively. In contrast, leucine, alpha-ketoisovalerate, valine, and isoleucine neither inhibited nor were transported by Oac1p. Consistent with the function of Oac1p as an alpha-IPM transporter, cells lacking the gene for this carrier required leucine for optimal growth on fermentable carbon sources. Single deletions of other mitochondrial carrier genes or of LEU4, which is the only other enzyme that can provide the cytosol with alpha-IPM (in addition to Oac1p) exhibited no growth defect, whereas the double mutant DeltaOAC1DeltaLEU4 did not grow at all on fermentable substrates in the absence of leucine. The lack of growth of DeltaOAC1DeltaLEU4 cells was partially restored by adding the leucine biosynthetic cytosolic intermediates alpha-ketoisocaproate and alpha-IPM to these cells as well as by complementing them with one of the two unknown human mitochondrial carriers SLC25A34 and SLC25A35. Oac1p is important for leucine biosynthesis on fermentable carbon sources catalyzing the export of alpha-IPM, probably in exchange for oxalacetate.  相似文献   
A non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in the human SLC24A5 gene is associated with natural human skin color variation. Multiple sequence alignments predict that this gene encodes a member of the potassium-dependent sodium-calcium exchanger family denoted NCKX5. In cultured human epidermal melanocytes we show using affinity-purified antisera that native human NCKX5 runs as a triplet of approximately 43 kDa on SDS-PAGE and is partially localized to the trans-Golgi network. Removal of the NCKX5 protein through small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown disrupts melanogenesis in human and murine melanocytes, causing a significant reduction in melanin pigment production. Using a heterologous expression system, we confirm for the first time that NCKX5 possesses the predicted exchanger activity. Site-directed mutagenesis of NCKX5 and NCKX2 in this system reveals that the non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in SLC24A5 alters a residue that is important for NCKX5 and NCKX2 activity. We suggest that NCKX5 directly regulates human epidermal melanogenesis and natural skin color through its intracellular potassium-dependent exchanger activity.  相似文献   
Transplantation of neural progenitors or stem cells is a most useful tool to investigate the relative contribution of cell-autonomous mechanisms and environmental cues in the regulation of cell specification and differentiation during CNS development. To assess the capability of neocortical progenitor cells to integrate into foreign brain regions, here we examined the fate of precursor cells isolated from the dorsal telencephalon of E12 ß-actin-EGFP transgenic mouse embryos after heterotopic/heterochronic transplantation to the E16 rat brain in utero. Our observations show that donor cells were able to penetrate, survive and produce mature cell types into wide regions of the host CNS. Namely, EGFP-positive cells acquired site-specific neuronal identities in many telencephalic regions, including neocortex, hippocampus, olfactory bulb and corpus striatum. In contrast, incorporation into more caudal sites was much less efficient. A fraction of donor cells formed large aggregates that remained segregated from the host milieu. Such aggregates contained mature neurons and glia, including some EGFP-negative elements of host origin, and developed the complex organization of the mature nervous tissue. On the other hand, transplanted cells that engrafted in the parenchyma of extratelencephalic regions predominantly generated glial types. The few neurons failed to acquire obvious site-specific phenotypic traits and did not integrate into the local host architecture. Altogether, our observations indicate that E12 neocortical progenitors are already committed towards regional identities and are unable to modify their phenotypic choices when exposed to heterotopic environmental conditions along different rostro-caudal domains of the embryonic CNS.  相似文献   
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