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Monoclonal antibodies that bind to the T cell MHC-antigen recognition complex (anti-T3 or anti-Ti) are known to either mimic ligand binding and activate T cells or block ligand binding, leading to an inhibition of T cell activation. In the present experiments, we demonstrate a direct inhibitory effect on the growth of human T cells by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies. The proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells preactivated by exposure to PHA was inhibited in a specific manner by anti-T3. Colony formation in soft agar by REX cells, a leukemic cell line of early T cell phenotype, was completely inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies, whereas isotype-matched antibodies to a variety of other T cell markers had no effect. Growth of REX cells in suspension culture was not affected by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. A cell line, T3.N1, was established from an agar colony of anti-T3-resistant REX cells. T3.N1 was phenotypically identical to REX except for failure to express any detectable T3 or Ti surface antigen. T3.N1 colony formation in soft agar was not inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. There was no rise in [Ca2+]i of T3.N1 cells after anti-T3 or anti-Ti exposure. These results indicate that in addition to the well-known positive regulatory effects of ligand binding to the T3/Ti complex, T3/Ti binding can also result in a down-regulatory signal for human T cell growth.  相似文献   
By the neuroanatomical tracing technique based on uptake, transport, and immunocytochemical detection of injected Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), fiber trajectories of labeled neurons can be followed with great accuracy to their termination areas. To further analyze the connectivity of these fibers, the target neurons must be chemically characterized. In vibratome and frozen sections of rat brain, we tried to visualize PHA-L-labeled fibers and, simultaneously, the target neuron-related antigen. As a model system we used the projection from the pre-frontal cortex to histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamic region. We tested "sequential" and "pooled" immunocytochemical procedures. In the sequential procedure, the two antigens are detected by two successive and complete immunocytochemical staining procedures, with primary antibodies raised in different animal species and with different chromogens for the final visualization. In the pooled procedure, the sections are incubated with mixtures of primary and secondary antibodies, after which the procedure is similar to the sequential procedure. We obtained excellent results on vibratome sections with a sequential procedure using first conventional peroxidase immunocytochemistry (goat anti-PHA-L primary antibody) to visualize the transported PHA-L (brown reaction product), and subsequently alkaline phosphatase immunocytochemistry (rabbit anti-histidine decarboxylase primary antibody) to locate the histaminergic neurons (blue reaction product). The resulting preparations deteriorate, however, after 1-2 months of storage. Good results were also obtained with a double peroxidase procedure on frozen sections, using nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine to visualize the PHA-L (dark blue reaction product), and diaminobenzidine (brown reaction product) to visualize the second antigen. The quality of these preparations is permanent.  相似文献   
Two laboratories exchanged and rescreened a large sample of cases with cervicovaginal smears they had consecutively accessioned to examine the reproducibility of gynecologic cytodiagnosis under optimum conditions. At least a "working agreement" (diagnoses within +/- 1 category on a ten-category scale) was achieved in diagnoses of normal, benign reaction and squamous abnormality (from minimal dysplasia though invasive cancer) in 18,859 cases (96.8%), of endometrial abnormality in 21 cases (42%) and of "unsatisfactory" in 99 cases (20.7%). Larger differences occurred in greater than or equal to 30% of cases except in the categories of "normal" and "benign reaction," reaching a maximum of 82% for moderate dysplasia. Reexamining 382 cases decreased disagreement by category to the 20% to 65% range only in the five categories of dysplasia plus carcinoma in situ. Agreement was not predicated on the presence of endocervical cells or squamous metaplasia; the basis for "unsatisfactory" calls was not uniform. Comparison of the laboratories' diagnoses with referee diagnoses or, on 178 cases, with tissue diagnoses also demonstrated differences in diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   
Cells from malignant and nonmalignant lesions of the breast were suspended in three different fixatives or in a balanced electrolyte solution (Hank's), stored for varying periods of time, collected on Millipore filters and then imprinted on to clean microslides in order to evaluate the influence of prefixation and fixation time on epithelial cellularity and cellular preservation. The use of a methanol-acetic acid fixative (Esposti's fixative) or 50% isopropanol resulted in good preservation whereas cells prefixed in formaldehyde or 100% isopropanol were poorly preserved. Cells that had not been prefixed (suspended in Hank's solution) showed fair preservation. Eighty-eight percent of the imprints prepared from suspensions of Esposti's fixative were highly cellular, which was significantly better than with Hank's solution (68%), 50% isopropanol (66%), 100% isopropanol (56%) and formaldehyde (33%). The cellularity of the formaldehyde-prefixed imprints differed significantly from the others. There was no influence of storage time on either cellular preservation or epithelial cellularity for any of the investigated solutions.  相似文献   
Preliminary data on the skeletal biology of 78 Taino skeletons belonging to Juan Dolio, an archaeological site of the Maguana province, 80 Km. east of S. Domingo, are presented. The minimum number of individuals, sex, age, stature, and morphologic and morphometric characters were determined. Dental wear and pathology of cranial and post-cranial bones were also recorded.  相似文献   
Changes in the total number of hepatocytes, their distribution by the ploidy classes, as well as changes in the protein content of the cells were studied in 0.5-6 month old mice. The data obtained made it possible to estimate quantitatively the contribution of different growth components: increase in cell number, hypertrophy and polyploidization of cells, to the total increase of the liver mass. From 2 weeks to 1 month, the liver mass is increased via polyploidization (by 70%) and hypertrophy (by 30%). From 1 to 2 months, the liver mass increases due to hyperplasia (by 65%) and polyploidization (35%). After 2 months, the liver growth is practically terminated. The calculated equivalent mass of the liver, i. e. derivative of all three growth components, coincides fairly well with the factual changes in the liver mass.  相似文献   
We have synthesized and studied by proton NMR a duplex heptaoligonucleotide containing a 5-bromouracil (brU)-adenine base pair. This represents the first structural characterization of a B-form DNA containing brU. The brU.A base pair is Watson-Crick rather than Hoogsteen as seen for the monomers in the crystalline state. From analysis of the NOESY sepctra at very short mixing times evidence is presented that substitution of brU for T induces significant conformational changes from that of a normal B DNA. The helix twist between brU4.A11 and G3.C12 is ca. 15 degrees and for both brU4 and G3 the glycosyl torsion angles are significantly changed. The imino proton of the bru.A base pair shows a pH insensitive line with which shows that the pK of brU in this base pair is very much higher than that of the monomer.  相似文献   
The different antehypophysical cell types which synthetize and release somatotroph (GH), corticothroph (ACTH), gonadotroph (LH-FSH) and lactotroph (PRL) hormones were analysed. The experiments were performed on hypophyses from five groups of animals: adult males, 14 days-old female, adult females, gestating adult females and lactating adult females. The cells were analysed by immunofluorescence using flow cytometry. For each of the hormones studied, there was a characteristic spectral distribution of cells. The evolution of cell size and granular content with respect to sex and physiological state of each group was studied by the analysis of diffused light. Small, slightly granular cells represented 50% of the cell population in males and 14 day-old females but only 8% in gestating or lactating females. The study of the cell cycle showed the presence of dividing cells in the population of large, granular cells from gestating and from lactating females. No features of cell division were observed in the population of small, slightly granular cells. This study indicates the potential value of multiparametric analysis in the separation of pure sub-populations of antehypophysial cells.  相似文献   
We report here studies of the synthesis of lyso(bis)phosphatidic acid [L(b)PA] by normal and BCG-elicited rabbit alveolar macrophages. This study was prompted by our earlier observations that 1) alveolar macrophages did not synthesize L(b)PA de novo despite its abundance in these cells, 2) BCG-elicited cells contained only one-quarter the amount of L(b)PA as normal cells, and 3) the turnover of arachidonate in L(b)PA led to hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and leukotriene synthesis. We found that exogenous phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was specifically converted to L(b)PA by both types of cells although BCG-elicited cells had only one-quarter the synthetic capacity of normal cells. Other phospholipids were found to become cell associated but were not significantly metabolized. Both glycerol moieties and the phosphate were incorporated into the product L(b)PA. However, substitution of the ester with an alkyl linkage in position 1 blocked the conversion of PG to L(b)PA. Most of the alkylphosphatidylglycerol was converted to phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. This result implied that catabolism of the acyl group in position 1 was essential for L(b)PA synthesis. Because alveolar macrophages are present in a surfactant-rich milieu, we suggest that surfactant provides a source of PG for macrophage synthesis of L(b)PA in situ. It is interesting that the surfactants from rabbits challenged with BCG have a significant decrease in PG content.  相似文献   
Summary A biotinylated P 0 glycoprotein cDNA was hybridized in situ to aldehyde-fixed vibratome sections and to aldehyde-fixed thin sections of Lowicryl-embedded trigeminal ganglia of 15 day old rats. Alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase detectors were used for light microscopic (LM) studies and peroxidase or colloidal gold were employed for electron microscopic (EM) detection. In both LM and EM sections, probe was found in cytoplasmic areas of myelinforming Schwann cells that were enriched in granular endoplasmic reticulum, demonstrating that these regions contain P 0 mRNA. Interestingly, P 0 mRNA tended to cluster in regions close to the developing myelin sheath. Relatively simple methods are here described for EM detection of mRNA with reasonable tissue preservation and high resolution. These methods may be useful for developmental and disease-related studies of specific mRNAs in mammalian tissues.  相似文献   
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