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A quantitative assay was used to measure the rate of collection of a population of embryonic neural retina cells to the surface of cell aggregates. The rate of collection of freshly trysinized cells was limited in the initial stages by the rate of replacement of trypsin-sensitive cell- surface components. When cells were preincubated, or "recovered," and then added to cell aggregates, collection occurred at a linear rate and was independent of protein and glycoprotein synthesis. The adhesion of recovered cells was temperature and energy dependent, and was reversibly inhibited by cytochalasin B. Colchicine had little effect on collection of recovered cells. Antiserum directed against recovered cell membranes was shown to bind to recovered cells by indirect immunofluorescence. The antiserum also was shown to inhibit collection of recovered cells to aggregates, suggesting that at least some of the antigens identified might be involved in the adhesion process. The inhibitory effect of the antiserum was dose dependent . Freshly trypsinized cells absorbed neither the immunofluorescence activity nor the adhesion-inhibiting activity. Recovered cells absorbed away both activities. In specificity studies, dorsal neural retina cells adhered to aggregates of ventral optic tectum in preference to aggregates of dorsal optic tectum. The adhesive specificity of the dorsal retina cells was less sensitive to trypsin than the adhesive specificity of ventral retina cells which adhered preferentially to dorsal tectal aggregates only after a period of recovery.  相似文献   
The self-incompatible (SI) Brassica napus line W1, which carries the 910 S allele, was transformed with an inactive copy of the 910 S locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene. Two transformed lines were analyzed based on their heritable ability to set self-seed. The first line was virtually completely self-compatible (SC), and reciprocal pollinations with the original W1 line demonstrated that only the stigma side of the SI phenotype was altered. An analysis of the expression of endogenous SRK-910 demonstrated that the mechanism of transgene action is via gene suppression. Furthermore, the expression of the S locus glycoprotein gene present in the 910 allele (SLG-910), SLG-A10, which is derived from a nonfunctional S allele, and an S locus-related gene were also suppressed. When the transgene was crossed into another SI line carrying the A14 S allele, it was also capable of suppressing the expression of the endogenous genes and of making this line SC. The second transgenic line studied was only partly SC. In this case as well, only the stigma phenotype was affected, although no gene suppression was detected for endogenous SRK-910 or SLG-910. In this line, the expression of the transgene most likely was causing the change in phenotype, and no effect was observed when this transgene was crossed into the other SI line. Therefore, this work reinforces the hypothesis that the SRK gene is required, but only for the stigma side of the SI phenotype, and that a single transgene can alter the SI phenotype of more than one S allele.  相似文献   
Bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi colonizing immature, mature and senescing primary leaves of field grown Beta vulgaris (sugar beet) were analysed over a complete growing season. Greatest microbial numbers were detected on senescing primary leaves and these numbers increased over most of the season. The number of colonizers detected on mature leaves was found to be stable over most of the study.Filamentous fungi and yeasts were identified to the genus level and the communities found to have greatest diversity during the summer months. There was no consistent pattern of diversity according to leaf type. Two genera of filamentous fungi, Cladosporium and Alternaria and two yeast genera, Cryptococcus and Sporobolomyces were the most numerous fungal populations isolated. Only 8 filamentous fungi and 3 yeast genera were commonly isolated on PDA (potato dextrose agar).Bacterial strains (1236) were isolated on Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) agar and identified to species, or in some cases sub-species level, by analysis of their fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles. Isolated bacteria were grouped into 78 named and 37 unnamed species clusters. Greatest number of bacterial species were isolated from young plants and leaves, sampled during the autumn months. Bacterial community diversity was lowest in mid-summer and winter months. Pseudomonas was the most commonly isolated genus and Erwinia herbicola the most common species. P. aureofaciens was the only species isolated from soil that was also isolated from the phyllosphere of B. vulgaris throughout the season.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Many advances have been made in our knowledge of the biology of foraminifera over the past several decades. Fine structural, biophysical, and molecular biological studies have shown that the most prominent components of their distinctive bidirectional granuloreliculopods are bundles of micro tubules linked by crossbridges to each other, as well as to membrane-bound organelles and the plasma membrane. the microtubules ratchet past each other as dynein transduces the free energy of ATP to produce pseudopodal movements. In spite of the fact that there are over 40,000 described species of living and fossil species of foraminifera, there have been many recent exciting discoveries of new species and groups. New casting techniques are providing us with greater understanding of the complexities and functional aspects of form in the group. Significant advances are being made in understanding the distribution and energetics of deep-sea forms. Larger and planktonic foraminifera are the hosts for a particularly diverse range of endosymbiotic algae, including dinoflagellates, chlorophytes, unicellular rhodophytes, and diatoms. Chloroplast husbandry also occurs. Significant research effort has been expended yielding us considerable insight into various aspects of the endosymbiotic phenomenon. A unified conceptual framework has been drawn to help us understand the life cycle options found in foraminifera.  相似文献   


High dietary intake of selenium or soybean isoflavones reduces prostate cancer risk. These components each affect androgen-regulated gene expression. The objective of this work was to determine the combined effects of selenium and isoflavones on androgen-regulated gene expression in rat prostate.  相似文献   
Reliable methods to quantify dynamic signaling changes across diverse pathways are needed to better understand the effects of disease and drug treatment in cells and tissues but are presently lacking. Here, we present SigPath, a targeted mass spectrometry (MS) assay that measures 284 phosphosites in 200 phosphoproteins of biological interest. SigPath probes a broad swath of signaling biology with high throughput and quantitative precision. We applied the assay to investigate changes in phospho‐signaling in drug‐treated cancer cell lines, breast cancer preclinical models, and human medulloblastoma tumors. In addition to validating previous findings, SigPath detected and quantified a large number of differentially regulated phosphosites newly associated with disease models and human tumors at baseline or with drug perturbation. Our results highlight the potential of SigPath to monitor phosphoproteomic signaling events and to nominate mechanistic hypotheses regarding oncogenesis, response, and resistance to therapy.  相似文献   
Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is the most damaging pest of protected cucumbers in the UK and reliable control measures are required that are compatible with other components in the IPM programme. Although the predatory mite, Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans (Acarina: Phytoseiidae), has been used for thrips control for many years, results against F.occidentalis in cucumbers during the early 1990s were frequently unacceptable. Three experiments in 1994/95 evaluated a prophylactic approach to the control of F.occidentalis. This involved placing one A. cucumeris culture sachet on each plant immediately after planting. F. occidentalis was released in all crops to ensure that the biocontrol measure received a severe test. Treatment was compared to untreated controls and the delayed release of culture sachets. The cultures remained active and produced populations of A. cucumeris on leaves for at least nine weeks. Establishment of F. occidentalis populations was almost entirely suppressed when the culture sachets were placed immediately after planting. Thrips damage was reduced compared to untreated controls when introduction of culture sachets was delayed by 2-4 weeks but this increased the risk of control failure.  相似文献   
Bifidobacteriaceae were isolated from saliva and infected dentine by using a mupirocin-based selective medium. Of the saliva samples, 94% harbored bifids. The mean concentration (± the standard error) was 4.46 (±0.12) log10(CFU per ml + 1), and the predominant isolates were Bifidobacterium dentium, B. longum, Scardovia inopinata, Parascardovia denticolens, and Alloscardovia omnicolens.  相似文献   
Simulation modelling studies on the biological control of Tetranychus urticae Koch in ornamental crops suggest that the dispersal of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot in the absence of food is important in determining its ability to locate sparsely distributed patches of prey (Skirvin et al., 2002). Experimental work to examine factors influencing dispersal of P. persimilis has shown that ground substrate affects the movement of the predator, and that the greater the number of connections between adjacent plants the greater the number of mites moving. In addition, P. persimilis are able to move across as many as 10 plant–plant connections within 24 h, although the majority of predators tracked moved less than this. Temperature has a significant impact on dispersal of P. persimilis, with more mites leaving release points as temperature increases up to 25 °C, but decreasing above this temperature. This work highlights the importance of understanding how the plant canopy and temperature influence the dispersal of predatory mites. The importance of these results for biological control in ornamental crops is discussed.  相似文献   


Isoflavones, the most abundant phytoestrogens in soy foods, are structurally similar to 17beta-estradiol. Few studies have examined the nociception and stress hormone responses after consumption of soy isoflavones.  相似文献   
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