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实验探讨了建鲤和异育银鲫摄食低质和高质饲料时氮和能量的收支情况.低质饲料以豆粕为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为33.91%,高质饲料以鱼粉为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为45.59%.55d的生长结果显示,氮收支和能量收支受到饲料质量和鱼类种类的显著影响:摄食低质饲料时,建鲤的生长氮和生长能比例显著低于异育银鲫,排泄氮、排泄能和代谢能比例显著高于异育银鲫;摄食高质饲料时,两种鱼的氮收支和能量收支无显著差异;建鲤的氮收支和能量收支受饲料质量的显著影响,摄食低质饲料时,其生长氮和生长能比例均显著低于摄食高质饲料时,而排泄氮、粪能和代谢能比例均显著高于摄食高质饲料时;异育银鲫的氮收支、生长能和代谢能比例不受饲料质量的显著影响.结果表明,在低质饲料条件下,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力弱于异育银鲫,在高质饲料条件下,两种鱼没有显著差异.与异育银鲫相比,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力受饲料质量的影响更为显著.    相似文献   
This study sought to determine whether invariant NKT (iNKT) cells play an essential role in inflammation-induced preterm delivery. Preterm delivery and fetal death rates were determined in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice and iNKT cell-deficient Jα18(-/-) mice injected i.p. with LPS. The percentages of decidual immune cells, including activated subsets, and costimulatory molecule expression were analyzed by flow cytometry. Th1 and Th2 cytokine production in the culture supernatants of decidual mononuclear cells was measured by ELISA. To some extent, Jα18(-/-) mice were resistant to LPS-induced preterm delivery. The proportions of decidual CD3(+) and CD49b(+) cells were slightly lower in Jα18(-/-) mice than in WT Jα18(+/+) mice, whereas almost no CD3(+)CD49b(+) cells could be found in Jα18-null mice. The percentages of activated decidual DCs, T cells, and NK cells were significantly lower in LPS-treated Jα18(-/-) mice than in WT mice. The CD40, CD80, and CD86 expression levels on decidual CD11c(+) cells from Jα18(-/-) mice were also significantly lower than in WT mice. Mean concentrations of Th1 cytokines IFN-γ and IL-12p70 in the culture supernatants of decidual mononuclear cells from LPS-treated Jα18(-/-) mice were apparently lower than those of LPS-induced WT mice. Additionally, the proportions of activated CD11c(+) cells, CD3(+) cells, and CD49b(+) cells in LPS-induced preterm delivery mice were strikingly higher in both WT and null mice when compared with the control PBS group and LPS-injected but normally delivered mice. Our results suggest that iNKT cells may play an essential role in inflammation-induced preterm birth.  相似文献   
为确定独叶草(Kingdonia uniflora)不育雄蕊、花被片和可育雄蕊对传粉昆虫和传粉的影响,分别进行去除不育雄蕊(A组),去除花被片(B组),去除可育雄蕊(C组)和对照组(D组)处理。结果表明:昆虫访花频率分别为A组0.4次/h、B组0次/h、C组0.9次/h、D组2.2次/h;被授粉花朵百分比分别为A组29.09%、B组40.38%、C组70.91%、D组91.67%;被授粉心皮百分比分别为A组17.77%、B组20.94%、C组为40.58%、D组为75.27%。与对照组相比,处理后被授粉花朵百分比、被授粉心皮百分比下降幅度均为A组〉B组〉C组。结合昆虫访花频率与不育雄蕊蜜汁的分泌量呈正比,可确定不育雄蕊产生的蜜汁是吸引昆虫访花的最主要因素。花被片为昆虫取食提供停歇的平台,可育雄蕊与花被片产生的色差及可育雄蕊提供的花粉,是吸引昆虫的辅助因素。  相似文献   
Choosing appropriate approaches is a key to successfully using biological control measures to accelerate the recovery of eutrophic waterbodies. In this study, we used three biomanipulation approaches—including introducing filter-feeding bivalves, stocking planktivorous fish, replanting submerged macrophytes—as well as an approach that combined all three of these methods in order to investigate their effects on water quality and plankton communities within simulation experiment systems. The experimental results showed that only stocking filter-feeding bivalves or fish could not significantly control the total algal biomass and water nutrient concentrations compared to those of the controls. The cladoceran biomasses were reduced under the treatments of stocking filter-feeding bivalves or fish. However, replanting macrophytes and a combined biological restoration approach could significantly reduce the algal biomass and the nutrient content, and both of these methods increased cladoceran biomass. The results of factor analysis of ten environmental parameters suggested that a combined biological restoration treatment was the most effective at controlling the algal biomass and reducing the nutrient content. In conclusion, combination of biological restoration measures was the best treatment out of the three treatments that were tested, and we suggest that more whole-lake scale experiments are needed. Additionally, designing a combined approach should not be a simple superposition of individual measures, but the measures should be complementary to each other.  相似文献   
为了摸清云南省菜食花植物资源种类、自然分布与食用地区、食用方法等土著知识,对云南省16个地州102个县(市)农贸市场、地方菜餐馆、民间食花者进行了访问调查,对菜食花植物进行了植物学实地鉴定。调查到云南省菜食花植物140种,隶属52科108属,其中木本植物82种,草本植物58种;人工栽培76种,人工驯化栽培14种,野生资源50种。首次报道苦绳(Dregea sinensis Hemsl.)、云南山楂(Crataegus scabrifolia(Franch.)Rehder)、滇海水仙花(Primula pseudodenticulata Pax)、长毛黄葵(Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.)、尖叶美容杜鹃(Rhododendron caloplytum var.openshawianum(Rehd.et Wils.)Chamb.)、大纽子花(Vallaris indecora(Baill.)Tsiang et P.T.Li)、大花虫豆(Cajanus grandiflorus(Benth.ex Baker)Maesen Vaniot der Maesen)、须弥葛(Pueraria wallichii DC.)、白花灯笼(Clerodendrum fortunatum L.)等9种植物的花可以做菜食用。菜食花植物自然分布区与食用地区并非完全重叠,食用地区一般分布有该植物,而分布有该植物的地区不一定食用;食用种类具有从南向北逐渐减少的特点,与食花植物丰富度和少数民族有一定的关系;食花习俗具有一定的民族性,主要体现食花的种类和烹饪口味上。不同菜食花食用的部位不同,烹饪方式也呈多样化。本文针对食用花传统文化的消失与野生菜食花资源的开发利用提出了相关建议。  相似文献   
RNA can interact with RNA-binding proteins(RBPs), mRNA, or other non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs) to form complex regulatory networks. High-throughput CLIP-seq, degradome-seq, and RNA-RNA interactome sequencing methods represent powerful approaches to identify biologically relevant ncRNA-target and protein-ncRNA interactions. However, assigning ncRNAs to their regulatory target genes or interacting RNA-binding proteins(RBPs) remains technically challenging. Chemical modifications to mRNA also play important roles in regulating gene expression. Investigation of the functional roles of these modifications relies highly on the detection methods used. RNA structure is also critical at nearly every step of the RNA life cycle. In this review, we summarize recent advances and limitations in CLIP technologies and discuss the computational challenges of and bioinformatics tools used for decoding the functions and regulatory networks of ncRNAs. We also summarize methods used to detect RNA modifications and to probe RNA structure.  相似文献   
【目的】自溶是细菌在压力环境下通过自身裂解而获得的一种生理适应现象,研究的目的是全面探讨乳酸菌株在生长抑制剂条件下的自溶表型及机理。【方法】对多种来源的乳酸菌株的自溶能力进行检测,通过在不同生长条件和抑制剂压力条件下乳酸乳球菌MG1363的生长检测对其自溶表型进行分析。【结果】在葡萄糖严格受限的培养基中,氨苄青霉素的加入能够显著诱导MG1363的自溶,而且该自溶现象只发生在葡萄糖耗尽的时间点,展现出一种狭窄的生长时期依赖的特征。与此同时,因为氨苄青霉素的加入,4种主要的自溶酶的表达都发生了不同程度的显著改变。此外,所有受试的抑制剂都削弱了MG1363在非营养条件下的自溶,表明该菌株可能具有一种涉及细胞壁合成和降解酶的共同调控的模式。【结论】乳酸菌株在不同生长抑制剂条件下的自溶表型存在很大差异,且该自溶体现出营养条件和生长时期严格依赖的特征。  相似文献   
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