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Autophagy is a cellular response to adverse environment and stress, but its significance in cell survival is not always clear. Here we show that autophagy could be induced in the mammalian cells by chemicals, such as A23187, tunicamycin, thapsigargin, and brefeldin A, that cause endoplasmic reticulum stress. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced autophagy is important for clearing polyubiquitinated protein aggregates and for reducing cellular vacuolization in HCT116 colon cancer cells and DU145 prostate cancer cells, thus mitigating endoplasmic reticulum stress and protecting against cell death. In contrast, autophagy induced by the same chemicals does not confer protection in a normal human colon cell line and in the non-transformed murine embryonic fibroblasts but rather contributes to cell death. Thus the impact of autophagy on cell survival during endoplasmic reticulum stress is likely contingent on the status of cells, which could be explored for tumor-specific therapy.  相似文献   
Nutlins, the newly developed small molecule antagonists of MDM2, activate p53 and induce apoptosis in cancer cells, offering a novel strategy of chemotherapy. Recent studies have further suggested synergistic effects of nutlins with other chemotherapeutic drugs. However, it is unclear whether nutlins increase or decrease the side effects of these drugs in normal non-malignant cells or tissues. Cisplatin is a widely used chemotherapy drug, which has a major side effect of kidney injury. Here we show that Nutlin-3 protected kidney cells against cisplatin-induced apoptosis. The cytoprotective effects of Nutlin-3 were not related to its regulation of p53 or consequent gene expression during cisplatin treatment. Moreover, the protective effects were shown in MDM2-, MDM4-, or p53-deficient cells. On the other hand, Nutlin-3 suppressed mitochondrial events of apoptosis during cisplatin incubation, including Bax activation and cytochrome c release. Nutlin-3 attenuated cisplatin-induced oligomerization of Bax and Bak but not their interactions with Bcl-XL. In isolated mitochondria, Nutlin-3 inhibited cytochrome c release induced by Ca2+, Bim peptide, and recombinant tBid. Importantly, it blocked both Bax and Bak oligomerization under these conditions. Together, the results have uncovered a new pharmacological function of nutlins, i.e. suppression of Bax and Bak, two critical mediators of apoptosis.  相似文献   
Using genomic in situ hybridization with genomic DNA, high-order chromatin fibers were successfully exhibited under a light microscope through the cell cycle in barley, rice, maize and field bean. From the interphase to prophase and metaphase of mitosis, the fibers were basically similar. Each was estimated to be around 200 nm in diameter, but the strength of signals was not the same along the fiber length. Through the cell cycle a series of dynamic distribution changes occurred in the fibers. In the interphase, they were unraveled. At the early prophase they were arranged with parallel and mirror symmetry. During late-prophase and metaphase, the fibers were bundled and became different visible chromosomes. The parallel coiling and mirror symmetry structures were visible clearly until the metaphase. In anaphase they disappeared. During telophase, in peripheral regions of congregated chromosome group, borderlines of the chromosomes disappeared and the fibers were unraveled. This demonstrated that mitotic chromosomes are assembled and organized by parallel and adjacent coiling of the fibers and the fibers should be the highest order structure for DNA coiling.  相似文献   
实验以初重为(11.33±0.03) g的异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)为研究对象,分别投喂脂肪水平为4%(L4)、8%(L8)、12% (L12)、16% (L16)和20% (L20)的5种等氮饲料进行为期340d的长养殖周期实验,以探究饲料脂肪水平对长养殖周期异育银鲫生长性能、消化酶活性和脂代谢的影响。期间共取样5次,生长阶段分为63d(D63,幼鱼期)、110d(D110,养成前期)、223d(D223,越冬期)、275d(D275,越冬后)和340d(D340,养成中后期)。实验结果显示,以增重率为评价指标,幼鱼期D63的异育银鲫适宜脂肪水平为8%,养成前期D110的异育银鲫适宜脂肪水平为12%,而其他生长阶段饲料脂水平对增重率无显著影响。饲料脂肪水平对幼鱼期异育银鲫肠道消化酶活性有显著影响,脂肪酶活性随脂肪水平的升高呈现先降低后升高的趋势,幼鱼期(D63)异育银鲫肠道胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性高于越冬期和养成中后期的异育银鲫,表明幼鱼期的异育银鲫对脂肪的利用较低。幼鱼期(D63)异育银鲫脂肪合成相关基因pparγ和fas的表达量饲料脂肪水平升高呈先升高后下降的趋势,且在L8组表达量最高,而脂解基因lpl和cpt1a的表达量在低脂组L4显著低于其他各组。pparγ和cpt1a在越冬后期(D275)的表达量随饲料脂肪水平的升高呈现先上升后下降,而fas表达量在L4组显著高于其他组,表明不同生长阶段异育银鲫对饲料脂肪摄入的响应策略不一致,摄入过高或过低均会导致代谢紊乱。适宜的脂水平(8%—12%)可促进幼鱼期和养成前期异育银鲫的生长,增强脂肪利用率和脂代谢能力,而较大规格的异育银鲫对脂肪的变化不敏感。  相似文献   
周围神经损伤是一种由于压迫、牵引、切割、缺血等原因引起的外周神经细胞损伤或坏死的疾病。周围神经损伤病理学变化包括轴浆运输受损、轴突变性、施万细胞损伤、节段性脱髓鞘和完全瓦勒氏变性。神经损伤后修复成为了现代医学研究中的热点与难点。本文对干细胞移植、神经营养因子、新型材料和生物电刺激在周围神经损伤修复中的作用及机制做了综述,并且对其在临床中的应用进行展望。  相似文献   
小鼠胚胎干细胞建系技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,对小鼠胚胎干细胞的研究较为深入,并已成为研究细胞分化及信号转导、新基因发现及功能鉴定、器官发生、人类疾病和药物开发等的有效手段。胚胎干细胞建系是一项基础性工作。虽然技术日趋成熟,有些品系小鼠的胚胎干细胞建系已是常规技术,但不同品系小鼠胚胎干细胞的建系效率仍有很大差异,建系途径和方法各有特点,一个品系胚胎干细胞的建系方法不一定都适用于其他品系。本文从小鼠胚胎干细胞建系的途径、分离操作技术、培养体系等方面进行综述,并就与之相关的有些问题提出思考和对策。  相似文献   
BRCA1 is frequently down-regulated in breast cancer, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Here we identified DCAF8L1, an X-linked gene product, as a DDB1-Cullin associated Factor (DCAF) for CUL4 E3 ligases to target BRCA1 and BARD1 for proteasomal degradation. Forced expression of DCAF8L1 caused reduction of BRCA1 and BARD1, and impaired DNA damage repair function, conferring increased sensitivity to irradiation and DNA damaging agents, as well as Olaparib, a PARPi anticancer drug; while depletion of DCAF8L1 restored BRCA1 and suppressed the growth of its xenograft tumors. Furthermore, the expression of DCAF8L1 was induced in human H9 ES cells during transition from primed to naïve state when Xi chromosome was reactivated. Aberrant expression of DCAF8L1 was observed in human breast fibroadenoma and breast cancer. These findings suggest that CRL4DCAF8L1 is an important E3 ligase that may participate in the development of breast cancer, probably through regulating the stability of BRCA1 and BARD1 tumor suppressor, linking BRCA1 and X chromosome inactivation to breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
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