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Flavonols are plant metabolites suggested to serve a vital role in fertilization of higher plants. Petunia and maize plants mutated in their flavonol biosynthesis are not able to set seed after self-pollination. We have investigated the role of these compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. Like in all other plant species, high levels of flavonols could be detected in pollen of wild-type A. thaliana. No flavonols were detected in reproductive organs of the A. thaliana tt4 mutant in which the chs gene is mutated. Surprisingly, this mutant did set seed after self-fertilization and no pollen tube growth aberrations were observed in vivo. The role of flavonols during fertilization of Arabidopsis is discussed.Abbreviations CHS chalcone synthase - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by a chronic relapsing-remitting joint inflammation. Perturbations in the balance between CD4?+?T cells producing IL-17 and CD4?+?CD25highFoxP3?+?Tregs correlate with irreversible bone and cartilage destruction in RA. APL1 is an altered peptide ligand derived from a CD4+ T-cell epitope of human HSP60, an autoantigen expressed in the inflamed synovium, which increases the frequency of CD4?+?CD25highFoxP3+ Tregs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from RA patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suppressive capacity of Tregs induced by APL1 on proliferation of effector CD4+ T cells using co-culture experiments. Enhanced Treg-mediated suppression was observed in APL1-treated cultures compared with cells cultured only with media. Subsequent analyses using autologous cross-over experiments showed that the enhanced Treg suppression in APL1-treated cultures could reflect increased suppressive function of Tregs against APL1-responsive T cells. On the other hand, APL1-treatment had a significant effect reducing IL-17 levels produced by effector CD4+ T cells. Hence, this peptide has the ability to increase the frequency of Tregs and their suppressive properties whereas effector T cells produce less IL-17. Thus, we propose that APL1 therapy could help to ameliorate the pathogenic Th17/Treg balance in RA patients.  相似文献   
Two new Late Jurassic (uppermost Late Kimmeridgian) dinosaur eggshell sites are described, Casal da Rola and Porto das Barcas, both near Lourinhã, central-west Portugal. Casal da Rola yields eggshells with an obliquiprismatic morphotype comparable to those from a nest with the associated fossil embryos from Paimogo, tentatively assigned to the theropod Lourinhanosaurus antunesi. The Porto das Barcas eggshells have a dendrospherulitic morphotype with a prolatocanaliculate pore system. This morphotype was also recognised in eggshells from a clutch with associated Torvosaurus embryos at the Porto das Barcas locality. A preliminary cladistic analysis of eggshell morphology suggests theropod affinities for the Casal da Rola eggs, but is unable to resolve the phylogenetic position of the Porto das Barcas eggs. The eggshells at both sites are preserved in distal flood plain mudstones and siltstones. Carbonate concretions within the deposits indicate paleosol development.  相似文献   
Although tDCS has been shown to improve motor learning, previous studies reported rather small effects. Since physiological effects of tDCS depend on intensity, the present study evaluated this parameter in order to enhance the effect of tDCS on skill acquisition. The effect of different stimulation intensities of anodal tDCS (atDCS) was investigated in a double blind, sham controlled crossover design. In each condition, thirteen healthy subjects were instructed to perform a unimanual motor (sequence) learning task. Our results showed (1) a significant increase in the slope of the learning curve and (2) a significant improvement in motor performance at retention for 1.5 mA atDCS as compared to sham tDCS. No significant differences were reported between 1 mA atDCS and sham tDCS; and between 1.5 mA atDCS and 1 mA atDCS.  相似文献   
During germinal center (GC) reactions, B-lymphocytes with high-affinity B-cell receptors are selected. Regulation of apoptosis is a key process in selecting such wanted B-cells and in eliminating B-cells with unwanted specificities. In this paper, we show that apoptosis in human GC B-cells involves lysosomal destabilization, which is strictly controlled by caspase-8 activity, but not by caspase-9 activity. Ligation of CD40 provides resistance to lysosomal destabilization. Experimental lysosomal rupture by the lysosomotropic drug O-methyl-l-serine dodecylamide hydrochloride (MSDH) induces apoptosis in GC B-cells, including phosphatidyl serine exposure, mitochondrial inactivation, and DNA fragmentation. These apoptotic features occur in the absence of caspase-3 activity. Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) protect binding B-lymphocytes from lysosomal destabilization, in both the absence and the presence of MSDH. Our study demonstrates that lysosomal leakage induces apoptosis of GC B-cells in a caspase-3-independent manner and that high-affinity binding to FDCsprevents lysosomal leakage and apoptosis in GC B-cells.  相似文献   
Eating behavior can be influenced by the rewarding value of food, i.e., “liking” and “wanting.” The objective of this study was to assess in normal‐weight dietary restrained (NR) vs. unrestrained (NU) eaters how rewarding value of food is affected by satiety, and by eating a nonhealthy perceived, dessert‐specific food vs. a healthy perceived, neutral food (chocolate mousse vs. cottage cheese). Subjects (24NR age = 25.0 ± 8.2 years, BMI = 22.3 ± 2.1 kg/m2; 26NU age = 24.8 ± 8.0 years, BMI = 22.1 ± 1.7 kg/m2) came to the university twice, fasted (randomized crossover design). Per test‐session “liking” and “wanting” for 72 items divided in six categories (bread, filling, drinks, dessert, sweets, stationery (placebo)) was measured, before and after consumption of chocolate mousse/cottage cheese, matched for energy content (5.6 kJ/g) and individual daily energy requirements (10%). Chocolate mousse was liked more than cottage cheese (P < 0.05). After consumption of chocolate mousse or cottage cheese, appetite and “liking” vs. placebo were decreased in NR and NU (P < 0.03), whereas “wanting” was only decreased in NR vs. NU (P ≤ 0.01). In NR vs. NU “wanting” was specifically decreased after chocolate mousse vs. cottage cheese; this decrease concerned especially “wanting” for bread and filling (P < 0.05). To conclude, despite similar decreases in appetite and “liking” after a meal in NR and NU, NR decrease “wanting” in contrast to NU. NR decrease “wanting” specifically for a nonhealthy perceived, “delicious,” dessert‐specific food vs. a nutritional identical, yet healthy perceived, slightly less “delicious,” “neutral” food. A healthy perceived food may thus impose greater risk for control of energy intake in NR.  相似文献   

Background & Aims

In the Netherlands, a selective hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination programme started in 2002 for men having sex with men, drug users, commercial sex workers and heterosexuals with frequent partner changes. We assessed the programme''s effectiveness to guide policy on HBV prevention.


We analysed reports of acute HBV infection in the Netherlands between 2004 and 2010 requesting serum from patients for HBV-genome S- and C-region sequencing. We used coalescence analyses to assess genetic diversity of nonimported genotype-A cases over time.


1687 patients with acute HBV infection were reported between 2004 and 2010. The incidence of reported acute HBV infection decreased from 1.8 to 1.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, mostly due to a reduction in the number of cases in men who have sex with men. Men were overrepresented among cases with an unknown route of transmission, especially among genotype A2 cases mainly associated with transmission through male homosexual contact. The genetic diversity of nonimported genotype-A strains obtained from men who have sex with men decreased from 2006 onwards, suggesting HBV incidence in this group decreased.


The selective HBV-vaccination programme for behavioural high-risk groups very likely reduced the incidence of HBV infection in the Netherlands mainly by preventing HBV infections in men who have sex with men. A considerable proportion of cases in men who did not report risk behaviour was probably acquired through homosexual contact. Our findings support continuation of the programme, and adopting similar approaches in other countries where HBV transmission is focused in high-risk adults.  相似文献   
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is one of the most frequent autoimmune diseases in childhood and is characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovial fluid in joints. Several drugs are available for the treatment of JIA, including various biological agents that interfere with critical cytokine pathways. Though very effective in suppressing disease activity, none of these drugs can cure the disease and induce a lasting medication free remission. A small proportion of JIA patients will become or are unresponsive to any form of medical treatment. For these severely ill patients autologous bone marrow transplantation (aBMT) is a last resort treatment. aBMT is remarkably effective in suppressing disease activity, with beneficial outcome reported in around 70% of these previously refractory patients. Moreover aBMT is the only treatment that can induce a lasting medication-free-disease remission in these patients. In the very long term (after 7 years of remission) however, some disease relapses are observed, with the disease returning in a less severe form compared to prior aBMT. The exact mechanism of how aBMT is inducing this lasting disease remission is still largely unknown, but data from both animal models and humans suggest a prominent role for regulatory T cells. In this review we reviewed the current views of the cellular mechanisms that lay beneath disease induction of JIA and the disease remission caused by aBMT therapy.  相似文献   
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