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Mouse ribonucleotide reductase is composed of a 1?:?1 complex of two homodimeric subunits and catalyses the first unique step on the biochemical pathway to DNA synthesis. The small subunit, protein R2, contains dinuclear iron-oxygen clusters and a tyrosyl free radical required for catalytic activity. We have studied the mixed valent and fully reduced forms of the diiron oxygen cluster from mouse R2 protein by low-temperature EPR. EPR signals of the mixed-valent states of proteins R2 reconstituted with ferrous iron and oxygen in normal and deuterated water, using the same buffers, show apparent g values of 1.92, 1.73, and 1.60 for the mixed-valent state in H2O and 1.93, 1.73, and 1.62 in D2O. These g values are typical for diiron-oxygen proteins, while the effect of D2O is unprecedented for this class of proteins. We estimate the coupling constant J for the Heisenberg exchange (H?=?2J*S1*S2) to be J?=?–7.5±1?cm–1 for the mixed-valent form. The diferrous R2 protein shows an integer spin EPR signal in the presence of azide or 20% glycerol. Variable temperature variable field saturation magnetisation measurements show that only in the azide-complexed R2 protein does a weak ferromagnetic coupling occur (J?=?0.26±0.05?cm–1), while R2 protein in the absence or presence of 20% glycerol contains non-coupled mononuclear ferrous iron (S?=?2) sites.  相似文献   
A 36-kDa 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) N-malonyltransferase, which converts the ethylene precursor ACC into the conjugated derivative malonyl-ACC (MACC), has been isolated from etiolated mung bean ( Vigna radiata ) hypocotyls, and partially purified in a four-step procedure. The enzyme is stimulated about 7-fold by 100 m M K+ salts or 0.5 m M Co2+ salts, and is inhibited competitively by D-phenylalanine (Ki= 1.3 m M ) and non competitively by CoASH (0.3 m M ). Beside malonyl-CoA, it is capable to use succinyl-CoA as an acyl donor. The 36-kDa enzyme described here exhibits a lower optimum temperature (40°C) and a 7- or 3-fold lower apparent Km for ACC (68 μ M ) and malonyl-CoA (74 μ M ), respectively, when compared with its 55 kDa isoform already isolated from the same plant material. This data support the idea that several isoforms of ACC N-malonyltransferase exist in plants. These isoforms may play a differential role in regulating the availability of ACC, and consequently the rate of ethylene production, as well as detoxifying cells from D-amino acids.  相似文献   
Miersch  Jürgen  Bärlocher  Felix  Bruns  Ina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):77-84
The effects of cadmium, copper, and zinc on the growth of ten strains ofaquatic hyphomycetes were investigated. On a solid medium, Cd and Cu reducedradial growth of most strains by 50% at concentrations between150–400 µM; in a liquid medium, the strains were more sensitive.The inhibitory effects of zinc were much less severe. Two isolates(Articulospora tetracladia and Tetracladium marchalianum) from a copper-minestream were more resistant against copper than conspecific strains from anon-polluted stream. Heliscus lugdunensis and Varicosporium elodeaeresponded to Cd exposure, but not to Cu or Zn exposure, by increasedsynthesis of SH-containing compounds. Glutathione levels showed a unimodalresponse to increasing Cd and Zn exposure. With copper, glutathionedecreased at intermediate levels of contamination. In the presence of Cd, H. lugdunensis synthesized several unknown sulfur-rich substances that wereabsent or produced at reduced rates in control cultures.  相似文献   
Summary The peptide hormone motilin was synthesised with a 13C-enriched -carbon in the leucine at position 10. In aqueous solution, six different relaxation rates were measured for the 13C–H fragment as a function of temperature and with and without the addition of 30% (v/v) of the cosolvent d 2-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFP). The relaxation rates were analysed employing the spectral density mapping technique introduced by Peng and Wagner [(1992) J. Magn. Reson., 98, 308–322] and using the model-free approach by Lipari and Szabo [(1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 4546–4570]. The fit to various models of dynamics was also considered. Different procedures to evaluate the overall rotational correlation time were compared. A single exponential time correlation function was found to give a good fit to the measured spectral densities only for motilin in 30% (v/v) HFP at low temperatures, whereas at high temperatures in this solvent, and in D2O at all temperatures, none of the considered models gave an acceptable fit. A new empirical spectral density function was tested and found to accurately fit the experimental spectral density mapping points. The application of spectral density mapping based on NMR relaxation data for specific 13C–1H vector is shown to be a highly useful method to study biomolecular dynamics. Advantages are high sensitivity, high precision and uniform sampling of the spectral density function over the frequency range.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy - INEPT insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarisation transfer - DANTE delays alternating with nutations for tailored excitation - WALTZ-16 wideband, alternating phase, low-power technique for zero residual splitting - FID Free induction decay - ppm parts per million - TSPA 3-trimethylsilyl-(3,3,2,2-d)-propionic acid - HFP d 2-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol - CPMG Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill - TFD time-resolved fluorescence depolarisation - CSA chemical shift anisotropy Partly presented at the symposium Dynamics and Function of Biomolecules, Szeged, Hungary, July 31–August 2, 1993.  相似文献   
The development of the autonomic ganglia of Auerbach's plexus and gizzard smooth muscle was studied in chicken embryos. Nervous system and smooth-muscle-specific antibodies were employed in immunofluorescence stainings on tissue sections to investigate the temporal and spatial frame of neural and muscular differentiation in relation to each other. Subserosal clusters of neural cells were clearly demonstrable at embryonic day 5 (ED5), the earliest stage analysed, with the monoclonal antibody El (SGIII-1). Fine nerve fibres (ED6) and, later, large axon bundles projecting from subserosal neuron clusters towards the lumen were followed and found to reach the luminal border by ED11. Already in early development the area of the future laminar tendons on the ventral and dorsal surface of the gizzard was devoid of neuroblasts, and nerve fibres were not extending to the muscle-tendon borderline until ED16. Double stainings with antibodies to smooth muscle myosin (SMM) and El revealed that SMM expression, taken as an indicator for muscle differentiation, followed neural growth. It was first detectable in close apposition to the differentiating neuroblasts in the caudal and cranial portion of the gizzard at ED6. With further development, myosin expression proceeded inward towards the lumen in a wave which followed the ingrowth of E1-positive nerve fibres from the prospective Auerbach plexus. Neuromuscular differentiation deviated from this pattern in the lateral tendon area where nerve growth was delayed and myosin expression preceeded the arrival of E1-positive nerve fibres. The findings suggest that the gizzard could serve as a model system for the analysis of potential early nervous system imprints on smooth premuscle mesenchyme differentiation.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To examine the association between intake of different types of alcoholic drinks and mortality. DESIGN--Prospective population study with baseline assessment of alcohol intake, smoking habit, income, education, and body mass index, and 10-12 years'' follow up of mortality. SETTING--Copenhagen city heart study, Denmark. SUBJECTS--6051 men and 7234 women aged 30-70 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Number and time of cause-specific deaths from 1976 to 1988. RESULTS--The risk of dying steadily decreased with an increasing intake of wine--from a relative risk of 1.00 for the subjects who never drank wine to 0.51 (95% confidence interval 0.32 to 0.81) for those who drank three to five glasses a day. Intake of neither beer nor spirits, however, was associated with reduced risk. For spirits intake the relative risk of dying increased from 1.00 for those who never drank to 1.34 (1.05 to 1.71) for those with an intake of three to five drinks a day. The effects of the three types of alcoholic drinks seemed to be independent of each other, and no significant interactions existed with sex, age, education, income, smoking, or body mass index. Wine drinking showed the same relation to risk of death from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease as to risk of death from all causes. CONCLUSION--Low to moderate intake of wine is associated with lower mortality from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and other causes. Similar intake of spirits implied an increased risk, while beer drinking did not affect mortality.  相似文献   
A pulse radiolytic study using the cyclic tetrameric Schiff base N-coordinated copper complex Cu(TAAB)2+ has been performed. The reaction of the Cu(TAAB)2+ complex with superoxide revealed pseudo first-order characteristics with the rate constant of k 2 = (2.9 ± 0.5) × 108 mol–1 s–1 dm3. The complex survive presence of competing serum albumin in physiological concentrations. The complex stability constant K = 1.15 × 1018 (log K = 18.06) is two orders of magnitude higher than that of Cu(II)-serum albumin (log K = 16.2). Transient changes of the stability during the oxidation/reduction process and in the presence of 600 /mol l–1 albumin did not affect significantly either the electronic absorption of the complex or its catalytic activity.  相似文献   
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