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There are conflicting data in the literature as to whether or not the Ca2+ activation of phospholipase A2 is mediated by the calcium binding protein calmodulin. In the present study the membrane-bound phospholipase A2 enzymes in rat and human platelets were shown to be absolutely Ca2+ dependent but were not stimulated by the addition of calmodulin. A partially purified phospholipase A2 from rat platelet membrane, which contained little endogenous calmodulin, also was not stimulated by calmodulin addition. Both isolated and membrane-bound phospholipase A2 were inhibited by the non-specific calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine but the inhibition was not overcome by adding calmodulin. There was thus no evidence from these studies that phospholipase A2 is calmodulin regulated.  相似文献   
Ionophores (monensin, nigericin) capable of transporting both Na+ and K+ across cell membranes down their concentration gradients reduce the rate and total magnitude of serotonin uptake by platelets. The effect of the ionophores was time dependent, so that inhibition increased progressively until eventually uptake ceased entirely. Nigericin and monensin produced loss of platelet K+ and an equivalent molar uptake of Na+ thereby abolishing the normal transmembrane Na+ and K+ gradients. The time course of these ionophore-induced cation shifts at 37° C corresponded to the rate at which inhibition of serotonin transport developed. The ionophores did not affect total ATP concentration of platelets nor the metabolic pool of ATP formed from [14C] adenine. Nigericin and monensin released about 80% of platelet 14C and endogenous serotonin over a 30 min period, without release of platelet adenine nucleotides, calcium or β-glucuronidase. The ionophores did not elicit platelet aggregation nor did they prevent maximal aggregation brought about by ADP, collagen or A23187. Replacement of Na+ in the medium by K+ abolished serotonin uptake but only 10–20% of endogenous serotonin was released. In KCl medium the Na+ gradient was initially reversed, but quickly dissipated as Na+ reequilibrated with the extracellular fluid. At 37° C the ionophores did not affect either the rate of Na+ reequilibration or the efflux of [14C] serotonin. Na+ reequilibration was slower at 20° C and the ionophores significantly increased platelet Na+ loss and strongly inhibited the efflux of [14C] serotonin. The data support a mechanism of serotonin transport due to a Na+-dependent carrier-mediated process which need not be directly dependent on metabolic energy, but which does require metabolic energy to maintain normal Na+ + K+ gradients.  相似文献   
Platelets were briefly fixed in paraformaldehyde/glutaraldehyde and then incubated with 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate under conditions suitable for the cytochemical detection of adenylate cyclase activity. The adenylate cyclase activity of these platelets retains the ability to respond to prostaglandins E1, D2, I2 (prostacyclin), forskolin and fluoride. Sites of stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were localized cytochemically by the reaction of lead with the reaction product imidodiphosphate to form deposits of lead imidodiphosphate that are visible in the electron microscope. Reaction product deposition was seen only in the dense tubule system of human platelets when the incubation medium contained forskolin, prostacyclin, or prostaglandin D2 at concentrations known to stimulate the enzyme in intact platelets. Epinephrine, an antagonist of adenylate cyclase inhibited the cytochemical reaction stimulated by prostacyclin. The fact that the cytochemical reaction was induced by agonists that stimulate the enzyme through two different types of prostaglandin receptors and by forskolin, which acts distal to the receptors, confirms that the method specifically detects adenylate cyclase. The presence of adenylate cyclase in the dense tubules may be significant for the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ and arachidonic acid metabolism by this membrane system.  相似文献   
Activators of protein kinase C, such as tumor-promoting phorbol esters (e.g., phorbol myristate acetate), mezerein, (-)-indolactam V and 1-oleoyl 2-acetoyl glycerol, potentiate arachidonic acid release caused by elevation of intracellular Ca2+ with ionophores. This action of protein kinase C-activators required protein phosphorylation, and was attributed to enhanced hydrolysis of phospholipids by phospholipase A2 (Halenda, et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7356-7363). Recently Fuse et al. ((1989) J. Biol. Chem 264, 3890-3895) reported that the apparent enhanced release of arachidonate was actually due to inhibition of the processes of re-uptake and re-esterification of released arachidonic acid. They attributed this to loss of arachidonyl-CoA synthetase and arachidonyl-CoA lysophosphatide acyltransferase activities, which were measured in membranes obtained from phorbol myristate acetate-treated platelets. In this paper, we show that phorbol myristate acetate, at concentrations that strongly potentiate arachidonic acid release, does not inhibit either arachidonic acid uptake into platelets or its incorporation into specific phospholipids. Furthermore, the fatty acid 8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid, a competitive substrate for arachidonyl-CoA synthetase, totally blocks arachidonic acid uptake into platelets, but, unlike phorbol myristate acetate, does not potentiate arachidonic acid release by Ca2+ ionophores. We conclude that the action of phorbol myristate acetate is to promote the process of arachidonic acid release by phospholipase A2.  相似文献   
An interferon-alpha-like sequence was isolated from a human genomic library by hybridization with a 15-base oligonucleotide. The sequence also showed homology to alpha-interferon and was most closely related to the leukocyte interferon-M gene fragment. The original isolate cross-hybridized to a family of sequences, 10 of which were isolated as clones. Some of these sequences were located within a few kilobases of alpha-interferon genes, consistent with our assignment of several members of the family to human chromosome 9 which also has the beta 1- and alpha-interferon genes.  相似文献   
The evaluation of estrogens (estrone, estradiol, and their sulfates) in the breast tissue of post-menopausal patients with breast cancer indicates high levels, particularly of estrone sulfate (E1 S) which is 15–25 times higher than in the plasma. Breast cancer tissue contains the enzymes necessary for local synthesis of estradiol and it was demonstrated that, despite the presence of the sulfatase and its messenger in hormone-dependent and hormone-independent breast cancer cells, this enzyme operates particularly in hormone-dependent cells. Different progestins: Nomegestrol acetate, Promegestone, progesterone, as well as Danazol, can block the conversion of E1 S to E2 very strongly in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells. The last step in the formation of estradiol is the conversion of E1 to this estrogen by the action of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This activity is preferentially in the reductive direction (formation of E2) in hormone-dependent cells, but oxidative (E2 → E1) in hormone-independent cells. Using intact hormone-dependent cells it was observed that Nomegestrol acetate can block the conversion of E1 to E2. It is concluded, firstly, that in addition to ER mutants other factors are involved in the transformation of hormone-dependent breast cancer to hormone-independent, this concerns the enzymatic activity in the formation of E2; it is suggested that stimulatory or repressive factor(s) involved in the enzyme activity are implicated as the cancer evolves to hormone-independence; secondly, different drugs can block the conversion of E1 S to E2. Clinical trials of these “anti-enzyme” substances in breast cancer patients could be the next step to investigate new therapeutic possibilities for this disease.  相似文献   
A Drosophila cell-free system was used to characterize proteins that are required for targeting vesicles to chromatin and for fusion of vesicles to form nuclear envelopes. Treatment of vesicles with 1 M NaCl abolished their ability to bind to chromatin. Binding of salt-treated vesicles to chromatin could be restored by adding the dialyzed salt extract. Lamin Dm is one of the peripheral proteins whose activity was required, since supplying interphase lamin isoforms Dm1, and Dm2 to the assembly extract restored binding. As opposed to the findings in Xenopus, okadaic acid had no effect on vesicle binding. Trypsin digestion of the salt-stripped vesicles eliminated their association with chromatin even in the presence of the dialyzed salt extract. One vesicles attached to chromatin surface, fusion events took place were found to be sensitive to guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP gamma S). These chromatin-attached vesicles contained lamin Dm and otefin but not gp210. Thus, these results show that in Drosophila there are two populations of nuclear vesicles. The population that interacts first with chromatin contains lamin and otefin and requires both peripheral and integral membrane proteins, whereas fusion of vesicles requires GTPase activity.  相似文献   
Tau is a neuronal microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly, stability, and bundling in axons. Two distinct regions of tau are important for the tau-microtubule interaction, a relatively well-characterized "repeat region" in the carboxyl terminus (containing either three or four imperfect 18-amino acid repeats separated by 13- or 14-amino acid long inter-repeats) and a more centrally located, relatively poorly characterized proline-rich region. By using amino-terminal truncation analyses of tau, we have localized the microtubule binding activity of the proline-rich region to Lys215-Asn246 and identified a small sequence within this region, 215KKVAVVR221, that exerts a strong influence on microtubule binding and assembly in both three- and four-repeat tau isoforms. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that these capabilities are derived largely from Lys215/Lys216 and Arg221. In marked contrast to synthetic peptides corresponding to the repeat region, peptides corresponding to Lys215-Asn246 and Lys215-Thr222 alone possess little or no ability to promote microtubule assembly, and the peptide Lys215-Thr222 does not effectively suppress in vitro microtubule dynamics. However, combining the proline-rich region sequences (Lys215-Asn246) with their adjacent repeat region sequences within a single peptide (Lys215-Lys272) enhances microtubule assembly by 10-fold, suggesting intramolecular interactions between the proline-rich and repeat regions. Structural complexity in this region of tau also is suggested by sequential amino-terminal deletions through the proline-rich and repeat regions, which reveal an unusual pattern of loss and gain of function. Thus, these data lead to a model in which efficient microtubule binding and assembly activities by tau require intramolecular interactions between its repeat and proline-rich regions. This model, invoking structural complexity for the microtubule-bound conformation of tau, is fundamentally different from previous models of tau structure and function, which viewed tau as a simple linear array of independently acting tubulin-binding sites.  相似文献   
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