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本文对甘肃宝积山盆地中侏罗世植物群地质时代及植物区系进行了探讨,共统计植物大化石18属53种,主要包括银杏纲10属24种,真蕨纲5属22种,苏铁纲1属3种,松柏纲1属2种,楔叶纲1属2种。该植物群在组成特征上表现为银杏类、真蕨类植物繁盛,其他植物类群相对贫乏。基于该植物群特征与国内其他植物群的对比,提出其地质时代为中侏罗世Aalenian期–Bajocian期。通过哈曼、欧式距离、罗杰斯–塔尼莫特和索卡尔–施尼斯4种方法对宝积山盆地及中国北方其余11个中侏罗世植物群进行系统聚类分析,在此基础上进一步划分了中国北方植物区系。通过计算属、种相似性系数,探讨宝积山邻近植物区系间的亲缘关系,结果表明宝积山植物区系与同属西北地区的华亭植物区系关系较为亲近。  相似文献   
紫穗槐叶片浸提液对长柄扁桃种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫穗槐和长柄扁桃是中国西北干旱和半干旱地区的常见绿化植物.为探索紫穗槐搭配长柄扁桃进行绿化建设和生态修复的可行性,采用培养皿滤纸法和土培法测定了5种质量浓度的紫穗槐叶片浸提液(0.025、0.05、0.10、0.15和0.20 g ? mL-1)对长柄扁桃8个品种(YY1、YY3、YY4、YY5、YY6、SM6、SM7...  相似文献   
RalA and RalB constitute a family of highly similar (85% identity) Ras-related GTPases. Recently, active forms of both RalA and RalB have been shown to bind to the exocyst complex, implicating them in the regulation of cellular secretion. However, we show here that only active RalA enhances the rate of delivery of E-cadherin and other proteins to their site in the basolateral membrane of MDCK cells, consistent with RalA being a regulator of exocyst function. One reason for this difference is that RalA binds more effectively to the exocyst complex than active RalB does both in vivo and in vitro. Another reason is that active RalA localizes to perinuclear recycling endosomes, where regulation of vesicle sorting is thought to take place, while active RalB does not. Strikingly, analysis of chimeras made between RalA and RalB reveals that high-affinity exocyst binding by RalA is due to unique amino acid sequences in RalA that are distal to the common effector-binding domains shared by RalA and RalB. Moreover, these chimeras show that the perinuclear localization of active RalA is due in part to its unique variable domain near the C terminus. This distinct localization appears to be important for RalA effects on secretion because all RalA mutants tested that failed to localize to the perinuclear region also failed to promote basolateral delivery of E-cadherin. Interestingly, one of these inactive mutants maintained binding to the exocyst complex, suggesting that RalA binding to the exocyst is necessary but not sufficient for RalA to promote basolateral delivery of membrane proteins.  相似文献   
In proteins, empirical correlations have shown that changes in heat capacity (ΔCP) scale linearly with the hydrophobic surface area buried upon folding. The influence of ΔCP on RNA folding has been widely overlooked and is poorly understood. In addition to considerations of solvent reorganization, electrostatic effects might contribute to ΔCPs of folding in polyanionic species such as RNAs. Here, we employ a perturbation method based on electrostatic theory to probe the hot and cold denaturation behavior of the hammerhead ribozyme. This treatment avoids much of the error associated with imposing two-state folding models on non-two-state systems. Ribozyme stability is perturbed across a matrix of solvent conditions by varying the concentration of NaCl and methanol co-solvent. Temperature-dependent unfolding is then monitored by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The resulting array of unfolding transitions can be used to calculate a ΔCP of folding that accurately predicts the observed cold denaturation temperature. We confirm the accuracy of the calculated ΔCP by using isothermal titration calorimetry, and also demonstrate a methanol-dependence of the ΔCP. We weigh the strengths and limitations of this method for determining ΔCP values. Finally, we discuss the data in light of the physical origins of the ΔCPs for RNA folding and consider their impact on biological function.  相似文献   
Tiam1 is a ubiquitous guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates the Rac GTPase. We have shown previously that the N terminus of Tiam1 contributes to the signaling specificity of its downstream target Rac via association with IB2, a scaffold that promotes Rac activation of a p38 kinase cascade. Here we show that the N terminus of Tiam1 can influence Rac signaling specificity in a different way by interaction with spinophilin, a scaffold that binds to p70 S6 kinase, another protein regulated by Rac. In particular, spinophilin binding promotes the plasma membrane localization of Tiam1 and enhances the ability of Tiam1 to activate p70 S6 kinase. In contrast, spinophilin binding suppresses the ability of Tiam to activate Pak1, a different Rac effector. Finally, a mutant spinophilin that cannot bind to Tiam1 suppresses serum-induced p70 S6 kinase activation in cells, suggesting that a Tiam1/spinophilin complex contributes to p70 S6 kinase regulation by extracellular signals. These findings add to a growing body of evidence supporting the concept that some Rac-GEFs not only activate Rac GTPases but also participate in the selection of Rac effector by binding to particular scaffolds that complex with components of specific Rac effector pathways.  相似文献   
Although the hammerhead reaction proceeds most efficiently in divalent cations, cleavage in 4 M LiCl is only approximately 10-fold slower than under standard conditions of 10 mM MgCl2 (Murray et al., Chem Biol, 1998, 5:587-595; Curtis & Bartel, RNA, 2001, this issue, pp. 546-552). To determine if the catalytic mechanism with high concentrations of monovalent cations is similar to that with divalent cations, we compared the activities of a series of modified hammerhead ribozymes in the two ionic conditions. Nearly all of the modifications have similar deleterious effects under both reaction conditions, suggesting that the hammerhead adopts the same general catalytic structure with both monovalent and divalent cations. However, modification of three ligands previously implicated in the binding of a functional divalent metal ion have substantially smaller effects on the cleavage rate in Li+ than in Mg2+. This result suggests that an interaction analogous to the interaction made by this divalent metal ion is absent in the monovalent reaction. Although the contribution of this divalent metal ion to the overall reaction rate is relatively modest, its presence is needed to achieve the full catalytic rate. The role of this ion appears to be in facilitating formation of the active structure, and any direct chemical role of metal ions in hammerhead catalysis is small.  相似文献   
Feig M  Brooks CL 《Proteins》2002,49(2):232-245
Physical energy scoring functions based on implicit solvation models are tested by evaluating predictions from the most recent CASP4 competition. The best performing scoring functions are identified along with the best protocol for preparing structures before energies are evaluated. Ranking of structures with the best scoring functions is compared across CASP4 targets to establish when physical scoring functions can be expected to reliably distinguish structures that are most similar to the native fold in a set of misfolded or unfolded protein conformations. The results are used to interpret previous studies where scoring functions were tested on the standard decoy sets by Park, Levitt, and Baker. We show that the best physical scoring functions can be applied successfully in automated consensus scoring applications where a single best conformation has to be selected from a set of structures from different sources. Finally, the potential for better protein structure scoring functions is discussed with a suggestion for an empirically parameterized linear combination of energy components.  相似文献   
The invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) has become widespread in Italy during the past decade. Also Italy has foci of canine filariasis caused by Dirofilaria (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), due to subcutaneous D. repens Railliet & Henry as well as the dog heartworm D. immitis (Leidy) transmitted by various vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). In 2002, at Fiumicino, west of Rome (Lazio Region), 17% of dogs were found to have D. repens microfilariae in peripheral blood. To evaluate the role of Ae. albopictus as a vector of Dirofilaria in this area, female mosquitoes were collected daily, June-October 2002, landing on dog or human bait in a rural house at Focene. Mosquitoes were maintained at 27 degrees C and 70% RH for 6 days, to allow development or purging of filaria larvae, then identified and frozen for subsequent molecular assay with filaria-specific ribosomal S2-S16 primers. To distinguish specimens harbouring infective L3 Dirofilaria larvae, DNA was extracted separately from the mosquito abdomen and head-thorax. Dirofilaria species were identified by sequencing, confirmed by polymerase chain reaction of positive specimens using primers specific for D. immitis and D. repens. Dirofilaria DNA was detected in 3/154 (2%) of Ae. albopictus females examined: D. repens DNA in head-thorax and abdomen of one collected 27th July; D. immitis in the abdomen of one collected 24th September; DNA of both D. immitis and D. repens in the head-thorax of one collected 11th October 2002. Thus Ae. albopictus is a potential vector of both Dirofilarias in Italy, representing risks for veterinary and human health.  相似文献   
Ras proteins have the capacity to bind to and activate at least three families of downstream target proteins: Raf kinases, phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI 3)-kinase, and Ral-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (Ral-GEFs). We have previously shown that the Ras/Ral-GEF and Ras/Raf pathways oppose each other upon nerve growth factor stimulation, with the former promoting proliferation and the latter promoting cell cycle arrest. Moreover, the pathways are not activated equally. While the Ras/Raf/Erk signaling pathway is induced for hours, the Ras/Ral-GEF/Ral signaling pathway is induced for only minutes. Here we show that this preferential down-regulation of Ral signaling is mediated, at least in part, by protein kinase C (PKC). In particular, we show that PKC activation by phorbol ester treatment of cells blocks growth factor-induced Ral activation while it enhances Erk activation. Moreover, suppression of growth factor-induced PKC activation enhances and prolongs Ral activation. PKC does not influence the basal activity of the Ral-GEF designated Ral-GDS but suppresses its activation by Ras. Interestingly, Ras binding to the C-terminal Ras binding domain of Ral-GDS is not affected by PKC activity. Instead, suppression of Ral-GDS activation occurs through the region N terminal to the catalytic domain, which becomes phosphorylated in response to phorbol ester treatment of cells. These findings identify a role for PKC in determining the specificity of Ras signaling by its ability to differentially modulate Ras effector protein activation.  相似文献   
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