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We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among the three presently recognized subspecies of the tadpole shrimp, Triops cancriformis , using mitochondrial 16S and 12S rDNA sequences. Our results indicate that the taxon is divided into two distinct lineages. One lineage is formed of T. c. cancriformis populations and samples from northern Spain that had been classified as T. c. simplex in the most recent literature. The second lineage comprises all populations of T. c. mauritanicus and northern African populations of T. c. simplex . These two main lineages separated 2.3 to 8.9 million years ago, based on the range of inferred molecular clocks recognized for crustacean mtDNA sequence divergence. Percentages of divergence are in the range reported for recognized species in other notostracan lineages and we therefore propose to recognize them as two species, Triops cancriformis and Triops mauritanicus . The latter would comprise two subspecies in northern Africa, one consisting of the Moroccan populations of the former T. c. mauritanicus , the other comprising the African populations of the former T. c. simplex . It also includes three as-yet unnamed lineages. A comparison of morphological characters with the molecular data revealed that the former T. c. simplex cannot be reliably separated from T. c. cancriformis , using morphological characters that have hitherto been used to distinguish among subspecies of T. cancriformis . Our investigation is the first to demonstrate the presence of T. c. cancriformis in Africa (Tunisia). The genetic haplotypes of these populations are identical with haplotypes also occurring in Central and Western Europe, as well as in Sicily. Therefore, we hypothesize that the African populations of T. c. cancriformis represent a result of repeated long-distance dispersal across the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
Globoid cell leukodystrophy or Krabbe disease (KD), is a hereditary disorder caused by galactosylceramidase deficiency. Progressive accumulation of psychosine is considered to be the critical pathogenetic mechanism of cell death in the Krabbe brain. Psychosine mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. It seems to induce apoptosis in oligodendrocytes through a mitochondrial pathway and to up-regulate inflammatory cytokines production resulting in oligodendrocyte loss. Our aim was to evaluate the role of psychosine in apoptotic cell death and inflammatory response in a group of patients affected by KD using peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as a cellular model. PBLs from KP and healthy controls were exposed to 20 microM psychosine and analysed by flow cytometry, agarose gel electrophoresis and fluorescence microscopy. Our results showed that psychosine induces apoptosis in PBLs through a mitochondrial pathway, but the apoptotic response was quite low especially KP. The role of psychosine in the up-regulation of cytokines (TNFalpha, IL8 and MCP1) has been evaluated by ELISA in PBMCs from KP and controls after stimulation with LPS and phytohemagglutinin. Both in basal condition and after LPS stimulation, cells from KP showed a significant increase in TNF-alpha production, reduced MCP1 levels and no modification in IL8. These results indicate that lymphomonocytes from KP had a basal proinflammatory pattern that was amplified by psychosine. In conclusion, the reduced apoptotic response and the atypical cytokine production observed in our experiments, suggest an involvement of inflammatory pattern in immune peripheral cells of KP.  相似文献   
We provide evidence on the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) by glioma cells, and its involvement in capsaicin (CPS)-induced apoptosis. TRPV1 mRNA was identified by quantitative RT-PCR in U373, U87, FC1 and FLS glioma cells, with U373 cells showing higher, and U87, FC1 and FLS cells lower TRPV1 expression as compared with normal human astrocytes. By flow cytometry we found that a substantial portion of both normal human astrocytes, and U87 and U373 glioma cells express TRPV1 protein. Moreover, we analyzed the expression of TRPV1 at mRNA and protein levels of glioma tissues with different grades. We found that TRPV1 gene and protein expression inversely correlated with glioma grading, with marked loss of TRPV1 expression in the majority of grade IV glioblastoma multiforme. We also described that CPS trigger apoptosis of U373, but not U87 cells. CPS-induced apoptosis involved Ca(2+) influx, p38 but not extracellular signal-regulated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, phosphatidylserine exposure, mitochondrial permeability transmembrane pore opening and mitochondrial transmembrane potential dissipation, caspase 3 activation and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. TRPV1 was functionally implicated in these events as they were markedly inhibited by the TRPV1 antagonist, capsazepine. Finally, p38 but not extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase activation was required for TRPV1-mediated CPS-induced apoptosis of glioma cells.  相似文献   
EXAFS analysis of Zn binding site(s) in bovine-heart cytochrome c oxidase and characterization of the inhibitory effect of internal zinc on respiratory activity and proton pumping of the liposome reconstituted oxidase are presented. EXAFS identifies tetrahedral coordination site(s) for Zn(2+) with two N-histidine imidazoles, one N-histidine imidazol or N-lysine and one O-COOH (glutamate or aspartate), possibly located at the entry site of the proton conducting D pathway in the oxidase and involved in inhibition of the oxygen reduction catalysis and proton pumping by internally trapped zinc.  相似文献   
The chromosomal location of the IgH locus has been analyzed in several bony fish of the Antarctic perciform group Notothenioidei. Two IgH probes were prepared from the species Trematomus bernacchii (family Nototheniidae, tribe Trematominae) and mapped onto the chromosomes of ten species belonging to the same genus (Trematomus) and in two outgroups, through one-color and two-color FISH. A single location of the IgH locus was found in the majority of the species examined, including the outgroups, whereas in four of them the IgH genes splited to two chromosomal loci. RT-PCR experiments revealed the presence of three allelic sequences in T. newnesi, a species in which the IgH genes were organized in two chromosomal loci. Possible pathways leading to IgH genes duplication during the diversification of trematomine fishes were inferred from the analysis of the FISH patterns in a phylogenetic context. The present work provides the first comprehensive picture of IgH genes organization at chromosomal level in a bony fish group.  相似文献   
Malic enzymes (MEs) catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of malate in the presence of a divalent metal ion. In eukaryotes, well-conserved cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, and plastidic MEs have been characterized. On the other hand, distinct groups can be detected among prokaryotic MEs, which are more diverse in structure and less well characterized than their eukaryotic counterparts. In Escherichia coli, two genes with a high degree of homology to ME can be detected: sfcA and maeB. MaeB possesses a multimodular structure: the N-terminal extension shows homology to ME, while the C-terminal extension shows homology to phosphotransacetylases (PTAs). In the present work, a detailed characterization of the products of E. coli sfcA and maeB was performed. The results indicate that the two MEs exhibit relevant kinetic, regulatory, and structural differences. SfcA is a NAD(P) ME, while MaeB is a NADP-specific ME highly regulated by key metabolites. Characterization of truncated versions of MaeB indicated that the PTA domain is not essential for the ME reaction. Nevertheless, truncated MaeB without the PTA domain loses most of its metabolic ME modulation and its native oligomeric state. Thus, the association of the two structural domains in MaeB seems to facilitate metabolic control of the enzyme. Although the PTA domain in MaeB is highly similar to the domains of proteins with PTA activity, MaeB and its PTA domain do not exhibit PTA activity. Determination of the distinct properties of recombinant products of sfcA and maeB performed in the present work will help to clarify the roles of MEs in prokaryotic metabolism.  相似文献   
kcne are evolutionarily conserved genes that encode accessory subunits of voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) channels. Missense mutations in kcne1, kcne2, and kcne3 are linked to congenital and acquired channelopathies in Homo sapiens. Here we show an unique example of conservation of kcne activities at genetic, physiological, functional, and pathophysiological level in Caenorhabditis elegans. Thus, mps-4 is the homologue of kcne1 that operates in human heart and inner ear. Like its KCNE relatives, MPS-4 assembles with a Kv channel, EXP-2, to form a complex that controls pharyngeal muscle contractility. MPS-4 modulates EXP-2 function in a similar fashion as KCNE proteins endow human channels. When defective, MPS-4, can induce abnormal repolarization by mechanisms that resemble the way KCNE proteins are thought to provoke arrhythmia in human heart. Mutation of a conserved aspartate residue associated with human disease (MPS-4-D74N) alters the functional attributes of the C. elegans current. Taken together these data underscore a significant conservation of KCNE activities in different pumps. This implies that C. elegans can develop into a system to study the molecular and genetic basis of KCNE-mediated muscle contractility and disease states.  相似文献   
The extracellular matrix protein osteopontin (OPN) plays a nonredundant role in atherosclerosis and restenosis. Here we investigated the impact of OPN up-regulation in an in vitro model of re-endothelialization after mechanical injury of the endothelial cell monolayer. Murine aortic endothelial (MAE) cells interact via alpha(v) integrins with the integrin-binding Arg-Gly-Asp OPN sequence and adhere to immobilized OPN. On this basis, MAE cells were stably transfected with a wild-type OPN cDNA (OPN-MAE cells), with an OPN mutant lacking the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence (DeltaRGD-OPN-MAE cells), or with vector alone (mock-MAE cells). When compared with mock-MAE and DeltaRGD-OPN-MAE cells, OPN-MAE cells showed a reduced sprouting activity in fibrin gel, a reduced motility in a Boyden chamber assay, and a reduced capacity to repair the wounded monolayer. Accordingly, OPN-MAE cells at the edge of the wound were unable to form membrane ruffles, to reorganize their cytoskeleton, and to activate the focal adhesion kinase and the small GTPase Rac1, key regulators of the cell entry into the first phase of the cell migration cycle. Accordingly, wounded OPN-MAE cells failed to activate the intracellular signals RhoA and ERK1/2, involved in the later phases of the cell migration cycle. Also, parental MAE cells showed reduced re-endothelialization after wounding when seeded on immobilized OPN and exhibited increased adhesiveness to OPN-enriched extracellular matrix. In conclusion, OPN up-regulation impairs re-endothelialization by inhibiting the first phase of the cell migration cycle via alpha(v) integrin engagement by the extracellular matrix-immobilized protein. This may contribute to the adverse effects exerted by OPN in restenosis and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
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