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While shallow water red coral populations have been overharvested in the past, nowadays, commercial harvesting shifted its pressure on mesophotic organisms. An understanding of red coral population structure, particularly larval dispersal patterns and connectivity among harvested populations is paramount to the viability of the species. In order to determine patterns of genetic spatial structuring of deep water Corallium rubrum populations, for the first time, colonies found between 58–118 m depth within the Tyrrhenian Sea were collected and analyzed. Ten microsatellite loci and two regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtMSH and mtC) were used to quantify patterns of genetic diversity within populations and to define population structuring at spatial scales from tens of metres to hundreds of kilometres. Microsatellites showed heterozygote deficiencies in all populations. Significant levels of genetic differentiation were observed at all investigated spatial scales, suggesting that populations are likely to be isolated. This differentiation may by the results of biological interactions, occurring within a small spatial scale and/or abiotic factors acting at a larger scale. Mitochondrial markers revealed significant genetic structuring at spatial scales greater then 100 km showing the occurrence of a barrier to gene flow between northern and southern Tyrrhenian populations. These findings provide support for the establishment of marine protected areas in the deep sea and off-shore reefs, in order to effectively maintain genetic diversity of mesophotic red coral populations.  相似文献   
Distinct sets of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) are distributed to specific intracellular compartments and catalyze membrane fusion events. Although the central role of these proteins in membrane fusion is established in nonplant systems, little is known about their role in the early secretory pathway of plant cells. Analysis of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome reveals 54 genes encoding SNARE proteins, some of which are expected to be key regulators of membrane trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi. To gain insights on the role of SNAREs of the early secretory pathway in plant cells, we have cloned the Arabidopsis v-SNAREs Sec22, Memb11, Bet11, and the t-SNARE Sed5, and analyzed their distribution in plant cells in vivo. By means of live cell imaging, we have determined that these SNAREs localize at the Golgi apparatus. In addition, Sec22 was also distributed at the ER. We have then focused on understanding the function of Sec22 and Memb11 in comparison to the other SNAREs. Overexpression of the v-SNAREs Sec22 and Memb11 but not of the other SNAREs induced collapse of Golgi membrane proteins into the ER, and the secretion of a soluble secretory marker was abrogated by all SNAREs. Our studies suggest that Sec22 and Memb11 are involved in anterograde protein trafficking at the ER-Golgi interface.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) are central in regulating both innate and acquired immunity, but their possible age-related functional modifications are still unclear. Here we have analyzed the effect of age on LPS-treated monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs). A negative correlation between age and cell expression of ICAM-1, CD25 and IL-10 was observed in a group of healthy donors. This has been confirmed by a significantly reduced expression of the same molecules in cells of subgrouped elderly versus younger individuals. On the contrary, a positive correlation between age and cell expression of IL-6 and IL-18 has been reported in all the subjects and further supported by a significant increase of the two pro-inflammatory cytokines in cells of elderly versus young subjects.Our data indicate that aging can impair the expression of ICAM-1 and CD25 and skew the production of cytokines, including IL-18, which concur to make a pro-inflammatory milieu. Altogether, the present results point to additional molecules whose role might be relevant in immunosenescence of human DCs, confirming that these cells undergo functional changes during aging.  相似文献   
Pseudoperonospora cubensis is a biotrophic oomycete pathogen that causes downy mildew of cucurbits, a devastating foliar disease threatening cucurbit production worldwide. We sequenced P. cubensis genomic DNA using 454 pyrosequencing and obtained random genomic sequences covering approximately 14% of the genome, thus providing the first set of useful genomic sequence information for P. cubensis. Using bioinformatics approaches, we identified 32 putative RXLR effector proteins. Interestingly, we also identified 29 secreted peptides with high similarity to RXLR effectors at the N-terminal translocation domain, yet containing an R-to-Q substitution in the first residue of the translocation motif. Among these, a family of QXLR-containing proteins, designated as PcQNE, was confirmed to have a functional signal peptide and was further characterized as being localized in the plant nucleus. Internalization of secreted PcQNE into plant cells requires the QXLR-EER motif. This family has a large number of near-identical copies within the P. cubensis genome, is under diversifying selection at the C-terminal domain, and is upregulated during infection of plants, all of which are common characteristics of characterized oomycete effectors. Taken together, the data suggest that PcQNE are bona fide effector proteins with a QXLR translocation motif, and QXLR effectors are prevalent in P. cubensis. Furthermore, the massive duplication of PcQNE suggests that they might play pivotal roles in pathogen fitness and pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis is a human pathogen, which is a major cause of sepsis and meningitis. The bacterium colonizes the upper respiratory tract of approximately 10% of humans where it lives as a commensal. On rare occasions, it crosses the epithelium and reaches the bloodstream causing sepsis. From the bloodstream it translocates the blood-brain barrier, causing meningitis. Although all strains have the potential to cause disease, a subset of them, which belongs to hypervirulent lineages, causes disease more frequently than others. Recently, we described NadA, a novel antigen of N. meningitidis, present in three of the four known hypervirulent lineages. Here we show that NadA is a novel bacterial invasin which, when expressed on the surface of Escherichia coli, promotes adhesion to and invasion into Chang epithelial cells. Deletion of the N-terminal globular domain of recombinant NadA or pronase treatment of human cells abrogated the adhesive phenotype. A hypervirulent strain of N. meningitidis where the nad A gene was inactivated had a reduced ability to adhere to and invade into epithelial cells in vitro. NadA is likely to improve the fitness of N. meningitidis contributing to the increased virulence of strains that belong to the hypervirulent lineages.  相似文献   
Understanding whether marine calcifying organisms may acclimatise to climate change is important with regard to their survival over the coming century. Due to cold waters having a naturally higher CO2 uptake, the Southern Ocean provides an especially good opportunity to study the potential impact of climate change. In 2011, a new cheilostome bryozoan species—Chiastosella ettorina sp. nov.—was dredged from Burdwood Bank, Southern Ocean, at 324–219-m depth during the Nathaniel B Palmer Cruise. This species had previously been collected in 1902 from the same area at 100-m depth, but was incorrectly identified as Chiastosella watersi, an encrusting species from New Zealand. The availability of samples of the same species, from the same general location, but collected 109 years apart allowed us to investigate morphological modifications potentially arising from environmental changes. We found a significant difference in zooid size, with the oldest and shallowest specimens having smaller zooids than the recently collected deeper specimens. This difference in zooid size appears to be unrelated to known sources of environmental variation such as temperature and salinity, and it could represent the extremes of the zooid size range of C. ettorina. An alternative explanation is that acidifying waters may have caused zooids to grow more slowly, resulting in a final larger size.  相似文献   
We focus on a case study along an English canal comparing environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding with two types of electrofishing techniques (wade-and-reach and boom-boat). In addition to corroborating data obtained by electrofishing, eDNA provided a wider snapshot of fish assemblages. Given the semi-lotic nature of canals, we encourage the use of eDNA as a fast and cost-effective tool to detect and monitor whole fish communities.  相似文献   
Despite the ban by the European Union, anabolic steroids might still be illicitly employed in bovine meat production. The surveillance of misuse of such potentially harmful molecules is necessary to guarantee consumers’ health. Analytical methods for drug residue control are based on LC‐MS/MS, but their efficacy can be hindered due to undetectable residual concentrations as a result of low‐dosage treatments. Screening methods based on the recognition of indirect biological effects of growth promoters’ administration, such as the alteration of protein expression, can improve the efficacy of surveillance. The present study was aimed at identifying modifications in the muscle protein expression pattern between bulls treated with an ear implant (Revalor‐XS®) containing trenbolone acetate (200 mg) and estradiol (40 mg), and untreated animals. The analysis of skeletal muscle was carried out using a tandem mass tags shotgun proteomics approach. We defined 28 candidate protein markers with a significantly altered expression induced by steroids administration. A subset of 18 candidate markers was validated by SRM and allowed to build a predictive model based on partial least square discriminant analysis. Our findings confirm the effectiveness of the proteomics approach as potential tool to overcome analytical limitations of drug residue monitoring.  相似文献   
Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness likely associated with exhaustion of muscle regeneration potential. At present, no cures or efficacious treatments are available for these diseases, but cell transplantation could be a potential therapeutic strategy. Transplantation of myoblasts using satellite cells or other myogenic cell populations has been attempted to promote muscle regeneration, based on the hypothesis that the donor cells repopulate the muscle and contribute to its regeneration. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and more recently induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) could generate an unlimited source of differentiated cell types, including myogenic cells. Here we review the literature regarding the generation of myogenic cells considering the main techniques employed to date to elicit efficient differentiation of human and murine ESCs or iPSCs into skeletal muscle. We also critically analyse the possibility of using these cellular populations as an alternative source of myogenic cells for cell therapy of MDs.  相似文献   
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