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Wakabayashi H  Su YC  Ahmad SS  Walsh PN  Fay PJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(30):10298-10304
We recently identified an acidic-rich segment in the A1 domain of factor VIII (residues 110-126) that functions in the coordination of Ca(2+), an ion necessary for cofactor activity [Wakabayashi et al. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 12677-12684]. Mutagenesis studies showed that replacement of residue Glu113 with Ala (E113A) yielded a factor VIII point mutant possessing increased specific activity as determined by a one-stage clotting assay. Mutagenesis at this site suggested that substitution with relatively small, nonpolar residues was well tolerated, whereas replacement with a number of polar or charged residues appeared detrimental to activity. Ala substitution resulted in the greatest enhancement, yielding an approximately 2-fold increased specific activity. Time course experiments following reaction with thrombin revealed similar rates of activation and inactivation of E113A as observed for the wild type. Results from factor Xa generation assays showed minimal differences in kinetic parameters and factor IXa affinity for E113A and wild-type factor VIIIa when run in the presence of synthetic phospholipid vesicles, whereas factor VIIIa E113A displayed an approximately 4-fold greater affinity for factor IXa compared with factor VIIIa wild type in reactions run on the platelet membrane surface. This latter effect may be attributed, in part, to a 2-fold increased affinity of factor VIIIa E113A for the platelet membrane. Considering that low levels of factors VIIIa and IXa are generated during clotting in plasma, the increased cofactor specific activity observed for E113A factor VIII may result from its enhanced affinity for factor IXa on the physiological membrane.  相似文献   
Aims Invasive species often have higher relative growth rates (RGR) than their native counterparts. Nutrient use efficiency, total leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) are traits that may confer RGR differences between natives and invasives, but trait differences are less prominent when the invasive species belongs to the same plant functional type as the dominant native species. Here, we test if traits displayed soon after germination confer an early size advantage. Specifically, we predicted that invasive species seedlings grow faster than the natives because they lack trade-offs that more strongly constrain the growth of native species.Methods We quantified plant morphological and physiological traits and RGR during early seedling growth at high and low nutrient levels in three dominant perennial native C4 grasses: Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash (little bluestem) and Andropogon gerardii Vitman (big bluestem); and a perennial C4 exotic invasive grass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnsongrass).Important findings After 2 weeks of growth, Johnsongrass seedlings had greater biomass, SLA and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, but lower leaf N concentrations (% leaf N) and root:shoot ratio than natives. As growth continued, Johnsongrass more quickly produced larger and thicker leaves than the natives, which dampened the growth advantage past the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth. Investment in carbon gain appears to be the best explanation for the early growth advantage of Johnsongrass. In natives, growth was constrained by an apparent trade-off between allocation to root biomass, which reduced SLA, and production of leaves with high N content, which increased carbon gain. In Johnsongrass, root:shoot ratio did not interact with other traits, and % leaf N was decoupled from RGR as a result of a trade-off between the positive indirect association of % leaf N with RGR and the negative direct association of % leaf N with RGR.  相似文献   
There is growing recognition that the gut microbial community regulates a wide variety of important functions in its animal hosts, including host health. However, the complex interactions between gut microbes and environment are still unclear. Honey bees are ecologically and economically important pollinators that host a core gut microbial community that is thought to be constant across populations. Here, we examined whether the composition of the gut microbial community of honey bees is affected by the environmental landscape the bees are exposed to. We placed honey bee colonies reared under identical conditions in two main landscape types for 6 weeks: either oilseed rape farmland or agricultural farmland distant to fields of flowering oilseed rape. The gut bacterial communities of adult bees from the colonies were then characterized and compared based on amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. While previous studies have delineated a characteristic core set of bacteria inhabiting the honey bee gut, our results suggest that the broad environment that bees are exposed to has some influence on the relative abundance of some members of that microbial community. This includes known dominant taxa thought to have functions in nutrition and health. Our results provide evidence for an influence of landscape exposure on honey bee microbial community and highlight the potential effect of exposure to different environmental parameters, such as forage type and neonicotinoid pesticides, on key honey bee gut bacteria. This work emphasizes the complexity of the relationship between the host, its gut bacteria, and the environment and identifies target microbial taxa for functional analyses.  相似文献   
The inhibitory action of decanoic acid on both Escherichia coli K-12/154 (normal lipopolysaccharide) and E. coli RC59 (defective lipopolysaccharide) was studied. A correlation was found between the doubling time of E. coli 154 growing in different media and the lethal effect of 0.4% decanoic acid on this bacterium. Decanoic acid (0.4%) exerted a lytic action on glucose-starved and NaN3-inhibited cells of E. coli 154 and RC59. Exponentially growing cultures of both strains were not affected by the addition of 0.4% methyldecanoate, but cells of E. coli RC59 reaching the stationary phase were attacked by that compound. A bactericidal action of 0.4% methyldecanoate on exponential E. coli 154 and RC59 was observed when sodium azide was also present in the media. Concentrations lower than 0.01% methyldecanoate had a lytic effect on spheroplasts from E. coli 154 and RC59. These results indicate that the inhibitory action of a non-metabolizable fatty acid on E. coli depends on the cellular metabolic activity and the outer membrane integrity.  相似文献   
DuMont VB  Fay JC  Calabrese PP  Aquadro CF 《Genetics》2004,167(1):171-185
DNA diversity in two segments of the Notch locus was surveyed in four populations of Drosophila melanogaster and two of D. simulans. In both species we observed evidence of non-steady-state evolution. In D. simulans we observed a significant excess of intermediate frequency variants in a non-African population. In D. melanogaster we observed a disparity between levels of sequence polymorphism and divergence between one of the Notch regions sequenced and other neutral X chromosome loci. The striking feature of the data is the high level of synonymous site divergence at Notch, which is the highest reported to date. To more thoroughly investigate the pattern of synonymous site evolution between these species, we developed a method for calibrating preferred, unpreferred, and equal synonymous substitutions by the effective (potential) number of such changes. In D. simulans, we find that preferred changes per "site" are evolving significantly faster than unpreferred changes at Notch. In contrast we observe a significantly faster per site substitution rate of unpreferred changes in D. melanogaster at this locus. These results suggest that positive selection, and not simply relaxation of constraint on codon bias, has contributed to the higher levels of unpreferred divergence along the D. melanogaster lineage at Notch.  相似文献   
We recently demonstrated that the residues 337-372, comprising the acidic C-terminal region in A1 subunit, interact with factor Xa during the proteolytic inactivation of factor VIIIa (Nogami, K., Wakabayashi, H., and Fay, P. J. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 16502-16509). We now show this sequence is important for factor Xa-catalyzed activation of factor VIII. Peptide 337-372 markedly inhibited cofactor activation, consistent with a delay in the rate of cleavage at the A1-A2 junction. Studies using the isolated factor VIII heavy chain indicated that the peptide completely blocked cleavage at the A1-A2 junction (IC50 = 11 microm) and partially blocked cleavage at the A2-B junction (IC50 = 100 microm). Covalent cross-linking was observed between the 337-372 peptide and factor Xa following reaction with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide, and the peptide quenched the fluorescence of dansyl-Glu-Gly-Arg active site-modified factor Xa, suggesting that residues 337-372 directly interact with factor Xa. Studies using a monoclonal antibody recognizing residues 351-365 as well as the peptide to this sequence further restricted the interactive region. Mutant factor VIII molecules in which clustered acidic residues in the 337-372 segment were converted to alanine were evaluated for activation by factor Xa. Of the mutants tested, only factor Xa-catalyzed activation of the D361A/D362A/D363A mutant was inhibited with peak activity of approximately 50% and an activation rate constant of approximately 30% of the wild type values. These results indicate that the 337-372 acidic region separating A1 and A2 domains and, in particular, a cluster of acidic residues at position 361-363 contribute to a unique factor Xa-interactive site within the factor VIII heavy chain that promotes factor Xa docking during cofactor activation.  相似文献   
The time of appearance of a lysosomal enzyme, beta-glucuronidase, in the medium of cells infected with either measles virus or echovirus 6 varied with the host cell system. Replication and release of virus preceded leakage of beta-glucuronidase from green monkey kidney cells. In contrast, extracellular enzyme appeared before replication and release of virus in human amnion cells. Hydrocortisone depressed enzyme leakage but did not retard replication of measles virus or viral-induced cytopathology. The intracellular distribution of beta-glucuronidase in uninfected and measles virus-infected cells was also studied. Measles virus infection altered the position of particulate-bound beta-glucuronidase in linear sucrose gradients prior to substantial release of this enzyme intra- and extracellularly. At early stages in infection, most of the cell-associated virus banded with particulate-bound enzyme in the middle of the gradient. As infection progressed, separation of measles virus infectivity from enzyme activity occurred, and intracellular virus was recovered near the meniscus of sucrose gradients.  相似文献   
Atmospheric CO2 enrichment usually changes the relative contributions of plant species to biomass production of grasslands, but the types of species favored and mechanisms by which change is mediated differ among ecosystems. We measured changes in the contributions of C3 perennial forbs and C4 grasses to aboveground biomass production of tallgrass prairie assemblages grown along a field CO2 gradient (250–500 μmol mol?1) in central Texas USA. Vegetation was grown on three soil types and irrigated each season with water equivalent to the growing season mean of precipitation for the area. We predicted that CO2 enrichment would increase the forb contribution to community production, and favor tall‐grasses over mid‐grasses by increasing soil water content and reducing the frequency with which soil water fell below a limitation threshold. CO2 enrichment favored forbs over grasses on only one of three soil types, a Mollisol. The grass fraction of production increased dramatically across the CO2 gradient on all soils. Contribution of the tall‐grass Sorghastrum nutans to production increased at elevated CO2 on the two most coarse‐textured of the soils studied, a clay Mollisol and sandy Alfisol. The CO2‐caused increase in Sorghastrum was accompanied by an offsetting decline in production of the mid‐grass Bouteloua curtipendula. Increased CO2 favored the tall‐grass over mid‐grass by increasing soil water content and apparently intensifying competition for light or other resources (Mollisol) or reducing the frequency with which soil water dipped below threshold levels (Alfisol). An increase in CO2 of 250 μmol mol?1 above the pre‐industrial level thus led to a shift in the relative production of established species that is similar in magnitude to differences observed between mid‐grass and tallgrass prairies along a precipitation gradient in the central USA. By reducing water limitation to plants, atmospheric CO2 enrichment may alter the composition and even structure of grassland vegetation.  相似文献   
The utility of the PCR-based AFLP technique (polymerase chain reaction; amplified fragment length polymorphisms) was explored in elucidating details of polyploid evolution in the Eurasian orchid genus Dactylorhiza. We emphasized Swedish taxa but also included some material from the British Isles and elsewhere in Europe. Three different sets of primers, amplifying different subsets of restriction fragments, independently revealed similar patterns for relationships among the Dactylorhiza samples investigated. The AFLP data support the general picture of polyploid evolution in Dactylorhiza, i.e., that allotetraploid derivatives have arisen repeatedly as a result of hybridization beween the two parental groups D. incarnata s.l. (sensu lato; diploid marsh orchids) and the D. maculata group (spotted orchids). Within the incarnata s.l. group, morphologically defined varieties were interdigitated. The D. maculata group consisted of two distinct subgroups, one containing autotetraploid D. maculata subsp. maculata and the other containing diploid D. maculata subsp. fuchsii. Allotetraploids showed a high degree of additivity for the putative parental genomes, and relationships among them were partly correlated to morphologically based entities, but also to geographic distribution. Thus, allotetraploid taxa from the British Isles clustered together, rather than with morphologically similar plants from other areas.  相似文献   
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