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Aluminium (Al) is a neurotoxic metal and Al exposure may be a factor in the aetiology of various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). The major pathohistological findings in the AD brain are the presence of neuritic plaques containing beta-amyloid (Abeta) which may interfere with neuronal communication. Moreover, it has been observed that GRP78, a stress-response protein induced by conditions that adversely affect endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function, is reduced in the brain of AD patients. In this study, we investigated the correlation between the expression of Abeta and GRP78 in the brain cortex of mice chronically treated with aluminium sulphate. Chronic exposure over 12 months to aluminium sulphate in drinking water resulted in deposition of Abeta similar to that seen in congophilic amyloid angiopathy (CAA) in humans and a reduction in neuronal expression of GRP78 similar to what has previously been observed in Alzheimer's disease. So, we hypothesise that chronic Al administration is responsible for oxidative cell damage that interferes with ER functions inducing Abeta accumulation and neurodegenerative damage.  相似文献   
Control of nematode parasites with reduced reliance on the use of anthelmintics was studied in 16 ewes with suckling twin lambs on contaminated pasture in Denmark. Ewes and lambs were treated with albendazole at turn-out 3 May. Ewes were removed from the groups on 26 July, and lambs were slaughtered on 11 October. The animals were allocated to 4 groups of 8 lambs and their 4 ewes. Group TS was treated with albendazole at weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turnout and set-stocked; group TM was similarly treated but moved to clean pasture in conjunction with the last drenching; group US was untreated and set-stocked, and group UM was left untreated but moved to clean pasture week 8 after turn-out. Supplementary feed was offered in June and August due to scarcity of pasture. Strategic treatments of ewes and lambs weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turn-out, with or without a move to clean pasture, were highly effective in controlling nematode infections for most of the season. This was reflected in better weight gains and carcass characteristics in the treated compared to untreated lambs, resulting in an average increase in the value of the product by 36%. The effect of moving without treatment (UM) on faecal egg counts was limited but peak pasture infectivity was reduced to less than 10% compared to the set-stocked group and weight gains of lambs were significantly better despite poor feed availability in late season. The study showed that under set-stocked conditions repeated anthelmintic treatments of both ewes and lambs in early season may ensure sufficient nematode control whereas moving animals to clean pasture without dosing was less efficient. The latter may, however, still be a viable option in organic and other production systems where routine use of anthelmintics is banned, particularly if weaning and moving are combined or a second move is performed.  相似文献   
Many viruses alter different stages of apoptosis of infected cells as a strategy for successful infection. Few studies have addressed mechanisms of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) strain-induced cell death. We investigated the effect of an abortigenic strain (AR8 strain) on heterologous Madin–Darby bovine kidney cells and homologous equine dermis (ED) cells cell lines. We compared morphologic and biochemical features of early and late apoptosis at different postinfection times. We investigated translocation of phosphatidylserine to the cell surface, nuclear fragmentation and changes in the cytoskeleton using flow cytometry and annexin V/propidium iodide staining, DNA laddering, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase UTP nick-end labeling assay and immunofluorescence staining of cytokeratin 18 cleavage. AR8 EVH-1 strain interfered with apoptosis in both cell lines, particularly during the middle stage of the replication cycle; this was more evident in ED cells. Although this antiapoptotic effect has been reported for other alpha herpesviruses, our findings may help elucidate how EHV-1 improves its infectivity during its cycle.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that H2O2 at millimolar concentrations induces Ca(2+) release from actively loaded sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles and induces biphasic [(3)H]ryanodine binding behavior. Considering that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a related free radical and has been demonstrated to be a more effective oxidant of proteins, we evaluated the effects of HOCl on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-channel release mechanism. In a concentration-dependent manner, HOCl activates the SR Ca(2+) release channel and induces rapid release of Ca from actively loaded vesicles. HOCl-induced Ca(2+) release is inhibited in the presence of millimolar concentrations of DMSO. High-affinity [(3)H]ryanodine binding is also enhanced at concentrations from 10 to 100 microM. At HOCl concentrations of >100 microM, equilibrium binding is inhibited. HOCl stimulation of binding is inhibited by the addition of dithiothreitol. The direct interaction between HOCl and the Ca(2+) release mechanism was further demonstrated in single-channel reconstitution experiments. HOCl, at 20 microM, activated the Ca(2+) release channel after fusion of a SR vesicle to a bilayer lipid membrane. At 40 microM, Ca(2+)-channel activity was inhibited. Pretreatment of SR vesicles with HOCl inhibited the fluorescence development of a fluorogenic probe specific to thiol groups critical to channel function. These results suggest that HOCl at micromolar concentrations can modify SR Ca(2+) handling.  相似文献   
近年来,可用于昆虫迁飞研究且可自动运行的垂直波束雷达(vertical-looking radar,VLR)的发展使得对迁飞性害虫的周年长期自动监测成为可能。本文提供了我们对能否将这种雷达应用于中国的褐飞虱和其他水稻害虫的监测与预测体系以改善其综合治理的可行性研究结果。以往的研究已经表明,这些害虫一般在300—2000m高度迁飞;而我们根据褐飞虱的雷达和射有效截面的计算结果表明,目前使用的3.2cm波长的VLR对褐飞虱个体目标的最大可检测高度仅约240m;虽然建造一部8.8mm波长的VLR即可覆盖褐飞虱迁飞高度的绝大部分,但其造价和维护费用均过于昂贵。为此,一个更可行的解决方案是,以3.2cm波长的VLR作为包括大多数水稻害虫在内的个体较大的迁飞性害虫的监测工具。  相似文献   
Using genetic variability existing amongst nine pea genotypes (Pisum sativum L.), the biochemical basis of sink strength in developing pea seeds was investigated. Sink strength was considered to be reflected by the rate of starch synthesis (RSS) in the embryo, and sink activity in the seed was reflected by the relative rate of starch synthesis (RRSS). These rates were compared to the activities of three enzymes of the starch biosynthetic pathway [sucrose synthase (Sus), ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthase] at three developmental stages during seed filling (25, 50 and 75% of the dry seed weight). Complete sets of data collected during seed filling for the nine genotypes showed that, for all enzyme activities (expressed on a protein basis), only Sus in the embryo and seed coat was linearly and significantly correlated to RRSS. The contribution of the three enzyme activities to the variability in RSS and RRSS was evaluated by multiple regression analysis for the first two developmental stages. Only Sus activity in the embryo could explain, at least in part, the significant variability observed for both the RSS and the RRSS at each developmental stage. We conclude that Sus activity is a reliable marker of sink activity in developing pea seeds.  相似文献   
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